The Commander of The Founders...

By LucienWinnx4

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Commander of the Founders: War and Peace follows Heda Lexa - from the television show, "The 100" - who, after... More

Book Cover
Chapter One: Foheda
Chapter Two: Ye Who Enter Here
Chapter Three: Watch the Thrones
Chapter Four: Hakeldama
Chapter Five: The Legacy
Chapter Six: Thirteen
Chapter Seven: The Cost of Life
Chapter Eight: The Eighth Circle
Chapter Nine: Nevermore
Chapter Ten: Demons
Chapter Eleven: Join or Die
Chapter Twelve: Red Sky at Morning
Chapter Fourteen: Perservation Instantiation Part Two

Chapter Thirteen: Preservation Instantiation Part One

196 8 0
By LucienWinnx4

A little snow coating was over the green grass. It was day time, but the clouds seemed to block the most bright light. Jasper sat on the hood of the Rover and stared off into space. He was not too keen on what was going on around him. Octavia leaned on the front of the vehicle. Octavia looked undecided. She did not know what to do next. Bellamy stood a little distance from the vehicle. His thumbs hooked onto his belt loops. He had an exhausted face and a put up one. Clarke was nowhere in sight and that did not bother the small group. Wherever she was she knew how to defend herself. Didrika was inside the back of the Rover. She had fallen asleep and Octavia chose to let her stay that way. Didrika may have looked peaceful but she was far from it.

Didrika stood in the middle of a battlefield. Flames were eating at the infrastructure of the city. Screams covered every other sound of nature. The ground was stained red from puddles of blood. The Polis tower no longer gave off its yellow flame at the top of it. Bodies littered the streets. The makeshift booths were torn to shreds. Didrika slowly moved her feet. She headed straight for the city square. Horror raced down her spine. A cold mist puffed out of her mouth as she gasped. The weather had dropped temperatures and everything was covered in a layer of ice. People sized poles stood outside the entrance of the tower. Lorelei, Indra, Mackenzie, Jacob, Cerberus, they all had their heads displayed on the poles. Two warriors dragged a boy in their arms. The boy's head was covered and he fought against his capturer. The warriors passed Didrika. It was like they did not even see her. A woman in red walked out of the tower entrance. The warriors threw the boy at her feet and ripped the bag off his head. The woman presented him with a blue hexagon chip and the boy struggled to get back onto his feet. The woman pulled out a sword. The warriors turned the boy to face Didrika. It was Aden. He stared right through her as if she did not exist. One warrior tugged on his blonde hair to tilt his head back. Aden had stopped fighting. It was like he had no hope. There was no one there to save him. His leader was missing. Didrika tried to move, but her feet were stuck. The woman in red swung the sword and Aden's eyes grew big. Black blood sprayed everywhere, dying the woman in red black. The woman took a handful of Aden's hair and lifted up. Aden's body fell to the group like a sack of potatoes. Didrika fell to her knees and screamed. The woman in red presented his head and smiled politely.

Octavia, Bellamy, and Jasper jumped as they heard a high pitched tortured yelp. Bellamy turned to Octavia and put his hand on his gun. The noise had sounded close. Octavia raised her hand to the hilt of her sword and froze. It was close because it was Didrika. Octavia gestured for Bellamy to relax. He looked at her puzzled. Octavia rushed over to the back of Rover. Octavia slightly smiled. The mighty Heda was human after all. Didrika shook in her sleep and was mumbling the same phrase over and over again: woman in red killed Aden. Octavia climbed into the back and slightly nudged Didrika on the shoulder. Didrika's eyes shot open and she gripped Octavia's wrist and flipped her onto her back. Didrika pinned her down and pressed a knife to her neck. Octavia looked at her horrified. Didrika blinked back her lingering terror. She climbed off of Octavia and dropped the knife. It clattered as it spun to the floor. Octavia sat up and readjusted her jacket.

"Sorry," Didrika mumbled.

Rather than Octavia making her feel bad or exploiting her weakness, Octavia thought of ways that would start a conversation. Octavia ultimately knew that it was not a normal nightmare.

"Who's Aden?" Octavia asked.

"He's the Nightblood that gave me the Flame," Didrika answered.

"Why were you dreaming about him?"

"It wasn't really about him. Whenever something bad happens it manifests in my dreams. It always ends up being my fault."

Octavia slowly moved beside Didrika and leaned her head on her shoulder.

"I sometimes dream about Lincoln. That it was my fault that he got killed. The dreams stopped when I came to the conclusion that it was out of my control," Octavia said.

"I wish it were that easy," Didrika said.

Octavia looked at her, curious. Didrika was leading on to something. There was something going on inside of her that Octavia could not pinpoint. Was it self guilt? Was it something sinister?

"Where's Clarke?" Didrika asked.

"She headed into the woods," Octavia explained.

Didrika smiled at her and jumped out of the Rover. Didrika slowly made her way into the woods. Octavia slid to the end of the Rover and dangled her legs out of it. Bellamy walked around to stand in front of her. Octavia shrugged and jumped down to gather the supplies back into the Rover.

