"Pathetic get togther..." Chapter 26

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Alissa's PoV
"These are the victims of the Owl's?" I asked Luke, looking at all of the pictures that were put up on his whiteboard.

"Yeah, twenty-six victims in the tristate area. Law enforcement thinks it's some deranged cult, brainwashing their members to kill their loved ones." He sighed before frowning. "What's up?"

"I need to talk to your sister..." Clary said slowly, making Luke raise an eyebrow at her. "I need an Iron Sister. And for what I have to do, I can't go to the Citadel."

"What's this all about?" He asked, looking at Clary as she hesitated to say anything. "Kiddo, it's me. You can tell me anything."

"Um..." I started, my knees shaking slightly so I sat down on his desk. "Back at Lake Lyn, when we were battling Valentine. Jace wasn't just injured... he was killed."

"What?" Luke looked at us in disbelief.

"I was holding him, dead in my arms, and... Raziel was in front of me. We did the only thing I could." Clary rambled on.

"You had Raziel bring him back..."
"I had no choice" I stuttered "Luke, I've been lying. I've been lying to Alec, Izzy. To everyone. It's eating me up. It's not who I am."

"It's okay..."
"No, it's not. Because ever since that night Jace and even myself... we haven't been ourselves. There's something seriously wrong with us." I sobbed, trying to stop the tears falling down my face.

"That's why you need Cleophas." Luke sighed.

"She can communicate with the angels, right? She can ask Ithuriel for help." Clary asked while Luke nodded slowly. I jumped slightly as i heard my phone ring. I pulled it out to see that Alec is calling me.

"Alec?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Hey, want to meet me and go grab some Lunch?" I heard his voice ask nervously.

"Erm, sure I think we'll be able to do that, where are you now?" I heard a butch of boxes or something being moved on the other side of the line. "What are you doing?"

"I'm at Magnus's apartment, I looked though everything he has on depossession, but nothing matches Morgan's symptoms, I'm Uh..." He stopped speaking as if he was distracted by something, but I flinched when I heard glass breaking loudly.

"Alec?" I asked nervously and I heard him breathing heavily. My breath caught in my throat when the call ended. "Dammit, Alec."

"What's happened? Is Alec alright?" Clary asked, looking at the horror that was on my face.

"I don't know... Erm, you both go find Cleophas, I need to find Alec." I smiled sadly before pulling my stele out and using it to make a portal. When I stepped out, I was immediately thrown to the ground as some type of demon jumped on me, before jumping out of the window without a trying to have a fight with me.

"What the hell was that?" I whispered, glancing around the room until the door opened and Magnus ran though, looking around the room in horror?

"What's on earth..." Magnus shrieked, before our eyes landed on Alec, lying unconscious on the floor. We both ran over to him and pulled him over to the couch.

"Is he going to be alright?" I asked him as he waved his magic over his body.

"That's strange..." He whispered before clicking his fingers and Alec gasped sitting up quickly, throwing a fist out. I quickly ducked his swing and grabbed his arm.

"The Angel's Inside of me..." a Alec Lightwood Fanfic (Book 2)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα