I heard the howls.[REVAMPED]

By Random-Artist

12K 439 14

A/N I've updated this before but now I plan to add more details, changes, and more fixes. I'm gonna do this t... More

A/N 2
New Begining
What Happens Now
Realizing The Truth
Its Okay
The Alpha
Time To Decide
Welcome To The Pack
Somewhat Normal
Broken hearts
Time In Between
The Big Day Begins
The Big Day Continued

The Game

435 21 1
By Random-Artist

【Damian's POV】

Thoughts kept flooding my head as I stared at the blood. What am I gonna do should.....Yes I'm playing in the damn game I don't care what anyone else wants. I can handle this, I looked down at my hand "That hurt a bit ouch it will heal I guess." I clean my hand and keep looking at the floor, "Is it really that easy for them to take someone's life like that." Was she lying I don't know now. I'm not killing anyone I'm not a killer I mean I hate people but I'm not a killer.

"Damian you in here?" I heard Tony say coming into the locker room I throw my bag over the bit of blood. "Yea T" I said back to him. "Getting mentally prepared? You ready just a little over a hour left" he said reminding what I'm actually doing. "Yea like you said just mentally ready, making sure I feel up for it" I said trying to ignore what just happened.

"I know how you feel, I'm nervous for the fact that it's the final game but we got this no matter what Damian" he said putting a hand on my shoulder "We'll kill them tonight" he said I got scared I know he didn't mean literally but the word rang in my head "Yea totally" I said. "Come be more enthusiastic then that!" he said I might as well nothing else I can do, "Yes we will destroy them!" I said back I heard more of the players walk in also yelling I guess they heard me.

They chanted our team name for a bit and then it calmed down a bit. "Well I'm gonna set up on the field like the water and stuff see you soon" he said leaving the locker room. I just look into the mirror and the yellow in my eyes Flash for a split second shit I hope no one saw, I'm still so fascinated by this just like in general minus all the killing and killers and the shit that just happened.

I started messing with the dumbells in our locker room I lifted one up and realized how light it was I had to act like I struggled a bit with the weight. I guess I'm gonna find heavier things to lift.
We all start to head out onto the field, the stands are full and its also loud a little hard to tune out. "Gosh this is nerve racking" dylan said, "yea a little" a whistle blows. "Listen up! As y'all already know this is the most important game tonight in 15 minutes y'all will be out there playing for best thing ever" our coach said "We will win, We will crush them like candy, no matter what am I proud yall! We made it this far!" he said the team screaming yeah the more he went on"But I will be slightly less proud if y'all lose and no wants that or y'all will be doing laps around the track till your legs fall off!." Well thats very motivational.

"Now with that said this is our fight and we our going to win strong or go out strong NOW LETS DO THIS!" He said getting the whole team hyped up I was feeling it too. Let's do this, we walked out to the field. The noise from the crowd hit me again as soon as we walked out, "Gosh this really is a lot of people" I said feeling the breeze and taking in the air. "Yea it is more than regular games" Tony said. Another whistle blew and everyone got into there spots

🎵 I put my helmet on and walk to the center of the field and get into position staring at the player across from me waiting for that whistle to signal our start. It felt like forever, in the moments in between I tried thinking positive they everything will go fine but then the whistle blew and we were off.

The ball got flung in the air and I jump with everyone around me and catch it. The ball was in my possession I ran and passed it to my closest teammate and ran ahead to the goal and was waiting but the other team got it. Probably ran a little to fast to this side of them.

It was constant running back and forth,I wasn't even getting tired. Passing back to back hearing the clashes of the helmets luckily I'm not in there. I look and catch the ball, oh shit it snap me out my thoughts, I ran to our team's goal seeing a open shot it was 4 to 4.

I was gonna shoot then I get hit hard from the side falling and rolling hard. I heard the ooohs from the crowd and the ouches, I felt a anger start come up. I look up and see what number he has, 13 I'll remember that and get him back for sure.