Clarke made her way through the woods. The fallen thin tree trunks were covered in green moss. The ground was soft and damp. The smell was of wood and water. Woodpeckers sounded in the distance. The bird cawed around her. The insects buzzed. Clarke suddenly stopped moving and a sense of emotion came over her. It was like a dam bursting open. All the emotions that she had been keeping locked away since Lexa's death came out in silent tears. Clarke missed Lexa so much. She craved her touch, her smell, her appearance. She was trying to stay strong. She was trying to live up to Lexa's expectations. She wanted to do right by her. Clarke felt like she had failed. Polis was being taken over by a computer program. She had brought destruction to an isolated clan. She had ruined Lexa's friend, Luna's life. How could Lexa be proud of her now? She felt like she needed to apologize to Lexa.

A crack of sticks pulled her out of her grief. A man charged her with the butt of his gun outstretched to hit her head. Clarke staggered backwards and fell onto the ground. A whistling sound passed over her head and an arrow lodged itself in the attacker's neck. Clarke turned and saw Roan on Didrika's brown and white horse. He had his bow still outstretched. He wore a black leather long jacket with a black wool hood. He climbed off Poseidon and walked toward Clarke. Clarke scrambled onto her feet. She was still panting from shock.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who's been following your tracks. Where's Didrika?" Roan asked.

"You can't have her," Clarke told him.

Roan knew that Didrika would be nearby. Clarke had come from the opposite direction he came from. Didrika would also be from that direction. Roan rolled his eyes at Clarke. She was always so paranoid. Roan walked toward the direction she came. He heard a gun cock and he turned to the girl behind him. He stared at her unamused and slapped her hand away. Her arm fell to her side and she stared at him hurt.

"You have a real gratitude problem, you know that?" Roan sassed her.

Roan tossed her gun to the side and walked away from Clarke. Clarke chased after him. He froze to let her speak.

"Would you just hear me out? We're trying to find a way to save Polis," Clarke reasoned with him.

Roan turned to her and sighed.

"Wanheda, I was sent here to do just that," Roan told her.

Roan turned away and forged forward. He heard the tiny steps behind him as Clarke tried to keep up with him.

"Please, just stop," Clarke begged.

"Polis is already gone, Wanheda. There's no one left to save. So no, I won't stop. Not until I keep my vow to Heda," Roan said.

Didrika slowly made it down a steep slope. She stopped and saw Clarke fighting with a man. Didrika bolted toward the man and threw a knife. It rammed itself in his thigh. He twisted and collapsed onto his one knee. He shrieked in surprise and looked up at Didrika. Didrika stood there wide eyed. She thought it was one of the chipped men. The way the man cried out in pain meant he was not chipped. She looked closer and felt guilt wash over her.

"Roan?" Didrika asked, stunned.

"Heda," he muttered.

Didrika swore and ran down to him. She knelt down beside him and bit her lip.

"Sorry, at least I wasn't aiming for your head," Didrika apologized.

Roan chuckled and Didrika pulled the knife out. He winced and watched her hands slowly make a tourniquet around the wound. She finished and rose to her feet. Roan watched her skeptically. She looked tired and hurt. She looked really hurt. She was three times paler than she normally was. Her barely noticeable bags under hers were a dark purple. Her hair was down and looked matted together. Her bottom lip looked swollen and had a scabbed up split. A bright colored bruise was on her left cheek and she had an array of lacerations around her right eye. Roan slowly rose to his feet and balanced his weight on the uninjured leg.

"I wasn't sure if you made it out of Polis," Didrika said.

"So Lorelei was able to write to you?" Roan asked.

Didrika nodded, "We need to get out of these woods. Run now, talk later."

"What? We can't bring him back," Clarke said, alarmed.

"How else are we gonna get in Polis? I can't just walk in, Clarke. They want the Flame inside of me. Roan can help," Didrika explained.

Didrika looked at Roan worried. He shrugged. He was fine to walk. Clarke hung behind the pair as they walked back to the Rover. Bellamy aimed his gun for Roan and Octavia snatched it out of his hands. Didrika hid a tiny smile as it crossed her face. The group boarded the Rover and Bellamy drove it to Arkadia.

Bellamy brought the Rover through the gates and into the hangar bay. Miller locked the doors behind them. Monty slowly approached the Rover. Octavia pushed the back door open and hopped out. Clarke followed Octavia out. Jasper and Bellamy jumped out of the front seats. Didrika helped Roan out of the back of the vehicle. Raven, Bryan, Miller, and Harper joined Monty in front of the Rover. They looked at their disgruntled group of friends and the bad news washed over them. The Royal Court had been chipped. Allie controlled everything now. The fact that they were all still alive meant that they had defeated the Royal Court and the threat of war by Cavikru was over. Bryan tensed at the sight of Roan.

"What's he doing here? He's Ice Nation," Bryan hissed.

"He's the king of the Ice Nation, actually, and he's my ally," Didrika said.

Roan looked at the group of children around him. He could sense their hostility towards him. If he wanted to talk to Didrika they were going to have to go somewhere else. Roan side-glanced at Didrika and she made a slight movement of the head. Normal people never would have noticed it. The slight nod of her head meant she was working on it.

"You want to use him to get into Polis," Raven said.

