Wrath of the Dragons

By VictorZsaszGirl1

34.6K 538 35

This story is not just about Daenerys Targaryen but her older sister Rhaenyra Targaryen. Born two years befo... More

~Mäin Chäräctër Dëscriptiön~
~Chäptër Onë Oütfit~
~Chäptër Önë Thë Mëëting~
~Chäptër Twö Oütfit~
~Chäptër Twö Döthräki Wëdding~
~Chäptër Thrëë Oütfit~
~Chäptër Föur Oütfit~
~Chäptër Föur Drägöns Arë Gönë~
~Chäptër Fivë Oütfit~
~Chäptër Fivë A Khälëesi~
~Chäptër Six Oütfit~
~Chäptër Six Yoü Lövë Him~
~Chäptër Sëvën Oütfit~
~Chäptër Sëvën Väes Döthräk~
~Chäptër Eight Oütfit~
~Chäptër Eight Thë Läst Drägön~

~Chäptër Thrëë It'll Gët Eäsiër~

1.4K 26 0
By VictorZsaszGirl1

Rhaenyra's Horse

It's the day after Daenerys and Khal Drogo's wedding, we we're riding in Drogo's horde of Dothraki across the Great Grass Sea to their home of Vaes Dothrak, the place of where their gods live We've been marching since early this morning when Daenerys and Khal Drogo returned from their Dothraki bedding ceremony. When I saw Daenerys I knew from this day on she would bear the scars from what her husband did to her. She would carry these marks he gave her for the rest of her life, that I knew.
While marching in-between the horde, I continue to see Daenerys' discomfort from having her maidenhead forcibly taken from her so ruthlessly and riding on a horse for hours on end just after loosing her virginity.
"Dany" I say gently to her, which causes her to look up at me. "Why don't we have a little rest" I sympathetically say to her trying to help with the discomfort she is going through.
"But we can't" she mumbles which causes me to chuckle at her because she doesn't realize how much power she truly has now.
"You're are a Khaleesi of the Dothraki" I inform her with a smile. "I believe you have more power than Viserys" I tell her with a grin on my face causing her to realize what I was telling her.
She finally agreed with a short rest, so we steer our mares over to a small plot of grass that the horde wasn't marching on and cease our horses walking for a bit. We gaze at the slaves, Dothraki women, and children, and the Khal's bloodriders march on through the Great Grass Sea. It's almost peaceful, a light gust of wind brushing our faces while we watch everything going on around us. A cool breezy day and no sun barring down on us with it's heated rays. What makes it more peaceful and pleasant for me is not having Viserys around, the last I saw of him was this morning but once I joined Dany's side while riding he disappeared. And I'm thankful for that but I also know that he'll eventually show himself. Hearing the sound of thumping hoofbeats coming closer to our resting place Daenerys and I look over to see Ser Jorah Mormont steering his horse towards us.
"You need to drink, child" Ser Jorah informs Daenerys, which causes me to nod at that because Daenerys has been denying food and drink since this morning as well. "And eat" he continues pulling out a piece of dried up horse meat from a pouch on his saddle.
"Isn't there anything else?" She asks, taking the offered horse meat from Ser Jorah, with a look of distaste.
"They're a simple people, Dany" I inform her about her people now.
"She's right" Ser Jorah agrees with me. "The Dothraki have two things in abundance - grass and horses" he states to her while Daenerys finally takes a small bite of the dried up horse meat with a look of detestation and a twinge of pain on her face. "People can't live on grass"
Once he says that we all look towards the rolling grassy hills that went on and on as far as the eye could see. All this made up the Great Grass Sea.
"In the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai, they say there are fields of ghost grass with stalks as pale as milk that glow in the night. It murders all other grass. The Dothraki believe that one day it will cover everything - and that's the way the world will end" Ser Jorah tells us which causes a shiver to go up my spine.
"Have you ever been to Asshai, Ser Jorah?" I ask with curiosity.
"I'm afraid not, princess" he answers back with a shake of his head.
At this moment Khal Drogo rode by on his soft brown steed. This caused all conversation to end and Daenerys to become nervous and frightened at the sight of him. Moving my mare closer to hers I reach my hand out to grip her hand. Giving it a gentle and encouraging squeeze to let her know that I'm always there for her.
"It'll get easier" he tells Dany trying to make her feel better but I could see that at the moment it did nothing to ease her.
"Come on, Dany. Let's move on" I say to her, to which she nods and lightly kicks her mare into a trot; but I stay behind with Ser Jorah. "Thank you for trying to ease her discomfort, Ser Jorah" I say in a grateful tone.
"It's my pleasure, princess" he tells me with a smile.
I nod my head in appreciation before kicking my mare into a light trot so I can catch up with Dany. As I am catching up with my little sister I feel a light burn on my back like someone is staring at me. And knowing that it could be only one man, Ser Jorah.

After riding for a few more hours the Khal had decided to finally set up camp. Daenerys and I eventually arrive at the camp and halt our horses. Stiffly I get off of my dappled grey mare and look around seeing daily Dothraki ways of life. Children playing simple games with each other, women cooking food, making new clothes for everyone in the horde, and preparing more tents for people, while the Khal's bloodriders hunt down game for food. I truly could get use to this lifestyle. It's simple and peaceful.
Turning towards my little sister I see she is having difficulty getting off of her horse. Knowing she has more pain and soreness than I do, I hurry up to the side of her white mare. Knowing I can't lift her off of her horse I glance around for anybody I know to help me get Daenerys off her horse. Luckily I spot Ser Jorah riding into camp on his horse.
"Give me a moment, Dany. I'll go get someone to help you off" I tell Daenerys in a soothing tone before I quickly walk up to Ser Jorah who is just getting off of his steed. "Ser Jorah, can you please help my sister?" I desperately ask to which he gives me a nod and runs up to Dany's horse and lifts her up and off her horse as if she weighed nothing at all.
He delicately puts Dany on the ground while I wrap my arms around her waist to keep her up and off of the ground. At seeing their Khaleesi in pain, her Dothraki handservants, Irri, Jhiqui, and Doreah, all run up to her to aid her. Letting go of my sister's waist I let her handservants take her so they can help her. I go to follow them until I hear someone shout my name. Knowing there is only one person who would shout my name I turn to see Viserys walking up to me.
"Come along, Rhaenyra" Viserys' orders clutching my upper arm with a cruel grip, taking me away from our sister.
"We're still not far from Pentos, Your Grace" Ser Jorah suddenly says as we were about to walk off.
Viserys slowly turns to Ser Jorah with a confused look on his face. Letting my arm go, Viserys takes a step towards Ser Jorah.
"Master Illyrio has extended his hospitality" Ser Jorah informs Viserys. "You'd be more comfortable there" he continues, making me realize he is trying to get rid of him for a bit.
"I have no interest in hospitality or comfort" Viserys says with a shake of his head. "I'll stay with Drogo until he fulfills his end of the bargain and I have my crown" he finishes while handing me his leather riding gloves a silent command from him to hold them like a slave.
"As you wish, Your Grace" Ser Jorah says, acting respectful towards Viserys.
"Well, Mormont, as brutish as this life is, I suppose it is preferable to beheading" Viserys suddenly voices to Ser Jorah about his new lifestyle with a smirk on his face, thinking what he is about to say is going to be clever. "What did Ned Stark want you for? Buying from a slaver" Viserys asks him causing me to give Ser Jorah a shock look.
"Selling to one. Some poachers I caught on my land" Ser Jorah corrects Viserys.
This is when my stomach started twisting into knots again. He dealt in slavery. Hearing that made me a little angry and disappointed at Ser Jorah I thought he was a better man than that. But I guess I was wrong. Slavery is a disgusting business to me, how could someone own another person like property. It's sickening but Viserys did that to our sister, making us in a way no better than Ser Jorah. I finally look towards him seeing a sad look in his eyes. He knows he has disappointed me but I will eventually forgive him in time. I know I will because at his core he is a good man and he has already been making up for his crimes by being in exile. At this moment Viserys chuckles interrupting our little silent moment.
"Under mine and Rhaenyra's reign, you won't be punished for such nonsense. You can rest assured of that" he informs Ser Jorah before harshly gripping my upper arm again and pulling me towards our shared tent. "Come along, Rhaenyra"
Grimacing at his harsh grip I follow along dutifully. Turning my head to see Ser Jorah standing right where we left him, I give him a small gentle smile to let him know I'll be alright. It'll get easier is what he said earlier this day. And hopefully he is right. Hopefully dealing with Viserys will get easier for me, for Daenerys, and everyone else who has to deal with him.
I hope.

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