The Commander of The Founders...

By LucienWinnx4

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Commander of the Founders: War and Peace follows Heda Lexa - from the television show, "The 100" - who, after... More

Book Cover
Chapter One: Foheda
Chapter Two: Ye Who Enter Here
Chapter Three: Watch the Thrones
Chapter Four: Hakeldama
Chapter Five: The Legacy
Chapter Six: Thirteen
Chapter Seven: The Cost of Life
Chapter Eight: The Eighth Circle
Chapter Ten: Demons
Chapter Eleven: Join or Die
Chapter Twelve: Red Sky at Morning
Chapter Thirteen: Preservation Instantiation Part One
Chapter Fourteen: Perservation Instantiation Part Two

Chapter Nine: Nevermore

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By LucienWinnx4

Clarke sat with Raven's head in her lap. Didrika sat in the front seat and stared out the window. Jasper drove while staring intently at the surroundings in front of him. Didrika picked at the skin around her nails. She kept her eyes off of the boy beside her. Jasper looked over at her. He had never seen her around before. Clarke must really like making friends with the grounders, Jasper thought as he clenched his jaw. Having Clarke behind him, sent his nerves on fire. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel. His knuckles turned white. He could not help it. He needed to know who she was and he needed to keep himself from going crazy. A simple conversation could do that for him, right? He turned his head to look at Didrika. Didrika lifted her head up and stared at him. He realized that she was being polite by not prying into who he was. Not all grounders could be bad, could they?

"Who the hell are you?" Jasper asked.

"I'm Didrika. I'm the new Commander," Didrika replied.

"Great. Another grounder. No offense."

"None taken. Do you wanna tell me what's happening? I wasn't informed that Skaikru was under attack."

"Under attack? I wish."

Clarke moved Raven off of her and scooted herself up so that she was in between the front chairs. She looked over at Jasper.

"Jasper, please. Talk to us," Clarke said.

"I saved your life. That's more than you deserve, Clarke," Jasper said.

"My mother let them shoot at me," Clarke whispered to herself.

Didrika turned to look at her and placed her hand on Clarke's. Clarke nodded at her to let her know that she was okay.

"I can see the appeal," Jasper said, "Look, just don't talk. Look for the cave. Sinclair said it would be around here, somewhere."

Didrika gritted her teeth. She willed herself to refrain from slapping Jasper in the face. She hated his attitude. It was disrespectful. It was hurtful. What could Clarke have done to deserve such treatment?

"Jasper, just tell me then. Please, I need to know what's going on," Didrika said, instead.

Jasper looked over at her and then back to the road.

"Arkadia wasn't attacked. Our old Chancellor, Jaha, showed up with chips and started giving them to everyone. Raven was the first to get chipped. She was trying to get it out of her. They start seeing this woman in red called Allie. Allie's taken over everything," Jasper explained.

"Chipped?" Didrika asked.

"They were implanted with an AI like you were," Clarke explained. Clarke turned to Jasper. "My mom wouldn't willingly take the chip," Clarke said.

"She made Raven slit her wrists to get Abby to take the chip. She's an enemy that's unpredictable. We have to get the chip out of Raven," Jasper said.

"What happened to Chancellor Pike?" Didrika asked.

"The insurgency already turned him in. Kane and the grounders of the blockade are taking him back to Polis. They probably will reach Polis tomorrow," Jasper told her.

Didrika leaned back into the chair. It was Lorelei's problem now. If she needed her help, she would send her a bird message.

The vehicle pulled to a stop outside a cave. Jasper pulled the key out of the ignition and jumped out of the car. He was clearly in a hurry. He opened the back door and pulled Raven into his arms. Clarke jumped at his sudden movement. Didrika and Clarke climbed out of the vehicle. Jasper was already walking away from the vehicle.

"Need your help!" He screamed, "We have to get her inside before she wakes up."

A group of people, some of which Didrika recognized, bolted toward them. She easily recognized Octavia. Bellamy was a little harder to recognize with all the blood and bruises on his face. Didrika hid a smile. She somehow knew that Octavia had finally gotten to him. There were five more people that were running up to them. A girl with shoulder length blonde hair, a boy with non-parted black hair, a shabby black haired boy, a short haired African American boy, and an older gentleman with spiked up graying hair.

Clarke froze when she saw Bellamy. He looked hurt. She did not know why she still cared. He had betrayed her and hurt her. He had killed Didrika's father. Maybe she would never be able to forgive him, too. She could not forgive herself. Then again she thought she could not forgive Lexa and she had fallen in love with her. The world is unpredictable.

"Were you followed?" Bellamy asked Jasper.

"Maybe. I-I don't know," Jasper said.

"Give her here," Bellamy said as he scooped Raven into his arms.

The African American boy turned to the shabby haired boy. "Get to the ridge. Radio if you spot anyone. Harper will stay here on watch," he ordered him. The shabby haired boy nodded and ran off. The blonde, Harper, nodded at his orders.

Clarke looked at Didrika and took her hand. Didrika looked at her alarmed and then let her drag her down to the cave. Didrika managed to match her pace to Clarke's and walked beside her. Clarke let her hand go.

Octavia watched Clarke and Didrika rush down to the cave. She trailed the pair as they disappeared and noticed the slight limp is Didrika's gate. She had wanted to leave, but with Didrika there it changed things. She needed to know why Didrika was following Clarke around.

"Octavia, come on. We need you," Clarke called to her.

Clarke and Didrika followed Bellamy into the cave. Didrika spotted a burning fire and blankets. They had been run out by Pike. Didrika clenched her teeth. Pike. She thought of him with the most evil ways to end his life.

