The Billionaire Counterpart

By winterliana

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Belle Kristofferson is not rich. She lives a normal average life in Malibu by the sea as a café owner and bak... More

Yes, You Come Here First
Chapter One| Ignorance Is Blindness
Chapter Two | Sebastian Cullen
Chapter Three | Payback
Chapter Five | Confidence and Irritation

Chapter Four | Time

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By winterliana

Today was the day.

I was leaving.

Unlike most days were I would normally throw on some sweat pants and a plain shirt and walk around the house, I decided to dress all prim and proper today. For this I put on a grey suit, don't ask where I got it from, with a white shirt inside and I wore blue flats. My hair was brushed into an overlapping bun and neatly pinned back. I couldn't recognise myself.

My suitcase was down on the porch whilst I was upstairs in my room grabbing the necessities like my phone, it's charger, my passport, the provided plane ticket that was surprisingly attached in an envelope stappled to the letter that I found just yesturday, my purse, as well as folder that I had put the contract in three days ago. It was quite early in the morning and my flight was in about half an hour which meant I seriously needed to get moving. I put those necessities I mentioned before into my bag and hurried down the stairs and towards to the porch. Infront of the drive-way the taxi that I had called for was parked and the driver helped carry my suitcase into the boot of the car.

"Will that be all ma'am?" The middle aged man with a scruffy beard asked.

I looked around the place before nodding and was about to get into the taxi when I heard someone call my name. I turned to the foot path to see Carlo, Kaylee, Macy and Trina running up.

"Oh gosh, for a moment I thought we missed you." Kaylee heaved out and placed a hand over her heart.

"Did you guys run all the way here?" I laughed.

"Nope, some idiot decided to park his car at the park." Trina pointed an annoyed look at Carlo.

"Well at least I picked you guys up early for this, the least you could say was thanks." Carlo rolled his eyes.

"But yes, we did run here from the park." Macy hugged me. "We just wanted to say goodbye before you left." She pulled way.

"Aww, I'm too lucky to have friends like you." I smiled.

"And also because we were gonna throw a part-ow!"

"-to wish you good luck." Trina smacked the back of Carlo's head making me furrow my eyebrows. Wait what was he going to say?

"Yeah. So good luck Belle." Kaylee hugged me, "and you better kick his ass and change his mind about the location." She whispered so it was only me who could hear her.

"Of course." I said as we pulled away.

After I hugged Trina and Carlo, I looked down at my watch and was surprised to see that I had twenty minutes left.

"Man I wish the flight wasn't so early." I looked back up at the guys.

"It's okay. But I do have to say you look amazing." Macy smiled.

"And where did you get that suit?" Kaylee cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh I bought it." I lied.

"It's really really nice. Wait isn't that—" Trina was about to point out when I cut her off.

"Oh look here, I really do have to be going." I looked down at my wrist.

"Your watch is on your other wrist." Carlo said scoffed.

"But you look really good Belle. Well not really good. You look gorgeous but different." Macy said.

"Thanks." I got into the taxi.

"She's right Belle. It really suits you." Carlo said, honestly. I frowned but quickly covered it up with a smile.

"I know right. It's like it was made for me." I winked and he rolled his eyes.

"Goodbye Belle." Kaylee waved as the taxi reversed out alone with the others.

"Wait!" I stopped the driver as soon as I remembered that I needed to give Carlo my house keys.

I pulled it out of my pocket and threw it at Carlo, "don't break anything!" I yelled out before apologising to the taxi driver and giving an all clear to leave.

"Break everything? Okay I will." Carlo nodded as he juggled the keys, throwing them from one hand to the other, making me roll my eyes.

The drive to the airport wasn't as long as I thought it was, well thats because the taxi driver had suggested a short cut and I was like, 'could we take it. Please.' Making him chuckle.


I took out my phone and texted Mr Boyle, 'time to put the plan into action.' 

God I hope this works out.


Now we were parked at the air port and I was pulling my suit case out.

I paid the taxi driver and he waved a farewell before getting into the vehicle and driving away. I let out a nervous breath.

I'm doing this. I'm really, seriously doing this.

I looked down at my watch and my eyes widdened at the time, on cue my legs started moving and as soon as I knew it, I was holding a boarding pass and boarding the air plane with my hand bag hung on my arm.

