Distract Me [Kehlani×XXXTenta...

By JhoniiBlxze

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"Don't touch my shit, don't even look at my shit. Don't even breathe around me because don't nobody wanna sme... More

[[Distract Me]]
what now


602 39 80
By JhoniiBlxze

But all that glitters isn't gold, I was blinded
Should have never gave you my heart on consignment




Today was like any other day at the mall: teenagers hanging out with their friends, people going on shopping sprees, and so on. It had been now 4 days since Kehlani last talked to Jahseh, and guilt was nearly eating her alive. Sky decided to force Kehlani into coming with her to the mall to unwind and take her mind off things, but it didn't matter what they did; Kehlani still missed Jahseh. "Come on, Kehlani. You're only here for 2 more days, and then you leave me on Friday." Sky whined to her. Kehlani let out a sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Fine, what store do you want to go to first?" She asked, causing a smile to grow on Sky's face before she took Kehlani's hand and began dragging her around the mall as they searched for a good store to shop at.

   Elsewhere, Geneva walks out of Victoria's Secret with Sonya and Red by her side. A smirk was plastered across her face as she had felt satisfied from going shopping. "What store y'all wanna go to next?" Red asked the other two. "Let's just walk around until we see something we like in a store." Geneva says, looking down at her phone as she scrolled through it. The trio began to walk, but they unknowingly were walking the same direction as Kehlani and Sky...

"Here, try this on with me." Sky says as she holds up a red and white blouse, showing Kehlani all of its detail. Kehlani looks at the blouse before grabbing it from Sky. "We're getting matching outfits or something?" She asked; Sky shook her head. 

 "I'm getting the blue and white one. We're getting matching outfits but different colors." Sky clarified. "Here, I'll get the white denim shorts, you get the black one." After they get their pairs of shorts, they head to the dressing rooms area. "Hi, we're sharing a room." Sky told the attendant and the attendant nodded her head before showing them to their dressing room. Once they were settled, the attendant leaves them alone and returns to her previous position. 

"Ew, I'm getting fatter." Sky whined after she took her shirt off, revealing her growing baby bump. Kehlani takes her shirt off before admiring her stomach that still was small. She couldn't wait until her stomach grew bigger so she could feel the baby move around and kick. Motherhood was something she held so dear in her heart, especially if she gave birth to a girl like her own mother did; she would feel even more connected to her.

"Ugh, I can't wait to have this baby. It's making my body grow wider." Sky complained as she put her blouse on, and Kehlani began to also put hers on as she laughed at Sky. 

"Well what did you expect? For your body to get smaller?" Kehlani shook her head as she fixed her blouse to fit. The blouses for them both just right, except Sky continued to worry about her weight. Kehlani saw that she began to look upset, so she took her blouse off.

"You know what, let's just go to the maternity store. They most likely have things way cuter than this." Kehlani said, and Sky nodded her head before they both put back on their original clothes and left the store once everything was back in place.


"I hope it's a boy." Sky sighed as she picked up a small pair of blue booties. Kehlani rolled her eyes and laughed. "Yeah, so we could deal with a mini Wifi terrorizing us just as bad as his daddy." Sky chuckled and shook her head at Kehlani's comment. "Like my daughter won't do the same."

Meanwhile, at Ski's house, Ski was only hanging out with Wifi until his phone began to ring. He saw that Jahseh is calling him, so he immediately answered his phone while silencing all noise. "Yo, why you turn it down?" Wifi said, but Ski quickly shushed him.

"X is calling." Ski said as he accepted the call. No less than 10 seconds later, Jahseh's voice talks through Ski's speaker. "Hello?" Jahseh called.

"Wassup vro?" Ski said. "What's good, lil jit?" Wifi said.

Jahseh chuckled, slightly feeling relieved to hear his friends again. "What y'all up to?"

"Shit, not much vro. The girls went to the mall since Kehlani is leaving on Friday."

Jahseh felt remorse as he thought about Kehlani. It was eating him alive that he couldn't call her and talk to her anymore. He always thought that if only she wasn't considered his stepsister, things would be completely different.

"How is she?" Jahseh asked.

"Well, last I saw, she's been feeling better about whatever she's been going through out here. I think you being locked up really took a toll on her." Ski said.

On the other end, Jahseh sighed as he ran his fingers through his dreads. He felt as if he failed Kehlani, and he really missed her without a second thought. He wanted to be there for her and their unborn child, but he couldn't even feel that way because of his current situation. After all that has happened, he wished he'd never met Geneva.

"Yeah vro. I'll be home soon tho, before y'all slow asses even know it." He joked, causing Ski and Wifi to laugh.

"Fuck you." Ski said. "Did they tell you when your next court date will be?"

"Nah, but they said it'll be about another month or so until I'm able to see when I'm eligible for parole. I'm not betting on it tho, they're still looking into my case."

"Well hopefully they don't make you do no more than a year."

"They probably won't if I'm on good behavior."

"Well shit, you better be on your best behavior." Ski laughed.