"Clear some space," Clarke said.

The older gentleman cleared off the blankets and helped Bellamy lower Raven onto them gently.

"What happened to her?" The man asked.

"I told you on the radio. Raven is not Raven anymore. None of them are. Jaha's been chipping everyone," Jasper said.

The rest of the group circled Raven.

"Jasper's right. I've seen it with my own eyes," Clarke added.

"I don't need your help, alright!" Jasper snapped

"Just take an easy," Bellamy said, "And explain."

"Jaha is using the chips to control everyone. You swallow it and then it changes you. You forget who you are and then you see this thing, Allie. She's never really there. She made Raven slit her own wrists. She was trying to get it out of her head. I was trying to help her, but-" Jasper said.

"Okay, so, let's help her now. Did she say how?" The man asked.

"She was working on building something. She needed one of our old wristbands, but Jaha destroyed all of them," Jasper said.

Didrika turned around and clutched her abdomen; she hadn't realized how much pain she was in from the wounds inflicted on her by Ontari. She let out a pain-ridden whimper. The wind blew her hair. Her neck was exposed. It showed the scar down the middle of her neck, which happened to split the Jera rune in half.

Raven's eyes shot open and she stared at the scar.

"What happened to your neck? Clarke try to kill you too?" Raven asked.

Didrika snapped around and looked at Raven suspiciously. She took all of the girl in. She immediately knew that this brown haired, well built girl was not who she was supposed to be. Didrika looked at her with a blank expression.

"I'd keep your mouth shut if I were you," Didrika said.

"Is that how you treat your wounded? With hostile actions?" Raven asked.

Didrika pressed her teeth together in anger. She was a healer and for someone to tell her that she did not do her job right broke something in her calm composure. Didrika narrowed her eyes at her and then turned to Clarke.

"Jasper, did the chip have an infinity symbol on it?" Clarke asked.

"Yeah, why?" Jasper asked.

"Because, Didrika ascended with the Flame. Murphy said the Flame was an AI."

Raven jumped onto her feet and bolted toward the cave mouth.

"Don't let her get away!" Octavia yelled.

Didrika reacted quickly from instinct. She ran after Raven. She gripped Raven's arms and pulled her against her chest. Raven struggled against Didrika's arms.

"It's just a bunch of woods. I can't see anything!" Raven yelled.

Octavia ran up to Didrika as she struggled to hold on to the writhing girl as her abdomen burned. She helped Didrika subdue Raven.

"No, let me go," Raven told the two girls.

The rest of the group joined them. Each of them had concerned faces. Raven slammed her fist in Didrika's side. Didrika cried out and then her instincts kicked in. She slammed her fist into Raven's chest. Raven wheezed and continued to lash out. Octavia grunted and latched onto her wrists. Didrika pulled her into a choke hold. Raven could not move.

"If Raven finds out where we are, so will Allie. She'll come for her," Jasper said.

The non-parted haired boy pulled Raven's head back and stabbed a needle into her neck. Raven cried out and then fell limp in Didrika and Octavia's arms.

"Reaper stick," the boy said, "Last dose."

Octavia took the brunt of Raven's weight as Didrika stood up. She pressed her palms on to her knees as she bent over to suck in air. She placed her palm on her stomach; she was going to need to check on her stitches. Octavia glanced up at her in worry.

Clarke paused and continued to over think Raven's plan to find a bracelet. She had seen one still intact. She knew where to get one. It was not going to be easy, but hopefully she'll be greeted as a friend. She had been a friend when she left. Things have changed since then. Clarke was different. There was a different Commander. There were different circumstances. She would be bringing people with her. Clarke rolled her eyes. Nothing can ever be easy.

"We have to go," Clarke said.

"Why?" Bellamy asked, "Allie doesn't know where we are."

Didrika looked up at Clarke. She smiled. Clarke was thinking like a warrior. She was thinking ahead instead of now.

"Because Clarke has a plan," Didrika said.

Clarke nodded, "I know where we can get a wristband."

Didrika pulled Raven into her arms. Octavia looked at her surprised. Octavia did not know that she could lift such heavy things, especially when she seemed to be in so much pain. Didrika raised her eyebrow and smirked. Didrika loaded Raven into the back of the vehicle. She jumped in and Octavia followed her. Octavia turned to see the group hesitating.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get in. We don't have time to lose," Octavia snapped at them.

The older man and the non-parted haired boy slipped into the front seats. The rest of the group packed into the back of the vehicle. It was almost like they were packaged sardines. The vehicle started.

"Okay, Clarke, where are we going?" The non-parted haired boy asked.

"To a trading outpost. My friend lives there. Hopefully she still owns a bracelet. I'll give you directions as we go," Clarke explained.

Bellamy glanced over at Clarke. Clarke was sitting beside Didrika. The pair looked comfortable in each other's presence. Bellamy dropped his lips to a scowl and glared at Clarke.

"Why are you here, Clarke?" Bellamy asked harshly.

Everyone turned their glances at Bellamy. Clarke looked at him startled.

"Why do you always think that I have a double motive?" Clarke asked back.

"Because you're always with them," Bellamy said, shooting Didrika a nasty glare.

Didrika glared at Bellamy.

"You wanna go Sky Boy? I could take you down in five minutes flat," Didrika threatened him.

"You wanna bet?" Bellamy asked.

Didrika scoffed and backed down. There was no need to fight a child. A child who thought about himself first. It would be a waste of energy and time. Bellamy did not take the hint and seemed to be steaming at the ears.

