By thedarkling

332K 17.6K 929

-Book ONE of the Lusus Naturae Trilogy- |C O M P L E T E D| Electra Volcov is addicted. She's addicted to tha... More

Introduction to Electra
Summary of Electra
Chapter One~Bad Beginnings
Chapter Three~ The Take Down
Chapter Four~Welcome To The Darkside
Chapter Five~ The Letter
Chapter Six~ And So It Begins...
Chapter Seven~Witch Brew
Chapter Eight~ Her Bed
Chapter Nine~ Dark Angel
Chapter Ten~Back Home
Chapter Eleven~ Changing
Chapter Twelve~A Warning
Chapter Thirteen~Explosive Emotions
Chapter Fourteen~A Helping Hand
Chapter Fifteen~ Kitten
Chapter Sixteen~ I'll Stay If You Want Me To Stay
Chapter Seventeen~ A Quick Way Out
Chapter Eighteen~ One Shitty Morning
Chapter Nineteen~Pig and a Dream
Chapter Twenty~Unexpected Visitors
Chapter Twenty One~Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Two~Drowning
Chapter Twenty~Three Heated Emotions
Chapter Twenty~Four New Player In Town
Chapter Twenty~Five Mr. Fantastic
Chapter Twenty~Six Poison
Chapter Twenty~Seven Need
Chapter Twenty~Eight Rattus Norvegicus
Chapter Twenty~Nine Rise of Electra
Chapter~Thirty Disturbing Revelation
Chapter Thirty~One Montoya's Hideout
Chapter Thirty~Two Jealous?
Chapter Thirty~Three Three Questions
Chapter Thirty~Four Prized Pet
Chapter Thirty~Five Losing Game
Chapter Thirty~ Six Giant Minion
Chapter Thirty~Seven I Can't Stop Myself
Chapter Thirty~Eight His Addiction
Chapter Thirty~Nine Miz Boss
Chapter Forty~The Viking
Chapter Forty~One Lay Claim
Chapter Forty~Two Bald Men Need Love Too
Chapter Forty~Three What Is This?
Chapter Forty~Four The Promise
Chapter Forty~ Five Cut Too Deep
Chapter Forty~Six Wrong Snake
Chapter Forty~Seven You're Not Even Human Anymore
Chapter Forty~Eight You Don't Know What You've Done
Chapter Forty~ Nine Ghost of the Past
Chapter Fifty~ Old Friend
Chapter Fifty~One A Helping Hand?
Chapter Fifty~Two A Battle of Monster Proportions
Chapter Fifty~Three The Aftermath
~E P I L O G U E~
❤D E D I C A T I O N S❤

Chapter Two~Lips of A Monster

11.2K 511 71
By thedarkling

"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." Edgar Allan Poe



    I've been hot on her trail for three days and finally have her alone and cornered. Electra Volcov was a hard person to find and I will be damned if I let her slip out of my hands again. She had killed off the other agents I had with me and I had managed to maime and kill what men she had with her. Now, it was a dangerous game of cat and mouse between us. Tonight, I would finally have the infamous Electra Volcov behind bars.

    My light danced across the walls of the warehouse creating odd shaped shadows that could be just shadows or Electra herself. She was a sly one, that's why it's taken me so long to track her down in public again. No one dared to come knocking on her building with an arrest warrant, so we were left with the hopes of snagging her whenever she ventured out in public. She rarely went anywhere that didn't involve crime ran clubs or secret hangouts, all of them were her safe havens.

    To go into any of those places would be suicide no matter how many men you brought along. We would need an entire army to break through the hold that Electra has grown throughout the city. To do that we would need government assistance and the feds would never allow us to sanitize the city, not when corrupt officials were being fed with large sums of money from Electra's surplus stashes.

    A sudden shifting shadow pulled me from my thoughts and caused me to stop and whirl around. Fuck, I cursed myself. I had let my guard down and she was probably right up my ass just waiting for the right moment to--

    "SON OF A BITCH!" I hissed when a shadow ran passed me and I felt a sharp pain in my cheek followed by liquid heat running down my jaw. The bitch just cut me. A series of 'tsking' sounded throughout the warehouse and I wiped away the blood trail with the back of my hand while my gun remained poised and ready. Of all the times we've had run-ins neither of us have actually killed each other or done any real damage, yet. Electra was the type of sick person to mess with someone's head and then kill them.

    "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Her voice called out from the darkness and I trailed my lights over the numerous crates only to see nothing. She was like a damn fox, sneaky little bitch. "At least my mother taught me not to hide like a coward and claw at people in the dark like a damn cat," I spat out and heard only silence as her reply, or so I thought.

    "Who's hiding?" Her nearly melodic voice came from behind me and I whirled around to see her standing right behind me. The rays from my flashlight caused her greyish-blue eyes that resembled a rainy sky to glow an unnatural exotic shade of blue and her pale honey brown hair to act as a halo. The girl was beautiful, beyond beautiful, but looks were deceiving. Inside, she was a screwed-up, insane human being.

