Stefan And Elana get Their Ha...

By faithboken

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13 and up should read this . it's about stelena gets there happy ending some how read more to find out how. More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
author notes
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
wedding day part one
wedding day part 2

Chapter 28

252 5 0
By faithboken

At Elena's house

Elena: Jenna I need help with something

Jenna: Sure what it is.

Elena: I'm gonna throw a birthday party for Stefan. Today is his birthday.

Jenna; do know where you want to do it?

Elena: Here would be an easy place for everyone to get to.

Over text with Tyler

Elena hey Tyler today is Stefan b day I need help can you go to the boarding house and keep him distracted for me please thank you. The party should be ready by eight tonight.

Tyler ok on it where do want me to take him?

Elena I don't know just ask him a question I know you want to be his friend

Tyler fair point. Got it

Elena thanks you

Alaric: Do we need that many decorations?

Elena: not just a few here is the list of what I need

Elana hands Alaric the list of things she needs for the decorations

Jenna: What are you doing for food?

Elena hands Jenna a list of food

Jeremy: Do you need my help with anything?

Elena: yeah I need you to pick up something for me at the boarding house

Jeremy: Where is it?

Elena: should be on the small coffee table by the door. It's in a yellow bag.

Jeremy: anything else?

Elena: When you come back with the bag I need you to help Tyler distract Stefan.

Jeremy: ok

Elena: I will be in the kitchen when you get back with the bag

Jeremy: I'm leaving now to get it.

Elena takes out her phone and calls Lexi

Over the phone with Lexi

Elena hey Lexi today is Stefan b day i was wondering if you could come and surprise him. Yes, your boyfriend can come. We have a party around eight.

Lexi sure but one thing I found Damon and I helped Damon. Damon is not ready to be around you guys yet.

Elena oh ok can't you leave Damon alone for a few hours?

Lexi unfortunately no I can't do that

Elena, ok well you could put Damon in the cellar in the basement of the boarding house.

Lexi cannot do

Elena, if it is that bad then

Lexi yeah I can see if I can get one of my vampire friends to watch Damon for me.

Elena texted me and let me know

End of phone call

There was a knock on the door

Elena: Give me a minute.

she yells to the person at the door

Elena ran and opened the door to see who it was

It was Liz Forbes

Elena: Liz what are you doing here?

Liz: I need to talk to you about what happened yesterday

Elena: What happened was that Matt said he was sorry to all of us then he just passed out for no reason. I left as fast as I could because I was so shocked that Matt apologized to me and my friends. I ran away without thinking clearly. Stefan ran after me then we talked then we headed back to the boarding house. When we got there we talked about making a list of what we're going to bring to college. A few minutes later Caroline came to the house to cheek at me. Then all three talked about making a list. Bonnie came to the house as well after she ran and told Jenna where I was at. I was emotionally not ok to call her. Jeremy went with Tyler to the hospital. then Bonnie went home to talk to her parents about something.

Liz: The one thing that is puzzling me is that Matt's reports came back saying he was not drunk.

Elena: Tyler just assumed that because Matt saying he was sorry to us was shocking and that we all thought he was drunk but his speech and movements were all fine. He might have passed out from not getting enough sleep. I know you can do that. My dad would always get mad at me if I tried to pull an all-nighter.

Liz walks out the door

Elena takes out her phone

Group text

Elena heads up and Liz is gonna to ask us what happened yesterday. I told her Tyler thought he was drunk but he passed out from being tired is what we are doing now.

Caroline, I didn't know that my mom was going around asking people.

Stefan do you all think we should tell her the truth

Bonnie now can't tell the other normal set of people in town.

Tyler I don't think we should

Caroline no we are not telling my mom the truth because for one she is a founder member she goes to the council meeting. Pulse she was taught to be a vampire hater. She keeps a secret closet full of wood stakes and things to kill a werewolf as well.

Stefan ok then but what do?

Elean Stefan, you tell Liz you after me and then we went to the boarding house to talk about college and make a list of things we are going to bring.

Bonnie, I would tell her I went to tell Jenna where Elena was and then I went to the boarding house to say a few things then I went home.

Tyler she knows I'm the one who drove Matt to the hospital

Caroline, I told my mom that I called over an adult and that I talked to them. Then I left to go cheek on Elena. Then we talked about college.

