the boy in the rain ✘ seungji...

By sunshineseungminnie

190K 10.6K 10.9K

When an introverted boy meets the boy in the rain. "Who knew that only you could make me feel alive?" - Seun... More

二十二 END.


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By sunshineseungminnie

190721 | 13:20



"How do you know that Seungmin is here? He would never drink like he doesn't seem the type to be that dumb."

Hyunjin kind of agreed with Jisung. But his guts told him to search for him in that place anyways.

It was dangerous because no one could see hyunjin but jisung and it was crowded, what was quite unusual. He sighed, already lost in this unfamiliar area.

"No minho i'm not drunk! what are you even saying?" seungmin let out an annoyed attitude. he playfully pushed the latter aside and fastened his pace so minho could barely follow.

"seungmin?" hyunjin was relieved to see the boy in the distance, where he just could see him. but he was soon annoyed due the fact that he was with minho.

"damn it. Keep minho away from him, i need to talk to seungmin."

Jisung nodded in understanding. Subtlety (but not really), he walked over to them and greeted them with a huge smile. Hyunjin on the other hand stood there in a distance, watching.

"oh, minho! its so good to see you!" Jisung basically jumped in his arm while pushing him away from Seungmin, who clearly didn't followed the situation.

"Jisung? What are you doing?"

"Nothing! We should head out and drink something!"

Minho forgot Seungmin for a second but soon realized the state he was in. "I can't. I need to take care of Seungmin first."

Jisung looked over his shoulders and had no clue to what to say anymore. He mouthed something to hyunjin before turning around. "Well, uhm..."

Jisung just grabbed his hand and dragged him far away from them. Minho was to slow to react and besides, Jisung was stronger than he thought.

Soon Jisung was realizing that he had his hands interlocked with the one and only Minho. His face heated up slowly but he had no choice but to ignore it.

"Aye, slow down!" Jisung was running fast but stopped to catch his breath. They happened to be at a bus stop, far from the park.

Both boys panted slightly, settling themselves down on the rock-hard benches as they kept a good distance from eachother.

Jisung couldn't help but to think about the two other boys. What will happen after tonight? Many questions floated in his head but he soon snapped back in reality when a hand waved infront of his face.

"Are you okay?"

Jisung looked around for a second, realizing he was still at the tiny bus stop.

"Oh, yeah. Why?"

"It's late and you're all alone. Were you planning to drink?"

Jisung gulped. He had to idea what to respond. It was also the first time that he saw the 'soft' and 'caring' side of Minho. "There have been things going on and you know, stress is also playing a factor. I just want to help a friend with-" he stopped when he realized he may had said to much. It was never his intention to say what he was really feeling but sometimes, you just can't help it.

"You could've told me." Minho seemed to be really concerned, what was a new side of him. " I can help your friend, if you want."

"It's fine. thanks anyways."

"and drinking is never the solution."

"That's why Seungmin is drunk." Jisung said in a quiet tone, just loud enough for the latter to hear.

Minho's eyes grew big when he recalled the fact that he left a drunk Seungmin all alone. "Oh my god. He's still there! what if he's dead?" He stood up but got pulled down quickly.

Minho stared at the hand that grabbed his arm tightly. Jisung looked around and noticed the sky turning darker than ever.
"O-oh look it's raining! I guess you have to stay here for a bit."

Tiny raindrops appeared like magic, like someone controlled it. Soon the tiny and innocent drops got replaced by big and more threatening rain drops.

"What the hell is this weather?" It was an obvious rhetorical question.

It started to pour like crazy. It became silence as the rain continued on.

Jisung glared at the boy and saw that he was just leaning against the glass wall, just a meter away from him. He sighed. It was obvious that he was still worrying about Seungmin.

"Don't... You want to sit? It's probably going to rain for a long time and I don't think your legs can survive that."

He settled himself down on the bench that was just big enough for two people.

Jisung knew that he was in good hands, even though he didn't knew what would happen since the latter was drunk.