I came to the entry of the plane and found an air stewardess and pilot who greeted the people infront of me before directing them. The tall pilot must have said something funny and the air stewardess laughed, blushing profoundedly. When I finally walked in they stopped and greeted me.

"Good morning ma'am. May I see your ticket please." The woman smiled kindly as I handed my ticket over, letting her see it.

"I hope you enjoy the flight and our service." The pilot spoke up. I looked up at him and thanked him. He was quite young, maybe just a few year older than I and I have to say was attractive with green alluring eyes and short blonde hair.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was married. It would be unfortunate really.

"Your welcome." The pilot said.

I nodded and gave him a polite smile.

From the corner of my eye I caught the stewardess's jealous eyes and fought the urge to chuckle.

"Right this way ma'am. Your in business class." The stewardess quickly covered up her jealousy and directed me to my seat.

My seat was near the window and to say I was pleased would be an understatement of the centry. I was beyond happy. I loved the window seat, who wouldn't? Okay yes it kind of scared me because you could see how high up you were, but I've never been that troubled with heights and I've learned to love the thrill.

Once everyone were in their seats, the plane routine came in before take off as the air stewards of the aircraft performed the instructions on how to buckle up and where the exits of the plane were. Once they were done, the plane came into drive and began to move slowly, the air stewards did their final checks, the pilot switched off the smoking sign and I braced for the butterflys that would follow.

I looked out the window as we began to move faster, the air port getting out of view and the plane running down the run way.

That's funny, 'run way', I wonder how they came to give it that name. Why run? I'm sure the wheels on the landing gear turned, yes, but it didn't run. Why not call it 'roll way', wouldn't that make much more sense? Or drive wa—okay I understand now.

The plane made a turn and it started going even faster, I'm guessing the engines started propelling us off the ground and my stomach started doing flips. I looked out the window and we were flying.

I looked around the cabin at the other people in business class. This part of the plane wasn't as filled as economy for there were only five or six of us. There was an old couple, a middle aged man, a small girl, a teenage boy and myself. The small girl was in the middle aisle on my left as I was on the right window. She wore a bright red bow on her head, her feet were swinging on the edge of her seat and she wore the cutest little black and red polkadot dress. As soon as the pilot switched off the fasten seat belt sign, a steward walked by and took hers off and she jumped out of her seat. She could've been about five years old with her hair tide up in two cute brown piggy tails. She walked around the seats singing and I wondered what kind of parents would let their small innocent child travel by herself? Then I remembered something and frowned. But as this cute little girl came back to her seat, she turned and came my way.

"Hello." I smiled at her as she came to me.

"Hi." She looked at me for a while with a blank face before smiling. She brought her hands up from her sides and it was then that I noticed that she held a teddy bear in her hands with a red bow tie.

"I love your dress." I told her and she sighed happily and twirled around, showing off.

"Thank you." She sang.

"And who is this handsome bear?" I looked down at the bear in her hands.

"This is Edward." She introduced.

"And what's your name?" I asked her. She was faced towards the window as she sat on the seat near mine.

"Chelsea." She said as she waved her teddy bear, Edward, in the air.

"What a pretty name. Chelsea, I'm Belle." I introduced myself.

She gasped, "from Bweauty and the Bweast?"

I laughed and shrugged, "if you want me to."

"Oh my gwad you rweally are!" her mouth dropped.

"Then yes." I blinked twice and then smiled.

"Is the bweast with you? Is he! Bwecause let me tell you he is so cute!" She squealed. So she was a mini drama queen. I smiled. I loved small but loud and exciting girls. They were so fun to talk to.

I wrinkled my nose. "Sadly he didn't come with me." Then I paused. "Well actually, I'm going to meet him right now."

Oh yes, that hideous monster.

Okay no, maybe he wasn't a monster, and maybe he wasn't so hideous. But he wasn't a prince either. More like an... evil King.

Ah yes.

The Evil King of the Kingdom. Oh so hideous inside.



"Is he nice? Could I meet him?"

"Oh, I'm not sure actually." I gave a small frown.

"Bwut why not now?" She pouted.

"Well he's trapped, and I need to rescue him. So that's what I'm going to do. But when I save him, I can let you meet him." I said.

"Bwut," she looked around as if a gossiper was on the loose and she was going to tell me her biggest secret, "is he still. You know," she whispere, "bweastly?"

I then whispered back, "I'm afraid he still is. You might not like him, he's very mean."

"Oh forget it I'm so over him." Her said dramatically. "Awren't I Edward?"