Octavia sat on the other side of Didrika and now turned her head to address her. She saw that Didrika looked different than the last time she saw her. Didrika had bruises on her face and neck and she saw earlier that she wasn't in her best fighting condition. She had protruding bags under her eyes. Her knuckles were scabbed over and Octavia could see dry blood under her nails. Her hair was out of its fancy braid and instead was in one French braid. Didrika had a holstered gun against her thigh; Octavia could have sworn that grounders did not know how to use guns. Octavia also noticed that her mood was different too; Didrika was irritated, depressed, and short tempered. Octavia saw the helm of awe in between her eyes and everything seemed to click into place. Bellamy said that Indra had left to meet the new Commander. Lexa had died and Didrika now wore the Emblem of the Commander. That could also explain Clarke's over sensitivity to everything. Clarke and Didrika were here on official business. They were here to handle politics diplomatically. What had changed though? What problem had ensued that required Skaikru's help?

Clarke whispered in Didrika's ear. She was explaining who the people around her were. The non-parted haired boy was named Monty. He was an engineer and had his family land into Azgeda territory. The blonde, which Didrika had already found out her name was Harper, was a pretty good soldier and shot. She had helped undermine Pike. The older man was Sinclair. He was the engineer that was like a role model to these kids. He led the insurgency. The shabby haired boy was Bryan. Clarke did not know much about him. The African American boy was named Miller. He was now a soldier and had remained loyal to Lexa. Raven was Clarke's best friend and had saved their lives too many times to count with her excellent mind. Jasper was a drunk because Clarke had killed his girlfriend. Didrika asked her why they left Harper, Miller and Bryan at the cave. She said that it was their base camp and they needed people to guard it. Didrika compared base camp to the strategy tent. Clarke agreed.

"You're the new Commander," Octavia said out of the blue to Didrika.

The atmosphere in the vehicle changed. They were all wary of Didrika now. Didrika turned to Octavia with surprised eyes.

"Yeah," Didrika simply answered.

"How? I thought you were an Ambassador," Octavia said.

Didrika collapsed her face into her hands. She sighed exhaustedly.

"It's a really complicated explanation that I'm really not in the mood to tell," Didrika mumbled.

"Something happened didn't it? Another problem that we have to solve. That's why you're here, right? You need our help," Octavia said.

"Lots of things have happened. And I do need your help, but I would rather wait to explain after we help Raven."

Bellamy leaned into the conversation.

"Why would you care?" Bellamy asked Didrika.

"Why did you kill my warriors?" Didrika asked him.

Didrika looked up now. Bellamy saw the anger in her eyes. It creeped him out. It was not just anger, it was evilness.

"I could go all day, Sky Boy. I was trained to answer questions with questions. I could drive you crazy," Didrika told him.

"Let's not drive anyone crazy," Sinclair said from the passenger seat, "Let's talk about this problem."

Didrika thought about it, but was still unsure. She side-glanced at Clarke and she slightly nodded. Didrika groaned and shifted her posture so that she could see everyone. Relaying a problem to a crowd was not new to Didrika. She was half glad that she had experience with being a leader. The group turned to her to pay attention. That was the price of authority; no one could resist to deny you respect.

"The day of my Ascension, the Royal Court sent scouts to Floukru so they could start their plan to take over the Coalition. They started at Floukru, because a Nightblood rules there," Didrika explained.

"Why does that concern us?" Bellamy asked.

"Because if the scouts succeed, it won't just be Allie trying to suppress you. The Royal Court is a part of the conservative branch of Cavikru. I took them out of power, but their scouts are still on the loose. It's my job to stop them. Clarke said she knew how to get to the Nightblood, Luna. She said we would need your help," Didrika elaborated.

"If it's your mess, you deal with it. You're Heda."

"I can't deal with it, Sky Boy, until I find the scouts. Why the hell do you think I'm out in the field?"

"I bet you're just using Clarke. Using us. Just like Lexa. And then you're going to abandon us, just like Lexa."

All the training in the world could not have stopped Didrika's broken heart from lashing out. There was one downside to love; she would always protect the honor of her loved ones. She did it with her father, with Trea, and now she would do it for Lexa. Her face unwrinkled as her body tensed. Her eyes turned cold as the anger swallowed her. Didrika punched Bellamy in the middle of his face. He flew back and hit the vehicle wall. He groaned and Didrika heard several snickers from the audience.

"You watch your mouth, Sky Boy. Lexa was my mentor. Clarke is my Flamekeeper. And you're all under my protection, unless you give me a reason to go back on my word," Didrika said.

Bellamy lifted himself back up into a straight posture. He clutched his nose and tilted his head back to slow the bleeding. Bellamy glared down at Didrika.

Clarke shifted next to Didrika. She was hiding the fact that she wanted to burst out into laughter. She told herself to stick to business and to knock it off with the childishness. She leaned forward so that the group could see her.

"Jasper said Lincoln was dead. Is there anyone who would know what he knew?" Clarke asked.

Octavia looked to the ground. She fidgeted with her thumbs.

"Yeah, uh, I know who Luna is. I mean I never met her, but Lincoln wanted to bring me to her. He has directions in his journal back in Arkadia," Octavia said hoarsely. Her voice was low and wavering.

Didrika immediately recognized the agony in her voice. She put her hand on Octavia's clasped hands. Octavia looked at her. Didrika gave her a look that said: I've lost people too. I know how it hurts. I'm sorry. Octavia nodded at her condolence. Octavia somehow knew that it meant more than the people who just said sorry to make her feel better. Octavia knew Didrika meant it. And she had not meant it in the way to make her feel better; she meant it in the way that told her it was okay to be broken and that she did not have to get over it.

