Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

By EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... More

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 4: Little Witch
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 9: God Of Mischief
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 30: The Coming Trials
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers
Chap 36: Alfheim
Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard
Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 22: Fight or Flight

188 11 1
By EmmalinaP


White hot rage surges through me and suddenly I'm speeding towards the men with my sword Laevateinn drawn; my fingers itching for a fight. When I reach them, I let my glamoured invisibility fade away and use the element of surprise as I swing my new sword forwards, viciously cutting two men half. Quickly I cast a spell that will wake Kamilla up and give her a burst of supernatural strength to counteract her sluggish movements from Eitri's armor. Then I thrust my sword into the Kree that is dashing towards me and twist, before yanking it out with a thwack. The Kree crumples to the ground at my feet at the same time that I feel a painful blow at my back. I spin swiftly with my sword extended and promptly relieve my attacker of his head.

I grin to myself, enjoying the raging thrill of battle. I cut down a Krylorian fighter by leaping nimbly over the dead bodies and plunging my sword into his exposed pink stomach. His mouth gasps in a surprised expression as he tries vainly to staunch the bleeding. With a flick of my finger I knock him to the ground ruthlessly, grinning all the while, as my adrenaline spikes. I hear Kamilla grunt angrily as she clambors to her feet behind me, she's using blasts of magic to knock the Kree's and Krylorian's down, with more fervor and fury than before. Another angry Kree in a military uniform rushes me, his broad form towering a foot above me, but I dodge him gracefully and lurch forwards when he least expects it. I thrust my sword at his side and eagerly slice the Kree in half as Kamilla conjures two flaming swords and positions herself so that her back is against mine. The remaining Kree fighters continue to lunge at us furiously, shooting beams of light from high-tech guns I don't recognize, but Kamilla and I dodge them effortlessly as if in a synchronized dance. I cast another spell that wraps Kamilla and I both in a bubble-like magical shield that blocks the blasts from their military issued weapons. Back to back we tear mercilessly through the remaining men; fighting in sync, cutting down each of them as they approach until there is nothing but bloody, disembodied limbs dripping at our feet. The familiar stench of blood and death fills my nostrils as I take a satisfied breath. I roll my shoulders back and let out a proud, hearty laugh, it's been a long time since I've had a proper fight. Then I spin around and watch Kamilla, feeling slightly fascinated as she pants and vanishes her fiery swords.

"Fuck man. Of course there are slave traders in space! Fucking of course!" She mutters irritably, her eyes flashing with pent-up rage.

My gods, she's absolutely mad!
"What the hell was that?! Have you lost your mind?!" I exclaim.
"By the Norns Strange was right, you are insanely reckless!" I hiss, even though I can't help but admire her utter madness; that fight was absolutely exhilarating.

I feel myself beginning to drift down from the intoxicating high of battle, and ask, "Did you really think that with your heavy armor slowing you down, you could actually win a fight against so many?"

"My armor is not slowing me down!" The Little Witch snaps defensively. Then she stills herself and takes a deep breath, while wiping the sweat from her brow.  "Well, I guess I didn't think. I just reacted. All I could think about was ending them all."

"To save a child?" I give her a patronizingly vicious smile, even though I am truly baffled. She fought so thoughtlessly, like an animal suddenly loosed from it's cage; fangs bared, wild and feral. As if another person entirely, I know there's more to the story. There's something she's not telling me.

"Abso-fucking-lutly." Her face shutters closed as she stomps to the food aisle, stuffing a paper bag with food. "Supplies for two, my ass." She mutters under her breath, followed by some other curses I don't recognize.

At the mention of her ass, I realize that I'm now staring at her backside, as if in a daze. I shake myself loose and pick up my bag of supplies that I left by the door. "You need to learn to control your temper. You can't keeping losing yourself to rage." I command. 

"Right, because you do that so well." Kamilla snaps impatiently from the middle of the food aisle.

"At least I'm not the one who almost got myself killed." I fire back.

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know."

Suddenly the metal door behind the register swings open and several alien children come rushing out, their faces both stunned and cautious. The children are various colors, some are pink-skinned and others are blue, red, purple and a few if them have striped skin. Most of the species I recognize, but I've never seen the ones with black and silver stripes before. The eleven children are dressed in tattered, dirty rags, their bodies unnaturally thin, and their cheeks gaunt. Their frightened eyes are hollow and dull as they look down at the gruesome pile of bodies staining the floor with blood and entrails. The small blue-skinned, redheaded child I noticed earlier walks towards me; the metal chains that bind her slow her down considerably as they rattle and drag against the floor, trailing behind her.

