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-Book ONE of the Lusus Naturae Trilogy- |C O M P L E T E D| Electra Volcov is addicted. She's addicted to tha... Daha Fazla

Introduction to Electra
Summary of Electra
Chapter One~Bad Beginnings
Chapter Two~Lips of A Monster
Chapter Three~ The Take Down
Chapter Five~ The Letter
Chapter Six~ And So It Begins...
Chapter Seven~Witch Brew
Chapter Eight~ Her Bed
Chapter Nine~ Dark Angel
Chapter Ten~Back Home
Chapter Eleven~ Changing
Chapter Twelve~A Warning
Chapter Thirteen~Explosive Emotions
Chapter Fourteen~A Helping Hand
Chapter Fifteen~ Kitten
Chapter Sixteen~ I'll Stay If You Want Me To Stay
Chapter Seventeen~ A Quick Way Out
Chapter Eighteen~ One Shitty Morning
Chapter Nineteen~Pig and a Dream
Chapter Twenty~Unexpected Visitors
Chapter Twenty One~Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Two~Drowning
Chapter Twenty~Three Heated Emotions
Chapter Twenty~Four New Player In Town
Chapter Twenty~Five Mr. Fantastic
Chapter Twenty~Six Poison
Chapter Twenty~Seven Need
Chapter Twenty~Eight Rattus Norvegicus
Chapter Twenty~Nine Rise of Electra
Chapter~Thirty Disturbing Revelation
Chapter Thirty~One Montoya's Hideout
Chapter Thirty~Two Jealous?
Chapter Thirty~Three Three Questions
Chapter Thirty~Four Prized Pet
Chapter Thirty~Five Losing Game
Chapter Thirty~ Six Giant Minion
Chapter Thirty~Seven I Can't Stop Myself
Chapter Thirty~Eight His Addiction
Chapter Thirty~Nine Miz Boss
Chapter Forty~The Viking
Chapter Forty~One Lay Claim
Chapter Forty~Two Bald Men Need Love Too
Chapter Forty~Three What Is This?
Chapter Forty~Four The Promise
Chapter Forty~ Five Cut Too Deep
Chapter Forty~Six Wrong Snake
Chapter Forty~Seven You're Not Even Human Anymore
Chapter Forty~Eight You Don't Know What You've Done
Chapter Forty~ Nine Ghost of the Past
Chapter Fifty~ Old Friend
Chapter Fifty~One A Helping Hand?
Chapter Fifty~Two A Battle of Monster Proportions
Chapter Fifty~Three The Aftermath
~E P I L O G U E~
❤D E D I C A T I O N S❤

Chapter Four~Welcome To The Darkside

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thedarkling tarafından

"Welcome to the Darkside..."


I dropped the blunt in the tray beside the porcelain bathtub that lay in the center of the circular room and drew out a heavy cloud of smoke into the red florescent lit room. The door to the room opened and Bullseye walked in lowering his eyes to the floor.

"Cross is unharmed and was seen going to his residence, " Bullseye reported and I picked up my blunt bringing it to my lips. No doubt Agent Cross was raking his brain trying to understand what happened. Did he know? Impossible.
"Why did you pull him out of the water? He's been a pain in the ass for awhile now and you had him done for, why didn't you let his ass drown?" Bullseye asked while raising his shifty dark eyes to meet my lazy ones Truthfully, I myself didn't even know the answer. Perhaps, I was becoming attached to our little game of cat and mouse.

"I have my reasons, "I say in monotone and stare blankly up at the dark ceiling,"gather a few of the men, we've got a little meeting to attend to with Arturo."

Bullseye nods his head and turns quickly to leave. "And Bullseye, " I call to him.

"Yes, Electra?"

"Bring a few samples of the shipment we got in," I add and drop the blunt back into the ashtray. "Yes, Electra, " he replies and leaves the room. Tonight, I would work out a business deal. Later, I will visit my little friend Braden Cross.

I slide down underneath the mass of bubbles and submerged myself into the water washing away the nightmares screaming in my head. But, like all nightmares, they would still be there when I rise.