"Yes," Didrika answered.

"What happened to his leg?" Harper asked.

"I'm right here. You don't have to talk as if I'm not. What happened to my leg is none of your business," Roan said.

"If you excuse us, we need to talk in private," Didrika ordered.

Roan recognized the layers of venom, authority, and sincerity in her voice. It was strange how her voice changed when she gave orders. He could barely recognize her voice when it did change. It reminded him that she had been trained to give orders. Didrika eyed him warily and then led him away from the curious bunch of Skaikru.

They stood inside someone's living quarters. Roan sat down on a bench and Didrika crouched down to work on his leg again. She unclipped her med bag from her belt and laid it beside her. It was a deep wound, but it was small. Roan would normally burn it shut, but he had no fire to heat his sword with. He would have to leave the job to Didrika. He watched her curiously as she disinfected the wound and stitched it shut. She wrapped a bandage around the stitched up wound and his ripped pants. It was the best she could do to stop secondary bleeding if he moved too much. Didrika rose and pulled a bench in front of him. She sat down and he saw the Emblem of the Commander between her eyes. It was a perfect match for her. It complemented her brown eyes and pale skin. She was not just his partner in a blood vow to protect the Coalition anymore, she was the Coalition. Roan was pleased with how things had turned out. Maybe this was always our destinies. Tied forever by our clans. He had told her that when they made their vow. He was ready to accept that he was right. Whatever they did they always seemed to find their way back to each other. Didrika let out an exhausted sigh. He knew that sigh. He had made it several times as King. It meant that she was so burdened by what was going on that to plan her next move would drain her. Roan gave her his entire attention.

"The war against Cavikru was ended last night. The leader of Floukru killed all of the scouts. Now I can focus all my energy on Polis," Didrika said.

"You don't need to feel guilty about prioritizing. Lorelei did well without you," Roan advised her.

"I'm sure. From what she told me it would have fallen even if I was there. Can I trust you?"

"Lorelei trusted me. But I'd be lying if I said I don't want to kill you."

Didrika inspected him and nodded.

"That's why Lorelei told you to find me. I'm glad we're on the same page. What can you tell me about Polis?" Didrika said.

Roan leaned forward and rested his forearms on his thighs. He clasped his fingers together and looked her in the eyes. Didrika did not squirm away from his opposing posture. Roan would have smirked if it would not have ruined the mood. Didrika would have made a great Ice Nation warrior. Cavikru was even more ruthless than Azgeda. Roan knew he had a strong ally within her.

"I got out before the place fell. I found out from a message from one of my warriors. He said that a black man had proclaimed that he killed Heda and that he was in charge of Polis," Roan explained.

Didrika dropped her eyes away from his to collect herself. Lorelei was dead. She had been told that by Lorelei and now Roan, but something was keeping her from believing it. Maybe it was the pit in her stomach that had turned into a hard rock.

Roan inspected Didrika carefully. He needed to know what happened to her. He needed to know what she had seen on the field. He waited until she looked back up at him. Lorelei was her lover. To hear that her lover was dead must have removed the scab on a healing scar that had been opened with Lexa's death. Her eyes were cold and her face was collected when she did look back up at him. He felt his heart twist for her. He believed leaders should be able to grieve and feel the same way their people did, it just was not policy in their society.

"What happened while you were out here?" Roan asked her.

"We made it to Floukru without too much hardship. When we got to Floukru the scouts had followed us, but they weren't the scouts anymore. Allie had taken them over. They tortured me. Allie wants the Flame that was implanted in my neck. Apparently the Flame is an AI. Version two of the Allie we are facing today. The Flame is the only way to kill Allie. She wanted me to take her chip so that she could destroy the Flame. Obviously, the tortured failed," Didrika said.

"Obviously," Roan snorted.

Didrika scoffed and smiled. Roan liked to see her smile. He smiled back at her.

"What're we gonna do about Allie?" Roan asked her.

"To defeat Allie I need to take the chip. I have to get inside the City of Light. I can't do that unless I'm in the eye of the hurricane. I need to get into Polis," Didrika said.

"The only way for you to get in there is if you're dead. They'll know that you won't let them have the Flame if you are alive. They'll have to take it from you while you're dead."

"You want me to play dead and have some other Nightblood ascend?"

"No, I want you to play dead long enough that we can get into the tower. Then we can take the tower from the inside out."

"I know how to get that done."

Roan looked at her surprised. Didrika stood and Roan followed her. They walked toward Clarke and her friends. Clarke turned to her surprised. Clarke knew that she was good at compromising, but the pair in front of her did not look as if they were compromising, they looked as if they were strategizing. Clarke nudged Raven and the group turned to face Didrika and Roan.

"Didrika, you and Roan come up with a plan," Clarke said.

"We did, yes. It involves manipulation," Didrika said.

"What kind of manipulation?" Bellamy asked nervously.

"The kind where Heda is dead," Roan said.

"What?" Raven asked, horrified.

"I won't be dead per se. Technically I'll be presumed dead under a drug," Didrika said.

"You want to use a drug to lower your heart rate and make you look dead? You want to use that drug to get into Polis knowing all the ways it could go wrong? Like you actually dying. Or going into a city of thousands of people whose minds are linked. All of them thinking as one. Whatever one sees, they all see. Whatever one hears, they all hear," Clarke complained.

"Heda understands the risks," Roan said.

"When do we leave?" Bellamy asked.

"Now," Didrika said.

Bryan quickly grabbed gas masks and gas dispensers. Clarke told Raven to stay behind and get access into Allie. Monty decided to stay behind with Raven. Bellamy and Miller quickly loaded supplies into the back of the Rover.

Didrika threw her knapsack and med bag into the Rover. She pulled her hair back into a high ponytail and then wrapped it around into a bun. She was expecting trouble. She stuffed knives into her boots. She pulled her sword sheath over her shoulders and slipped on her gloves. Roan pulled on his jacket and slung his sword sheath over his shoulders. Octavia clipped a gun holster on her thigh and zipped her jacket up. Didrika looked over at Octavia and she nodded. Roan, Octavia, and Didrika made their way down to the Rover.

Harper decided to stay with Monty, Raven, and Jasper at Arkadia. Bellamy and Clarke jumped into the front seats. Miller, Octavia, and Bryan got into the back. Didrika mounted her horse and Roan climbed on behind her. He hooked his arms around her waist and the Rover passed them. Didrika snapped her horse into a gallop beside the Rover.

The sun dropped out of the sky and they weaved their way through the woods. They stopped inside the tree line right beside Polis. The group climbed out of the Rover. Didrika slipped off her horse and Roan followed. Didrika tied her horse's reins to a tree and walked toward the edge of the brush. Roan joined Didrika at her side. Didrika turned to the arming up group.

"This is where we split up. The entrance to the tunnel is right over there," Didrika said.

The group nodded at her. Clarke walked up to Didrika and handed her a syringe. Didrika thanked her and wrapped her fingers around it. Clarke turned to Roan.

"I have to go with her," Clarke told him.

"No way. That's not the plan," Bellamy protested.

"Clarke's right. She's my Flamekeeper. She's the only one that knows how to perform the Ascension. They'll need to see her to believe what we're playing them," Didrika said.

Roan nodded.

"I'll kill you if you betray Clarke or me," Didrika told Roan.

"I believe you. Let's get this over with," Roan said.

Didrika looked at Clarke.

"You wake me up as soon as we get in," Didrika reminded her.

"I won't let anything happen to you," Clarke reassured her.

Didrika looked at Octavia and nodded.

"Octavia, you know what to do. Get into the tunnel, watch our backs," Didrika ordered.

"You got it, Heda," Octavia said.

Didrika pressed the needle into the inside of her elbow and pushed the plunge down. The drug went into her veins and a coldness steeped over her. She moved her eyes to look at Clarke and the world spun. Didrika dropped the syringe and it shattered in the grass. She slipped to the ground. Her eyes closed and the world went red.

Roan pulled Didrika into his arms. Clarke felt for her pulse and shook her head. Didrika was dead. Roan nodded and Clarke moved to his side. Octavia led the group into the tunnel and Roan led Clarke into Polis.

Roan walked into Polis and almost had a heart attack. His once beloved home was now a prison. He stepped around puddles of blood and ripped clothing. The streets were vacant. The city was barely lit. He slowed to a cautious stroll and took his time to get to the tower. Didrika was cold in his arms and seeing her practically dead made his hairs stand up. He had never wanted to see her dead. He had protected her from Ontari and he should have pulled her out of Cavikru when he found her. He guessed it was probably for the best that he did not think like that all those years ago. Things would be much different if he had.

Bellamy led the rag tag group of rebels through the tunnel. The lights on their guns lit their way. Octavia was beside Bellamy with her sword in her hand. They raced through the tunnel knowing that the whole plan revolved around them gassing the people of Polis. Didrika needed the people outside the tower taken down along with the people inside the tower. Didrika had the inside taken care of and Bellamy knew that her and Roan had the skills to take the tower. It was up to him and his team to take the outside down.

Roan charged through the city. He saw crosses with chains hanging off the extended arms. The brown wood was stained red with blood. He knew that people were on those crosses so where did the people go? It reminded him of Arkadia, except the Skaikru moved into Polis. That doubled the population, so where did all those people go? He was not liking this. Something was off. Did they know that they were coming?

Bellamy moved into a windowed area of the tunnel. They crouched up against the wall with the window. The group slipped off their backpacks and placed them on the ground at their feet. Miller worked to pull the bars out from in front of the windows.

Roan shifted Didrika in his arms nervously.

Bellamy cocked his gun and placed the muzzle in the window. Bryan loaded bullets in his guns and Miller prepared the gas. Miller and Bryan playfully bantered to fill in the silence. Octavia tried to ignore the happy couple and focused on controlling her nerves. Bellamy looked through the scope of the gun and saw Roan pass by the tunnel. Bellamy relayed the plan to them. They would wait for Roan's signal and they would wait until Clarke and Didrika are led into the tower to deploy the gas.

Roan rounded a corner and saw kneeing civilians, Skaikru soldiers, and grounder warriors in front of the entrance of the tower. Roan clutched Didrika close to him protectively.

"So much for the thousands of people," Roan murmured.

Clarke looked around in suspicion and then looked at Roan in worry. Roan moved slightly in front of her to give her comfort.

Bellamy turned to his group.

"Anyone who gets in our way, we use non lethal force. These people are not the enemy. They're being controlled. Didrika will do the killing for us. Is that clear?" Bellamy asked.

"Clear," Octavia repeated.

Bellamy turned to Miller. Miller nodded.

"Clear," Miller said.

"Good," Bellamy said.

Bellamy turned to the window and blinked a light out toward Clarke. He saw Clarke turn to the window and nodded at him. She turned to Roan and nudged him. Bellamy saw Roan look over at him and nod at him. Bellamy tracked their movement toward the tower.

Roan stepped around the kneeling people and tilted his head up to look at the tower. Clarke moved to his side. He stopped outside the entrance and half expected people to jump him. He looked at Clarke and she nodded. She was ready to begin their mission. Roan tilted his head up and cleared his throat.

"I am Roan, king of Azgeda, and I have the Commander. She is dead!" Roan shouted.

The kneeling people opened their eyes and climbed onto their feet. More people pulsed out of the entrance. Roan took a step back and clenched his jaw. He faced the first person closest to him and narrowed his eyes.

"I don't like what I'm sensing. Give some respect to your Commander. I ask for safe passage to her quarters to perform the ritual," Roan said.

The people slowly circled them and closed in on them. Clarke felt fear build in her chest. Roan moved closer to Clarke. Clarke narrowed her eyes and sucked in a shocked breath. Jaha and Abby slowly moved foward. Clarke frowned and Roan puffed his chest out to show dominance. Abby walked toward Didrika. Roan stepped away from her and felt a gun press against his back. He tensed and scanned his surroundings. They were closed in. All the people were armed. He was helpless and defeated. Roan watched Abby press her fingers to Didrika's neck. She stepped away from Roan and nodded to Jaha. Didrika had no pulse. Jaha closed the space between him and Clarke. He smiled at her.

"Hello, Clarke," Jaha said.

"Who are you? I demand you let us through," Roan said.

"No. But you can give Didrika to me. I'd make sure she is properly buried," Jaha said.

Bellamy turned to his group. They were just as surprised as he was. Jaha was here. Octavia tried to think through the scenario. It had all been too easy. Something was up. Octavia just had to figure it out.

Roan felt an uneasiness surface. He turned to Clarke. Clarke knew this man in front of them and by the way she reacted to the woman he knew she also knew the woman. Clarke felt her heart crack. She had failed once again. This plan was about to go down hill. Clarke turned her gaze to the tunnel.

Bellamy saw Clarke's flicker of her eyes. He turned to Octavia. Octavia tensed. She knew what was wrong. They had been manipulated. They had been played. She turned to Bellamy.

Jaha smiled at Clarke.

"You're friends in the tunnel can't help you. Now give me Didrika," Jaha said.

Clarke turned her head to Jaha and looked at him startled. Clarke looked at Roan unsure about what to do. Roan wrinkled his forehead. His senses were right. They had walked into a trap. The people slowly moved closer to them. Clarke pulled Roan's sword out of its sheath and pointed it at Jaha. Jaha looked amused.

Octavia unsheathed her sword and yelled at Miller and Bryan to dispense the gas. She turned to run to protect the tunnel entrance and she felt a sword hilt crash into her head. Octavia fell unconscious on the ground. Miller turned and a warrior grabbed his shoulders and kicked him in the groin. Miller groaned and fell to the ground. Bryan slammed the butt of his gun into that warrior's head. The warrior stood and slammed Bryan's head into the wall. Bryan sank to the floor. Bellamy gasped and a warrior twisted his gun out of his hands. They punched him in the head and his world went red.

Clarke snarled at Jaha. Roan moved behind her defenseless. Abby tilted her head to the side in curiosity. Jaha smiled.

"There's no need for violence. We know everything," Jaha said.

"Then you know that I'll never let you near Didrika," Roan said.

"You're right. That's why we're taking all three of you," Jaha said.

Clarke bolted away from Roan. Roan ran the other way. Warriors clutched Clarke's arms and dragged her back to Jaha. Clarke screamed and kicked her feet trying to prevent her from getting closer to Jaha. If they had Clarke they could perform the Ascension. Roan felt arms close around his neck and he gasped for air. Didrika slipped to the ground lifeless. Abby lifted Didrika into her arms and the warriors began to drag Roan and Clarke up the tower. Jaha followed behind them.

Clarke fought against her capturers as they entered the throne room. Roan stopped fighting, finding it a useless excretion of energy. The throne doors opened and Clarke saw a pole with straps in the middle of the room. It was the same pole Emerson was strapped to when she banished him. Abby laid Didrika on the floor. She turned to Clarke.

"Honey, it's time to stop playing games. Revive Didrika," Abby said.

Clarke looked at her clueless and shook her head.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Clarke said.

"Save the theatrics, Clarke. Do it now, or she'll die," Abby said.

