"The Angel's Inside of me..."...

By ClaceScalia2002

72.6K 1.2K 148

Alissa Fairchild has been though a lot since she learnt that her true destiny was to become one of the most p... More

"A Greater Demon?" - Chapter 1
"Azazel?" Chapter 2
"The Nightmare..." Chapter 3
"Switched roles... " Chapter 4
"More Lies..." Chapter 5
"I'm Addicted to Yen Fin." Chapter 6
"Unknown Figure..." Chapter 7
"A Bar Concert?" Chapter 8
"Seelie Court..." Chapter 9
"The Kiss You Most Desire..." Chapter 10
"Imposter..." Chapter 11
"Jonathan's back..." Chapter 12
"Greatest Creation..." Chapter 13
"The Mortal Mirror..." Chapter 14
"You're my family..." Chapter 15
"On Lockdown..." Chapter 16
"Angelic Connections..." Chapter 17
"Strong current..." Chapter 18
"Mother..." Chapter 19
"The Angel Raziel." Chapter 20 (Season 2 Finale)
"Stupid dreams" Chapter 21
"Dead mundanes?" Chapter 22
"Angelic Cores"Chapter 23
"Who are the Owls?" Chapter 24
"Losing my mind..." Chapter 25
"Pathetic get togther..." Chapter 26
"Revealing the truth" Chapter 27
"Trip to Alicante" Chapter 28
"Don't let her take me again." Chapter 29
"The end of a life." Chapter 30
"The Resurrection"- Chapter 31 (Season 3a finale)
"Love never fades..."- chapter 32
"A trip to Paris..."- chapter 33
"Somehow it's better..."- chapter 34
"I miss you..."- chapter 35
"Grave-robbing, really?"- chapter 36
"Emotions cloud judgement..."- chapter 38
"The Return of Lilith..."- chapter 39
"A possible proposal?"- chapter 40

"An unexpected visit..."- chapter 37

1.1K 21 1
By ClaceScalia2002

Alissa's PoV
"Magnus, it's time to wake up!" I shouted excitedly. While quickly pulling his curtains open, earning a very annoyed sigh from him. "Did you sleep okay in your new room?"

"Like a rock." He mumbled, eyeing the glass of orange juice I placed on his bedside table. "Oh. Freshly squeezed orange juice and a full glass too."

"This is one of the first perks of living at the Institute. I'm so glad Alec agreed to letting you stay with us." I smiled brightly at him. "But, now get out of bed or we'll be late to breakfast. It stops serving at 9am."

"Biscuit, look I appreciate all the hospitality everyone is giving me, but... isn't there laws about Downworlders living here?" He frowned.

"Well, they're not rules... they're just suggestions. Not that I follow most of the Claves rules anyway." I mumbled. "Besides, you're just visiting for an extended period of time."

"But what would your fellow ShadowHunters think about a Warlock wandering down the halls?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"They'd be fine with it. Or they'd have to go through me if they have a problem. Now I'm not kidding, let's go." I ordered, pulling at his arm to make him get out of bed. We walked quickly down the halls, finally arriving at the dining hall.

"So, What... I can choose anything I like?" Magnus asked, picking up a tray and staring down at the food.

"Yeah, that's basically what I do every morning." I chuckled, picking up a large spoonful of bacon and placing it down on my place. "When I think about it... I've never been told there's a limit to how much you can eat."

"That's a good thing for you then, always scoffing food down when you can." I barely heard him mumble under his breath. I glared at him before picking up my tray and heading towards the several rows of benches in the middle of the room.

"You know it's not too late to go out for breakfast, right?" Magnus laughed nervously as people started to stare at us.

"And miss the pancakes and bacon that they are serving today?" I gasped in fake horror making him smile slightly. I breathed in deeply before heading towards my normal spot next to Alec.

"Magnus?" Jace's asked in surprise as he sat down across from me, next to Izzy. "What are you doing here?"

"Um... where do i start..."
"Lorenzo kicked him out of his apartment in exchange for his magic back, so now he has no where else to stay." I explained, earning an stern look from both Alec and Magnus "What? You were gonna make it a long story?"

"But, now he's going to be living with us for a little while." Alec informed, heads nodding from across the table.