Jeremy, I would tell her that I was with Tyler. And I would tell her one of the adults brought up an idea to have someone in the back seat with Matt in case he wakes up.

Elena, so we got the story straight then

Everyone yeah

Jeremy makes his way back to his house with the yellow bag

At the boarding house

Stefan walks down the stairs after he hears the doorbell ring

Tyler: hey Stefan do you have time to just chill

Stefan: yeah what up

Tyler walks into the house

Tyler: I need help

Stefan: with?

Tyler: Asking Caroline out

Stefan: wow that is some good news

Tyler: every time I'm around her now I lose all of my words in what I want to tell her how I feel but I can't.

Stefan: how about you write her a note expressing how you feel about her?

Tyler: I don't think that would work

Stefan: Why not?

Tyler: I'm not very good at expressing myself in general and it seems like it would be harder to do it on paper and talking to her.

Stefan: Let me think now.

Tyler: Should I buy her flowers and give them to her?

Stefan: you could try that.

Tyler: I'm still wondering why Liz is going to talk to us about what happened yesterday.

Stefan: I'm a bit worried that the doctors found burn marks on Matt and that is why Liz wants to question us about what happened.

Tyler: yeah but me and Jeremy didn't see any burn marks on him.

Stefan: Then who knows why Liz wants to talk to us?

Tyler: should we go down and talk to her about it

Stefan: yeah

At Elena's house

Alaric: I'm back with the decorations you asked for.

Elena: thank you Liz stopped by and asked me what happened yesterday. I told her what happened and who was were. But I'm still wondering why she is questioning us about it.

Alaric: Who knows why? Maybe to get the story right.

Elena: Maybe

Alaric: do you need help setting up the decorations

Elena: yeah.

Jeremy: Tyler texted me saying he and Stefan are gonna tell Liz what happened from their point of view.

Elena: That works.

Jenna walks into the house with the grocery bags

Elena is going to get Bonnie and Caroline over to help us out. Jeremy, when they are done talking to Liz can you go over there, please?

Jeremy: ok

At the police station

Liz: What are two doing here?

Tyler: Elena told us you stopped by her house and asked her about yesterday. So we decided to come down here and tell you from our point of view what happened. What happened was that we all gathered at the table Jeremy found. I showed up before Elena and her friends and Stefan. were sitting and talking then Elena and her friends and Stefan showed up at the table. Then Matt came out of nowhere and apologized to all of us for his behavior lately. Then Matt passed out. Elena was in shock by it and she ran away and Stefan ran after her. When Matt passed out one of the adults came over and asked what happened. Caroline told them that Matt passed out and Jeremy took Matt to the hospital. I thought he was drunk and he passed out from being intoxicated. but his speech and he was physically fine as well. So Elena texts Jeremy saying that Matt might have passed out from trying.

Stefan: After I ran after Elena she was not ok so we walked back to the boarding house. When we were ready to talk, we made a list of what we were going to bring to college and what we still needed to buy.

Liz: Thank you, you can go now.

Stefan and Tyler walk out of the police station.

At the boarding house

Stefan: I hoped that helped Liz out but I think that someone thought that something was off about it.told Liz something was off about it.

Tyler: yeah but the only thing off that everyone saw Matt passed out of nowhere.

Stefan: yeah but did the doctors find out what happened?

Tyler: not sure but let it hope it has nothing to do with Elena and her shocking powers

Stefan: I can sneak around to find out what the doctors think.

Tyler: We should let the other know soon.

At Elena's house

Bonnie: I'm here to help

Elena: Help Jenna with the cooking, please.

Bonnie:  I'm on it.

At the boarding house

Jeremy: Hey guys.

Tyler: Hey Jeremy, some may have said something to Liz that thinks that it is weird that Matt passed out of nowhere.

Jeremy; oh no

Stefan: I was thinking tomorrow I could sneak into the hospital to figure out what the doctors think happened to Matt.

Jeremy: OK, should we let everyone else know?

Stefan: yeah we will tomorrow

Jeremy: ok

At Elena's house

Jenna: Is everything all set up?

Elena: yeah besides one thing but I will get it later. I'm going to get Caroline over.

At carolines

Elena: Hey, we are having a b-day party for Stefan.

Caroline: everything is all set up besides getting Stefan to your house.

Elena: Yeah, Bonnie helps Jenna with cooking.

Caroline: everyone is coming?