Minho suddenly placed his legs differently, what caused their legs to bump into each other. It was awkward but no one really gave a vivid respond.

And that's how they continued to waste their time while the rain kept pouring out of the sky. One of them would reposition them-self because of the awkward small space.

"You know..." Minho turned his head. "I've been thinking lately."

"That's great for you." Jisung responded plainly.

Minho sighed again. "I just find it weird that we keep finding our ways to each other. I mean, before this we barely saw each other on campus."

jisung didn't want to tell that he planned this all out, just because Minho was bugging into their business. He kept a smile on his face and gave a nod. "Right, what's your point?"

"I don't know. I don't really believe in soulmates but we," he pointed at both of them. "We might be that." He winked.

Jisung just let out a laugh and pushed the boy a big more away from him. His back lightly hitting the glass wall. "What?"

"You're funny, that's it."

"You never take my words serious right?"

"It's just coincidence and besides, I'm not interested in you."

Minho frowned, not completely getting the message that the other boy was sending. "Is it because of Seungmin?" Jisung turned his head. "What is your relationship with him anyways?"

The boy was a bit taken back by the sudden question. His mouth opened slightly but closed soon when he couldn't think of something.

"Just... friends."

Minho wasn't content with the answer but he decided to not go deeper into it. He just gave a nod. "When is this damn rain going to stop?"

They stared at what mother nature created. Everything was soaked, from trees to their shoes that was just exposed in the rain. It was pretty uncomfortable between them, with no one really knowing what to say.

But honestly, what was Jisungs relationship with Seungmin and hyunjin?


When Jisung was little, everyone knew he was different than other kids. He had something no one else had.

He could see and talk with deceased people.

He never thought a lot about it. It wasn't something that he would considered as handy or as different. He never saw dead people as different as other people. Jisung always thought that it was something everyone had, even though his parents told him it was an unique gift.

Because of this, other kids found him weird and creepy when he talked to nothing but air.

It was until middle school that he realized it was a gift. He visited a physic, just because one of the ghosts that visited him told him to, where he heard that he was not just an ordinary boy. He even got a necklace that would shine brightly when a ghost is somewhere close to him but he didn't wore it because it would shine all the time.

But why would he help hyunjin and Seungmin out of all people?

Hyunjin helped him when he got bullied in highschool. It was something that stayed with him for a long time. He knew Seungmin too but never had the chance to talk to him.

He met with him when again when hyunjin was roaming around, with no people noticing him. He even saw him meeting Seungmin for the first time after a while.

You probably can imagine that their reunion was pretty... Weird.

"You're ... Hyunjin right?"

Hyunjin turned around and looked at the boy that called him. He pointed at himself, wondering why this boy was saying something to him. He kept walking even though Jisung didn't had the chance to respond.

"Don't ignore me!"

"You... Can see me?"

Jisung shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, it's a long story. You... Passed away recently right?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind if you told me your story."

And that's how they reunited again. Jisung also heard his story, how he was here to search for Seungmin again but it was difficult. Seungmin wasn't as open as he used to be. No one knew where he was and how he was doing.

Jisung knew everything about their fate and what could possibly, and most likely, would happen if the other boy would remember his past. He had to be careful and luckily Jisung helped him with that.

They became friends and were closer than ever because they were almost always together.

But the problem started when Jisung met Minho at the first year of college. He soon bothered him all the time. Jisung just ignored it, just plainly because his parents told him when you don't pay attention to someone they eventually will stop but years passed and nothing changed.

He made the task much more difficult because he would always pop up when the latter would talk to hyunjin. He hated that he was so noisy and just plain annoying.

But for some reason he just can't get rid off him no matter what he tried.

Why is he bothering me so much?


Hi hi hi!!

So this is Jisungs role in the story. No he's not dead lol. If you have more questions or things that are unclear, comment it here! I'll try to answer them or explain them in one of the next chapters.

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