What The Heart Wants

By mel890522

220 12 33

Tiffany did not believe in true love or in faith. Adam walked in her life a few years ago and gave her back w... More

Chapter 1 (Memories)
Chapter 2 (Hidden emotion)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 9

10 1 2
By mel890522

Josh POV

As soon as the doctor left Josh turned his head towards the girl and tried to make conversation. remembering a few minutes ago how she slapped him across the face. He was still in shock that someone that small could hit so hard.

So how long do you know Tiffany he asked but the girl just looked down and from her facial expression she was not going to answer. He could see that she was crying her face was red and her eyes were puffy. She looked tired and must not have been sleeping at all.

He then cleared his throat and made another statement You must be deaf. Her head immediately snapped up and she looked at him and her eyes were ranging with daggers she looked straight at him like she could just kill him right there with no emotion but then she opened her mouth and started talking.

My name is Stacey but since I do not know you I don't think you should be here, firstly you're not any family member of Tiffany and your surely not her boyfriend so who might you be?

Josh's heart felt like it was breaking in a million pieces, He felt he needed to get a lot of stuff off his chest and he came all the way to tell Tiffany that she completes him and that he has loved her since the day he met her but it was too late there was another guy that filled his place. He was not sure what to do with the information he just received. He looked down on his hands and tears started to roll down his cheeks.

Josh looked in confusion as she took his hand in hers and with her other hand, she wiped his tears away. She smiled at him and then apologized for being rude she did not mean to be harsh in any way. Josh put in hand up in gesture he is okay and not to worry. He knew it was all a big lie and he cannot confess now that he loves Tiffany when she clearly has a boyfriend and she must really love him. Both of their heads turned when the door opened and the doctor walked in apologizing for the delay.

The doctor sat at his desk and introduced himself as Tiffany's doctor. Dr. Smith, he looked at the paperwork that was on his table and then at both of them. He was an elderly man looked like he was 50 years old or older. He explained he has worked for the hospital for 2 years now and it was the best hospital in the city and Tiffany was in good hands. The doctor started explaining about Tiffany's condition they had to medically induce her brain.

He then explained that she suffered a huge blood loss from the head injury that caused a part of her brain to swell and the compression on the injured side of the brain caused the brain to shift causing damage to the brain stem and then the serious broken bones in her body which lead to some organs failing and an internal bleeding that caused her to have a seizure earlier this morning. Her body was rejecting the medication and they were going to lose her. He explained the hospital did everything they could to get her vitals stable but right now there is still swelling on her brain and if that does not reduce then she will stay in the coma state she is.

Josh was shocked at the news he ran his fingers threw his hair. She was in a coma and she might stay like that. The information was so unreal to him. The doctor asked them both if there was any question that they would like to ask? Josh looked at Stacey but she was frozen she had a blank expression on her face like she also could not come to terms what the doctor just said. Josh asked the doctor how long does someone take to come out of that coma state?

Not sure the doctor said can take anything from 7 days to 3 months to years nobody but Tiffany can decide all they can do is be patient and wait and keep her as comfortable as possible the hard part is when she wakes up and have to start the rehabilitation process.

He then thanked the doctor and stood up to shake his hand. He turned to look at Stacey because she was very quiet during the whole conversation. Josh began walking towards the door following behind Stacey when she suddenly just started running down the hall towards the exit heading for the stairs. It took Josh a minute to register what was happening and he never thought really how Stacey must have felt. She must have been so overwhelmed with the news that she just wanted to getaway. Josh ran after Stacey shouting and screaming Where are you going? but she kept running.

Running towards the staircase and down the stairs. He continued to follow her trying to keep up with her pace but she was fast. She finally came to a stop when he saw her running outside in the parking area and it was pouring outside the rain was heavy. He watched her as she stood still in the rain her hair to her clothes being drenched from the rain. He walked up to her in the rain still trying to catch his breath from all the running, five flights of stairs he felt unfit. He grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to face him. She had been crying she looked up at him and told him she can't breathe, she can't breathe over and over she said it. He then told her to relax, she was having an anxiety attack. Everything was happening to fast for her and she was still processing it all. Her head was spinning everything was swirling around her and she held on to Josh's arms for support. She closed her eyes hoping everything would just stop spinning.

Josh spoke calmly to her while the rain was pouring down both of them. He tried breathing with her counting as they took deep breaths in and out. Once her breathing seems to be under control he rushed her inside the hospital because he did not want both of them to be sick the next day. A nurse rushed over to them once they were inside and asked if she could help in any way but Josh told her it was okay they needed some towels because they're clothing was drenched from the rain. She nodded her head and disappeared into a room and reappeared with towels a few minutes later. He thanked the nurse and took Stacey to the cafeteria so they could get a coffee. Josh walked beside Stacey who still seem in shock and still did not say a word after they came in from outside she was just quiet and in her own world. They sat down at a table and he went to go get them coffee.

Yuck!!!!!! Hospital coffee sucks he blurted out when he took a sip from his coffee. He decided not to ask Stacey any questions because he did not want to upset her all he could do was reassure her that everything will be fine. She would only nod if he made a comment but she did not say a single word. He looked around the cafeteria but was not crowded only 2 or 3 people sat there having a coffee so everything was silent no noise.

His phone rang, Josh jumped up at the sound of his phone in his pocket he then excused himself and took the call. Josh dreaded the moment he picked up the call it was his assistant; the guy was frantic about something speaking so fast Josh could hardly make out a word the guy was mumble ling. Josh's eyes went wide with shock when his assistant started explaining calmer that there had been a fire at one of his projects and some people were injured and some of the data have been lost and he is needed at the site to secure the files. His work was important and he needed to go save what he could. He then asked his assistant to arrange his flights and to meet him at the airport. After the call, he went straight to their table Stacey still sitting there looking at her coffee.

Stacey, can you hear me? He spoke softly to her.

I need to go there is an emergency at my workplace will you be okay?

Stacey just looked up at him and nodded her head agreeing to what he was saying. I will walk with you back to Tiffany's room Josh said as he helped her get up from the table. He took her back to Tiffany's room and seated her down next to the bed and took out one of his cards and gave it to her instructing to phone him as soon as there are any changes. She looked at the card and saw the name, Josh Hamilton.

Josh, she whispered as it triggered her memory the phone call she received earlier that evening. Hearing his name, he turned around to face her before he leaves and asked if she said something but she looked at him with a blank expression and said My brother is coming and he can fix Tiffany. He then replied and said if that happens to call me immediately so I can thank him and he left closing the door behind him and rushing out the hospital to his rental car so that he can drive to the airport pronto.

to be continued...

thank you guys for the patient wait 

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