Nergal (Male Reader x Nintend...

By RusslonzoBucx

15.2K 293 84

#1-Nergal #3-Luigi Uploads every other Wednesday till next month You are a Officer who serves and protect the... More



1.1K 23 13
By RusslonzoBucx

It was leaving time for Baskins. After dealing Captain Diego's insults and the creeps who robbed the bank, today was in eventful.

Checking her phone, she saw a message from Y/N.

Y/N: Text me when you get home. Be safe please.

Baskins: 'Whatever happened with those creeps, they had to get into his head.'

The Chief and Damien were running like a shootout just happen in the building. Baskins and a couple of cops follow the two.

Entering the hallway to the containment cell, there were Officers on the floor with a long black spears that went through their body.

Baskins: Wh-wha-what the hell?!

Baskins scream, covering her mouth at the sight, the feeling to vomit trying to overcome. But she got it to go down.

Walking through the hall, she enter the cell room, seeing the two bosses in front of the glass where the bank robbers were inside.

Baskins: What?!

The Chief shook his head.

Chief: You can say that again

Diego: It was here...I know who did this.

Where the Officers were looking was the four people who wanted L/N had the same spears through their chest, killing them.


Y/N was bored at his apartment. His mind couldn't stop thinking about whoever "they" the robbers were talking about coming for him.

Y/N: 'I can't say I had it coming. My name is synonymous here in New Donk City. From saving three kids in a burning apartment to helping a pregnant lady give birth when she got in a car accident.

(Con't) 'I had my share of medals from Mayor Pauline. But I always treated the other hard workers of the NDCPD. They're the backbone of this city.'

Listening to the news, they praise me for the bank hostage situation earlier today. I hate it. I just wish others were getting recognized.

Reporter: From around the world, Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom may announce a reward for whoever can find Rosalina. With the stars going out in the Kingdom, some may be worried about the Mother of Lumas being in trouble.

(Con't) Back in New Donk City, looks like things aren't in control. Due to this early morning sighting of dead homeless people with their limbs teared apart from what people say were the creature who's been spotted killing other citizens from the Mushroom Kingdom, Smashville, ect has caused the Music Festival to be delayed.

(Con't) Mayor Pauline has made sure that Officers of New Donk City Police will patrol the night, looking for the creature. A curfew has been initiated for 10 o' clock for all citizens.

Y/N: 'Damn it. I wanted to talk to the Chief about joining the night shift so we can search for the thing who's harming my city.'

Getting up from my couch to the refrigerator. All there was some root beer and carton of orange juice. Taking out the juice, he drunk out of the carton.

"Don't open the door."

Eyes widen when Y/N heard a voice out of nowhere. Looking around the living room to see no intruder in here.

Y/N: What the hell was that?

"Don't open that door."

Y/N: Who's there?"

He was looking around his living room, but couldn't find the source of the voice.

Y/N: Could it be that I could hear the voice? No way. I'm going crazy.

There was a knock on the door. The voice said not to open it. It could be a trap.

???: Y/N L/N!

It was the voice of Damien Diego. What does he want?

Diego: I just want to talk to you. Come on man, open up.

"Don't do it. It's a trap."

Y/N: How is it a trap? He probably want to apologize for his action from earlier.

"Look out the window."

Listening to the deep voice of reason, I peek out the window. Red and blue lights flash at my window.

There was the police cars and SWAT vehicles on the block.

"It takes one person to apologize. Not the entire police force."

The door burst open, going off the hinges. Damien and four SWAT members ran in, pointing their rifles at the Officer.

Diego: You son of a bitch!

There was venom when the SWAT Captain, looking at his former partner with such hate.

The Officer put up his arms up in the air.

Y/N: What is going on?"

Diego: You know what you did! Don't play stupid!

Y/N: I don-ughh! I'm not dealing with this cliché.

"2 options: Out the window or fight."

Y/N: Uh, neither! We get arrested.

SWAT Officer: Great. He's talking to himself"

"Get arrested. Sorry man, not happening. Looks like I get to enjoy the spotlight."