"That's great." Clary smiled at him.

"Absolutely. Welcome to the Institute, Magnus." Izzy beamed, holding her glass up in the air.

"Glad to be here." Magnus smiled slightly but frowned as he glanced around the dining hall. I noticed that people were whispering and still staring over towards our table.

"Take no notice of them." I sighed, grabbing his attention. "It's not you, it's just they don't see a lot of Warlocks in here."

"I can see why." He muttered, picking up a pancake and looking at it in disgust. I giggled quietly as he used his magic to transform him food into something better. I'm suddenly distracted though by my phone that was vibrating in my pocket but I pulled it out to see that it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I asked warily.

"Alissa." The voice on the other side of the phone sighed in relief. It was Luke.

"Luke... whose number is this?" I asked, pulling my phone away from my ear for a moment to look at the number again.

"It's the precinct's." He answered, making my eyes go wide.

"They gave you your badge back?" I scoffed.

"Not exactly, I'm in a bad situation..."
"Do not tell me you've been arrested." I scowled, earning a few raised eyebrows from everyone on the table.

"Unfortunately, I did. The vampires attacked the Jade Wolf. And they killed most of the pack." He whispered, my jaw dropped. "And the police think that I did it"

"Luke, oh my god. I..."
"There's no time to explain. I need you to tell the ShadowHunters what happened. I gotta go. Don't worry about me, kiddo. I love you." He sighed

"Wait, Luke. What about Maia..." I stared at my phone in disbelief as the line went dead.

"What is it? What happened?" Alec asked as I was still staring at my phone, shocked.

"Luke's been arrested and a coven of vampires attacked the Jade wolf killing nearly all of his pack." I mumbled, finally looking up at everyone. "That's got to be against the accords."

Later on...
I sat anxiously waiting in the control room with Alec for Izzy to come back with the report on the Jade wolf. Distracting myself, I watched as most of the people in the room tapped their fingers across the screens.

"Izzy, any survivors?" I snapped my head up towards the door and heard Izzy's high heels clicking against the floor as she walked into the room.

"I searched the entire area around the Jade Wolf. I couldn't find anyone." Izzy sighed.

"What about Maia. It's a good sign that's she's not there right?" I asked.

"She's not among the dead. There's no sign of her." Izzy explained as Alec shook his head.

"Vampires killing werewolves. This is how wars start, Izzy." He scowled, starting to fill the report out on one of the screens. My widened as i saw Heidi being escorted into the room.

"What the hell is she doing here." I spat, grabbing Alec's attention away from the screens and towards the doorway where Heidi stood.

"She said she had information." Underhill explained, I watched closely as Alec stared down her. "Well, he's listening."

"I know who massacred those werewolves. It was my clan." She answered simply, I scoffed before grabbing her arm and pulling her towards Alec's office.

"Why are you so willing to turn on your own clan?" Alec asked as I pushed down onto one of the chairs.

"Well, they're not my clan. Not really." She shrugged. "I heard them talking about an attack on the werewolves, and I never thought they would actually do it. And now, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't say something.

"That's complete bullshit! She's lying..."
"Alissa! Don't you dare start throwing accusations around." Alec yelled at me, hurting my feelings slightly.

"No she's right, how do you live with yourself, knowing you murdered that tech at the blood truck?" Izzy spat.

"I... I couldn't." She stuttered. "That's why I brought him back to life because I felt terrible..."

"What about Praetor Nick?" Izzy scoffed

"You don't understand what it's like to be drained of blood, murdered, and then wake up days later and you have no idea where you are." Heidi chuckled slightly. "To feel like an animal. Alone, and so thirsty. And I just couldn't control myself." I scoffed, earning a look from Alec. I knew that look straight away.

"Don't tell me you believe a word she's saying. She held Simon's family hostage." I spat, pointing a finger right at her.

"I know. I still feel so terrible about that. Lilith is the one who talked me into that. I was actually getting better at the Praetor until you and your blond friend kidnapped me." She mumbled, hearing that brought me into a quick flashback of the events. Where Jace and I killed several of the werewolves there.

"Can I please get another chance?" She asked desperately "Look, I am not saying that I'm a Girl Scout. I just thought that... I hoped that you could forgive me."