    Her leather jacket-clad shoulders hung loose and relaxed, too relaxed. My eyes trailed down her jacket to her out-stretched arm. At the end of her arm, wrapped in her delicate looking hand rested a Walther P22 handgun that was pointed at my chest. Well, shit.

    A sly smile crept up onto her flawless face and I fought the urge to lower my gun. She looked so innocent, if I lowered my gun though the bitch would probably kill me. "Agent Cross," Electra sounded like she was talking to an old friend,"fancy seeing you here. Come here often?"

    "Cut the shit, Electra. I'm taking you in tonight, so let's just get this over with as easily as possible," I made my voice firm and I thought it sounded very intimidating. Her quirky smile didn't falter, so I don't think she found it intimidating at all.

    She gave a small bow of her head without lowering her gun or her unreadable eyes from mine. At that moment I realized, that like all of the other times, Electra Volkov once again had something up her sleeve and I was her target.

    "As they say, 'let's dance', big boy," the sly smile she had worn disappeared and was replaced by a hard and determined look. "The hard way it is then," I breath out.

     In one fluid motion, like in one of those slow motion ninja scenes, Electra threw her gun high into the air. Like the dumbass I am, my eyes followed the gun's ascent until it could no longer be seen. By the time I realized it was some sort of distraction it was too late. Electra ran and slid across the floor right past my legs. I felt her strike at the back of my knees and I helplessly tumbled foreword onto my stomach.

    "Shit," I cursed out loud and roled onto my back just in time for my light to graze her form that gracefully caught her gun as it fell before she sprinted away into the shadows. I propelled my body foreword and landed on my feet with my flashlight focused in front of me.

    Light and hurried footsteps could be heard pounding up the metal stairs that wind up the warehouse. She's getting away, again. Not if I could do anything about it. Like hell I was going to let her get away again.

    I rushed over to the stairs with my beam of light bobbing along the way and I sprinted up the stairs taking them two at a time. Out of breath, I stopped and ran the light across my surroundings until it fell on Electra who stood by an opened door about fifteen or twenty feet away that led out of the building to a set of iron stairs leading down to a small dock. I made sure to look this place up on Google Earth before I came, it wasn't much help.

    "I would love to stay and chat, Agent Cross, however time is ticking away and I have a ride to catch. Until we meet again, Agent Cross," Electra gave a small bow then disappeared through the door.

    Seconds later an explosion came from across the warehouse followed by another, and another. That sly little bitch, I said to myself. A rush of heat rose up behind me tickling the hairs on my neck and I ran to the nearest exit I could see. I would never make it to the door in time, so one of the big ass windows would have to do.

    The sound of a closer explosion going off combined with the sound of my body breaking through the glass made my ears ring. My eyes screwed shut at the sharp pain of glass slicing through my face and hands. The gun and flashlight I held in my hand fell into the water seconds before my body barreled into its freezing depth.

    The pain from the stinging water caused small red and black dots to blur my vision and I fought to remain conscious so I could get my head above the waves that were sloshing against the dock. Every time I thought I was nearing the surface, I found only more water. I was falling, that was all that I could think of. My legs had stopped working and my hands were the only parts of my body still trying to get to the surface. In time, even those stopped working.

    My lungs were suffocating under the pressure of the water and ached painfully with the need for air. Great, just great. I bet the boys back at the department are going to laugh their asses off when they find out I drowned out of all of the shit I've been through. Hell, I would rather blow up than drown. Blowing up seems like a more badass way to die than drowning.

    My eyes fluttered closed in defeat and everything seemed to be dying away with me. Even the pains in my chest had started to subside, I no longer felt the burning sensation of the freezing water, or the stinging of my wounds. All I felt was peace and warmth grazing over my body. If this was death, than it felt better than sex, if that was even possible.

    That feeling was ripped away from me when I felt a hand grab the collar of my shirt and yank me upwards. I was suddenly cold all over again, I felt my body shaking from being in the freezing water too long, but struggled to open my eyes as I slipped in and out of consciousness.

    I fought to open my eyes as hard as I could but all I was met with was darkness. I couldn't find air even though I was out of the water and that was what made me slip into deep unconsciousness.


    Warmth. Warmth enveloped my body and I felt pressure growing in my chest before being released then grow again. A soft pair of warm lips met mine and breathed air into my airway before being removed. More chest pressure followed then soft lips pressed into my lips again. They went away just as quickly as they had been placed and I felt a wave of something shoot through my body.

    I convulsed and vomited water onto the person who muttered a string of curse words. It was a girl's voice, sweet yet sexy sounding. I managed to wretch open my heavy eyes to meet a familiar pair of stormy blue ones looking down at me skeptically.

    I opened my mouth with her name on the tip of my tongue but couldn't get it out. My head dropped back weakly onto the ground as another wave of unconsciousness moved through me. The taste of cherry Chapstick didn't go unnoticed as I slipped back into my unwanted sleep and I found myself dreaming about those plush lips and hypnotic eyes. It was a bitter feeling knowing that such angelic features belonged to a monster.

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