Flaming ↬ [Todoroki Shoto x R...

By todorokishoto4869

494K 13.6K 33.7K

You have a fire quirk, the exact same as Shoto's. How will he react when he first sees you? What will you say... More

Chapter 1: First Day of School & Quirk Assessment
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Battle of Trials!
Chapter 4: USJ Battle
Chapter 5: USJ Battle (Part 2)
Chapter 7: Sports Festival (Cavalry Battle)
Chapter 8: Sports Festival (One vs. One)
Chapter 9: Coaching Starts!
Chapter 10: Hero Names!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12: Internships
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Written Exam
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 6: Sports Festival (Race)

30.4K 849 2K
By todorokishoto4869

After the USJ battle had finished, I went to the hospital and found out that although I had many deep cuts, nothing was broken. I needed a few stitches on my forehead, but other than that, I was okay.

The next day, there was no school so the pro heroes there could tighten up the security system. I stayed home and rested. Just rested.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" My mom asks, her voice soft and with eyes filled with worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine mom. Don't worry about anything. Nothing hurts too much, I'm just a little tired," I lie. Truth be told, everything was sore and I was super tired, but I didn't need my mom to worry more than she already is. She cares for me way too much. I smile. I really am lucky to have such great parents.

"Mom, I'm going to go take a short nap, but if you need me, don't hesitate to wake me up," I say.

"Okay, darling. Rest up," she says and smiles back.

"Thank you,"

And I think it was around 5 pm when I fell asleep but by the time I woke up, it was the next morning.

I run down the stairs.

"MOM, DID I JUST SLEEP FOR LIKE 15 HOURS?" I ask in shock.

"Yeah, you must have been seriously tired (Y/n)," she says.

"Not only that, I'm late. AND OMG TODAY'S THE SPORTS FESTIVAL. How is it that the one day I need to wake up early, I wake up the latest? And how is it that I'm the latest when I sleep for the longest?" I mutter to myself.

I go back to my room, change into my uniform and come down the stairs again.

"'(Y/n), you shouldn't go to school with all those injuries'-- is what I want to say, but I know how much you've looked forward to the sports festival," my mom says.

I laugh and thank her. I shove my breakfast down and run out the door.

"Don't overdo it, honey, I'm still worried about you," my mom says, "But other than that, good luck and have fun!"

I smile. "I will don't worry! Watch me from the TV, okay?"

"I will," she replies.

I run to the train station and get on the train to school.


"The sports festivals will start in 2 hours so you are free until then. Use your time well," Aizawa-sensei says.

"Uhh, would you maybe have a slight piece of advice to spare to us?" I ask with my expectations at the ground.

"Nope. Work hard. You'll be fine. Good luck guys, if you even believe in it that is," he says.

I sweatdrop. 'I knew he wouldn't give us advice, why did I even ask?' I think.

I decided to do a few stretches, eat a few energy bars and simply rest. I didn't want to waste any energy if I didn't have to.

Right before the sports festival starts, Todoroki and Midoriya are challenging each other. Well, more like Todoroki challenged Midoriya and he refused to be put down. And Bakugou came in. Yeah. He was sad that Todoroki was talking to Midoriya and not him.


'Oh my gosh. Is that all he can say? 'Fight me?' I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that.' I think.

Then the announcement turns on.


The atmosphere that was already tense from Todoroki, Midoriya and Bakugou became tenser. We all walk to the field and wait for the other classes to come.

"Now that all the classes have arrived, we'll have Bakugou Katsuki be the representative of the students and have him give us a word or two to start the festival!" Midnight says.

"I just want to say, I'm going to win."

'I knew it. We knew it. We could feel it coming.' The whole class thought in sync. People started booing but all of us pretended not to hear it.

"Okay, the first activity is a full school race!" Midnight announces to calm everyone else down, "You are allowed to do anything as long as you stay on the tracks! I wish all of you good luck!"

"3... 2... 1... GO!"

We all try to run out of the tiny entrance tunnel. 'I see, you were supposed to get as far ahead as possible. The race had started before they said go.' I think. 'How can I get through this crowd? Do I just wait for everyone to pass through? But then I'll be the same as everyone else! I need to get to the front.'