"Oh yes. He's very cruel. He wants to chase me away from my home." I sighed sadly in thought.

Chasing me away from my café. That damn villain!

"Ahhh thats not nice! Edward would never do that. Right EDWARD?" She looked down at her teddy bear like a suspicious girlfriend. She is hilarious.

"I know! But what can I do?" I pretended to wipe away a tear, "he's very strong and I'm not."

"He must be the very bwad bweast." She shook her head slowly. Seriously taking in what I had just said.

"Yes, he is." I nodded, frowning.

"Don't worry Bwelle. I'll tell him to stop bweing bwad to you." She placed a hand on mine, concerned.

"Oh will you?" I placed a heart broken hand over my heart.

"Yes I will! And so will Edward. Right Edward?" Chelsea gave a challenging looked to her teddy bear. "Edward don't embawass me." She sang in warning, "Edward!"

I held back a laugh.


"All passengers please return to your seats. We will be landing shortly." The voice of the pilot came over the speakers.

As soon as he said that, the fasten seat belt sign flickered on and the hustle and bustle of feet made their way to their seats.

"Okay Chelsea, we're here." I said. "Let get you buckled up and ready for landing. And you too Edward." I said to her bear.

Chelsea sighed dramatically before walking over to her seat and hopping onto it as I helped her buckle up. I also tucked Edward under the same seat belt and she thanked me and hugged him. Returning to my own seat, I buckled up and prepared for landing.

"What did you say Edward!" I jumped in surprise and turned to see Chelsea giving him the death eye. She really needed to patch things up with her Edward.

I looked out the window and was stunned by the city's beauty. Skyscrapers were everywhere below, the lively day of the city showed the movement of millions of hearts. Cars drove from all directions and  I could imagine the statue of liberty standing on liberty island. I couldn't wait for what was going to happen. I managed to pry my eyes away from the beautiful view outside to my watch. I had forty-five more minutes before I was suppose to go to hell—I mean the head office of Cullen Corporation.

I leaned back against the plush pillows of the seat. In seconds we touched the ground and were told we were allowed to exit the plane. I collected my things and left the plane. It was only when I was out of the boarding gate when I heard Chelsea behind me.

"Bwye Bwelle! Bwye!" The little girl waved as she walked holding the hand of a man in a dark suit.

"Bye Chelsea." I waved back and smiled.

I headed down an escalator and out of the airport after a few minutes of checking the map of the airport on a nearby screen.

I was surprised I didnt feel nervous at all, in fact I felt calm about everything. Sure, there were a lot of moments where I'd panic  due to the littlest things and often tell myself; why the heck am I doing this to myself? But this just caught me off guard.

Finally as I came to the waiting areas of the airport, standing in the hall for something, I heard my name being called out by a voice and discovered that the voice belonged to a middle aged man in a dark suit, he walked in my direction. My first reaction was to question this man and interrogate him, how does he know my name? Have we met before? Just the usual, but as he came closer I realised the jacket of his suit had a familiar logo on it.

"Miss Belle Kristofferson I believe?" The man gave an unsure but kind smile. He had a brooklyn accent to his words.

"Yes." I replied with a small smile.

"I am your chauffeur from Cullen Corporation. It is my duty to get you places you want to go to without the need to walk. I am at your service ma'am." He brought the hat he was wearing down in respect.

I noticed this and chose to ignore that familliar feeling of recognition arise within me as I extended my hand out with a full smile.

A man with proper manners is truely rare.

He looked down at my hand and I caught that look of surprise flash across his face, then covering up, he took it in his and gave a rather enthusiastic shake of the hand.

"Do call me Belle, please." I said as he let go of my hand and placed his hat back onto his head.

"I'm flattered ma'am, but I'm afraid it's company policy that I must address you as Miss Kristofferson ma'am." He said.

"Oh," was all I managed to let out before he lead me to baggage claim and out of the airport.

He came to a stop and opened the door to a black SUV that was perfectly parked infront of us.

"I'll put your luggage in the boot ma'am." He said and I let him take my bag, thanking him, I then proceed to climb into the back and take a seat. The car was cool and I drew the conclusion that the engine must have been left on along with the air conditioning the whole time.

The windows were tinted and the seats were clean, the car itself smelled new.

There was a high probability it was.

I tapped my foot nervously and waited for the driver to get in. When he did, we took off, not waiting as the vehicle pulled out of the parking space and off. I had thirty minutes.