The vehicle rolled to a stop and Octavia looked out the window. She saw a woman with long hair in a green long sleeve shirt, tan pants, and boots. She looked frightened by their arrival. Octavia scoffed. She would be afraid of them too if she were in that woman's shoes. The woman unsheathed a sword and stood protectively in front of her property. Clarke eagerly joined Octavia's side to glance out the window.

"I'll talk to her," Clarke said.

"I'll go with you," Bellamy said.

"No. Didrika will come. She'll respond better if I'm with the Commander," Clarke snapped a refusal quickly.

Bellamy looked at Clarke hurt. Clarke let the look pass right by her. He had just hurt her minutes before. She did not get to feel guilty about leaving him behind. Bellamy was no longer her partner.

Octavia opened the back door and jumped out of the vehicle. Clarke joined her at her side. Didrika swung out of the door and landed by Clarke's side. She scanned the woman for hostile intent. She was just protecting her property. There was nothing wrong about that. The rest of the group followed them out of the vehicle.

"I thought you said she was a friend?" Octavia asked Clarke.

Clarke sighed as she looked at her once good friend. She looked at Didrika and Didrika nodded at her.

"We'll handle it. Just stay here," Clarke said.

Clarke pulled her bag over her shoulder and Didrika lifted her hands up to grip the straps of her knapsack. They headed down the gravel driveway toward Clarke's friend. The crunch under Didrika's shoes reminded her of the crunch sand made under her feet. Her heart ached for normalcy, not that her home was that great of an example. She tightened her jaw and cleared her face of emotion. The driveway was covered with makeshift booths that held antiques and junk. The front door was lit up by two torches. Everything had an orange tint from the flickering flames. The doorway itself was an arch shape.

"Skaikru's not welcome here, Wanheda," the woman said as they approached her.

Clarke and Didrika stopped directly in front of the woman.

"Niylah, what's wrong?" Clarke asked.

The woman, Niylah, looked at Clarke suspiciously and then looked at Didrika. She scanned the girl's body. She had grounder weapons, yet she wore Skaikru-like clothes. She even owned a gun. Niylah did not recognize the stitched-in symbols on her jacket sleeve or chest. The jacket had shoulder plates like normal grounders had and its colors made Niylah think it was grounder made. Niylah looked at the girl's face and saw the eyes of a warrior not of a Skaikru soldier. She saw the Emblem of the Commander between her eyebrows and her heart dropped to the ground. This girl was a grounder. She was a Nightblood. Commander Lexa had died and this girl had ascended to follow in her footsteps.

Didrika stared at Niylah returning the judgey scan of her body. Didrika knew by her reaction of seeing her that she had never heard of Cavikru. She prayed that the helm of awe piece that Gaia gave her worked like Gaia said it would. Didrika vaguely heard the group behind her shouting. She did not dare turn and look though. It would be disrespectful when addressing someone. It would show that she was more concerned about others than her. It would make Niylah not want to engage with her and first impressions were the key.

"She's waking up! Hurry! We have to get her inside!" Sinclair yelled.

"Is your father here?" Clarke asked.

"My father is dead. Part of an army killed by your people while trying to protect you," Niylah said.

If Didrika would have been younger and cheesier, she would have face palmed herself. Of course, her father had been killed. She lived by Arkadia and anyone who lived by Arkadia was summoned for the protection detail.

"Niylah, I know that you're hurting, but we need your help. I need these people to help me stop a war and I need to help their friend first. Can you help me?" Didrika said.

Niylah looked at her curiously. She wanted to see if she was telling the truth and not playing her. She needed more convincing before she brought trouble into her home. Didrika saw her hesitation and obliged her silent request.

"I lost my father too. I lost a lot of my warriors to that massacre. I'm not trusting them. I'm trusting Clarke. I promise you that no harm will come to you," Didrika added.

"Pardon me, Heda. I didn't know that it was important to our people. I've been paranoid since the massacre," Niylah explained.

"No worries. There's no reason to apologize, in extreme situations people do extreme things. I'll make sure that Skaikru doesn't lay a hand on you," Didrika said.

Clarke looked at Didrika in awe. Having Didrika here as Heda, had its perks. Clarke looked at Niylah and smiled at her. She nodded at Didrika and gestured to her house.

"What do you need?" Niylah asked Clarke.

The group had stopped behind Clarke. Raven squirmed in Sinclair's arms. Monty leaned over to Clarke and whispered to her.

"My mom was here. If she was chipped, Allie would know," Monty said.

Clarke nodded at him and turned back to Niylah.

"We need to use the back room," Clarke told Niylah.

"Sure. It's right through there. Let me show you," Niylah said.

Clarke grabbed Niylah's wrist, protectively. She shook her head at Niylah. Niylah looked at her confused.

"My friend can't see you. Stay out here until I come to get you," Clarke explained.

Niylah nodded and let the group pass her into the house.

Clarke led them into the house and into the back room. Clarke pointed to the rope on the counter and Didrika quickly swiped it. They entered a room with a bed. It was possibly Niylah's room. Sinclair lowered Raven onto the bed.

"Tie her to the bed," Clarke ordered.

Didrika rushed to the front of the group and helped Sinclair hold Raven to the bed. Didrika handed Jasper rope and he lifted Raven's hand to the bed frame. Raven flexed her muscles and pushed against the rope. Didrika gripped her feet and Raven kicked at her. Didrika slammed her fist into Raven's chin. Raven stopped fighting. Didrika tied her ankles to the bed frame. Raven ripped her hand from Jasper's grasp and ripped her blindfold off.

"Where the hell am I?! Let me go!" Raven screamed.

"Hold her!" Sinclair yelled.