Back at the mall, Kehlani and Sky were sitting at the food court as they ate their lunch and conversed. Geneva and her crew were walking towards the food court, when Red spotted the two friends. "Geneva, ain't that Jahseh sister and her friend?" Red points out, immediately getting Geneva's attention.

"Where?" She looks around until Red points in their direction. A sinister expression suddenly spreads across Geneva's face. She looks closer and notices a shopping bag from the maternity store right next to Kehlani. "Oh, she's expecting?"

"Expecting what?" Red asks in confusion.

"Apparently a baby... and me." Geneva says before turning away from the sight ot Kehlani and Sky, who were far too engaged in their conversation to even see Geneva staring at them.

"Follow me, guys. I have a plan."

"You annoy me so much, bro." Kehlani laughed as Sky struggled to breathe from laughing. Once Sky finally settled, she let out a deep breath.

"That was the dumb shit that you was on back then."

"Yeah but I was 13, leave me alone." Kehlani laughed.

Sky sighed. "Ohh my God, what time is it?"

Kehlani checks her phone. "Almost 6."

"You ready to go?" Sky asked, and Kehlani nodded her head.

"Yeah let's go." She said as they stood up and grabbed their bags and food trays before throwing their trash away and placing the food trays where they belonged.

As they walked, a look of skepticism and concern plasters across Kehlani's face. Sky noticed and immediately becomes concerned also. "K, what's wrong?" She asked. Kehlani shook her head. "I don't know, something doesn't feel right. My head feels like it's spinning and my stomach feels like it's knotting up."

"Let's hurry and get you back to the house. Did you bring medication?" They began to walk faster once they exited the mall.

Kehlani nodded her head, as she grew uneasy. "Y-yeah."

They finally reached the car, but they immediately stop in their tracks when they see that the back tire was randomly flattened. Sky groaned in frustration. "What the FUCK?!" She yelled. "Who the fuck flattened my tire?!"

Kehlani's nerves began to act up while Sky continued to curse and yell, when all of a sudden she feels herself get pulled back by her hair and she falls to the ground, yelling in agony and alarm. Sky immediately turns her attention to her and attempts to go pry Geneva off of Kehlani, but she is yanked back by Red and Sonya. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!"

Kehlani looks up at Geneva with pain written all over her face, while the sinister expression remained on Geneva's face. "Hi." Geneva wickedly smiled at Kehlani before repeatedly punching her in the face. Sky angrily cries out as she tries to get away from Red and Sonya, but she is briefly silenced by Sonya punching her in the face while Red still held her on the ground.

Kehlani uses all of her strength to push Geneva away, but it results into a hard kick to her forehead. "Stupid bitch!" Geneva yells as she continuously kicks and stomps Kehlani in her torso and stomach. Kehlani and Sky's screams of agony still haven't been heard clearly by anyone at this point.

Geneva pulls out a pair of brass knuckles from her back pocket as Kehlani slightly fades in and out of consciousness with her nose and forehead almost covered in blood. Once she sees Geneva put on the weapon, her eyes widen in terror and she tries to use all the energy she had left in her to scurry away, but she wasn't quick enough. Geneva grabs her by her feet before looking evilly into her eyes.

"I had everything you wanted, especially X. If it weren't for you, I'd still be with him, but it's your fault I had to teach him a lesson."

"Let go of me, you crazy bitch!" Kehlani cried, but was ignored.

"I wonder how it feels to be pregnant by him." Geneva smirks as Kehlani's eyes widen in horror. In the blink of an eye, Geneva forcefully hits Kehlani in her lower abdomen with the brass knuckles, causing wind to be knocked severely out of Kehlani. Her body froze in shock as her legs began to shake, then her whole body began to shake.

Sky finally manages to wrestle Sonya and Red off of her before tackling Geneva off of Kehlani. She slammed Geneva's head into the concrete, almost immediately knocked her unconscious. "Crazy bitch!" Sky yelled as she stood up and sent one final kick to Geneva before running over to Kehlani, who was still shaking.

"Kehlani, oh my God!" Sky cried out. She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed 911.

"9-1-1, what is your emer-"


"Ma'am, calm down, calm down! What is your location?!"

"We're at the Central Mall!"

"Okay, a unit is on it's way right now, and I need you to stay with me on the phone! If your friend is still shaking, I need you to turn their head to the side to prevent them from choking!"

Sky hysterically cries as Kehlani's shaking and twitching begins to cease. "Kehlani, stay with me! Come on!" Sky cries as she turns Kehlani's head to the side to prevent her from choking on any saliva. Sirens are head from a small distance until they inch closer. Sonya and Red struggled to help each other up before limping over to Geneva, whose face was dripping with blood.

A police car pulls up once Sky stands up straight and waves her arms to show where she is. "Ma'am, are you alright?" The officer asks. Sky quickly points at Red, Sonya, and Geneva. "Don't worry about me, ARREST THEM!"

"Freeze! Keep your hands where I can see them!" The other officer yells at them as he walks up to the trio. Sonya and Red hold their hands up while Geneva struggles to pick herself off of the ground.

