Blue Blood

By NoonaB25

136K 6.3K 1.6K

*smut -historical Fantasy like... -action? To my best knowledge -romance -jikook... obviously. +note: there... More

A New Beginning
The Hunt*
Love At First Sight
My Jungkook*
My Jimin*
Other Half
Moon Child
Second Chance
My Jimin Pt2*
A Stolen Gift
Second Try*
Lovers Querials*
The Final
Wait! Double!?

Moon Goddess*

3K 152 96
By NoonaB25

Jimin pov

The night is almost upon us and Jungkook has not returned from his meeting yet. "How are you feeling?" Taehyung says as he was about to helped me up.


"Yes. Honestly."

"Very very very much sore to the core." And right off the back he laugh. "Stop that! It's not funny."

"Yeah it is."

"No it's not. Maybe I should ask Jungkook to accompany me instead."

"Well we need to hurry if you want to go to the temple. Beside I think Jungkook wants to come despite you saying no, he'll come anyways."

"That is what I'm counting on."

Soon Taehyung help me up, Jungkook came in. "Jungkook! What are you doing here? Are you done with your meetings?"

"Kinda... but I want to get away, but your right. Something is up and I can't find out what, maybe you should accompany me on these meetings. "

"I see. Well maybe you can come with me to the temple. It's always good to go there to clear some mind out of it." I said to him and I can tell that he's troubled.

"Lord Jeon!" We both look at the direction of who is asking for my Jungkook. We waited and it looks like one of Jungkook's officials Adam is the name. "Lord Jeon! We are not done."

"Yes, we are."

"No, please spend some time with Lady Miku and get to know her maybe you'll have a change of heart."


"My lord, please! Just take her with you to the temple maybe it will help you clear your mind once your there."

Jungkook look at me and I look at him, "it's fine, I am also curious to see who she is anyways." I said to him, looking at Adam and gave him an okay, but those eyes send chills that I want to hide behind Jungkook. They remind me of someone, Joseph Tao.

"Great." He says.

They gave her a sign and she came forth and I must say she is beautiful like Jungkook says, but I don't trust her right off the back. "We must get going. Time we get there the moon will be out." I said to them.

"The moon?" Lady Miku says to us.

"Yes." Jungkook help me up on the horse as I flinch in pain still. Honestly I should have waited to move, but this matter is kinda urgent. Jungkook came on and ride with me while everyone has their own and so we head out north to the temple.


We were almost there and I kept looking behind me and already I see that Tae and Jin are talking to Lady Miku hopefully get some information from her. "Jimin." Jungkook whispers in my ear.

"What?" Whispering back.

"What are you thinking about? You keep looking behind us."

"Something about her... I don't like and I can't pinpoint it. It's frustrating."

"Yeah? Want me to ease your worries?" Jungkook says as I feel his hands moving down.

"Jungkook." Whispering a little loudly.

"Oh. Afraid to get caught? " As he starts to nibbling on my earlobe.

"Jungkook... please calm down a bit. I'm still hurting."


"Fine. But please wait a little longer, we are here." I whisper to him as we finally reach the temple.

The moon is out and it's beautiful as always big and round with a slight blue to finish its touch. Jungkook mount off the horse first while he help me down and carry me towards the main entrance of the temple grounds. Jungkook turn around and face everyone, who also wanted to come but stop them "Wait here." He says and me and Jungkook walk inside the temple, while everyone is out waiting.

Author pov.

While everyone was told to wait outside, Maria who is hiding her true form did an illustration spell and follow Jimin and Jungkook inside the temple. Once inside she felt energy that she had not felt in such a long time the power of the gods. The Jungkook place Jimin down on the ground and Jimin pull out his fan and place it inside the water as an offering.

Soon it was okay, Jimin gave Jungkook a sign to help him up and very slowly start to walk inside the pool. Jimin is limping from his pain of their intimacy they had but toughing it out, Jimin took a deep breath and feeling the cold water easing his pain a little.

Not sure what to do, he let the water speak to him and began to dance along with two fans that take its shape from the water. Slowly the water start to shape as it circling around Jimin. The cold breeze start blowing in along with cherry blossoms dancing around. Jungkook being amazed by the dance, never seen something like this before.