Didrika pressed on Raven's shoulders. Raven bit down on her arm. Didrika clenched her teeth together in pain and saw her blood staining Raven's teeth. Didrika ripped her hand away and punched her in the mouth. Raven lurched up and screamed. Octavia joined the fight to tie Raven up. They lifted Raven into a sitting position and Clarke and Jasper frantically worked to tie her wrists down. Octavia and Didrika held her body still. It was a work out. Raven kept fighting and screaming against them.

"Raven, stop fighting," Octavia yelled.

Raven pulled her hand away from Jasper and smacked him in the jaw. Jasper fell back and grunted. Didrika moved to where he was standing and took Raven's wrist.

"Oh! Why is it always me?" Jasper shouted.

"Sinclair, I need your help," Octavia yelled.

Sinclair moved away from Clarke's side to help Octavia hold Raven still.

Didrika slammed Raven's wrist into the bed frame. It fell limp in her hands and Didrika tied it to the bed frame. Raven fought against Clarke.

"Let me go!" Raven hollered.

"Raven!" Clarke snapped.

Clarke held Raven's wrist against the bed frame. She put all her strength into pushing against Raven's fight. She secured her wrist to the bed frame and backed away.

"Got it!" Clarke announced.

Octavia and Sinclair let go of Raven and relaxed. Didrika shook her bitten arm and swore.

"Let me go. Let me go," Raven ranted.

Clarke walked out with Sinclair and Monty. They stopped at a corner of the room and Clarke turned to them.

"How the hell do we get that thing out of her head?" Clarke whispered.

"Working on it," Monty told her.

Monty and Sinclair slipped back into the room. Clarke saw Didrika walk out of the room and joined her. They walked up to Niylah.

"Untie me! Untie me!" Raven screamed.

Niylah looked at them horrified. She stared at Clarke wide eyed.

"Clarke, what's going on?" Niylah asked.

"I can't explain. Just trust me that when I say that our friend can't see you or your place I'm saying it for your safety," Clarke said.

"You said that already. Why?"

Didrika saw that Clarke was trying to spare Niylah the confusing details. She was trying to protect her too. Didrika looked at Niylah and sighed in defeat.

"Arkadia was attacked. And they are going after grounders next," Didrika explained.

Clarke glared at Didrika. Didrika ignored her.

"Why should I trust you? After what Skaikru did?" Niylah asked.

"That wasn't us. I'm sorry about your father. We all are," Clarke said.

"What do you want?"

"Last time I was here, you had one of our wrist bands. We need it now to save our friend."

"Niylah, it's okay. I can go get it if you want," Didrika said.

"No, Heda. I'll go get it. Stay here," Niylah said.

The girls watch Niylah leave. Clarke turned to Didrika and looked at her injury. Clarke took her arm gently. Didrika looked at her alarmed.

"I, uh, can do it myself," Didrika said.

"Sometimes having someone help you is better," Clarke told her.

Didrika put her hand on Clarke's. She smiled at her.

"No, really, it's okay. I can do it myself," Didrika insisted.

Clarke lowered her hand and backed away slightly. She looked at Didrika apologetically.

"You okay? Raven said some things," Clarke said.

"People who are afraid of dying say a lot of things, Clarke. I'm fine," Didrika told her, "Go find a way to save Raven. I'm gonna go fix my arm."

Clarke nodded and hesitantly turned around. Niylah came in and gave Clarke the bracelet and Clarke slipped into another room. The rest of the group followed her. Didrika turned and saw Niylah glancing at her questionably. Didrika redirected her eye contact and walked away.

Didrika poured water in the broken skin and hissed in pain. She pulled a bandage from her med bag and wrapped it around the wound. Once satisfied, she removed her jacket and leather upper body guard. She lifted the bottom of her shirt up and quickly glanced at bandages wrapped around her lower torso. No blood had seeped up into the white bandages, so she shrugged and assumed that her stitches were still intact. She slipped her jacket back on and left it unzipped.

Didrika held her fingers on her blue pendant. She normally kept it tucked under her armor, but it must have come undone while fighting Raven. She went to push it back under her jacket and hesitated. She closed her eyes and let it hang on top of her shirt. Didrika glanced up as Octavia marched out of the house with Monty following her. Didrika felt for her. She was going through a lot that had happened in the course of a couple of days.

Didrika heard yelling and looked at the back room in horror.

"Didrika!" Didrika heard Clarke scream.

Didrika bolted toward the room and froze. Raven had dislocated her shoulder and had reopened her wounds. She had chewed off a restraint and was screaming.

"I need bandages!" Clarke snapped at Didrika.

Didrika snapped out of her daze and rushed to Clarke's side. Clarke gestured for her to untie her wrist. Didrika looked at Raven in confusion. She did not want to hurt the girl, but she was killing herself. Jasper pressed on Raven's shoulder to hold her down. Bellamy gripped her wrist as Didrika carefully untied the rope. Didrika did not get far. Raven lurched and jerked her hand. Didrika swore and had to tie her wrist back up.

"Raven, stop fighting us" Clarke yelled.

Jasper tapped Raven's cheeks and Raven turned to him snarling.

"Allie. Allie. Allie! I know you can hear us. Why are you doing this to her? Let her go!" Jasper said.

"I'll let her go when you give me what I want. The technology that Didrika processes, it belongs to me," Allie said through Raven.

Didrika froze. Raven sounded different. A voice that did not belong to her spoke through her. She would have to ask Clarke about that technology later. The whole AI thing was way above her pay grade. The fact that she wanted her AI made her territorial. It was Lexa. It was all the past Commanders. It was her. She would never let her get her AI.

"I'll never give it to you," Didrika said.

"Didrika, just give it to her. Didrika!" Jasper yelled.

