Family First

Oleh KingDeezy

39.6K 998 167

It all starts with Amarni Drew Anderson. An ambitious teenage boy in a society full of hopelessness and doubt... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 45

295 15 2
Oleh KingDeezy

Chapter 45

~ Amarni P.O.V ~

~ the next day ~

That moment when Chanel said she'll marry me, it made my heart feel content and complete. The sparkle in her knees when i got onto one knee. Her nervous shaking hand that i held tightly , connected into mines. That moment was everything. I finally feel like my life is getting where its suppose to be. You know what, i will have no animosity towards this child if i find out that it isnt mines. I love Chanel too much to ever let her go again.

The sex yesterday was the best it has ever been. Lust turned into full on passion. Even waking up this morning to see my beautiful fiancé laying beside me with her wild curly hair over her face seemed brand new like i've been in a trance and i've entered a new life. This new chapter of my life will open with positivity. I hope.

I moved her hair to the side and kissed her relaxed forehead. She was sound asleep, as usual. So i decided to make her some breakfast.

I started grilling beef burgers on the grill whilst frying some bacon. After doing that i made some scrambled eggs for the both of us. I started doing the pancakes then i felt a presence.

" My Fiance is looking sexy in the kitchen." Chanel growled, kissing on my neck.

" I'm always looking sexy, aint that right babe?" I said jokingly leaning in for a kiss.

" Skrrrr." She jerked her head back and i laughed at the diss she just did to me.

" You had to ruin the moment." She laughed shaking her head.

I warmed up the baked beans and organised everything neatly on the plate. I put Chan's food on a tray , made her some cold orange juice and gave to her at the kitchen table.

" Breakfast is served."

" Thanks." She said and I nodded.

After tucking in and finishing my breakfast. I decided to have a lazy day with Chanel. I've been telling her to take it easy now, because the baby is going to come any minute.

We laid on the bed comfortably, embracing each other, My head was on her expanded slightly exposed stomach , i was rubbing her belly as she ran her delicate fingers through my scalp. The touch of her fingers sent chills down my spine. I could feel the developed baby's movement inside.

" He's going to be so active." I spoke.

" He? How do you know the baby is a boy?" Chanel asked.

" I dunno, i can just feel it in my bones." I got up and did a little dance. Chanel laughed and dashed a pillow at me, but then suddenly looked at her phone.

" Your mum said that she found a new place for us." She told me.

" Thats cool, where though?" I questioned. She showed me the address on her phone.

" oh thats calm, its near Biola's house." I said.

" oh isit, thats great. I dont want to move in a rush though. Let's get everything prepared for our baby here first." She said.

" im happy for us, you know.Look how far we've come." I beckoned.

" me too and its true, the ups and downs and were still here. I can honestly say i've never met someone whos cared so much about me than you have." She said before kissing me passionately until she was straddled on top of me, grinding her hips on my piece.

" i love you." I said ,against her heart-shaped lips.

" To Be Honest i thought that you was going to complain about how heavy i am." Chanel Laughed.

" Naaaaah g g mans a big man outchea, i can handle it." I said to her.

" Oh Really?" She sarcastically said with her hands on her hips, still on top of me.

" yes really." I shook my head in a bobble head motion.

" Girl stap lying." She said in Her disgusting American accent.

I placed my hand firm on her bum , i watched her bite her lip, without even knowing it. She placed her lips softly on mines , moving at a slow steady pace as our lips entwined in the sunlight. I bit down on her bottom lip sliding my tongue onto hers. Then i felt a vibration on my hands

" Hello." Chanel took her phone out of her back pocket and answered.


" Yeah , you lot can come over."


"Ite, bye." She hanged up.

" everyone's coming over soon." She told me.

" Why?" I laughed.

" To see the newly engaged." She said in a 'duh ' tone.

" you told everyone already?" I said with wide obvious eyes.

" Well... I'm excited. I couldnt help myself." She said Dramatically.

" Well since they're coming soon, lets have a shower." I grinned.

" No , you're gonna make us take longer to get ready." She rolled her eyes.

" ohhhh thats rich coming from you." I said sarcastically.

" Just watch me get ready before you." She challenged me. Without even planning it we both raced to the bathroom. I was laughing at the fact that she couldn't even run. I beat her to it and set the shower.

The water was nice and lukewarm , that i forgot that i was meant to be rushing to get ready before Chan. I heard the door burst open and before i could react Chan pulled the curtain aside and poured Freezing cold water on me.

" Ohh you wanna play games !" I shouted into thin air. That water fully alerted me. It made my body pause for two seconds. I stopped the water and grabbed my towel , taking my cream and deodorants with me to the bedroom. Chanel wasn't in there , but i continued getting ready anyways.

I put on a Light Blue Denim Shirt and Black Jeans as i peered at my reflection in the mirror. I heard two footsteps to which i turned around to , but it was too late - Chanel poured powder on my trousers.

" Im not playing anymore." I said to the bathroom door.

" You mad or nah?" I heard her giggle. I couldnt stay mad at her long to be honest, her cackle was cheering me up in itself.

The door bell rang and i speedily put on Leather drop crotch jogging bottoms and ran to open the door.

" Yooooooo." I greeted my friends and cousins and let them in the house.

" Heard about the engagement. Congrats man." Tyler said spudding me.

" Thanks Bro."

" You lots wedding is gonna be so buff." Biola exclaimed.

" Truss me." Evangeline agreed sitting next to Chris. Its strange how im coping with my sister-like cousin in a relationship with my close friend. Maybe its because i see how Chris' is looking after her.

" I can just picture all the buff dresses that i could design. Hint hint." Biola exaggerated her wink and everyone laughed. Biola is actually one of the most knowledgable people when it comes to fashion i swear. She can draw, design everything.

" Calm your tits." Louis said. The way Biola's face dropped.

" My little man Reece, i didnt even notice him." I coo'd at Reece who was sleeping peacefully in Tyler's arms. I can tell he favours his dad. They're bond is unbreakable. Thats what i wish to have.

" Hows The Modelling going Tyler?" Evangeline asked him. He put a thumbs up to her in reply.

" Good Good." She said.

We all sat down in the Living room, with the tv playing music videos. It was Me , Jerri, Jaydon on one sofa , Tyler , Reece , Cory and Layla that sat across us on the other long couch , Evangeline , Louis and Jamal sat on the other one to my left and Chris and Biola sat on single chairs.

" Right here you got me where you want me !" Evangeline sang out with the accompany of Louis. Louis' screeching and straining was hard to bare not to mention his off-beat dance moves, but Evangeline could sing. Her soft angelic tone quietly filled the room , but Louis was overpowering her.

" Louis you're wet bruv" Cory nudged him.

" If you dont know this tune, get to know init." Louis popped his collar unfazed.

" Naah the song would remind me of you." Cory said

" Initt, he was just disturbing, i was trying to secretly listen to Evangeline sing , but he was distracting me." Layla spoke out.

" You can sing by the way." She said to Evangeline.

" Thanks Red." Evangeline thanked her shyly.

" TELL HER AGAIN." Chris expressed dramatically looking towards the ceiling.

" I've told her that she can sing how many times but she wont believe me." He continued.

" Init i cant sing." Evangeline said to Jamal who gave a small giggle before replying.

" Yes you can." He said and she screwed him.

" Aww your so shy." Jerri said to her.

" Can we change the subject now?"evangeline pouted.

" SO... Back to this wedding." Biola waved her hand in the motion of of rainbow but was interrupted by the doorbell.

I got up to open the door. My parent's wide smile mirrored mines. I left it my mum, dad , Jordan, Alicia, Bobby and Heaven who greeted me at the door.

" Congratulations son" My mum hugged me

" Look at my boy all growing up." My dad shook my hand. Im proper feeling the love today.

" iniiiittttt." Alicia screeched from beneath me. Alicia is short for a thirteen year old , but it makes her cute... Until she opens her mouth.

" Where did you appear from?" I said sarcastically.

" Dont try it." She giggled.

" Im not that short."

" N'aww." I teased her and she chased me into the living room.

My little princess Heaven is now standing up. Everyone watched her wobble about anticipating her first step. She stood there for a moment with concentration on her face,

" Shes going to do it." Jordan broke the silence.

"Shhhh." A chorus of all of us told him.

She twirled her little thumbs and then her wrists , gave us all a little smile , then dropped on her bum.

" Arghh." Everyone cried out.

" Did you see her little smile though!" Layla burst out with laughter clutching onto her stomach as her ruby red hair flowed with her movement.

" Its like she knew what we was waiting to see." Jerri added.

" Aww Amarni , You're gonna have to through that real soon." Alicia attempted to whispered to me. We a know that she cant whisper . I thought about it for a second and i smiled and nodded.

" Hold on, Where's Chanel?" Jamal asked me.

" Oh yeah, she was upstairs, dunno why she aint down yet." I replied.

" I think you should go check on her." Jaydon suggested.

" ite. Be right back." I got up, fixed my jeans and headed towards the stairs. As i got to the top i heard small groans. In my mind i already made a summary. I took a deep breathe , mentally prepared myself and followed the voice.

I stopped in my tracks when i saw Chanel on the floor ,in her tower, grabbing onto her belly.

" You in labour Chan?" I asked.

" Naah i fell and broke my kneecap.. OF COURSE I'M IN LABOUR." She snapped. I couldn't help but laugh as i helped her up onto the bed.

" OWWWW." She screamed loud.

" Why didnt you scream that loud before, i would have come up ages ago." I chuckled.

" I DID, but you guys were too busy joking around." She said.

I heard a herd of footsteps rush up the stairs. In no time, Everyone was surrounding Chanel.

" Alright, Alright give her some space." I told them.

" Chan its going to be fine." Layla crouched down and held onto her hand to comfort her.

" Do you want water?" Jordan asked. This guy gives me jokes sometimes.

" Yes please." Chan told him.

" Breathe Chan, in & out. It'll help." My mum advised her.

" I'll call the ambulance." Evangeline headed downstairs.

" Never thought i'd be newly engaged and having my first child at the same time." Chanel said through her pants.

" Dont worry babe, We're in this together." I kissed her cheek and began circling my palm on her back.

" Awww." Biola and Cory screeched.

" I love you Amarni and i'm apologising from now." She said.

" I love you too , but apologising for what."

" you'll see." Layla answered for her.

" OWW." Chan cried out again.

" i want a banana. Can someone get it in the fruit bowl on the table." She said.

" I'll get it" Jaydon said.

" Heres your water." Jordan gave chan the glass of water to drink.

" Im glad i dont have to go through this shit." Louis said outloud to himself.

" Really?" Biola gave him a confused look.

" My bad, sorry." He apologised and i laughed.

Reece started to squirm in Tyler's arms. He started crying indicated with his lips to what he wanted.

" Sorry Chan, i gotta feed Reece quick." Layla said. Tyler passed Reece to her and Layla took her breast out for him to suckle on.

" The way she just took it out." Chris said making everyone laugh.

" Its alright, we fam here." Layla threw up the westside sign. I couldn't deal with her behaviour at the moment.

" Banana here." Jaydon said passing the banana to her.

" Thanks."

" Have you guys thought of any names?" Jerri asked

" We're both indecisive at the moment." I told her.

" What about Sharkeishanique for a girl and Toby for a boy." Cory suggested with a smirk.

" Shut up Cory."

" Yeah, shut up." Jerri back handed him.

" Aye, not the face." He told her. I saw Jamal laughing from the corner of my eye, which triggered me to laugh.

" OWWW oooooo."

Evangeline came back running up the steps.

" Ambulance is here." A female and a male came in and asked Chanel many questions.

" Have your waters broke?" The female asked.

" No." The male doctor and i helped Chanel up and the liquid gushed through.

" Woops." Everyone laughed including the doctors.

" Well you can put on a long tee with under and we'll take you to the hospital." The female said.

My mum helped Chanel get dressed , putting on a navy long tee.

" Who are your birthing partners." They asked.

" It was me and Amarni , but i might not be able to do it Chan. Im sorry." Layla said.

" Its okay. Mummy Felecia would you mind? Oooow." Chanel asked my mum.

" it'll be my pleasure." My mum spoke softly. Its actually a blessing that my mum and my now Fiancé have this unbreakable bond.

We helped Chanel get into the ambulance van. They were hesitant about taking her, but her contractions were moving rapidly so they had no choice but to take her to the hospital.

" Have a safe labour Chan." Everyone chorused.

" Man like." Cory spudded me.

I sat at the back of the ambulance with Chanel and my mum and one of the doctors who was helping Chanel with her breathing.

" Just know that i love you." I kissed her cheek and she gave me a weak smile looking up at me.

" i dunno why but i feel better when i look at you." She said.

" Me too." I agreed.

I let go of Chanel's eye connection and looked outside as we drove through the area. Tree after tree , i never noticed how green my area was until now. My eyes grabbed attention to a group of people standing on the pavement further down.

We drove closer,

My heart stopped.

I clenched my fists and my jaw at the same time. My eyes locked with his for a mere second. I wanted to jump out of this van and rip him apart. All of my anger built up inside me.

" Whats Wrong Amarni?" Chanel's soft voice snapped me back into reality.

" Why is he here?" I tensed every muscle in my body.

" Who?"



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