"Emotions cloud judgement..."- chapter 38

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Alissa's PoV
I'm sat on my bed watching as the fire flickered in the fireplace. Dancing around freely within the burning heat.

"Alissa..." a voice whispered from behind me, quickly I turned around but there was no one there. So slowly, I turned back towards the fireplace but jumped as the fire furiously blew out from the logs towards me.

"What the..." I whispered to myself, walking closer and kneeling before the fireplace. Curiously watching the dancing flame, the urge to touch them increasing. As my hand reached into the flames I didn't feel any pain at all. Only the sound of my skin sizzling.

"Allie! Stop!" A voice shouted snapping me out of the trance and they pulled my hand out of the fire. That's when the pain started. In my blurred vision, I managed to make out that Alec sat me down on my bed and reached for the stele on my bedside table. Instantly feeling relief as the burn disappeared from the palm of my hand. "What were you thinking?!"

"I'm sorry! I... I don't know." I stuttered, feeling my hands start to shake. I closed my eyes as I felt the rune on my shoulder burn brightly. "It's the rune."

"We need to get you to the Silent Brothers now." He ordered, fear running though my spine as I thought of them. Remembering long ago when they tried to retrieve my memories back. But
back then it was useless.

"No, I don't want to go." I stated simply, pulling my hands out of his grasp and wrapping them around my knees. He went to reply but someone knocked on the door and walked in.

"Hey, you were looking for me?" Magnus asked, glancing between us "Am I interrupting something because I can come back later."

"No!" I shouted a little too loudly, stopping him from walking out the door. "It's just that I'm worried about you."

"Alissa, if this is about you being worried about the other ShadowHunters making me feel unwelcome. then there's nothing to worry about because I'm fine." Magnus sighed.

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about that too." Alec added.

"You were right. Having an outsider live at the Institute, that is against protocol. The problem I have is that how can I expect everyone else to follow the rules, if I don't follow them myself." Alec sighed.

"So what you mean is that you're kicking him out?" I scoffed, suddenly standing up off the bed. "You can't do this, it's not..."

"Alissa, it's fine. I understand. I'll move out first thing in the morning." Magnus said, trying his best to smile.

"However." Alec added, stopping him from walking out the door again. "I hope you don't take this personally."

"And I'll help you get a new apartment. Since the real estate agents I know aren't actually dead." I chuckled softly, earning a real smile from Magnus.

"Of course, i'd love your help." He sighed, going to pull me into a hug but stopped midway. He looked quite disturbed for a few moments.

"Magnus?" I asked cautiously. But, as soon as I touched his arm, I covered my ear as a loud screeching noise ran through my head.

"I'm fine." He reassured me as he saw my frantic state when I looked at the blood dripping from his nose. Even worse he started coughing.

"No... Magnus!" I gasped out In surprise as he suddenly threw up blood onto the carpet and his knees gave up. Running forward, I caught him before he hit the floor. Panicking to myself when he started to shout something I didn't understand. "Alec, do something!"

"The Angel's Inside of me..." a Alec Lightwood Fanfic (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant