The Twisted Tale of A Towel H...

By InayaSher

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Salma was your average hijabi. She was modest, polite... sometimes and very strict with her grades. That is u... More

Chapter 1 Project Pals
Chapter 2 The New Guy
Chapter 3 Supply Shopping
Chapter 4 Mall Mischief
Chapter 5 Mungnis and Toddlers
Chapter 6 Mission break out
Chapter 7- Tragedy ail
Chapter 9 CPR with a side of sniffles
Chapter 10 Newguy and Playboy
Chapter 11: Apple juice and Bollywood
Chapter 12 Locker rooms with RED!!!
Chapter 14 Pakistani Idol?!
Chapter 15 Bilal's Surprise
Chapter Entry Contest

Chapter 8 Pep talks and Pools

228 14 1
By InayaSher

I shook the thought of Ashton from my mind. but that did t exactly go well. my phone beeped and I went to go pick it up.

It was Ashton and he was asking if we were still going to do the project and stuff.

" Are you're parents home?" I typed.

" Yeah." he replied before I jabbed a few buttons replying to him that I would be coming In an hour before turning my phone off.

I went downstairs and saw my mom in the kitchen as usual. she was chopping up onions and putting it in a large pot as I walked in.

" Hey, um mom. can I go to Ashton's house, it's for a project I swear and I know the rules and stuff so can I?"

I said quickly but my mom was just stirring the pot as she nodded her head.

" Ashton's a good boy, you can go but only if it's a project, call me when you get there and when you're about to leave and remember..." she said and left the last word hanging and gave me a look which I new right away what it meant.

" Yes mom, don't worry, like you said, he's a good boy, besides his parents are home so don't worry." I replied smiling but when I turned my back I immediately began to roll my eyes.

Ashton and his fake good boy rep. he probably does the same to all his babe clones parents. man if only Ma new, but yet again Ashton and what he said...

The words started to repeat inside my head again.

' I'm sorry.'

' You're right, no one should just jump to conclusion.'

' I don't believe that Muslims were the cause.'

' It was the stupid person not them and especially not you!'

I shook his words from my head, in not going to let a few encouraging words flip my opinion about Ashton, sure he could be nice but I'm not going to fall into his well prepared trapped just like I promised myself I would.

I got some leftovers from this week out and warmed them up. I was starving!

After eating some Bhindi and roti ( some sort if beans and bread.) I washed up and wrapped my scarf around making sure that my hair was tucked in.

" Oh and Salma! next week we have to go to Ahmed's house, his mom is hosting a party and she'd invited us over so don't make any plans that day."

She'd called out to me as I made my way to my room.

30 minutes until I had to leave.

I decided to pack my books and then go on the Internet to kill time. but that was a mistake.

When I opened up my tab the first thing I saw was the yahoo news page, talking about the plane wreck.

I couldn't help but read it and it just out me in a worst mood than before.

All through out the net they kept having in bold words MUSLIM, ISLAM, MASSACRE, TERRORIST,

It made my blood boil and I clicked the close tab.

I decided to just pray now instead of when I come home and after I did I felt so much better.

' Don't care what others think.' I repeated in my head as I grabbed my bag and Bristol board before heading out the door.

I finally relaxed when the pleasant wind hit my face but then started to get nervous. I mean I was going over to Ashton Ramsey's house! A boy! I know that it's for a project but still, it's awkward especially since my parents aren't around.

I decided to shrug it of as I struggled with holding the Bristol board and my papers so they wouldn't blow away.

I guess I was wrong.

One or actually two of my papers got loose and started flying around in the wind.


I managed to catch one but was running around in circles trying to get the last one.

I saw it fly and twirl around a large house before floating onto their and out back. I didn't even notice that I was basically breaking and entering into someone's house since u was too busy with the flying paper.

Finally the wind slowly died out as my report paper landed on their stoned patio. picking it up I finally realized that I was in someone else's backyard but I didn't get time to process who's when someone emerged out of a large pool.

Man I didn't even see the pool, am I blind?

Ashton stepped out and my face totally went to a pokerface. I realized that I stumbled across Ashton's place which was a coincidence but I was to busy staring at him.

He was topples and was only in swim trunks. he shook his head to get the pool water out of his hair and he had a good pair if chiseled abs.

I ended up staring for about 5 minutes before lowering my gaze.

' Salma! lower your gaze!!!!!' I mentally yelled at myself.

I pretended to be looking at the pool water or how interesting the beach umbrella's on the porch were.

" Hey sweet heart." Ashton called out to me with his regular greeting.

" Eager to see me eh? so eager you just had to break in an have a peek." Ashton said with his regular smirk.

My face felt hot and I quickly tried to busy myself by flipping through my binders.

" Shut up Ashton, my paper just happened to blow into you backyard and I didn't notice alright now stop making dumb remarks" I finally mustered up. I was already messed up and Ashton was really no helping me.

He seemed to notice and quickly dropped his signature smirk.

" Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to you know, especially right now." he said while rubbing his nape and converting his eyes to the each umbrellas.

I was trying hard not to giggle at him.

Oh my god I'm do messed up, I'm already upset about the plane crash and at the same time I'm trying to fight the urge to not stare at Ashton's chest and abs.

The sun was warm and bright and it was shining in Ashton almost making him look like an angel. I was about to think again about Ashton and all his play boy acts and babe clones but quickly snapped out of my trance knowing that Ashton will always be Ashton.

I tried to distract my eyes by looking everywhere but At him. Thank god he finally grabbed a towel and put on a shirt and proper pants.

He was wearing a brown printed T-shirt with bleached, white sleeves under neath. for pants he was just wearing regular jeans but I couldn't help but admit that he did look cute.

I followed Ashton inside his house through the back slide in doors and I had to admit, his was really nice.

We stepped into the kitchen where I saw a women near the stove.

She was wearing a royal blue, frilly tank top with white jeans. her brown hair was in a high pony tail and she had pale skin.

When she saw us she smiled and greeted us in a way that made my day.

" Hello, you must be Salma! I'm Ashton's mom but you can just call me Sydney." she said and she shook my hand.

I mustered a very shy hello before walking to the large dining room to do our work.

as we settled down I heard Ashton's mom say something in Italian ad he replied in the same language.

I was right, Ashton's mom was Italian but Ashton doesn't look Italian at all and to be honest he looked like the male version of Snow White.

Skin as white as snow.

That's kind of racist. Brain why don't you work when in doing tests hmm?

" Your Italian? you don't even look Italian and your so pale!" I said I. Shock and my words probably sounded really weird.

" Yeah, well my grandparents were from England but then they moved to Italy where my mom was born and raised, when she came here she met my dad and well yeah?"

I just nodded my head as I unpacked my bag.

" Man you are full of surprises." I said as I opened my binder.

Suddenly I heard the door open and then close following with a jingle if keys.

I peeked through the door frame to see a tall man with dark brown hair and a bit of stubble.

" Hey dad!" Ashton called and the man, who I suppose is His dad smiled.

When he saw me he gave Ashton a questioning look before Ashton replied that we were project partners.

I saw his dad go to the large family room where he turned on the T.V and immediately I heard the sound of news reporters talking about the crash.

Great my hopeful day just came crumbling down. it was on for about a minute until Ashton's dad finally switched the channel.

Ashton saw my face and immediately he started talking in a very soft voice.

" Hey, you okay?" he said leaning in and I immediately shuffled a bit farther away. he noticed a murmured a sorry before talking again.

" Don't let it get you down alright, when I saw I you I thought you were some shy brainiac." He started off but I cut it in the middle.

" Gee thanks." I murmured and he gave me a lopsided smile."

" You didn't let me finish, I thought you were shy and weird but really you are one sassy, and pretty girl and I know that you wouldn't get down about this."

He said and my cheeks turned pink immediately. I cupped them quickly to try to hide the fact I was blushing but my heart kept beating furiously.

Did he mean that? No.

He probably says it to all the girls. Yep

But this time it felt like he was saying it to me and that he actually meant it.

Don't get your hopes up...

I couldn't help but smile and say thanks. With that he smiled too and it felt like my stomach was doing 360

summersaults .