Clarke felt her eyes tearing up. She slipped down beside Didrika and wiped the water out of her eyes. She cupped Didrika's cheeks and pressed her lips to Didrika's. She breathed air into Didrika's lungs. Didrika lunged upwards. She felt the warmth of Clarke on top of her and she sucked in a silent breath. Didrika's eyes shot open and all she saw was Clarke. Clarke leaned her head to line her mouth with Didrika's ear.

"The plan failed," Clarke whispered to her.

Clarke helped Didrika to her feet and Roan gripped Didrika's wrist. He pulled Didrika behind him. Clarke stood defensively in front of Roan. Abby turned to her and the warriors lowered their weapons.

"I'll never take the chip," Clarke said.

"Right now, we just need Didrika to take the chip," Abby said.

"I'll never do it," Didrika said.

"Quite a close knit team we have here. Use that," Jaha said.

The warriors seized Clarke's arms and dragged her toward the pole. Clarke hollered and dug her heels in the floor. The warriors tied her wrists to the pole and held her forehead against the cold metal. Jaha cocked a gun and pointed it at Roan. He pulled the trigger and Roan slumped to the ground. Warriors grabbed Didrika and shoved her onto her knees. Didrika sobbed as Roan's eyes shut. It was not silent sobs, it was obnoxious and loud sobs. The warriors dragged Roan's body out of the throne room. A puddle of his blood stained the floor. Clarke stared at Abby as the warriors secured a leather strap to her neck. Clarke struggled against the restraints.

"Mom! Please don't let them do this," Clarke whimpered.

"I'm not letting them do this. I'm doing it," Abby said.

Clarke felt heat rise in her face. Tears built up in her eyes. She looked over at Didrika who had tortured eyes. Abby unrolled a cloth. Inside it were at most a dozen medical instruments. Abby ran her fingers over all of the tools and plucked out a scalpel.

"Didrika?" Clarke whined.

"It's okay, Clarke. I'm right here. Just keep looking at me," Didrika instructed her.

Abby walked over to Clarke and turned to Didrika. She presented the tool in her hand and looked at Didrika. Didrika had stopped fighting. She had composed herself. She would not turn her emotions off. Clarke needed her. If they started torturing Didrika, then Didrika would turn into her monster alter ego and kill them.

"Take the chip, Didrika," Abby said.

Didrika glared at her. Didrika turned her eyes back to Clarke. Clarke stared at Didrika. She saw Didrika smile and nod at her. Clarke knew that Didrika would not look away. She would be there with Clarke all the way. Abby turned back to Clarke and pressed her finger on Clarke's chest. Clarke flinched at her touch and Abby brought the scalpel to her skin. Abby slowly dug the blade into Clarke's chest. Clarke held a straight face and then the pain reached her. Clarke let out a sob and groaned. Abby brought the blade back out and held a cloth over the wound to soak the blood.

"Mom, this isn't you. I know you're in there. Please," Clarke begged.

"Didrika, needs to take the chip," Abby said.

Clarke felt hopeless and sorrowful. Her lip quivered and she wrinkled her face as she cried. Abby pressed the blade back into another part of her chest. Clarke stared at Didrika as pain crossed her face and as she screamed. Abby pulled it out. Clarke gasped and panted in pain. Abby pressed the cloth to the blood. Jaha moved to stand beside Abby.

"It can stop, Clarke. Just tell Didrika to take the chip," Jaha said.

Clarke looked blankly at Jaha. Clarke composed herself and stared straight forward. Abby turned to Jaha.

"I told you. Her friends are her weakness," Abby said.

The warriors holding Didrika pulled her onto her feet. Abby shook her head.

"No. She's been trained to withstand torture, not her. Get Bellamy Blake," Jaha said.

Fear crossed Clarke's face. She felt regret and guilt pour down on her. She could not watch her friends get tortured. What had she done? Clarke let tears fall down her cheeks.

Bellamy kneeled defiantly as a chipped Skaikru warrior slammed his fist in Miller's face over and over. The soldiers heaved Bellamy onto his feet and bent his arms back. Bellamy winced in pain. Octavia stood in protest. The soldier beside her slammed his gun into her gut. Octavia slipped to her knees in pain. Bellamy fought against the soldiers holding him. They dragged him forward, away from his sister.

"You know if I were you, I'd hit the deck," a voice commanded.

The soldiers dragging Bellamy froze. Bellamy could barely make out the outline of a person in front of him.

"Murphy? Everyone hit the ground!" Bellamy ordered.

Indra, Pike, and Lorelei walked up to the sides of Murphy and fired their guns. The soldiers fell to the ground riddled with bullet wounds. Murphy walked toward Bellamy.

"Fancy meeting you here," Murphy said.

"More will come. We have to hurry," Indra said.

Bellamy scrambled onto his feet and encountered Pike. Pike untied his bound wrists.

"What're you doing here?" Bellamy asked Murphy.

"You're welcome," Murphy said.

Lorelei walked past Murphy and untied the ropes around the Skaikru's hands. Indra helped Octavia onto her feet. Octavia froze in shock from the sight of Pike. She turned to Indra in rage.

"You're with Pike?" Octavia asked.

"Only way we get out of here is together," Indra explained.

"He killed Lincoln. Put him on his knees. Shot him in the head," Octavia told her.