A few more plays went by no one scored I was waiting for the perfect opportunity, I once again had gotten then ball but purposely passed it to Dylan so when my time came I could act. He almost makes it and the ball bounces off the goal frame and the guy catches it and he takes off I start to run faster than normal and caught up with the guy before he was about to try to make it in the goal and basically tackled him into the ground sending the ball flying. He didn't get up to fast from that.

I caught it and ran dodging players left and right, focusing on the goal and once I made it close enough I then took my shot throwing the ball right into the goal making it 5-4. "Yeah! That's it Damian!" Tony and Dylan said coming up "Yea of course thats it!" I said hold the stick up and looking over at the guy I hit. 🎵

But the game was not over the ball was thrown back in and everyone was running to get open for a pass or catch it and I almost had the opportunity but then I feel another hard hit from another guy. I fall banged my head on the floor and just looked up I felt a little dazed, this motherfucker. I heard the whistle and it irritated me more. I got up and sped walk to the guy I didn't even fully notice what I was doing but I punch him denting the helmet inward and I grabbed him and slammed him into the floor.

"That's how it feels asshole!" I yelled to him while also letting a low growl. It's a game spirit. That rage was building up I heard the whistle, I heard people saying stuff, the ref was trying to calm me, other were people trying to calm me. That guy came back and he was about to hit me but I head butted him I probably broke his nose since he took the helmet off. "Fuck You!" I told him and look at my hands and saw my claws about to piercie through my gloves and ran off.

I threw the helmet on the floor and ran. I didn't want to be near anyone that pain was coming back that hurt all over. Like a cramps happening all over and what felt like bones moving in some places. "No stay calm!" I said hitting the floor in the parking lot "Calm DOWN!" I hit again "CALM DOWN!!" I yell and howled running into the dark of the streets.
I ended up downtown and saw this person walking my direction. He bumped into me "Watch it would ya" he said I grabbed him by the throat and held him up pinning him into a building wall.

"Watch it you want me to watch it!" i threw him into the street pole and slashed at his face I heard him scream it sounded great, the blood dropping from my hand. I was gonna go again then my hand got stopped.

"Damian stop now!!" Luke said coming out of nowhere. I pushed him and ran into the alley and kept running till I hit the forest. I made it to the lake where everything had happened then Luke threw me in. I didn't even realize he was following me.

The anger started to flow away like the water I was in. I started to feel relaxed, my body felt like it was cooling down, everything just got quiet for a few moments it honestly felt perfect. I felt a pull back up. "Damian are you feeling okay?" Luke asked putting his jacket around me even though I don't feel cold I guess to dry my off or something, "Uh sure I do now, how'd you find me?" I asked him "I heard a howl I hadn't heard before and tracked it down and found you." he said.

"Do you think I killed that guy?" I mentioned to him. Did I actually kill someone?! Fuck what if I did no this ain't good, no, no. I think I'm having a panic attack. "Hey Damian calm down" I was trying then he grabbed my face and kissed me.

I sudden feeling and relief came over me and felt relaxed again he pulled away "No you didn't kill him but he's gonna have a bad scar and a weird story to tell" he said "I thought I could play it was going well Luke" I told him I shouldn't have dammit, in the moment it felt right.

"It probably was adrenaline, your feelings, and the shoving and crap that mixed it all up." He had said probably was right "Look I know you want a normal life but being this, being in this life, is gonna take away from that I'm sorry" he said "I know I said it takes away the bad and give you goodness, but its obviously not that simple. It's the hard sad truth" he said "I know and I don't know if I'm willing to accept its only been 3 days but it seems longer, I wish I had more time to figure this all out" I told him "I know and I'll help you to get things better." he said and starting to hug me as we decided to sit down.

"What is everyone gonna say or think that I hit a guy and raged quit the game?" I said "Maybe they won't say anything at all, it is a rage inducing game after all." Luke said "I don't know, but Luke can I tell you something?" I told him not really thinking straight, like I ever do. "Sure go ahead" he said putting his hand on my cheek. I put my opposing hand on his cheek.. "I love you" I kissed him and held it for a bit and pulled away, "I love you too" he replied, I believe his heart slipped a beat or something, "Wanna go back to my place?" He said, "Of course" he said lifting me off the ground and heading back into the woods.

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