The paramedics and ambulances arrive before rushing over to Kehlani, who was still slightly twitching, and Sky, who was holding where her child was. Sky is taken over to an ambulance and placed in a gurney as they secured her. "Ma'am, are you alright? Do you feel anything?" The paramedic asked. "My head hurts, but I need to know if my baby and my friend is okay!" Sky cried.

"Ma'am, remain calm. Everything is going to be alright. How far along are you?"

"F-four months!" Sky sobs as she rests her head back. The paramedic goes to speak with another paramedic as Sky's phone begins to ring in her hand. She answers it without seeing who it was. "H-hello?!"

"Baby, what's wrong, why you crying like that?! Is the baby okay?!" Wifi's voice immediately fills with alert and concern.

"I-Isaiah, you have to go to the h-hospital! Kehlani a-and I got a-attacked by that STUPID BITCH!"

"WHAT?!" Wifi angrily yells through the phone. "Alright, I'm on my way, baby. Stay calm, where is Kehlani at?"

"I-I don't know, she was sh-shaking. Geneva punched her s-stomach with brass knuckles."

Wifi growled impatiently and angrily. "Alright, I'll see you at the hospital OK? Be careful, and have them make sure my baby OK."

"O-okay." Sky sobbed, trying her best to ignore the pain and to calm down. "I l-love you."

"I love you more. I'll see you in a little bit, stay calm."

The paramedics finally manage to get Kehlani on the gurney safely and they secure her before putting her in the other ambulance. The breathing mask covered her face as she remained nearly unconscious. As the ambulances began to drive, Kehlani shakily moved her hand and placed it on her stomach,

silently praying that her baby was OK.


Sky did her best to rest in her hospital bed, but she couldn't because her mind kept wandering to Kehlani, and whether or not her baby was okay. She wiped her face countless times as tears kept appearing Ski and Wifi rushed into the hospital and talked to the receptionist. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Sky Davidson. I'm her boyfriend."

After searching her name, Sky's file popped up. "She is in Room 333. On the third floor." They thank the receptionist before rushing off to the elevator. Meanwhile, Sky laid in her room as she tossed and turned. She couldn't stop thinking about Kehlani; she felt like it was her fault for not being aware to her surroundings. She felt that if only they left the mall sooner, she probably would have caught Geneva flattening her tire and handled the situation differently. But she let her guard down and was blinded to where they were hiding because she was too focused on her oddly flat tire.

"Sky." Wifi breathlessly runs into her room, causing her to sit up immediately at the sound of his voice. "Baby, are you okay?" He asks as he rushes over to her and pulls her into a hug.

"I'm fine, but I'm s-scared." She cries into his chest as he kisses her head. He pulls away from her to analyze her face; his eyes softened at the bruises and cuts on her face.

"Geneva did this to you?" He asks.

"No, her bitch ass friends did. They held me down the whole time Geneva was on Kehlani. I feel so weak."

"You not weak, Sky. They caught the both of y'all when y'all wasn't tripping off shit, and they attacked y'all, that wasn't fair. That doesn't make you weak at all baby. You're one of the strongest women I know."

He wipes her tears dry. "But I don't know what's going on with the baby. I couldn't protect myself." Sky said.

As Wifi consoled her, the nurse walks in with the results for Sky's conditions. "Ms.Davidson?" She asks, causing both Sky and Wifi to look up at her. "Oh, are you the father of the baby?" The nurse asks Wifi, and he nods his head.

"Is my baby OK?" Sky quickly asks.

"Your baby is in good condition, nothing out of the ordinary." The nurse assures them, causing them both to sigh in relief. "But we have also learned the sex of the baby, would you like to know?"

Sky looks at Wifi, and he nods his head at her. "Y-yes."

"You are having a..." the nurse glances at the file. "A boy."

A wide grin grows across Wifi's face as Sky chuckled in awe. "Wow."

"Congratulations." The nurse smiled at them. Before she could leave, Sky called her back.

"Wait. My friend Kehlani, is she alright?"

"She's out of the ER now, and she's resting in her room."

"What room is she in?"

"She is in Room 337, I believe."

Sky sighs and nods her head. "Okay, thank you so much."

"My pleasure. The doctor will come by to let you know of your physical condition, and to let you know if you are able to go." The nurse nods before finally leaving the room.

"Baby, could you please go check on Kehlani?" Sky asked Wifi.

"Hold up, I'll ask Ski to do it, he's waiting in the hall." Wifi says before going into the hall to see Ski. "Aye vro."

Ski looks in his direction. "Wassup vro? Is she alright?"

"Yeah she good, thank God. But could you go check on Kehlani for us, she's in 337."

Ski dapped him up. "I got you."

"Thanks vro." Wifi says before going back into Sky's room as Ski goes to find Kehlani's room. Once he found her room, he walked in to see her crying.

"Kehlani? Hey what's wrong?" Ski asked as he walked closer to her. She looked up at him with pain in her eyes.

"I lost the baby." Her voice broke.


to be continued.

Sorry for the long wait AGAIN🙄😭 smh I need to do better I already know

but anyways, thoughts on the chapter??? 💭

this was a little emotional for me to write😩💔

More coming up💛💛 love y'all


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