Indra looked at Pike in horror. She swallowed her anger and continued to look at Pike with astonishment. Lorelei walked over to Octavia and nodded at Indra. Indra shook her head in compliance.

"And we can punish him later, but for now we need every fighter we can get," Lorelei said, "Where's Didrika and Clarke?"

"They were captured," Bellamy said.

"Did you guys miss the part where it's time to go? We've got a Commander to save," Murphy said, "Everything we need to stop Allie is in the same place. And I'd rather not have to watch another Commander die."

"If we go up that tower, we won't be able to fight our way out again," Octavia said.

"If we stop Allie, we won't have to," Bellamy said.

The group handed out guns and headed down the tunnel. Lorelei moved beside Murphy. Murphy glanced down at her.

"You know after this, doing the right thing can kiss my ass," Murphy said.

Lorelei scoffed and cocked her gun. Murphy grinned and laughed.

The group slowly approached the elevator shaft. Lorelei moved to the front of the group and gestured for them to halt. They hugged the wall behind her. Lorelei poked her head around the wall and counted the grounders. There were two. Lorelei hid back under the cover of the wall. Her finger touched the triggers. She squeezed her eyes shut and moved out from the wall. She pulled the trigger twice. The grounders fell to the ground dead. Bellamy jumped beside her and looked at her in horror. She did not look back at him. The group slowly moved up the hallway to the elevator.

"Why the hell did you do that? They're your own people," Bellamy asked her frantically.

"Ripa (murderer), shut up," Lorelei hissed at him.

"These people are not our enemy. They're being controlled by Allie and we can save them," Bellamy explained.

"There's gonna be a lot more of these people if we don't move. Let's do this," Miller said.

"I'll bring it down," Indra said.

Indra moved to the spinning wheel that controlled the mechanics of the elevator. She pulled a lever and gears began to move.

"Once we're up, you blow the elevator and then climb," Bellamy explained.

"Destroy the ladder behind us. On it," Bryan said.

Bryan ran to ladder to create a bomb that would blow it up remotely. Miller and Pike slowly dragged the dead bodies over to the side of the room. The gears slammed to a grinding stop. Murphy moved to the elevator and pried open the doors. They creaked as he grunted. He walked into the elevator. Bellamy walked in beside him. Lorelei moved to get in. Indra caught her wrist and Lorelei turned her eyes to her.

"Listen to me, you need to snap out of it. You survived the bad. Now you need those precious emotions of yours to fulfill your vow," Indra ordered her.

Lorelei looked at her confused. She had not realized that she had switched to her alter ego. She swallowed down bile and felt her tear build up in her eyes. She blinked them away and the world seemed to brighten. Indra smiled and nodded at her.

"Protect Heda when you get up there," Indra told her.

"That's my job," Lorelei reassured her. Her voice now filled with fluctuation instead of before when it was all monotone.

Lorelei joined the boys in the elevator. Bellamy turned to Octavia.

"Coming O?" Bellamy asked.

Octavia looked over at Indra and Pike gripping the spinning wheel. She glanced over at Bryan setting up a bomb. She saw Miller aiming his gun down the hall. Octavia turned her head to Bellamy.

"If anything goes wrong down here, they'll need my help. We got this," Octavia said.

Octavia pulled the elevator doors shut and the elevator shook as it ascended. Bellamy, Murphy, and Lorelei stood in awkward tension.

"You get that we're screwed right? Allie already knows that we're coming," Murphy asked.

"Have faith John Murphy. This will work in our favor," Lorelei said.

Murphy turned to Lorelei and squeezed her shoulder.

"I liked you better with your emotions anyway," Murphy whispered to her.

Lorelei blushed and looked away. Murphy was growing on her. He was almost the closest thing she had to a friend.

"Why are you here?" Bellamy asked.

"I'm just trying to survive. You're not the only one here trying to save someone you care about," Murphy said.

The elevator shook and the three teens lost their footing. Lorelei swore as the elevator stabilized itself. The doors began to be banged on. Murphy slowly backed up and Bellamy raised his fists up. Lorelei aimed her gun up. Bellamy shook his head and she sighed. She lowered it and raised her fists. Bellamy held the doors shut with his finger tips. The door began to be pried open.

"They're coming in," Bellamy said.

"Murphy, get the baton ready," Bellamy says.

Murphy clicked on a baton. Electricity ran through it with a loud buzz. Grounders slowly inched their way into the elevator. Murphy stabbed the baton at the grounders. The grounders recoiled back in pain. Lorelei kicked the grounders out of the elevator. The elevator began to move again and a grounder slipped into the elevator. He climbed on top of Murphy and squeezed on his neck. Murphy choked and slapped his hands on the grounder's arms. Bellamy pulled the grounder off of Murphy and began to punch him. The grounder deflected his punches and jabbed his fist into Bellamy. Bellamy slipped to the ground. Murphy grabbed the grounder's waist and the grounder punched him in the gut. Lorelei raised her gun and aimed it at the grounder. She pulled the trigger with tears in her eyes. The grounder fell to the floor lifeless.

"Thank you," Murphy said.

Lorelei helped Murphy regain his footing. Bellamy climbed onto his feet and sighed.