"So much fuss over such a small little thing," I murmur and trace my dark fingernail over the small vile of swirling black fluid. I cradle the vile in my palm and outstretch my hand for Arturo to examine the vile.
As his hairy, burly fingers reached for the vile I recoiled my hand and placed the vile back into its slot located in the briefcase. "Yet," my eyes met his and I saw his Adam's Apple bob up and down anxiously,"it does do wonders for the human body. For a price."
"I've got the money," Arturo stammered and pulled out a roll of hundreds from his pocket. He began to approach me, but Bullseye stepped in front flicking his switchblade back and forth in his hand daring Arturo to come closer.
Bullseye held out his hand and motioned for Arturo to give him the money, which he did and then Bullseye handed the bundle of money to me. I ran my thumb over the bills making sure the whole $1500 was there and met Arturo's eager and anxious eyes.
"Normal humans die from this stuff, you know?" I asked calmly. I always gave my clients one last chance to back out of a deal before I let them have their first taste of Bliss. However, this wasn't Arturo's first encounter with Bliss and I knew he understood that he was a goner now.
Bliss had been known to kill people in a week's time, if you got lucky to live that long. Some people became so addicted by the first taste of Bliss that people would drain their entire bank accounts just to acquire as much Bliss as they could. Most did not want to fade back into reality so they bought up all of the Bliss they could to stay in their invincible world. For many, the Bliss ended up killing them before they could even use up their supply of it.
"With it, I'm a fucking god," he breathed out and his eyes fell longingly to the case of Bliss. I pulled three viles from the briefcase and layed them in Arturo's greedy hands. His eyes gleamed down at them as if they were his child and and I frowned in disgust.
The other children and I would be injected with the liquid when the 'caretakers' would try to sedate us and even kill us, but it had little effect. They wanted to destroy what they created discreetly so that we would not turn on them suddenly, however they had to move to different alternatives when that did not work. Now, the humans had a taste of it and the stupid ones curiously tried it.
They didn't seem to care that it was rapidly deteriorating their health, they just wanted that high that nothing else could give. It gave them every good feeling the world could possibly give them and filled them with glowing warmth and the most amazing feeling they would ever experience. Then, it would kill them.
"They are yours then," I say and Bullseye closes the case and hands it to one of the other two men who accompanied me. "Enjoy the rest of your night," I say and turn to leave his musty smelling apartment. "I doubt you'll live to see the morning, " I mutter under my breath as we leave the apartment. They were too consumed with greed and that was what was killing them. If that was what they wanted though, I would gladly give it to them.

The doctor came closer to me with the syringe and his hands trembled nervously as he lifted my sleeve. "Are you sure you want to do this?" The doctor asked with uncertainty in his voice.
"Braden, your the strongest guy we have. This is the only way, you could save thousands of lives," Darby urged from beside me. I looked at the doctor and raised my sleeve higher, "Do it."
Without hesitation he drove the needle into my arm causing me to jump up from the slight pinch. He withdrew the needle and cleaned the injection placing a small Baind-aid on when he was done. "It will take about 24 hours, maybe less to feel the side effects. If you start feeling weak contact Agent Darby immediately and he will contact me for you," he stated.
His eyes scanned over Darby, Madden, and, I,"None of this information should leave this room."
I stand and feel no different as we leave the basement of the research facility. Darby grabbed my arm as I reached for the door handle of my car, "Call me when you start feeling different. We need to keep you monitored."
"Yeah, sure," I replied and slid into my car. On my way home, I couldn't help but feel my stomach knot up with anxiety and regret. What the hell did I just do to myself?
When I finally made it home I dragged my tired ass into my apartment and went straight to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of beer. I made my way to one of my plush couches and plopped myself down while popping the cap off my beer.
I took a few long swigs then grabbed the remote to scroll on Netflix. I was just about to click on a movie when a light, rapid knocking came from my door. "Son of a bitch," I grumbled and shuffled over to the door and looked into the peephole. A smiling blonde girl with sparkling green eyes came into view and then she suddenly brought her eye to the peephole causing me to lean away from the door.
"Hi, Braden!" She chirped from the other side and I groaned lightly. It had been a long ass day and I didn't feel like dealing with Violet's hyperactive self and her relentless flirting. Yet, I opened my door to the crazy college student who was one of my neighbors.
She skipped, literally skipped, into my apartment in her tiny pink dress and smiled brightly at me. Her smile dropped and a sad frown replaced it when she took in my dirty, wrinkled clothes and the array of scratches on my forearms and face.
"Boo Bear," she brought her tiny cold hands to my face,"what happened to you? I gently pulled her tiny hands from my face not liking when she does that. "It was a rough day at work," I replied not wanting to give her the details. "Oh," she drew out.
Any normal person would have left then so that I could rest but no, Violet was beyond normal. "My poor Boo Bear," she grabbed my hand and dragged me over to my couch where she made me sit down,"here let me make you feel better."
She straddled me and began running her hands through my hair roughly. I don't know how the hell she thought that practically ripping someone's hair out would make them feel better because it just seemed to give me a headache. I groaned in pain and I guess she took that as a moan of pleasure because she started grinding her lower half on me and brought her small eager lips to my neck.
She started sucking relentlessly and licked my neck like a dog. I recoiled as far away into my couch as possible and tore her from my lap causing her to bounce and giggle. She started to crawl towards me like a lioness, but I stood from my seat and let out a loud fake yawn.
"You know what? It's been a long day and I'm really tired so I don't feel like messing around tonight. I think I just need some sleep and then I'll feel better," I explain and walk to the door opening it for her. "Oh okay," her face falls and she gets off my couch and walks to the door. She kisses me on the cheek and places her hand on my chest.
"Call me when you feel better or if you need anything," she says close to my ear and hugs me tightly then lets go and walks out of my apartment. "Anything," she says seductively and pushes out her tiny chest before disappearing to her apartment a couple doors down.
I quickly close my door and lock it before she changes her mind and I let out a heavy sigh of relief. I just wanted to relax. Sure, Violet was a sweet girl but I didn't need a bouncy college student around me 24/7. She was decent in the bedroom, but like I said I don't need someone like that coming around all the time.
I went back into the living room and finished off my beer before walking down the hallway to my room stripping down to my boxers as I went. I tossed them into the clothes hamper as I passed my laundry room and immediately dove onto my bed with an exhausted groan.
Hopefully the doctor was right and the effects didn't start to show for awhile, I just wanted to sleep right now. I rolled over onto my stomach and closed my eyes allowing my tired eyes to close and the days events to fade away.

A chill swept through my room and I felt a cool breeze dance through my hair. I pulled the covers closer around me and groaned into my pillow. Soft murmering could be heard from above me singing some sort of foreign song.
I cracked open my tired eyes and saw nothing, but the soft lullaby continued. My heavy eyes drifted closed and I felt the slightest shift on the bed. Feathery touches traced the scars on my back as well as my new knicks and cuts and I hummed from the soft touch.
The angel's touch stopped but its fingers still remained faintly on my back. I groaned in annoyance when it stopped and wiggled myself back and further into its touch. A soft murmur of a laugh and chuckle came from the angel at my need and they continued to trace my scars and cuts.
They began to sing in a beautiful language and lifted their hand from my back. I missed its touch and warmth, but it soon came back and I felt its warm fingers graze my hair from my forehead. I rolled onto my back for them to keep better access and my shoulder brushed someone's hip.
Their fingers traced the healing wounds on my arms before gently running back up to my face to trace the ones on my face. I hummed in content leaning into the touch and cracked open my bleary eyes to see a woman's figure sitting on the edge of my bed. She was silhouetted by the moonlight streaming in and her face was shroud in darkness.
"Are you an angel?" I rasped out in my husky tired voice. "Far from it,"She murmured and took her hand from my face and slowly rose from my bed. I gripped her wrist tightly and stopped her from leaving. "Don't go," I whispered, missing her touch already.
"And why shouldn't I?" She asked with a hint of a laugh laced into her words. "Because it's my damn dream and I don't want you to," I stated. An amused chuckle rose from her, but she complied and sat beside me again. Her fingers traced my lips like someone would trace a delicate rose petal and she lowered her lips to my ear.
"Do you realize you just invited a devil to stay?" She whispered into my ear causing me to shiver and swallow deeply. Not from what she said, but from how close she was to me.
Our hips were touching and her breasts were nearly touching my chest from how close she was from us being completely parallel to each other. "It's my dream," I stated again. Without replying she brought her face closer and traced my neck with her nose and brought her lips to the crook of my neck.
She lay small, heated kisses on my neck and took a small amount of skin into her mouth teasing it with her teeth and the tip of her tongue. Unlike with Violet, it seemed the woman knew exactly where to go and what to do to make my breathing still. Soon, my friend began to twitch and stir below and press nearly painfully against the confine of my boxers.
"Do you even know who I am?" She asked as her lips stilled against my neck and I shuttered from its vibration. "I'll give you a little hint and maybe then you will care," her fingers danced across my chest and traced an old puffy scar. "I was there when one of my men gave you this," she whispered and something stirred in my brain.
My hand unconsciously reached for the switch on the lamp that sat on the nightstand beside me and I switched it on without sitting up. I blinked back the faint glow of the lamp and the woman sat up, but still sat on the edge of my bed.
"Electra," I breathed and a sly smile crept onto her lips. I took in her cascading hair that fell past her shoulders and her familiar stormy eyes that still broke into my dreams. "I should leave now, Agent Cross, before you try to contact your police buddies and I have to kill you," she smirked and went to stand from my bed.
She had come into my dream and now I had a damn b*ner. If she was going to be a constant visitor in my dreams I might as well get something out of it. "Fuck it," I said and tugged her down onto me before quickly rolling over her. She took in a surprised breath and widened her eyes, but her calm facade soon returned.
This all felt so real, and so fucking good. My member began to throb painfully with need and I couldn't take it anymore. I needed her, I needed the murdering, psyco bitch that wouldn't get out of my head.
"Do you feel what your doing to me," I asked breathlessly and pushed my lower part into hers. Her hands flew to my back and her once gentle fingers now dug into my back turning me on even more. "You shouldn't play with fire, Agent Cross, you're likely to get burned," she said but I could hear that her breathing had increased as well.
"I am fire, babe," I say gruffly and bury my face into her neck. She smelled naturally sweet, like a flower, but like most sweet flowers this one had thorns. I let my hands wander downwards and under her tight shirt and continued my journey until I reached my destination.
"Your scent has changed," she sucked in a breath as my hand slid into her bra and gripped her warm breast. I moaned into her neck and ground my lower half into hers. I crashed my lips hungrily into hers dominating the kiss until she started to kiss back and we fought for dominance all while I caressed her soft mound.
She suddenly stopped and dug her nails even deeper into my back. I tried to meet her lips again, but she turned away and brought her face to my neck where she visibly sniffed it. "You-you--how?" She stammered out and the next thing I know I'm flying across my bed and smack against the wall. "Shit," I grumble out and rub my aching head.
I watch her shoot up from the bed with her stormy eyes blazing and I felt my stomach twist with realization.

This wasn't a fucking dream.


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