Y/N: Spotlight?

My arms suddenly went down. I tried to put them back up, but my body wasn't listening. I wasn't in control.

"First off, if I don't have a gun, neither can you."

Y/N's arms reach out in front of the SWAT men and black tentacles shot out, wrapping around the rifles. Snatching all the weapons, he smacked the Officers in their heads. If it wasn't for their helmets, they could've been really hurt.

Diego: We need reinforcements in here now!

Two of the men took out nightsticks and charge at the Officer. Hopping over the couch, Y/N driving both his feet into the nearest man's chest.

Dodging strikes from the SWAT guy, he grab his right arm with the baton, breaking the arm and slam his head into the wall with the back of his right foot.

Holding the baton he snatched, Y/N threw it at the slightly standing man, falling on the floor.

Damien tried to attack his former partner, but he was elbowed in the chest and kick him through the wall, knocking him into two other SWAT members on the other side.

Y/N: Not the wall! I gonna have to pay for that!

"Isn't that the least of your worries?"

Going through the hole, Y/N saw the hallway was full of the SWAT team who was aiming at me.

Y/N: Oh sh-

They fired at the famous Officer who braced for impact from the incoming bullets. He should've been dead from the large bullets piercing through his body.

But his right arm was out with a large black goo that shield him from the shots. The goo retract back to his arm.

Y/N: What the?

A tendril grabbed one of the SWAT Officers, pull him over to me and threw him at the group.

The force of the throw knock the others far to the other end of the hallway.

"Great job. Now, let's rip their limbs off."

Y/N: WHAT! N-n-no!"

"Ugh, no fun."

Y/N: 'What the hell was this thing? What the hell was I?'

The Officer didn't have time to think as he was being choked from behind with an nightstick.

Flipping the person over him, he wrap him with the black tendril. It was Damien.

Y/N: Dame...

Their eyes met. Dame's brown eyes to the green eyes of Y/N.

The tendril swing the SWAT Captain to the apartment walls, smashing him couple of times. The tendril threw him out the window behind me.

Y/N: No!

"Don't worry. This karma for acting like a jealous prick."

Outside the apartment
During the fight

The Chief and Officer Baskins stood outside of the building of Y/N home. The woman was worried as she couldn't believe that her partner and friend was the one who attack the Police Officers and killed the bank robbers.

The SWAT Team surround the block of the building in case of the call of backup. A helicopter hover as well in case the suspect escape.

Baskins: I don't think he could have done this, Chief. He would never. He's all about justice and order.

The Chief wasn't hearing about it. There was only one person that can get into the head of Y/N. How he kill those poor men and women...makes him a suspect.

Chief: Baskins, I don't want to do this as much as you do. But what you saw... was something that non-human like. It's messed up and screws up your mind. I just hope he's innocent. But with everything that happen today makes L/N a marked men."

The sound of glass shattering got the attention of the two as well as the SWAT Team.

A body was tossed out the window, falling to the car where Baskins and The Chief at. It landed sideways on right side of the front police car.

Unmasking the SWAT member, Baskins gasp. It was Damien.

Damien: H-h-help? I-I can't feel m-my legs. M-my legs...

Chief: Get the ambulance over here. We got one injured Officer here!

A spotlight shown where Damien was thrown out of. A man stood out, looking at the chaos that waited for him.


Y/N: What have I done?

Y/N look at his hands. He just injured innocent people that were doing their job.

"You had to do bad things to survive. Well...I did."

Y/N: Who are you?

"I am you. You are me. We are one and the same. We need to go."

The Officer felt his legs jump out of the hole he made from throwing Damien through. Black tendrils release out of his right arm, attaching on a street lamp.

Swinging off and swinging onto another lamp, he went on to escape the patrol cars and the helicopter that chased after me.

After taking more turns to new blocks, Y/N saw the New Donk River coming up. It may be the only choice I got to lose the police.

"I hope you like city water."

Using the momentum of swinging off a building pole, the Officer fell down to the river.

He lost them...for now.

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