" Hey, your voice had to be heard, a persons a person no matter how small." He said.

" Are you just naming quotes from kids movies." I said as I cocked my eyebrow to him.

" Nope, just from Tumblr." he said and I started to laugh.

After a bit of silence the new mysterious side of Ashton faded and his regular side came back, or his studious side?

This boy is like a 3D octagon with about 20 different sides, I wonder what else he'll pop up.

I got out my laptop and went onto

Prezi, a cool website where you could make presentations and stuff.

It was nice outside so we decided to go outside and work under the beach umbrellas.

We talked over the notes and after a while his mom came out and handed us gourmet spaghetti with meatballs. it looked Devine but I had to run it down, probably because the meat wasn't Halal. Ashton gave me a confused look as Simone went to get something for me. Turns out Ashton's dad, Jack, is a vegetarian so it wasn't hard for Simone to get me something.

I still felt a bit guilty but hey, I didn't make the rules.

After a while she handed me the same spaghetti except without the meat and me Ashton slurped happily on the delicious meal.

Ashton started asking me why I couldn't eat the meat and I had to explain how it had to be cut a certain way and that pork was a 24/7 no no and that fish didn't matter etc...

And he nodded his head at my every word.

Which I'm exaggerating since if he did he would look like a bobble head.

Soon as we were working I hear load footsteps and voices. without any warning 2 guys came crashing outside followed by Crystal.

I think Crystal is Ashton's new girlfriend or something or maybe just another hookup or make out machine. I don't know!

I rolled my eyes as I saw the two guys. Ryder and Josh, the school's most popular guys and not to mention Ashton's best friends.

" Dude! the Schneider triplets are having a party and we're on our way, bro this is destiny! one chick for each of us come on!" hollered Josh who was practically on top of Ryder.

I saw Crystal who narrowed we eyes as she saw me but glance away and gave a fake smile at Ashton, showing her pearly white teeth.

Ashton got up and made his way to the boys who clearly didn't notice me and they started talking.

" Looks like one of the Schneider's will have to wait." I heard him say as he gestured his hand to me where I was sitting totally clueless.

As the three friends talked some more I saw Crystal making her way towards me and I suddenly panicked.


I saw her sit down on Ashton's empty seat and she gave me a fake smile like she gave to Ashton.

" Hey, Salma right? well I was hoping we could have some girl to girl talk, just a pointer, Ashton is mine! and if I see anything that shows that you like him or he likes you the. They'll be trouble, trust me." she said while flipping her long and perfectly curled, brown hair behind her.

She was wearing a short, white, lace dress with a white petticoat and heels. she looked nice but that didn't help the situation I was In.

I didn't even say anything and to be honest I couldn't! Oh allah please help me and this time I'm serious!

Not like I wasn't for my other prayers but this time I need some signs ASAP!

I saw Crystal unfold her long, silky legs and made her way to Ashton. I saw her kiss his cheek and I felt a bit uncomfortable.

I started to sweat a lot, mostly excuse of Crystal's words but also the beach umbrella was blocking all the nice breeze.

I made my way near the pool where the breeze was the strongest. I saw the group Ashton was in. They were all talking and Crystal was practically hanging off of Ashton like a gorilla.

I felt really left out but I shouldn't care. I felt a bit awkward just standing there when 4 other people are talking and actually being social.

Soon I saw the group come towards me and Crystal gave me a very uneasy look.

Ashton bid goodbye and when everyone's heads were turned around I felt a hard jab in my stomach and then suddenly I was under water in Ashton's pool.

One sentence was repeating inside my mind as I hit the surface if the water.



AUTHORS NOTE: oooooohhh I hope I left you guys on a cliff hanger or not but I still hope you guys like this chapter. I was near the end and then all of a sudden everything just deleted in front of my eyes! :( but no worries I got it done. I hope the isn't too short, I'm trying to make the chapters longer but I thought this was a good place to end it. anyways please vote, comment and rate all till your hearts content! and I'll see you soon!! :) P.S sorry if grammar is cruddy in this chapter, the past chapters and the future. 🙋

PEACE! 😎 Inaya sher :)

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