From Rejected to Rogue

By ElizabethClark9

3.7M 91K 7.7K

[Read Disclaimer at the end of the description] Created by ElizabethClark9 PLEASE DON'T COPY! "No, I'm not yo... More

From Rejected to Rogue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Surprise P.O.Vs)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Trailer (HELP!)
Chapter 31
Bored? Something Fun!!
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37: The Wedding (Part 1)
Chapter 37: The Wedding (Part 2)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 ~The End~
The Sequel is Up!
Attention: Title Change

Chapter 9

87.9K 2.2K 195
By ElizabethClark9

Dedicated to: FatimaSharpe for wanting more of the story! <3

Song: The Unforgiven by Metallica

When I woke up the next morning I turned on my side to rest my hand on Darius's chest but my hand touched soft cold blankets, but I sighed in contentment. Today was gonna be a good day, I had the best sleep of my life, I think it's the whole 'mate' thing though.

I found myself wanting to get to know him. Maybe I can let him back in? this time I didn't object to myself the possibility of him being a MAJOR part of my life.

I got myself out of bed and took a nice, hot shower. The weather was nice and cold out so I decided I'd dress in my black jeans, with my leather jacket and leather boots with a plain purple shirt. I did my hair into waves and applied my usual make-up, What? I said today was gonna be a good day..

I sighed content with myself and relaxed from the greatest sleep I've ever had, I wanted to run to Darius but I didn't I wasn't totally sure to do that yet and I had a gut feeling that something was wrong but I ignored it. 

After thirty minutes of just relaxing on my bed thinking of Darius I started to feel nautious in my stomach , deciding that I needed fresh air I was about to step onto my balcony when I noticed a crowd forming around my sister and.. Darius.. they were having a heated make out session.. I felt my heart turn cold once more and pain engulf me as he bit down into her neck and marked her as his own.

I fiercely wiped away a tear and just glared at them still making out, I decided to tune in on what they were whispering to each other and laughing about.

"So, she let you 'lay down' with her huh?" Gabrielle laughed and he smiled, I knew it was all an act..

"Yupp, she even believed me when I told her that we broke up" and he laughed, but so did everyone else,My brother even.

"Haha, how pathetic!" Gabrielle sneered

"Not really," I felt my heart flutter with hope. "I had a goodnight's sleep." and again the laughter from everyone and hope was gone.

I decided to tune out then and there, How could I be so.. so.. Stupid?! I heard glass shatter and whirled my head giving me slight whiplash to see Lexi standing there with tears in her eyes and he hand covering a sob, I gave her a confused look as she pointed towards Jack.

I looked down and saw Jack groping with some blonde bimbo and turned to Lexi and saw her clutching her chest running to me for support. She sank into me and I noticed a mark with the name Jack etched into it and a wolf howling at a.. broken moon? The it hit me. He was breaking their bond..

I clutched her too me as she turned her face away from the window and sobbed her heart out only high enough for me to hear, I felt myself starting to shake and my wolf wanted to be free I was getting angry and my wolf was set to kill Jack for hurting Lexi and seriously slapping the sh!t out of my so called 'mate'. I calmed myself down taking deep breaths not looking away from the scene and the crowd in front of us, without looking away I set Lexi down on a sofa knowing there was nothing I can do.

I leaned against the wall looking out the window where they were all now sitting down and cooking on the grill, Gabrielle was on his lap almost straddling him as Jack walked inside the house with blonde bimbo following him, Yes the b!tch's name is 'blonde bimbo' from now on.

Lexi was crying silently in the chair and I found myself not wanting to do anything, I felt.. numb.
She started to scream silently and I knew Jack was having s*x with blonde bimbo and then she stopped the bond was broken and when I finally looked at Lexi I saw her face had dried up tears on them and she was shaking a little bit, I looked at her mark and it changed. 

There was no 'Jack' written there anymore and the moon was gone, now all it had was a wolf on the ground whimpering.. the sign of a mark once there.. She looked up at me and sighed, defeated.

"Why do they do this to us? Jack told me he loved me and snuck in here yesterday and marked me, Just like how Darius was sleeping in your bed till he..umm..left." she said the last part uneasy, not knowing how to word it. I forced a laugh and shook my head turning to the glass door to see Gabrielle currently straddling him and kissing him everywhere

"It's because some things never change honey bee, they never do." I said meeting her gaze and the pain in them, I sighed. "Honey bee, this might not be fair but I only want what is best for you, I want you to stay away from Jack." I had to make a decision for her well being and I had to make one quick.

"No problem.." she said. Heartbroken and hurting..

"It will be though," my heart broke as I was about to say this, " That's why I'm sending you to live with some friends of mine in California, you'll be safe from Jack and let's face it. I'm the only one Darius wants here." 

"What? no! I'm not going! I'm not leaving you! You're my sister!" she yelled and I flinched

"But-" I was about to argue.

"But nothing! I'm going downstairs to make breakfast and that's final! Plus, I have a great garden I'm working on and those sh!theads wont be getting anywhere near it!!" She stormed off down the stairs and I heard plates clinking and cabinets slamming.

I shook my head, mainly to myself, for putting us in this mess. I decided to look back out the window and noticed them all getting food and heading into the house, I looked at the time that read 12:00 and realised it was Sunday, which only met one thing, Football.

I sighed tearing myself from the window and sniffed, everything smelled like Darius and Jack and I hated it. This was a 'gift' for us to live in, Darius wouldn't let us leave the pack territory but he never said anything about leaving this house.. LIGHT BULB.

I told Lexi I'd be right back and headed to the pack house to confront my 'mate' and the pack's 'luna'..

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