Didrika glared at Jasper and he looked at her frightened. Didrika looked at Clarke for help. Clarke had to think on the spot. What would get an AI to stop killing her friend? Hope. That is what would stop a human. Why not try it on an AI? Clarke nodded at Didrika and turned to Raven.

"You let Raven die, you'll never get it," Clarke said.

Raven shut down and all the fight in her disappeared. The group looked at her in bewilderment. Clarke snapped out of it and nudged Didrika.

"Untie her wrists," Clarke said, "Hold her steady."

Didrika held Raven's collarbone and waited for Clarke. Clarke gripped Raven's wrist and twisted her arm. Her shoulder popped as her arm fell back into its socket. Didrika took Raven's hand and rewrapped her slit wrist. Clarke turned away from Raven with a pained look. Didrika kept her eyes on Raven, but turned her ears to listen to Bellamy.

"Clarke, she's never gonna stop trying to get away," Bellamy said, "We can't let her hurt herself again. Someone has to stay with her."

"Didrika and I will be first watch," Clarke said, "We'll take turns."

"You don't get to give orders Clarke!" Jasper said.

Raven rolled her head up to look evilly at Clarke. Clarke opened her eyes wide in fright.

"Guess he doesn't forgive you for murdering his girlfriend," Raven taunted Clarke.

Bellamy looked at Jasper and frowned.

"Jasper, take a break," Bellamy ordered.

Jasper glared at Bellamy and stomped out of the room. Bellamy glanced at Didrika and then to Clarke. He was sending Clarke a message. He still did not trust grounders. Bellamy and Sinclair slipped out of the room behind Jasper.

Clarke rushed over to Raven's other wrist and began to rewrap it. Raven stared at her without blinking. Didrika tied Raven's wrist back to the bed frame. Didrika inhaled and collapsed to the floor. She leaned her back against the bed frame. Clarke looked at her concerned. Clarke looked back down at Raven's wrist. She engrossed herself in the job.

"Thank you," Raven says.

Clarke looked at Raven shocked. Her face softened and she smiled. She nodded at Raven. She went back to work.

"Do you ever see their faces?" Raven asked.

Clarke froze.

"What?" Clarke asked.

"Didrika knows what I'm talking about. Of all the people you've killed," Raven said.

Didrika stood up and walked to Clarke's side. She looked at the tied up girl intrigued. It was not like she was not mad at her for saying the things that she did, but torture was one thing that she was trained to resist. She had been tortured before. She even was the torturer before. It interested her on how fast someone could resort to those methods.

"I know what you're doing," Clarke scoffed, "But you can't get to me Allie, so don't even bother."

"It's not Allie, Clarke. It's Raven. I'm not trying to get to you. I'm just trying to tell you the truth. Because no one else will. Everywhere you go, death follows. You always wanna save everyone, but you don't realize you're the one we need saving from. Wells is dead, because you couldn't see Charlotte was a basket case. Finn is dead, because you broke his heart and then slid a knife into it," Raven said.

Didrika looked at Clarke concerned. Clarke had not been trained to resist methods that would induce her into telling Raven everything.

"Clarke, you don't need to listen to this," Didrika said.

"It's okay. I can handle it," Clarke said.

"Clarke, I bet you even got Lexa killed too," Raven said.

Didrika glared at Raven and gave her a look that warned against going farther. Clarke reacted equally as bad. Her face turned ice cold and her eyes turned into daggers.

"Shut up," Clarke told her.

"And then there's dear old dad," Raven pressed.

"Clarke, leave, now," Didrika said.

Didrika sensed that Raven would not stop until Clarke told her something out of anger. Didrika pressed at Clarke's arm. Clarke turned to leave and Raven opened her mouth. Didrika could not stop it. Once you trigger someone it is incredibly hard to snap them out of their anger. Didrika stared at Raven with a warning glare.

"Your mom's in here with me Clarke," Raven continued.

"I said shut up!" Clarke yelled.

"She tells me you tried to convince him not to go public. About the fact the Ark was dying. Guess you should've tried harder. His blood is on your hands too."

Didrika grabbed Clarke's waist and tried to drag her out of the room. Clarke was not fighting her. She was trying her best to keep her mouth shut. It was only a matter of time before she would crack.

"Shut up!" Didrika yelled.

"You can hide behind the selfless martyr act, but we see you for what you are. Poison to anyone who gets close," Raven said.

Clarke pushed Didrika away from and grabbed a cloth. She wrapped it around Raven's mouth and Raven clamped her teeth down into her hand. Raven spat out Clarke's blood and grinned. Didrika grabbed Clarke and Clarke struggled against her arms.

"You're done Allie. You hear me? We're gonna fry you!" Clarke shouted.

Didrika pulled Clarke out of the room. Clarke screamed and fought against Didrika. Didrika placed her hands on Clarke's shoulders and stared her in the eyes.

"Breathe. Breathe. Repeat after me. Don tich op gon krasha, tich kru op. (Taught by the waves, teach the people,)" Didrika ordered Clarke.

Clarke licked her lips and nodded.

"Don tich op gon krasha, tich kru op. (Taught by the waves, teach the people,)" Clarke repeated.

Clarke blinked. She found herself calm again. She looked at Didrika in awe. Didrika nodded at her and released her shoulders. Didrika pulled out a bandage and wrapped Clarke's hand after washing it off with water.

"I let her get to me," Clarke said ashamed.

"You don't say," Bellamy remarked.

Didrika glared at Bellamy and then turned her eyes back to Clarke. She smiled tenderly at her.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. It took me years to learn to ignore harassment," Didrika said.

"I'll let her beat me up for a while," Bellamy said.

The girls stared at Bellamy as he left.

"Truth hurts, huh?" Jasper said.

Didrika narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm sorry," Clarke apologized, "I never wanted to hurt Maya. I never wanted any of this. I had to save our people."

Jasper looked at her shocked. His eyes filled with tears.

"I was going to save everyone," Jasper said.

"I wish you could've."

"Shove your regret up your ass."

"Jasper, allow yourself to fall apart, but don't take it out on Clarke. You don't know what she's going through. All you're saying is making her feel worse," Didrika said.

"I don't care," Jasper mumbled as he left.

Clarke stifled a sob. Didrika eyed her with concern. She tilted her lips up in uncertainty and then brought Clarke into a hug. Clarke sniffled and then pushed away from Didrika.

"Allie is gonna know how we're gonna get the chip out of Raven now. We need a back up plan," Didrika said.

"Like what?" Clarke asked.

"The AIs were created by the same person, Bekka. If one comes out one way what's to say that the other does too."

"You're brilliant! Didrika, I love you."

Didrika looked at Clarke startled. Clarke giggled.

"You're not familiar with that saying are you?" Clarke asked.

"It's an endearment," Didrika said questionably with her eyebrow raised.

Clarke chuckled, "I'll go tell Sinclair to radio Monty."

Didrika watched Clarke disappear into the room.

Didrika walked outside and stared at the stars. A sound of thudding fluttering made Didrika look up. A bird flew down from the outline of the trees. Didrika lifted her hand up and the bird clipped its claws onto her finger. She stroked the bird's head and he tweeted at her. Didrika took the letter that was tied to his leg. She unraveled the paper and skimmed the hand writing.

For Didrika,

Polis seems to be fine. I've got word that Chancellor Pike was turned in. The blockade was lifted. Pike is being brought to Polis now. I figured you didn't want him killed so I made arrangements for him to be imprisoned upon arrival. The Ambassadors seem to be handling the new change in position well. They take my orders seriously. No probs so far. Hope everything on your part is okay. If you need anything I'll send forces.

Loves from,


Didrika pulled a pencil from her med bag and ripped a sheet of paper out of her notebook. She scratched a few words on the piece of paper to explain how things are unraveling on the field.

To Lorelei,

I'm fine. The field has a few more chess pieces than I knew about. Arkadia has fallen. Lincoln is dead. His girlfriend is taking me to see Luna. We have a second problem. It's a little hard to explain. It's like a computer program. There's these things called chips and they're changing people. The enemy is unpredictable and unseeable. Be careful. Don't trust anyone. Lock up any Skaikru on the spot. They are not our allies. Do not attack them. As for Pike, lock him up too. I'll have to deal with him later. The first two problems are more important. Tell the Ambassadors to expect me back in three to five days.

Love you too,


Didrika rolled up her reply and tied it to the bird's claw. She whispered to him to fly back to Lorelei. The bird lifted off from her finger and she watched it disappear into the night sky. Didrika smiled and looked at the brightest star in the sky. She had always believed that the brightest one was Trea. It was ridiculous to think. It was just a myth to explain the way they found their leaders. She could feel the darkness trying to break its way into her. It did not have time to kick in. Life on the field never allows a moment to breathe.

"Didrika!" Clarke screamed.

Didrika turned to the house irritated. She raced inside and passed Bellamy on her way in. Didrika made a mental note that Niylah was following him. She did not have time to think about it. Didrika barged into the back room and found Clarke, Jasper, and Sinclair above Raven.

"Allie saw Niylah. Clarke said you thought of another way to get the chip out of her," Jasper said.

"Yeah. It's basically like the thing in my neck. Clarke knows how to do it," Didrika said.

"How do we know it's safe?" Sinclair asked.

"I'm here aren't I?" Didrika said with a little too much bite.

Sinclair and Jasper backed away from Raven. Clarke ran to get her bag. Didrika ran to Raven's feet and began to untie them. Raven looked at her frightened and confused. Clarke ran back in with a red pouch. Raven stared at it and then she screamed and kicked Didrika. Didrika fell to the ground and hit her head. Didrika flipped back onto her feet and bared her teeth at Raven. She had had enough of Raven. Sinclair and Jasper rushed over and tried to subdue Raven. Raven banged her head into the bed frame. They started to yell at Raven. It was chaos. No one could hear anyone talking. Bellamy, Niylah, Monty, and Octavia bolted into the room.

"She's trying to kill herself!" Didrika yelled as a warning.

Bellamy ran forward and stuck a pillow behind Raven's head. She continued to bang her head against it.

"Raven!" Octavia yelled, concerned.

Octavia bolted forward and grabbed Raven's midsection.

"Someone knock the damn girl out!" Didrika yelled, frustrated.

Bellamy struck Raven's neck and Raven fell limp. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Clarke untied the red pouch and flipped it open. She ran her fingers over the three tools. She pulled out a scalpel and lifted it up. Sinclair caught her hand. Clarke gasped and looked at him frightened.

"What're you doing?" Sinclair asked.

Clarke looked at him sincere.

"It's okay. This wouldn't hurt her," Clarke said.

Didrika untied Raven's feet and Clarke untied her wrists. Clarke gathered her into her arms and flipped her over onto her stomach. Clarke pressed the scalpel on Raven's neck. Jasper clenched his fist and grabbed Didrika. Didrika hollered and Clarke looked at her in alarm. Jasper had Didrika in a choke hold.

"What're you doing?" Clarke yelped.

"Don't move!" Jasper yelled.

"Jasper, let me go. I don't want to hurt you," Didrika said.

Didrika tightened her muscles and kicked Jasper's knee. Jasper yelled and pushed Didrika to the ground. Didrika hit the corner of the bed frame with her head and fell limp on the ground. Her eyes blurred up and she reached out for her gun. Jasper stepped on her back and she lost all her remaining strength. He pulled on her hair and tugged her head back. Didrika fell numb and unconsciousness consumed her.

"Jasper, you're not a murderer!" Octavia shrieked.

Jasper looked up at Octavia with a pained face.

"No, but I'm gonna give Allie this damn chip. Clarke isn't touching Raven. Allie will let her go when she gets the AI," Jasper said.

Clarke watched in horror as Jasper pulled at Didrika's stitches. Blood seeped up between the stitches.

"No. You can't! Stop it!" Clarke yelled.

Clarke grabbed at Jasper's arm and he pushed her away. She slipped to the ground and cried out. Jasper pried Didrika's healing cut open. Clarke stood and newfounded adrenaline pulled through her. She would protect Didrika. She would protect the Flame.

"Jasper, stop! You'll kill her. She hasn't done anything to you," Clarke begged.

Jasper did not stop. She would have to try a different method. Emotions swelled up into her face. Tears blurred up her eyes. Her throat closed in on her.

"No! Stop! It's Lexa! Part of her is still in there. I saw them cut it out of her head. I'm not-" Clarke cried.

Jasper froze and looked at her. He stepped away from Didrika. Didrika's head fell to the floor. Clarke flinched, but she knew that she would still be alive. That is what counted. Clarke raced back to Raven and slid the knife down the middle of her neck. The hexagon shaped blue chip flew out of the incision as blood gushed up. Clarke placed a towel under the cut to soak up the blood. She pulled the chip out of the blood and threw it on the bed. Clarke pulled up the needle, thread, and scissors and stitched up the cut. She cleared off the blood and rolled Raven back over. Clarke stared at her friend. She started to second guess herself. Maybe this was not how to save Raven. Clarke begged Raven to come back. Raven lurched up and coughed. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Octavia sighed and Clarke and her pulled Raven into a sitting position. Raven looked over at Octavia warmly.

"I never thought I'd be so happy to see someone in pain," Octavia exclaimed.

Raven laughed; it sounded pained and strained. Sinclair pushed Clarke out of the way and smiled at Raven. Clarke collapsed beside Didrika. She felt for a pulse and sighed in relief. It was still there. She removed the ripped stitches and sterilized the cut. Clarke restitched the cut and flipped Didrika onto her back. She held her head in her lap. Didrika had a bruise on her temple and her lip had split open. Jasper stared at the scene with regret.

"I couldn't do what you did," Jasper patronized Clarke.

Clarke ignored him. Monty stepped away from the group. Clarke looked up at Monty.

"I could've saved my mom," Monty mumbled.

Jasper reached out for Monty's shoulder and Monty pushed him away.

"Get the hell away from me!" Monty snapped at Jasper.

"We should move," Bellamy said.

Clarke saw Didrika stir and helped her onto her feet. Didrika exclaimed in pain. Clarke gently put Didrika's arm around her neck. Sinclair pulled Raven into his arms. Raven wrapped her arms around his neck. Bellamy led them out to the vehicle.

Niylah walked over to Didrika and Clarke. Niylah no longer felt anger for Clarke or Didrika. They did what they had to do to save their friend. Clarke smiled unsurely at her.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about Bellamy. But you wouldn't have helped if you knew the truth," Clarke apologized.

"You didn't give either of us the chance to find out," Niylah says, "It's okay. I know you didn't mean to hurt me," Niylah said.

Clarke recoiled from her acceptance. She was not used to it.

Niylah looked at Didrika.

"Heda, are you alright?" Niylah asked.

"I'm okay. Don't worry about me," Didrika said.

"You can't stay here. If you do, you'll end up just like my friend. You need to run," Clarke warned Niylah.

"You should listen to her, Niylah. Clarke knows what she's talking about," Didrika said.

"It's time for a supply run anyway," Niylah said, "You should watch your trust of the Skaikru. I can tell it's your fatal flaw. Be careful of who you align yourself with, Heda."

Didrika nodded, "I'm more careful than you think."

Clarke led Didrika to the vehicle and lifted her up into the back. Didrika smiled at her and took her hand. Clarke nodded at her. They were alive. They made it to see another day. She handed Didrika her knapsack and leather armor and slipped away to talk to Bellamy. Sinclair helped Raven up onto the back of the vehicle beside Didrika. The group circled around. Clarke turned to Raven.

"Hey, there's one thing I don't understand. Why did Allie want you to kill yourself?" Clarke asked Raven.

"Because I know why she wants a second AI," Raven said.

Didrika looked over at her curiously.

"Why?" Didrika asked.

"Because it's the only thing that can stop her. You're the only thing that can stop her," Raven said.

"Then let's stop her," Octavia said.

"I can't fight two wars on two totally different fronts," Didrika said.

"If Allie gets the scouts then our problem doubles. It'll affect your people either way," Clarke said.

"It doesn't have to be one or the other. If the scouts are as bad as you think they are, they'll be even worse in the hands of Allie," Sinclair said.

"We find the scouts first. Find Luna. And then we take out Allie," Clarke said.

"Agreed," Didrika smiled.

A hissing noise sounded above them. The group stared up into the sky startled. They saw a flying device hovering above them.

"Shit, drone!" Jasper yelled.

Octavia chucked her sword at it and the drone spiraled to the ground, broken. Octavia turned to them and nodded.

"We survive together," Octavia said.

Monty nodded at her words. The group jumped into the vehicle and started the vehicle. They rode away from the trading post.

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