Elena: just the friends group that is it

Caroline: ok

Elena and Caroline walk to her house.

At Elena's house

Elena: I'm gonna text Tyler to get over here with Stefan and Jeremy

Over text with Tyler

Elena, we are ready

Tyler ok we are on the way

Elena: they are on the way now

Everyone: ok

The door opens

Elena runs up takes Stefan by the hands and leads him into the house

Stefan: wait Elena did you find out today was my birthday

Elena: Yeah I did and I wanted to throw you a party. No worries, it's a small one, it's only the friends Jenna and Alaric.

Stefan:  I wish Lexi was here.

Elena: I know but you got us here for you.

Stefan: thank you

Elena phones off

Lexi, I'm on my way now

Elena ok Stefan is at my house now

Lexie see you in a few

Elena: Why don't we bring the snacks and cookies to the living room and watch a movie?

Everyone moved some of the food into the living room.

Elena: I'm gonna be right back.

Elena walks up to her room to get the yellow bag.

Elena walks downstairs

Elena hands the bag to Stefan

Stefan: Elena, you know didn't have to get me anything.

Elena: I know but I did anyways

Stefan: thank you

There was a knock on the door Elena got up and opened the door

Elena: Lexi glad you could make it

Lexi: Thanks

Stefan got up from the living room and walked over to the door

Stefan: Lexi, you made it!

Lexi: Elena told me she was playing throw you a party but she invited me and my boyfriend but my boyfriend is babysitting Damon.

Stefan: come on in then

Lexi Elena and Stefan all sit down where everyone else is. After the movie. Elena gets the cake and holds it.

Everyone sings Happy to Stefan.

Elena: I got one more thing but back at the boarding house I forgot to have Jeremy get it for me. Can I stay the night there?

Stefan: yeah sure

Jenna: ok

After the cake and after a few minutes of talking.

Stefan: I'm ready to ready to get going, Elena

Elena: give me a minute

Lexi: bye everyone

Everyone: bye

Stefan: Elena, are you ready?

Elena: Yeah, I'm good.

Stefan and Elena walk out the door to back to the boarding house

At the boarding house

Elena: You ok Stefan?

Stefan: yeah I'm ok I'm just shocked that you threw me a party

Elena: Oh I did it because I love you.

Stefan: I love you as well

Elena: did you open your gift

Stefan: not yet

Elena: you should open it

Stefan opened the bag

Stefan: how did you know I wanted a new leather journal

Elena: I saw the other ones in your room. I kinda figured you might need a new one sometime soon. Also, there is a gift upstairs as well

Stefan: Thank you.

Elena went upstairs and got the other gift. Elena comes backstairs and hands Stefan the other gift.

Stefan: wow Elena where did you find this?

Elena: I was going through things when Damon locked me in the room and I found this.

Stefan: I had no clue where this went off to.

Elena: Stefan you ok?

Stefan: Yeah, I'm ok. I'm just shocked you found this picture of me and Damon when we were younger.

Elena: I know you don't like parties.

Stefan: No, it's ok. It was with friends and your family. I'm all good.

Elena: you sure why did you want to leave

Stefan: fine I found it a bit weird for me that. I have not had someone throw me a birthday party in a while. The last one someone threw at me. Lexi was there and I froze and I ran away. Lexi saw me and helped me out.

Elena: Stefan, I had no clue.

Stefan: no it's ok it was a surprise party. I don't like it when everyone yells at me.

Elena: ok. I'm gonna go to bed late.

Stefan: one question before you go to bed

Elena: What's up?

Stefan: I don't mind you staying here with me but I feel like there is a reason for it.

Elena let out a sigh

Elena: Yeah, there is a reason for it. I'm scared I'm gonna lose control of my powers and hurt my family.

Stefan: ok well if I'm not here when you get up because I'm at the hospital trying to figure out what the doctors think is wrong with Matt.

Elena: ok

The next day at the hospital

Stefan walks into the hospital

Stefan: I'm here to visit Matt Donovan 

Lady at the desk: Room 202

Stefan: thank you

Stefan walks to the elevator

Upstairs in the hospital

Stefan finds a room closet

He walks into it finds a doctor's coat and puts it on.

Stefan finds another doctor on the floor

Stefan: What seems to be wrong with Matt Donovan?

Doctor: We are unsure but he was not drunk. He was in a coma after he passed out. He did lack a lot of sleep though.

Stefan: ok

Stefan walks into matts room and looks at him

Stefan saw a screen that showed his brain waves

Stefan looks at it closer.

Stefan takes a closer look at Matt

Stefan walks out of the room and puts the coat back in the closet on his way out

At Elena house

Elena: I'm back, sorry it took me longer to get home but I have to get coffee.

Jenna: could have made coffee at the boarding house

Elena: I could have but I wanted to get my steps in so I walked down to the coffee shop.

Jeremy: Where is Stefan?

Elena: he went to the hospital to figure out what is wrong with Matt

Alaric: Elena so I heard you plan on dorming with Caroline and Bonnie and that you are choosing film as your major.

Elena: Yeah, is there an issue with that?

Alaric: no I wanted to make sure that I heard that is all true

Elena: yeah it is

Alaric: I want to help you with college applications

Elena: Thank you.

There was a knock on the door

Jeremy opens the door

Stefan: hi Jeremy

Jeremy: hi Elena is in the kitchen

Stefan: ok thank you

Stefan walks into the kitchen

Elena: there you are

Stefan: I found out Matt is in a coma

Elena: oh no

Stefan: I think when you shocked him it put him in a coma

Elena: oh no still

Stefan: The doctor I talked to said he was not drunk but he was super tired.

Jenna was in shock by the news she ran upstairs in her room

Elena: Can we go to the boarding house?

Alaric: I will talk to her

Elena: thank you

Jeremy: Elena I'm sorry I will text if we get Jenna out of her room

Elena: ok thanks

Stefan: You ok Elena?

Elena: let's go

Elana and Stefan walk out the door


Alaric: Jenna, you can come out now.

Jenna: Is she gone?

Alaric: yeah she went to the boarding house

Jenna: ok good.

Alaric: you know it's not her fault all this happened to her

Jenna: I know but I'm a bit scared of her now she put Matt in a coma

Alaric: we didn't know that at the time

Jenna: yeah I know but still I'm scared of Elena now who knows what she is capable of doing

Alaric: she didn't mean to put Matt in a coma, she couldn't control her emotions at the time. It was Matt or her brother.

Jenna: I know but I wish she didn't tell me that she has powers

Alaric: She trusts you and she needs an adult to tell who is going to be there for her.

Jenna: yeah I'm aware but I wish she could live a normal life.

Alaric: don't you think she wishes the same thing as you?

At the boarding house

Elena: Jenna is scared of me now that is why she ran into her room after she found out what I did to Matt.

Stefan: none of this is your fault

Elena: yeah it's Stefan I almost killed Matt

Stefan: but you didn't

Elena: yeah but I put him in a coma

Stefan: you lost control of your powers

Elena: exactly I lost control. I have been trying my hardest not to lose control of them but I did.

Stefan: your powers are tied to your emotions when your emotions are strong your powers get stronger.

Elena: ugh i wish didn't have these powers

Stefan: I know. I was thinking we could go to the lake house to take a break from all of this mess for a few days. We could have Bonnie and Caroline come with us

Elena: That would be great.

Stefan: do you want to ask them if they can come

Elena: yeah

Over text in the group chat

Elena hey girls I need a break from what we found out today and Jenna may kick me out of my house

Bonnie, what happened?

Elena, I put Matt in a coma

Caroline oh no

Elena yeah and Jenna freaked out on me and she went up to her room Alaric is talking to her Jeremy is going to text me when she is out of the room

Bonnie sorry Elena

Caroline where are we going

Elena the lake house

Bonnie, I start packing now

Elena ok

Caroline, how many days are gone?

Elena three days

End of text

Elena: I told them three days

Stefan: that should be enough by then Jenna will be less upset

Elena: yeah but I got this feeling she is gonna kick me out of the house

Stefan: if she does then you can fully move in here with me and Zach

Elena: thanks well let's get packing

At Elena's house

Jenna: I know she probably wishes she didn't have these powers but I can't get over the fact she is also a vampire as well.

Alaric: Jenna, it's ok to be scared but not talking to her is not gonna help things. Don't you dare think about kicking her out of the house, If you do that then she will think she did something wrong.

Jenna: I was not gonna do that to her. She has lost so much already.

Alaric: What are you gonna do? You can't just avoid her forever.

Jenna: I know.

Jeremy: Sorry to interrupt you two but Elena texted me to tell me she went to the lake house for three days.

