Zaddy's Baby Girl (BWWM) (Int...

By KoolLePlaisir

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"I'm everything that you shouldn't get involved with, baby girl", he said smirking as he exhaled the smoke fr... More

1: Intro
2: Kings (1)
3: Kings (2)
☆4: Kings (3)☆
5: I Love Your Smile
6: The Same Old You (1)
7: The Same Old You (2)
8: ☆ Isn't Always Good☆
9: Say You Understand
10: Bitch With A Heart
11: Shaky Grounds
12: Broken Promises
13: Confronting My Heart
14: Not Your Little Girl Anymore
☆15: Crazy Love☆
16: Baby Girl and Zaddy
17: Another Side of You
18: Lost in the Dark
19. Her Truth
20. Circumstances
21. Thunder Like Lightening
22. Her name was Jamya
23. Only You
24. Boo'd Up
25. Our Perfect
26. Insecure-Like
27. One for the Books
28. Mr. & Mrs.
29. Sacrifices
Thank You
2.1: Stuck
2.2: Stuck
2.3: Do you still?
2.4: Different
2.5: Conversations At A Dinner
2.7: Lion & Giselle
2.8: As Long As We Got LOVE
2.9: 1-1= Nothing or 2

2.6: Closing Chapters

857 43 0
By KoolLePlaisir

'How could I know, what you had hiding there
Behind those fire eyes, but I'll make it worse with my wild words

And ooh, I've done it now

We used to be loving, touching, kissin', f-
Like our lives depend on it
How we did get to lying, crying, always fighting
Like our lives depend on it
Why you lookin' at me with angry eyes?
How we ever gon' make it out alive?
If we don't get back to loving, touching, kissin', f-
Like our lives depend on it'

-Liam Payne (Depend On It)



"Man, the kids are getting too big too fast", Jawaad commented watching as the twins and his daughter ran about in the backyard of my baby girls's and I shared home.

I hummed in a agreement taking a swig from my beer.

"So how are you and Karla doing? Any progress with counseling?", I asked after another moment.

He let out a sigh turning to face me while running a hand through his hair.

"I don't know, bro. I want to forgive her, but it is hard. Everyone tells me that I should let it go, but I can't. How can I? My newlywed wife was on the dance floor grinding on another man and making out with him while we were on our honeymoon", he said tiredly.

I was trying to think of a reason as to why she would hurt my cousin like this. Karla was a lot of things, but a cold hearted bitch she was not. She loved my cousin as much as she loves their daughter. So why?

Revenge? I doubt it. I mean, why wait this long to implicate it if that was her plan all along? Why start a family with him? There had to be a logical reason behind her actions.

"Maybe she was wasted", I offered up an excuse.

She scoffed, "She may of acted wasted but she had only had one glass of a virgin cocktail", she said coldly.

"What do you mean acted?", I after after another moment of silence had fallen between us.

"Her speech wa-", he paused. "Was I a bad husband? Do you think that she still loves me?", he continued.

"What are you thinking, Ad?", I asked glancing at him.

"I think she was drugged, Z", he muttered running his hands through his hair in frustration.

I paused. Drugged? The situation was pretty shitty, but drugs? That would be the logic we were all looking for in this.

"Did she say anything that led you to this conclusion?", I asked curiously.

He chuckled humorlessly.

"She told me that she didn't mean it. She said that she didn't know how it happened. That she thought the guy was me", he bitterly said.

I let out a sigh.

"Whatever you need, I got you, bro", I offered.

He nodded, "Thanks man", he retorted.

"No problem", I dismissed bringing my beer to my mouth taking a swig.


"Kar, how are you and Jawaad doing?", I asked her.

A look of sadness overtook her features. She let out a sigh running a hand through her hair.

"He still won't talk to me. I-I don't even know what happened that night. All I remember is dancing with him then I woke up in our hotel room alone with his ring beside me on the pillow. It hurts, Liyah. I love that man with everything in me that does not belong to our daughter. I would never do that. I would never hurt him like that. You gotta believe me, Liyah. I need somebody to believe me", she exasperated, tears spilling from her eyes as her voice began to crack towards the end.

I pulled her into a hug holding her tight as she cried. It broke my heart to see her like this. Karla was one of the strongest people I know. She did not breakdown for just any ole thing. Then again, this was her marriage burning to ash before her eyes.

She loves Jawaad so much. If I did not know anything else, I know that the love for her ex-husband runs deep as the ocean. So why would she hurt him by betraying their vows?

Out the corner of my eyes I saw Zayn entering the kitchen. He did not say anything just quietly watched the two of us. I nodded my head towards the door for him to leave but he instead did the opposite.

He approached us pulling the both of us into a hug. He held us close placing a kiss to the both of our heads.

"It will be okay, LaLa, I promise", he cooed to her.

"B-But how? How, Zayn. He doesn't believe me. Nobody believes me", she cried.

It truly broke my heart to hear her sounding so heartbroken. I know that Zayn's and I relationship is not perfect, but we are working at it. At least we are still fighting for ours.

Their marriage will never make it if they both do not fight for one another. From what I know, it seems that Waad has already thrown in the towel. He for forfeited long before the battle even started.

"I can only imagine what you are going through, Karla. It will be okay. He loves you, Kar. Jawaad loves you, he is just hurt. Just give him time because regardless of what you think you know as fact, he deep down inside his heart believes you. His mind is just telling him otherwise. The both of you just need time", I advised my crying sister.

"Doesn't believe me, Liyah. He doesn't. Why won't he believe me? I would never. I took him back after he put through so much shit and this is what he does? After everything we have been through? I am tired of being in a marriage where I cannot see or touch my own husband. We have separate beds, homes. He does not wear his ring and he makes me feel so low when we are in each other's presence. I am tired. It is his weekend to have my baby. Let him know that I will sign the divorce papers and mail them to the courthouse myself. I have to go now", She cried out vehemently.

"Karla, please don't go", I plead with her.

I did not like the look she had in her eyes.

"Ad! Ad!?", Zayn had shouted for his cousin.

"Get off of me and stop calling him!", shouted Karla shoving at his chest.

"Karla you guys need to ta-", I started before I was rudely interrupted by her.

"Shut up, Aaliyah! I don't want to hear that bullshit! There is nothing to talk about! He wants out then he can be out! Fuck him and everyone that sided with him!", She spat finally freeing herself of Zayn's grasp.

The room fell silent. None of knew what to say. She wanted to leave. She wanted to run from the pain. She was hurting and felt as if she had no one in her corner.

The sound of the backdoor opening could be heard as it slid open. None of us made a move in acknowledgement of the new presence in the room.

"What's going on in here? Why are you guys yel- Karla?", Jawaad called, his voice sounding strained as he called her name.

"I'm leaving. I will sign and you be free", Karla stated, tears still falling from her eyes.

"Wha-what do yo-"

"It's over with now. You got your wish. You-”

"Karla, stop", he called walking towards her. 

She paused eyeing him for a few seconds before letting out a humorless chuckle. "Stop? I am only giving you what you wanted, Jawaad. Is a divorce not what you want anymore?", she snidely said.

"No, dammit!", Jawaad snapped.

The room fell silent as the two stared at one another.

She reached up a hand wiping at her tears before holding her hand out towards her estranged husband.

"You promised me to never hurt me again. You promised to never me cry like this again. You promised to always love and to trust me, Jawaad", she muttered.

"Baby, I do", he denied.

"No, you don't", she barked suddenly.

"I do. Karla, please, let's just talk?", He said stepping closer to her.

She let out another humorless chuckle. "Talk? Why now, huh? That is all I have wanted to do. I just wanted for you to hear me out and believe in me, your wife. Yet, everyone chose to believe otherwise. You believed otherwise. I am tired of being the bad guy", she spat vehemently.

He let out a sigh reaching towards her but she slapped his hand away angrily.

"Do not fucking touch me!", She sneered glaring at him.

"I know, baby. I know and I am so sorry that I made you feel this way. I know that it's not your fault. It's mine", Jawaad pleaded with her.

She was not having any of it. She still cried. Tears spilled down her face continuously. Yet, her face held a look of anger. She was angry, no. She was livid.

"You know? You don't know shit. You don't know what all you put me through. You don't know. Fuck you, Jawaad!", she said lowly.

"I am still your husband", he quipped.

"Soon to be ex-husband, Jawaad. You made sure of that. Because I am not that type of person, I will be the first to inform you that I am pregnant with our second child. I will be over to your house Sunday to pick up our daughter. Kiss her goodnight for me", she quipped before walking away angrily taking her leave.

I had known about that shared night that they had a couple of months ago, but I had no idea that she was pregnant again. We told one another practically everything, or so I had thought. If his reaction was anything to go by, Jawaad had been just as clueless as I had been about his wife's pregnancy. Surprised was not even the word to describe the way that her revelation had left me feeling.

I, as well as Jawaad stood gapping in the kitchen. However, I had recovered from the momentary shock before he had. By the time that his brain began to function once again it was already too late.

"Karla!? Kar-", the sound of the front door slamming shut resounded through the house as she made her departure.

"Fuck!", Jawaad yelled swiping the glasses off of the island onto the floor.

I placed my hands on my hips. "I know that you are going through something right now but your ass better clean this damn mess up right got damn now, Jawaad!", I snapped.

"I'm not in the mo-", he began but I was having none of it.

"I don't give a damn what you are in the mood for right now. Right now, right this instant your ass is going to clean up this damn mess. I don't care what you do afterwards, but this kitchen better be back the way it was when you brought you narrow ass in this house. Now clean this shit up!", I hissed before turning to address my fiance.

When I turned the only thing I saw was the kitchen. Zayn had gone quietly. I rolled my eyes before leaving the kitchen as well.

I had gone outside in the backyard to play with the kids. Zayn had already been out playing with them. The sight of him running around with them warmed my heart. They were laughing and giggling their hearts out unaware of the drama around them.

Then ever so slowly, my face fell into a frown. He had left me in there alone with them. He had not even flagged me to leave with him. He just snuck away.

I casted him a glare that he must of felt. He looked up meeting my gaze. A smirk was present on his handsome face. He raised a brow at me challengingly.

Waiting until they were not looking again, I shot the finger at him. He let out a loud chuckle wiggling his eyebrows at me suggestively.

I found myself chuckling along with him. I love this man. We will be okay. We just have to keep working at us and never lose the fight for our unit. I just hope that Karla and Waad can get it together again. If not for them, then for their children who at least needs them both to be cordial with one another.

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