Abby walked away from Clarke and slowly pulled a barrel under the broken ceiling. Jaha grabbed a rope and tied it into a noose knot. He threw it up onto the broken ceiling and had a warrior secure it on the upper floor. Clarke watched in horror. Didrika watched the moment puzzled. Abby walked up to Clarke and smiled.

"Don't be afraid. It's not for you," Abby said.

Abby walked away from Clarke. Clarke looked at Didrika in question. Didrika tried to overpower her detainers but they were too strong. Didrika looked at Clarke in concern. Clarke looked to the ceiling hoping that it would end soon. Abby stepped onto the barrel and placed the knotted rope around her neck. Clarke shook her head in disbelief.

"No. Mom. Mom. Stop, listen to me. I know you can hear me. Just stop," Clarke pleaded.

Abby looked at Clarke with an uninterested expression.

"You know how to stop this," Abby said.

"Wait, Allie. If you kill her, you'll never get what you want," Clarke improvised.

"Allie's not killing me. Didrika is," Abby said.

Didrika glared up at Abby. This would not be good for her self esteem. As angry as she was for Abby saying it she knew that it would be drilled into her head and become another thing she relived in her nightmares. Clarke saw a Didrika squirm and looked at her mom with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, don't do this," Clarke begged, "Please. I'm begging you. Don't do it. Please."

"Get Didrika to take the chip, Clarke," Abby said.

Clarke watched Abby inch closer to the edge of the barrel. Clarke raised her head to Abby and shook her head. Tears streamed down her face. Her eyebrows creased together in pain. Her lips spread into a frown.

"I can't. I-" Clarke stuttered.

Abby stepped off the barrel. Her feet knocked the barrel to the ground. Abby groaned and gasped for air. Clarke and Didrika screamed. Didrika struggled against her detainers and a foot was slammed into her temple. The world spun and Didrika shook her head hoping to stop the pain. Clarke watched in horror and sobbed.

"I'm so sorry," Clarke sobbed.

The elevator wobbled and Lorelei took a breath. The waves of emotions that had previously been blocked from her mind were crushing her mind now. Fortunately, she had not killed many people this time. The guilt was limited. She collected herself as she watched Murphy and Bellamy regain their footing.

Bellamy lifted Murphy into the elevator shaft. Lorelei lifted Bellamy up and Murphy and Bellamy grabbed her wrists. They pulled her up. Bellamy closed the hatch and they sat on the top of the elevator in silence.

"Weron 'mo don gon we? (Where'd they go?)" A grounder asked, " Kamp raun hir. (Stay here.)"

The grounder slowly moved into the elevator to check on the dead man in the corner of the elevator. Bellamy opened the hatch and threw in a gas canister. The elevator erupted into red mist. The grounders coughed and yelled in alarm. They slipped onto the floor. Bellamy lowered himself down into the elevator. Murphy jumped off the sides of the elevator and landed on his feet. Lorelei hopped down. They wore gas masks.

Bellamy lit the way with his gun light. They slowly made their way down the hall. Murphy clapped his hand on Bellamy's arm and pointed down the hall. They slowly approached the throne room. They had their weapons at the ready. Lorelei prepared herself for the worst. For all she knew Didrika was dead already or worse, chipped. They pulled off the masks outside the throne doors. They took deep breaths and nodded at each other. They prepared themselves to barge through the doors.

Clarke stared wide eyed as the doors of the throne room were pushed open. Bellamy, Murphy, and barged into the room guns blazing.

"Bellamy!" Clarke yelled.

Clarke nodded her head to Abby. Bellamy raced over to Abby. He placed a barrel over to Abby and climbed on. He took a knife and sawed through the rope. Abby collapsed to the ground. Bellamy slipped to the floor beside her.

Murphy bolted to Clarke. He frantically untied the ropes binding her feet and hands to the pole. He unclipped the strap holding her neck in place.

Lorelei kicked the warrior on top of Didrika in the chest. He fell to the ground. The other warrior charged her. She kneed his gut and grabbed his neck. She twisted his neck, a loud crack sounded, and she let his body fall to the ground. The first warrior rose to his feet and she shot her gun. The bullet went through his head and slipped to the ground. Lorelei put her hands on Didrika's cheeks. Didrika lazily stared at her.

"Is she alive? Is she breathing?" Clarke asked Bellamy.

"It's okay. She's breathing!" Bellamy replied.

Clarke ran toward Abby. She slipped to the ground beside her and held her head in her lap. Tears fell down her face. Clarke pointed to Jaha. Anger flashed across her face. Evilness swallowed her eyes.

"Jaha, tie him up!" Clarke ordered Murphy.

Murphy kicked Jaha in the groin. Jaha slipped to his knees. Murphy grabbed his hands and pulled them behind his back. He wrapped rope around his wrists and tied them tight.

Lorelei lifted Didrika onto her feet and laughed out of relief. Didrika looked at her in shock. She finally broke down. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Didrika sobbed.

"I thought you were dead. I thought-" Didrika squeaked.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm right here," Lorelei said.

Lorelei ran her hands down her neck and leaned in to Didrika. Didrika kissed her and Lorelei smiled.

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