Jenna: ok

Alaric: What are you gonna do then?

Jenna: I'm not sure I have three days to figure it out.

Alaric: How about we talk to Elena to see how she feels about what happened and we'll if Elena chooses to move in with Stefan then just let it happen 

Jenna: ok

At the boarding house

Elena and Stefan pack a bag to load up into Stefan's car.

Bonnie and Caroline show up

Caroline: Are we just taking one car?

Elena: yeah it would be stupid to take more than one car

Caroline: ok

At the lake house in VA

Elena: I have not been to this lake house in a while.

Bonnie: the last time were at this one was eighth grade year

Caroline: yeah it has been a while

Stefan: Elena I didn't know your parents own two lake houses

Elena: Yeah, my parents bought this one first then they got a good deal on the one in New Jersey. they went down and cheek it out then bought it. 

Bonnie: there is some good news

Elena: what the good news

Bonnie: my parents have stopped fighting after the one therapy session

Elena: That's a good thing but something felt off about your dad when I got you out of the room.

Bonnie: Yeah, that was because he freaked out Stefan at the house. He was just stressed.

Elena: no it was not that but it could have been

Caroline: Who wants something to drink?

Bonnie: did we forget to tell Tyler we were at the lake house

Elena: ops yeah we did

Caroline: We also have to go to the store to get food.

Elena: There is a grocery store a few minutes from here we can go to.

They all go and get food and go back to the lake house.

Caroline: Elena do you think that you know who will come back to town?

Bonnie: Caroline, seriously you have to ask about him out of all people!

Stefan: Who?

Elena let out a sigh

Elena: His name is Jake and Caroline no I don't want him back in town whatsoever.

Stefan: What did he do?

Elena: So about Jake. When we were all younger we would hang out. He had this thing for me. He would always be there for me. But one day his parents were talking to said that it wasn't a good idea for them to stay in town and for me and him not to see each other. So when we're in school if I got bullied he would be there for me and get them to stop. One day I wanted to hang out after school with Matt and he wouldn't let me do that. Then there was this one time he blamed Bonnie and Carolin for calling me names. It seemed like he just wanted to be with me. But when he left his parents seemed different. Well, they were saying things that were not true about what happened at all. If he is back in town it means that his parents told him that mine are dead. He doesn't know me and Matt we're together at all and he doesn't know that I'm different now than I used to be.

Stefan: Did you ever date him?

Elena: yeah he is another ex-boyfriend of mine. But I don't count him as my ex-boyfriend. In Caroline's book, he is an ex-boyfriend.

Stefan: Bonnie when me and we were talking when Elena was transitioning into a vampire you said. That you were happy she found me. You could tell I would treat Elena right.

Bonnie: yeah it was also that I can see how people are if they have good intentions or bad ones. It's a witch thing. My grams have helped me focus on it.

Stefan: That makes more sense now. But you also told me a bit about what Jake did as well.

Bonnie: yeah I honestly forgot it but I did it if Elena acted up.

Elena: Well thank you for that Bonnie but Caroline, why are you asking me about Jake?

Caroline: I heard my mom say something about him to someone.

Elena: Great. We can't get a break from anything now.

Stefan: Elena it will be fine, we have to take one day at a time. Some things are just out of our control and we can't do anything about it.

Bonnie: I'm gonna go up to one of the guest room

Bonnie walks away from them

Caroline: I'm sorry Elena, I know you wanted a bit of a break.

Elena: It's ok I knew there was something you wanted to tell me.

Caroline: yeah but I didn't know how to tell or when to tell you.

Elena: Caroline, it's ok I get it.

Caroline: I'm gonna to head up one of their guest rooms

Stefan: So I was thinking. If Jenna is still scared of you when we go back then you should move in with me and Zach.

Elena: I was also thinking it would be for the best if I did that since she seemed pretty upset.

Stefan: You should talk to her when we get back.

Elena: I honestly don't know what to tell her. I'm afraid she might not want to listen to me and what I have to say.

Stefan: She might be ready to hear you out who knows?

Elena: I want you and my friends to be there when we talk to Jenna

Stefan: ok.

Elena: I'm gonna read this the book I brought with me

Stefan: ok

Elena got the book out of her bag. She went to the chair and started to read

The next day at Elena's house

Jenna: I was thinking we could go out to eat.

Alaric: sounds good to me

Jeremy: Sure

At the grill

Jenna and Alaric find a table

Jeremy found Tyler

Jeremy: let me guess they forgot to let me know they went to the lake house

Tyler: Which one?

Jeremy: the one here but Stefan found out what happened to Matt and Jenna freaked out.

Tyler: What happened to Matt?

Jeremy: he is in a coma

Tyler: Oh no now I can see why Jenna freaked out.

Jeremy: yeah Elena may move in Stefan and Zach

Tyler:  thanks for an update.

Jeremy: I thought Caroline told me what happened yesterday

Tyler: No, I have not talked to her at all yesterday.

Jeremy: ok I should be going

At the lake house in VA

Elena walks upstairs to go looking for Bonnie or Caroline

Elena: Are you guys up yet?

Bonnie: I'm up but I'm not sure about Caroline.

Elena: were could have she gone off to

Stefan yells: she is in the kitchen

Bonnie and Elena walk down into the kitchen

Bonnie: So what are the plans for today?

Elena: not sure

Caroline: Hi, I was getting something to eat.

Bonnie: I was thinking we could look in the hiding spots in the room to see what we can find.

Elena: I know where most of them are but one thing is that it's full of junk or boxes of stuff.

Caroline: How about we get the boxes out then?

Elena: I was thinking we could walk the trail.

Bonnie: OK well we can do a walk then find these boxes of stuff. I would like to know what is in them.

Stefan: OK, let's get ready for a walk then.

A few minutes later they are on the walk.

Caroline: I forgot about this trail.

Bonnie: I still remember when Jeremy and Tyler got lost on it at night and Elena's parents had to go looking for them.

Elena: yeah I remember that but remember the one time when the three of us took a beer and walked on the trail and got lost as well.

Caroline: I forgot we did that.

Bonnie: I forgot about that one.

Elena: My dad was mad that he put us in the guest room after he found us and were not allowed out of the room. We sneaked out anyway and went for a swim.

Bonnie: oh now I remember that then your mom came out and joined us.

Elena: yeah.

Stefan: I think we should head back soon.

Elena: I was thinking the same thing

They all head back to the lake house

Elena: I'm gonna go into my parent's room to get the boxes out of there.

Bonnie: I will go to the room you stayed in.

Caroline: I got the guest room that I'm sleeping in.

Stefan: I got the guest room bonnie has her stuff in then

Elena: There is another room that Jeremy would stay in if you want to go look in that one Stefan.

Stefan: Ok thanks.

They all go into the room. The girls know the hiding spots but now they officially take down a piece of the wall to get the boxes that are hiding out.

Elena: I got the box and the junk out of my parent's room

Bonnie: I need help.

Elena goes to the room Bonnie is in

Caroline: I found a few boxes

Elena: ok

At the mystic grill

Jeremy walks back over to where Jenna and Alaric are at.

Jeremy: Jenna I think you should let Elena stay at the house

Jenna: I'm gonna too.

Alaric: Jeremy, I told her not to kick Elena out of the house. if Elena chooses to go to the boarding house then that is her choice.

Jeremy: ok.

Jake walks into the grill and sees Tyler and he walks over to Tyler.

Jake: Tyler, is that you?

Tyler: hi yeah I'm Tyler, who are you?

Jake: It's me, Jake, I'm back in town for a bit. My parents told me that they thought it was best for me to go back here.

Tyler:  well welcome back to town then

Jake: My parents also told me about what happened to Elena's parents as well. My parents decided it was best to move back into town.

Jake walks to find a different table to sit at.

Tyler gets out his phone and texts the GC

Tyler guys we are in more trouble now

Caroline, why?

Elena, did Damon roll back into town?

Tyler no thank goodness for that but someone from the past did

Bonnie oh no

Jeremy Elena, you have to fix things Jenna today then

Stefan Tyler are you talking about Jake

Tyler yeah he found me at the grill.

Elena, we will pack up then we will be back. let Jenna know

Jeremy sorry it's sooner than expected Lena

Elena, it's okay i had time to think of what I wanted to say to Jenna

Jeremy ok

End of the text

At the lake house

Elena: pack the boxes and the junk with us and we will drop them off at the boarding house.

Bonnie: We haven't found all the boxes yet.

Elena: I know but we have to go and fix things with Jenna then figure out what to do with Jake.

Stefan: well let's get to stepping then

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