"You saved us!" The little girl cries. She's filthy, half-starved and probably crawling with some sort of fleas. Her tiny innocent face is covered in bruises and she has large deep gashes all over her arms. When she gets closer I realize that it isn't dirt that stains her ratty clothes, but old dried blood. I balk, what kind of monster does this to a child? She can't be older than six years old! I take a calming breath and swallow the anger that boils in my veins under the pretense of adjusting my jacket. Then I slowly bend down to her level and grin kindly.

"You're quite welcome tiny infant. You're free now." I wave my hand and the long metal chains that coiled around her body, slip carefully off her and clatter to the floor. The girl smiles, her yellow eyes sparkling and leaps forward to wrap her tiny, bony arms around my lower leg.

"Thank you! You're my hero!" She squeals gratefully.

I stare at her, simultaneously enjoying the admiration while also disliking the feeling of her small body against mine. I clear my throat, and proceed to smoothly pull her off me.

"That's quite enough tiny child."

Kamilla sighs and swoops the little girl up in her arms hugging her close to her chest, making the child giggle in surprise.

"You're safe now," she coos, her voice cracking as she strokes the girls red hair, her hands trembling slightly.  Then she addresses the rest of the children. "You're all safe now."

The older children smile hesitantly, then begin hollering their thanks enthusiastically. I beam. It's nice to be appreciated for a change. I was rather impressive, if only Thor could see me now, returned to my rightful place; a savior and a hero.

"We have room for you all on our ship, if you'd like." Kamilla announces hesitantly.

I snap my head in her direction feeling alarmed, "What? We most certainly do not have room!"

Kamilla only glares at me in response, pointing eyes of death in my direction. Then the teenage, red-skinned boy, interrupts our silent battle of wills, "Thank you for the offer mam, but we already have a ship."

Kamilla regards him carefully, "You do?"

"Yes, the men who kidnapped us brought us in on a private spaceship and since you've killed them, we're gonna commandeer their ship."

I scoff. This kid's got guts, however misguided.

"And you know how to fly it?" Kamilla probes worry knitting her brow.

"Yes mam, I was training to be a pilot before I was taken."

Kamilla grins, "Well then by all means, take all the supplies you need, and get the hell out of here before anyone realizes what's happened."

The boy looks towards me questioningly, so I nod my approval and puff out my chest proudly. "And tell your family that on this day it was I, Loki Odinson, Prince of Asgard, rightful King of Jutunheim, and God of Mischief who nobly fought for your freedom!"

"And feel free to build a golden statue in my honor." I add winking at the children.

The children thank me again, jabbering excitedly as they spring into action, grabbing various supplies and food from the shelves. The oldest boy takes charge, telling the smaller children what items to grab and commanding them to move swiftly.  I sneak a glance at Kamilla; she's staring at me incredulously and when I catch her eye, she rolls them dramatically. Kamilla gently sets the girl down and hands the paper bag that's stuffed full of food to the tiny girl.

"This is for you." She says kindly.

The small girl takes it with a sheepish smile. "I'm Eva. What should we call you?" She whispers shyly.

"Nothing," Kamilla replies. "Just know that I understand what you've gone through and that you're not alone. But you will recover and I promise, one day you'll be stronger for it."

Eva nods as Kamilla adds bashfully, "Oh, and I can heal your injuries if you'd like."

"How?" Eva's golden yellow eyes are wide, shimmering with hesitancy and hope.

Kamilla waggles her eyebrows conspiratorially, "With magic. I promise it won't hurt."

"Um... Alright." Eva replies hesitantly.

Kamilla puts her hands on Eva's shoulder and closes her eyes, casting the healing spell I taught her. The enchantment heals Eva's deepest wounds, smoothing her once tarnished blue skin. There are still a few shallow scrapes and minor bruises, but the bloody, gaping wounds are completely gone.

"That's about all I can do." Kamilla says regretfully.

Eva's eyes roam over her own body and she beams, smiling brightly. "Thank you, Mistress of Magic." Then she bounces away, happily joining her friends, showing off her newly healed skin.

"Alright runts, let's get to the ship. Aint no time like the present." The red-skinned boy announces slinging a large sack of supplies over his shoulder. The children follow him to the metal door as the boy punches in the password into the keypad. 

I turn my gaze back to Kamilla, my interest peaked. The more I think I understand this woman, the less she makes sense! She's kind and compassionate, yet full of barely contained rage and violence, and she seems to enjoy killing! She's nothing like the Avengers she so desperately wanted to join. I'm going to find out exactly what she's not telling me!

I stalk towards Kamilla determination setting in, "Since we are done here and we have acquired all we need, it's about time we get going."

She tilts her head, regarding me with suspicion, "Is there still a we?"

"It depends on if I like what I see" I snap, reaching for her hand. Her violet eyes are questioning, as I teleport us both back to my spaceship.

As soon as I feel my feet hit the ground of the ship, I instantly use my other hand to grasp her forehead firmly and use my magic to extract her most private and secret memory.

"Don't move."

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