"Never gonna happen in my life, honey." I scoffed, giving her a fake smile.

"Why... you forgave Raphael." She muttered. I mentally face plant as Alec's eyes widened in shock.

"They didn't tell you? Raphael is the one that brought me back." I closed my eyes for a moment to avoid looking at Alec. "He locked me up in the DuMort to run experiments on me. He tortured me for days and they your sister just let him go."

"This better not be true, girls." Alec demanded, his voice sounding very disappointed.

"Alec, it's not that simple." I sighed, finally look up at him. My heart broke slightly at the hurt expression he showed.

"Sorry i didn't come here to start a fight. I just want to help." Heidi interrupted.

"If we give you a clean slate, will you I'd the vampires who attacked the Jade Wolf?" Alec asked her, but the disappointment was still evident in his voice. I sighed in defeat, leaving them to deal with her...

The next morning...
I was walking down the corridors when I suddenly felt an powerful punch like pain in my stomach. When the intense pain finally subsided I was able to finally stop supporting myself on the wall.

"What the hell?" I groaned, feeling another pain as if I was slammed down onto the floor. Hearing grunts from the training room. I finally realised what was causing the pain. When I finally made it to the training room, Clary was sat over Aline repeatedly punching her face.

"Clary!" Jace shouted in horror as we both ran forward and pulled her off of Aline. "What are you doing?"

"Aline, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."
"Hey! You alright?" I asked Aline, kneeling down to see if she needed any help getting up but she slapped my hands away.

"Does it look like I'm alright?" She spat, immediately standing up of the ground. "Your sister almost killed me!"

"I just... I need some air." Clary stuttered, heading out of the room.

"I'm coming with you."
"No! I need to be alone." Clary shouted at Jace as he went to follow her. He watched in disbelief as she finally disappeared.

"Don't worry. I'll go after her." I sighed feeling a strong urge to follow my sister, now running after her as she ran out of the Institute. "Clary, slow down!"

"Leave me alone!" She yelled, running away even faster. After a few minutes she finally stopped just before a barrier that lead down into a river.

"Clary, just listen to me. I can help..." I trailed off, stuttering as I spotted a familiar figure staring at us in disbelief.

"Beautiful night, isn't it." Jonathan chuckled, walking slowly towards us.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Clary spat.

"Funny... I was gonna ask you both the same thing. What a coincidence that I found you both here." Jonathan sighed.

"What? Is this one of your traps?" I scoffed, glancing down at the book in his hands.

"I don't know you tell me? Or have i walked into a trap?" He mumbled, glancing back cautiously. "Actually no, I find it hard to believe that our meeting here is a pure coincidence, now. I had no intensions of stopping here tonight. I have my own business to take care of, and yet, as I was walking by, I felt a sudden urge to stop and here you both are. You must of felt it too."

"No, I felt nothing..."
"It seems our rune has brought us together. I was worried about you earlier." He sighed, pulling up his shirt to reveal a dark brown bruise on his stomach.

"Stay back!" I warned, pulling my blade out and pushing Clary back slightly.

"Whoever you were fighting with, they must've gotten in a few good shots, didn't they." Jonathan scoffed, spinning the book he had in his hands effortlessly on one of his fingers.

"If you come any closer to us, I will call the Institute." Clary warned, pulling her phone out of her jeans pocket.

"Shouldn't you of done that already?" He scowled making me point my blade back towards him, warning him. "Or are you enjoying this conversation as much as I am?"

"Nobody likes to have a talk with the devil." I smirked causing him to roll his eyes slightly. "God, you make me sick, do you realise that?"

"And yet... we are destined to be together.  Our meeting here tonight proves it." He smiled creepily, bouncing slightly on his heels.

"This isn't some damn destiny, Jonathan. It's this stupid rune." I scoffed.

"You love me. I can feel it." His voice raised slightly. "That's one of the reasons why Clary let me go yesterday and why you won't turn me in now."

"I feel no love for you. Not romantically or even brotherly love." I laughed, poking his chest with the tip of my blade. "I want nothing to do with you."

"For now." He shrugged, the corner of his lips smiling slightly. "I've got that appointment to keep." I looked at him In Disbelief before he suddenly disappeared, using some type of transportation to leave us alone...

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