The city was crowded, the streets were packed and the roads had cars lined up for miles, that was an exaggeration but it best described the current situation.

I leaned foward to the driver, "Excuse me sir, but I have about seventeen minutes til my curfew and should I miss it, my troubles and yours included will be of complete waste. "

Okay my grammar was formal.

Oh my god I sound just like grandmother. I really have to push the accent away.

Through the review mirror he have me the most puzzled look and I was afraid he caught my slip up.

He nodded, "yes ma'am, wouldn't want that to happen."

"Do you have any short-cuts in mind?" I asked him.

"I have many." He chuckled nervously and it gave me reflief that he was just nervous and not sick, infact, he could've been more nervous now then ever talking to me for since we had left the air port his hands have been shaking on the steering wheel.

"Thats good. Could we take the shortest?" I asked carefully.

"Of course ma'am." He said.


It made me feel old at the same time giving me a familiar feeling I was sure I had chased away, out of sight, out of mind and out of my life. But here I was, getting back into that life I ran away from years ago, not entirely but still, just back.

I leaned back into the seat.

We seemed to pick in speed as we went past cars, we took turns here and there and even waited a little before moving again. I closed my eyes and when we came to a stop opened them quickly.

"We're here Miss Kristofferson." He said.

Well that was fast.

"Did we take a portal?" I asked.

"A portal ma'am?" He repeated unsure if that was what I said.

I nodded quickly.

"No ma'am, we didn't. I just cut off the roads that are usually busy at this time and actually took a longer road that had the least cars and weren't jammed." He explained.

"Oh." I said in awe.

He got out of the vehicle and I watched him go around, thinking what was he doing? My answer came when he opened my door allowing me to get out.

"Should I leave my bags or do I take them in?" I said more to myself then to him but he must have heard and answered instead.

"Miss, you don't have to worry, I'll take your luggage to the hotel provided in your contract." He said and I was relieved.

How could I forget that there was also a domicile accompanying the contract.

"Oh, thank you again, I completely forgot." I mentally face palmed as I said that.

I turned to face the building. It really was tall, almost as tall as the Empire State Building and it was wide and all covered up in glass. If you could see well enough, and not get your eyes caught up in the sun, then you could see the large words Cullen Corporation purched high ontop of the building.

I walked towards the glass doors of the building, they slid open, allowing me to enter. The reception was half packed with businessmen and women, some delivery men, guards and random employees. The receptionist's desk was against a wall and came all around, a glass wall formed around it. The lobby screamed sophistication and even had an enormous chandelier that hung from the high ceiling, the floors were covered in glittering black tiles. Against one wall was a big clock numbered in roman numerals. Beside the sliding doors I found were giant potted plants that somehow seemed so perfectly shapen that I thought it was fake until I noticed it's leaves were real.

I made my way past the guards who stood beside the sliding doors and walked towards the receptionist's desk.

The woman there turned to me. Her hair was graying and she had a few wrinkles here and there, but all in all she looked highly professional and quite grim, like she was having the worst day of her life and everything surrounding her was just helping in ruining her day even more.

Surprisingly her dull manner changes as I approach and she gives me a rather curious glance, one where she raises her eyebrow sightly and narrows her eyes almost to a slit, almost accusingly even.

"May I help you?" Her voice is hard and demanding, like she'd really been having the worst day ever.

I choose to ignore that, "I'm Belle Kristofferson, I'm here to meet Mr Sebastian Cullen."

Immediately the lobby goes silent, like a dead room thats completely empty, so quiet you could, by the idiom, hear a pin drop. I found myslef once again in awe. How the pure mention of one's name can change an entire room filled with people is beyond my understanding.

The receptionist herself looks shocked but manages to conceal her expression back into that grim, dead and annoyed one she wore moments before.

"One moment." She says and grabs a telephone. She speaks to the person on the other line without the need to press in a number so she must be on the intercom connected to wherever.

She places the telephone down and looks up at me. She then directs me to the elevator and informs me of which level to go to. I wish I could say that her directness was welcoming, but that would be a lie.

Well heres a fault in the ever so perfect Sebastian Cullen's company. A mean receptionist.

"Word of advice miss, do not get on sir's temper." She warns me with a pointed finger, like I'm a preschooler in a room full of cryons, and I nod.

I've already gotten on his temper, what more does she mean?

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