Life (Naruto Fanfic) ~Itachi...

By robotdirectionattack

27.4K 975 119

Tane Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, and Itachi Uchiha have been friends since they can remember. The Uchiha uprising... More

15: Epilogue part 1
16: Epilogue Part 2


1.3K 58 4
By robotdirectionattack

Hey guys!! Yaaay another chapter!! Whoop Whoop.


So I'm typing this on my iPad cause my father's an ass and took away my computer and phone which I neED (yes I'm aware I sound like a brat shut up) And so that's the reason this isn't bolded. It annoys me cause perfectionist ya know whateves


But other than that, it's just a normal day of uploading while listening to 1989 by Taylor Swift I highly recommend btw

Well, I hope you enjoy the chapter!! Thank you all so much for reading, cause you're all dolls.

So I'll stop blabbering and let you read this chapter. Enjoy!!!

~Stephanie ;)

"Can't you just let me come in?"

"Not until you tell me what you're doing here. What you want." Her face may have looked innocent, but I could see her eyes were as hard as metal, rage seeping through them.

"I wanted Kiuya to meet-"

"His sister who thought he was dead!" I yelled, and Kiuya stepped back, whimpering. I realized I was nearly crushing Itachi's hand. I released my grip so we were barely touching, but my death glare stayed strong.

"I didn't-"

"I saw it. I saw the nine tails whip him out of my hands, shriek at me before I was able to control it into freezing. I know what I saw. I know the small frail figure that was in my arms as I tried to revive him, I know that I couldn't. So how is he here then?" I didn't dare look at him.

"I was evacuating all the small children, it was a jutsu-"

"Then why did he look him when he was killed!"

"It wasn't a transformation! It was a perfect cloning!" I stumbled backwards and stared dumfounded at Rena.


"I found this group, Alansi? I think they called themselves? I'm not sure, if I heard the name, I would recognize it. But that's besides the point. They had a member who could perfectly clone. I knew you would never let me take your brother away from you, since he was only a few weeks old. But I had to get all the infants out, so I did that. You were strong enough, I knew that his clone would be idiotic, unable to do anything even a baby could, and he died, yes? Which, activated those eyes of yours, and let you tame the nine tails, if only for a couple of seconds, and safe many villagers." I gritted my teeth. Lies. All of it was lies.

But I reached out to my brother, and I saw her story was true. His memories were what she described them, and not just that, but his aura was the same.

It was definitely Kiuya.

"So then, why do you want to come in."

"I need to discuss something with you, dear Tane." I glared at the woman and she half glared right back, but I reluctantly opened the door, letting them in.

"Itachi, please wait at the table with Kiuya and make sure that he's okay." Itachi nodded, still holding onto my arm until Rena stepped inside. She led her way around the house like she owned the place, which she didn't, the deed was in my name.

She led me to my parents room, and I stopped at the doorway. She walked into the room, leaving the door. I just stood infront of it, unable to move. I couldn't go in there.

"Can we talk in my room?"

"Do you not like your parents room?"

"That wasn't an answer."

"I need one from you, as well." I stepped back, hoping that would give her her answer. Sadly, she wasn't as smart as I hoped.

"We're talking in my room." I said before nearly bolting off to the room to the left and rushing inside on the bed. I took a few deep breaths, and the stinging in my eyes receded as she stepped though the door.

"You know, that room doesn't look very-"

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I urged, as if she hadn't even spoken. She scowled at me.

"There's another reason I came to see you."

"You don't say?"

"Be quiet and let me speak." I narrowed my eyes but stayed silent.

"Your mother and father were pitiful. My son was killed in that attack, and I thought maybe I could start over with Kiuya. Maybe he'd be like my son. So I took him and fled the village, making the K.I.A stone in the village. I was wrong to think that he wouldn't have been like you or his parents. So I'm returning him." I growled.

"He's a person, not a toy you can just give back to its owner." She shrugged, the annoyance sliding off her features.

"Please, I don't need anymore metaphors today. Kiuya tends to make so many of them, even for a seven year old."

"So, after all these years, after abducting my brother, you'd like to return him?" She raised an eyebrow, opening one eye.

"Oh? You aren't pleased? I thought you would be, your mother, before she died of course, somehow found me and told me how you grieved for your younger brother. Almost made me feel guilty. I thought you'd like him back." I took a deep breath, trying to clam myself down.

"You bitch." It didn't really work well. She laughed.

"Call me whatever you like, dear, but I am doing you a favor. Do not forget that."

"You aren't doing me a favor. You're giving me a headache and an urge to throw you out my window." For someone who wasn't an Uchiha, she sure had the composure of one.

"That's lovely. But I really must go. Good luck with your still baby brother, my niece. I'll see you soon enough." When she was at the doorway, a smile still on her face, I mumbled, "Yeah, in Hell."


"Tane? What happened? Why did that woman leave?" I sighed and walked up to Kiuya and kneeled down so he towered over me. He looked at me again with sad eyes.

"Your aunt Rena left you in my care, okay kiddo?"

"M-my sister?" I nodded.

"Where's mommy and daddy?" I supressed the urge to vomit. Based on Itachi's expression, he noticed the color turn in my face.

"They aren't here." I whispered, quieter than I hoped.

"Where are they?" Even more color drained from my face, if that was possible.

"I'm not sure. Just gone." I whispered again, daring to twirl a lock of his jet black hair with my finger. His hair was a lot shorter than a lot of the children from the academy that I saw. It curled the slightest bit, and subtley hung around his face, bangs drooped on his forehead.

"Do I have my own room?" I tried for a warm smile, something I didn't do often. I let go of his hair and stood up, reaching out my hand for him to grab. He took it, and followed me up the stairs as I let him to his room.

It was dusty, that's for sure. I hadn't gone there in a while, so I never really had a chance to clean it. But it was tidy. My parents had left it that way, just in case I had hallucinated the whole situation and he was just missing. So there wasn't a crib in there, there was a small bed. When I stepped in the room, I looked down at my brother.

"Here it is."

"It's dusty." He pouted, and he looked just like Naruto, minus the hair and whiskers.

"I'll clean it tomorrow, okay?" He nodded and jumped onto his bed.

"Can you sing me a song?" He asked as he tucked himself in. At first, not registering the words, I frowned. Was he used to tucking himself in?

Then the words process and I nearly did vomit.


"Can you sing to me? It helps me sleep." He didn't smile, but his eyes no longer smiled. I hesitantly nodded, and sat at the foot of the bed.

"Where the dragons live and the eagles fly. Where the moon shines red and the monsters cry. Where life gets sweet, and sour turns bland. It's all the way in the night of the sand.

It all goes too fast burning away. The light of the sun brings around another day. And I can't help but wonder where the monsters go. They like it in the chill of the nightly glow.

But when the sun goes down the lights go out. And the people subside in the night. I can't help but wonder where they go. They like it in the warm shining glow.

And the demons fly while the rabbits cry. I can't come to comfort. The wind over here blows directing the current that grows. The sand blinds my eyes as I try not to cry. The wails of the beasts and angels is compelled to die. And I live again in the silent sand night."

I get surprised when I find that by the end he's humming along, like he remembers my singing.


A/N: Uhhhhhh what?

Ah!!! She has a brother!! (and in my mind he is the cutest fucking thing oh my god)

So just a notice, chapters may (may) be postponed due to my lack of a proper computer, but I'll try my best to get these chapters up because I love writing them and the support is amazing and so are you all

On that note, remember to vote and share this story for infinite lollipops because why not?

And thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!! I'll see you in the next chapter~

~Stephanie ;)

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