Maria watching from afar never saw this happened to her before when she did the ritual long ago. And wonder if this is the power of the blue bloods since they are chosen by the moon goddess herself. Up above the moon start to shine bright blue for the blue blood as a symbol. Light from water starts to glow and small lights like fireflies coming out of the water. The moon light sends blue orbs of light down.

Everything circling around Jimin as it gradually goes around faster and faster. In one final move, Jimin snap one fan open while the other close and moon and water match as if the moon fit just right in the pool and it opens a gateway and so Jimin disappeared into the water.

Jimin pov 

After the dance, I was being transported to another realm to the gods. Once inside, everything is so pure and white and peaceful and yet beautiful at the same time. Something you can spend a life time here.


I turn around and see that it was someone I have not seen in ages. "MOM!" And I ran to her hugging as tears start to fall once again.


Breaking the hug and see who it is as I recognize the voice. "OPPA!" Hugged him as well.

"Son... what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here."

"Yes, sweetie. What are you doing here? Your not..."

"No, I'm not. I just wanted to talk to her. Wait how are you here? Your alive right come home with me."

They both looked at me and smiled, "I'm sorry, baby. But we can't come with you this time. We are truly gone."

"What! There has to be a way."

"No jimin. You are on your last straw too and same as for Jungkook and everyone who lost their memories." My mother said to me.

"You better not waste my chances, Jimin." Turn around it was none other then Lady Jeon and Jungkook's Father.

"Yes, you better not Jimin. After all we did a huge sacrifice for you to live again, and give Jungkook another chance with you." Turning around again it was Lady Tao and her daughter April.


"Hey, Jim. Long time no see."

"If you want to talk to her, I suggest you get going." Lady Jeon says to me. "She is not a patient woman you know."

I nodded my head as we walk towards the white building where the goddess resides. Soon I reach the door everyone waited for me outside while I go in. Inside is all white and gold all over, clean and well structured. "Jimin? This is rare of you. What is that you come for?" She says looking at me.

Making my bow to show some respect and I got up slowly. "I came for some guidance and maybe you can help me to control my powers in a way." I said in a serious tone.

She smiles at me and she got up from her chair and slowly walk down towards me, "I've been waiting for you to say those words when you are ready, sweetie. Cause now it's going to be more challenging ahead in the world of the living." She says.


Jungkook pov

After light appeared and disappeared, Jimin was gone. Not knowing how long it will take I walk back out and waited with the rest of my buddies. "Where's Jimin?" Taehyung asked me.

"To the gods. It might be awhile though."

"Lord Jeon. What is this place?" Lady Miku asked looking around the place out of curiosity.

"This is place a temple. I'm sure you family has one like this. Since you were adopted by the Park Family after all. So you should know what it is."

"Forgive, the place I reside didn't have one."

"I'm sure all great families have one somewhere. There is a small living quarters near here. We'll rest there and check back later."

"Yes, my Lord." Everyone says in unison.

Lady Miku/ Maria pov

After getting settling into my room and make sure no one is around, I change back to my true form. Honestly these clothes are so uncomfortable and it feels good to be back. The one problem remains is getting that fan, once I have the fan. I'm able to steal Jimin's powers, since it's the source of his powers and it can easily be stolen.

There is always a loophole with the Magic and I finally found it. Late at night while everyone is asleep i quietly walk towards the temple and see that the fan is there. Since no was around which is pathetic to leave it unguarded. Foolish. Once I see that the fan is still there I reach for it, but the water snap back at me like a whip, making me pull back. Trying again and this time the wind blows the fan away and disappear deep into the water. Damn.

"What are you doing here?" A voice says and I quickly change and turn around.

"Oh Lord Jeon. You scared me. Sorry I couldn't sleep and though I might take a walk."

"Not here. You know better that this temple is sacred."

"Forgive me, there was something on my mind as well and thought I'd come here."

"What is it."

"My brother."


"More like my adopted brother. I have received word that he wants to come by and visit me for a couple of days before the marriage."

"There is no marriage, my lady."

"That's Not what your officials says to me. Beside that he'll be staying with me."

"Fine. As long you're not in my way."

"Is that how you treat your bride?"

"Listen Lady. I'm not interested and I don't even know why that brought you in. Nobody can have my children."



"ill make sure of that."



"Now leave this place, I don't want anyone here."

"Fine, but my brother is coming."


Soon, I was away from that beast I change back. Damn him. This is going to be challenging and sadly I need Lord Tao's help and maybe that woman Sarah too. Walking back to my small resident home, nobody he says... with a small little movement I cast a spell on that beast. Nobody can have his children? Than I will make sure of it. Now I will try to come up with a plan to get that fan. Once I have the fan it will be all over.

Taehyung pov.

After walking around to make sure everything is all good. I saw lady Miku who was supposedly be jungkook's fiancée change to that woman who I had not seen since Jimin's death. I see that she cast something and left, quickly I counter her magic and it backfired on her instead. Hopefully she will not notice it. Quietly I walk back and informed Jungkook of this discovery.

Author pov

After two days, Jungkook went inside the temple and see that Jimin is already out lying on the ground unconscious. "Jimin!" He shouted and ran over to him. He lifted him a little and have him rest on lap. "Jimin? Wake up."

"Let me sleep a little more please?" Jimin whine.

Jungkook sigh, "think you can walk?"

"I don't know. One way to find out." And so Jungkook help Jimin up but immediately he lost balance again. "Nope. Still can't. My lower half is still hurting. Strange I don't feel pain when I was up there."

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Jungkook asked Jimin as he bend down a little and carry Jimin in a bride like.


"Good. Now your going to pay for making me wait so long for you."

"Pay? Jungkook we in a temple." Jimin says.

"True, but there is a secret place here... one could say an offering."


"Oh come on... I'm sure the goddess wouldn't mind. Would she?"

Jimin gave a loud sigh and remember what the moon goddess said to him before he left.

Jimin pov

"You are very much special Jimin do you even know that?" The goddess says to me.

"No. I don't."

"You have a lot to learn, after all I watch you grow and then it was short lived."

"What can I do?"

"Well for one thing... this is Jungkook's last chance with you, I take my children with special care especially when they carry the line."

"Jungkook's last chance? It wasn't his fault. It was mine."

"It doesn't matter Jimin. He fail in taking special care in you and your baby. He lost the both of you, but Lady Tao and her daughter did something unthinkable and that is reversed the damage. Their action had a heavy price."

"What price."

"If they want you to live one must take its place. However you are more special and the price for it is quadruple."

"Don't tell me that they give their lives and what about Jungkook family?"

"Like I said the price quadrupled. Even if you want them to return. You will have to give up your life as well, along with the baby."

"Baby?" Catching my attention quickly.

"You don't want your love to relive his loss for you again? That alone is a torture punishment Jimin. That is just cruel alone. We gods have a soft spot and we know when is necessary to give punishment and when not to." She sigh at me at I thinking this through and walk up close to me. "Listen Jimin, I watch you grow since you were a baby, I've seen the trials you went through. You were so happy and look at you, fate brought you two together again."


"Yes. The moment I chosen you and when the day the cherry blooms blooms around you and Jungkook that is when I know. Don't make your family and his wasted on their chance of your happiness, Jimin."

"So... we are truly alone in the world?"

"Yes. Your parents lived their chances, they are truly gone, they are here with me alive. As for Jungkook, his entire family paid the price along with Lady Tao to bring you back, so they are also here as well. No matter what they tried to do or think about escaping, I will not allow it. There must be a balance. Like I said earlier, if they want to come back there is a price in exchange. Don't make their sacrifices a waste. Understood?"


"Good. I will say this, is that Maria girl still there?"

Thinking back, "my step sister?" Thinking hard, "Yes. She is, but I don't know where she is... she keeps popping up and disappears."

"She's closer than you think, I want you to get rid of her. She will be your greatest threat in taking away your happiness again. There is a war coming Jimin but not like an average war you see. It's a battle over you."

"Me? I'm not that special. I just want to be with Jungkook."

"That's the point. Jungkook is also special as well, whether he knows about it or not. It just so happens that you seal it away long ago."

"Seal? Then how can I undo it?"

"Jimin, why are you asking me this when you already know the answer to it?"


She walked away from me and head back to where she sits, "oh... that fan is now useless there is no need for it anymore. But keep it with you as a decoy. I will imagine your step sister will try to steal the fan and take over your powers cause she thinks that it's your source of magic. But now there is no need for the fan, it's just a fan with no value."

"I see. Then I will... can I talk to my family and my in-law before I go?"

"Yes you may. And Jimin remind them about the price if they think of escaping, they might think about it now but later they will. It's either you life and the baby or theirs. Now you better get going now, I'm sure Jungkook will be waiting for."

I bow down in respect of the goddess and turn around to walk out. "Oh and Jimin. When you get back to the world of the living, there's a room where jeons did their so called offerings. I'm sure that place will be okay and all I ask in return is be happy and show her that you are not someone to mess with."

"Of course." And continue to walk out of the goddess chambers.

After getting out of the building is like a breath of fresh air. "Jimin!" Everyone shouted at me as they are happy to see me. "What did she say?" Lady Jeon said to me.

"Well... for one thing. She knows that you want to come back to the world in the living whether you know it or not. But since you guys brought me back there's a price to pay."

"Of course there is a price and what is it?"

"Me and my unborn child."

"Child? Jimin are you...?" My mother said to me.

"I don't know... I haven't even experience any signs yet beside it's too early to tell. If I am or not. Please everyone, listen to me. I know it's hard, but do you think you want Jungkook to suffer alone without me again? You already know what will happen when he lost me. Please, this is our last chance there is no third. I promise you this, I will not it go to waste."

"No, you will not, Jimin. I know you will not." April says.

"Thank you. The goddess says Jungkook is also special like me but different and I going to find out what since she told me that I seal his power long ago and I'm trying to find out what."

"My son?" Lady Jeon says.

"Yes. Now I must go. Jungkook hates it when I'm gone too long and my body can't take another punishment right now."

"Punishment? What is he doing to you?" My father says, and right then my mother hit my father in the head and clears her throat. Until he finally get it maybe.

"Anyways you need to get going." My mom says.

"Take care of our son, Jimin." Lady Jeon says to me with a warm smile and gave me a hug.

"I will."

"Give us a hug too before you go." My parents says and I gave them one final hug and gave one to April and her mother. 

"Jimin. Be careful with my son. He's blind with your beauty and he'll do all means to get rid of Jungkook." Lady Tao says.


With one final goodbyes, I headed back to the world of the living back where I was at the temple.


(Present time)

"Here." Jungkook took me to the so called offering room. And I hit an 'oh' this is what she meant by. It is not even room I was expecting. They just called it that just get away maybe? I don't know.

Jungkook lay me down on the bed and hover over me and starts going for my lips. Honestly it felt forever, but I'm glad I'm here with him. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to return." He says as he opened my entrance and slowly ease himself inside me as I gasp.

"Ah! Jungkook don't tell your hard again." As he starts to move and the friction slowly starts to build up.

"Baby. You always make me hard no matter what you do."


"Yeah." As he undresses himself and help me out of mines, claiming my lips again. "How you want it? Easy? Or no holding back."

"Don't hold back on me, I like when you go rough on me."

"Okay, but don't complain when I'm done with you."

"I promise."


Like I said, jungkook went rough on me taking each hard thrust and I'm not sure if he grows his length inside me or what, but can feel it going deeper and deeper inside. "Jungkook! More!" I cried out loud for him. He increased his pace and I start to breath heavily and I moan uncontrollably, trying to find some sort of grip. Holding on to his arm as kept going faster scratching it as it goes more deeper. "Im....."

Just before I'm about to come, Jungkook lay on his side and slightly lifting up my thighs as he is getting more full access. "Oh my gosh, Jungkook!" Holding on to one side of his arm. When he finally hit it, "Jungkook! Faster!"

Hitting that same spot again and again. "Jimin! I'm...." Few more thrusts, I felt Jungkook finally release his load inside me and slowly down his pace as we both tried to catch our breath. "You sure like to keep me waiting do you." Still breathing.


"Well if that's the case, I'll keep going until I'm satisfied with you."

"Yeah? Well I'm here to keep you satisfied."

Jungkook flip me over where now I'm on my knees , lean on my back and ease himself inside me again and I can feel myself getting more wet and slippery inside as Jungkook continued to go for more, until he is satisfied. This time he kept hitting my sweet spot with every thrust that my mind is about to go crazy because it is too good of a pleasure feeling. Gripping on the sheet from the bed as he kept going faster and faster. "My Lord!" I shouted for him, still I feel his breath on my ear and whispering to me. "We have all night." Feeling his hands on waist gripping them as he steadies his pace as we continued throughout the night under the blue moon night.

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