Then I feel ice slide through my feet. Todoroki! Everyone's confused. And stuck. Yeah, but now that everyone else is stuck, I can get through. I walked past everyone and squeezed my way to the front.

'I wonder how many people got out of that...' I think, 'I was sort of late in dealing with the situation...' Geh. Everyone who made it out of the ice was in Class-A. I sigh. Okay, I gotta run then. I'm confident in my physical abilities.

Todoroki sees me catching up and runs faster. "How are you able to run?" he asks.

"Did you really ask me that?" I ask, "My quirk is fire! I can just light up my feet on fire and I'm melting the ice I'm running on."

Todoroki looks away and sweatdrops and I can tell that he's disappointed at how easily I broke through his plan.

The zero-point robots were no real problem. To be frank, you can light anything on fire and basically, you'll be able to beat it.

In the rope section where we had to tightrope across rocks, I burned the strings and Tarzanized myself and swung from rope to rope, rock to rock. I had to rock-climb at the end but other than that, it was fine. (Besides it wasn't really rock climbing. It was more like melting rocks and sticking to something close to lava.)

And it seems like I'm doing well. Actually, it seems like I'm first. But I'm not. Because Todoroki and Bakugou are in front of me. The next section is the land mine section. I stop a little to catch my breath. 'I shouldn't be too behind. I can catch my breath.' I think. But I'm wrong. Super wrong. I hear an explosion a little behind me and Deku had flown over me, Bakugou and Todoroki. 'Oh no. This is so bad.' I think. 'I don't know if this will work but it's worth a try...' I calm down and focus my quirk to my hands and heat them up as hot as I can go.

I put my hands to the ground and light the ground on fire. Or more precisely the plastic landmines inside. And just run. I run until I reach Todoroki's ice. After I reach his ice, I can run normally.

"Hey Todoroki, can you run faster? I can only run on your ice..." I say once I catch up.

"Tch," he says and runs faster. He's making his ice thinner in width and thickness. 'Wow, he knows how to control his quirk. He must have done some serious training...' I think.

But little did I know, around this time, someone important had been watching me melt/burn basically the whole ground.

We make it out of the land mine section. Now it's up to pure speed-- who can run the fastest. Right now, Deku is at the front. I push out the last bit of strength in me and run. I make it second after Deku, I beat Todoroki by about 10 cm at the very end.

I drop to my knees and catch my breath. 'Yes. YES. YES!' I think, 'I beat Todoroki!'

I'm so happy. I hope Todoroki accepts me a bit more now. If he thinks that I'm a worthy rival, he may talk to me, he may try to face me. I get up to talk to Todoroki-kun but he's already gone. 'It's fine. I'll have many more chances to talk to him' I think.

Todoroki POV

I walk into the waiting room and take a drink. Although I lost to (L/n), I couldn't help but look at her flames. I like her flames. Looking at her flames lights something up inside me but calms me at the same time.

I raise my left arm up and light up my quirk. 'What if I could use my quirk like that? What if my flames could calm someone down too? What if I could think of this as 'me' and not 'Endeavour'?'

I lower my arm. 'This is my power.' I think. 'I have to thank (L/n) later. I'll actually thank her this time. This time, I really will.'

(Y/n) POV

I walk out of the field and into the halls of the dome. I try to find the waiting room so that I can take a break. While I climb up some stairs, I see Endeavour there. My eyes widen. I've looked up to him all my life and he's right in front of me.

"What's your name?" he asks.

'Me? What? Why would Endeavour want to talk to me?' I think of the cliche and turn around to see if anyone's behind me. No one.

I clear my voice. "Uh, are you talking to me?" I ask as politely as possible.

"Who else is there here?" he asks.

"M-my name is (L/n) (Y/n)," I say. 'Why did I have to stutter???'

"Okay, (L/n), I wanted to talk to you. I saw how you got your way through the race just now, and even beat Shoto."

'Right, Todoroki-kun. He doesn't like Endeavour but I still don't know why. I need to find out.' I think.

"You have amazing agility and I can tell that you know how to use your quirk. Would you like me to coach you?" he asks.

(A/N Hi! Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I hope you found it interesting! (Or at least I hope you didn't find it boring...) I will try to update as much as possible! (not like anyone's actually reading this fanfic but... T^T) Please stay tuned, and I hope to cya next chapter! PLUS ULTRA!!!)

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