By lovelytrashfan

121K 4.6K 707

We are sons of Greek Gods and Goddesses, and we tend to fall in love with people we shouldn't. More

Parte One
Part Dos
Parte Three
Part Cuatro
Parte Five
Part Seis
Parte Seven
Part Ocho
Parte Nine
Part Diez
Parte Eleven
Part Doce
Parte Thirteen
Part Catorce
Parte Fifteen
Part Dieciséis
Parte Seventeen
Part Dieciocho
Parte Nineteen
Part Veinte
Parte Twenty-One
Part Veintidos
Parte Twenty-three
Part Veinticuatro
Parte Twenty-five
Part Veintiseis
Part Twenty-seven
Parte Twenty-eight
Part Veintinueve
Part Trientauno
Parte thirty two
Part trientatres
Parte Thirty-four
Part Trientacinco
Parte Thirty-six
Part Trientasiete
Parte Thirty-eight
Part Trientanueve
Parte Forty
Parte Cuarenta y uno
Parte forty-two
Part Cuarenta y tres
Parte Forty-four
Part Cuarenta y cinco
Parte Forty-six

Parte Thirty

1.5K 65 15
By lovelytrashfan

"Jin wake up! They have taken down the protective shield!" Jin quickly sat up to stare at Namjoon. He then looked over to the clock and realized it was just 2 in the morning. Jin quickly took off his covers and got dressed. He ran into his office with Namjoon following close behind him. There were already students running out of their room fully dressed with weapons in their hands.

Once Jin arrived at his office, he took off a painting from the wall and quickly put in his passcode. There in the middle was a switch and without thinking twice, he pulled on the lever. All the lights in the building were shut down and it was then slowly illuminated by red deem lights. The sound of a warning alarm soon filled the building alerting everyone of the attack.

Jin then turned to stare at Namjoon with fear. Joon took steps towards Jin until he had him in his arms. Joon slowly pulled away and gave him a deep kiss. "Please be safe." Jin nodded before they both pulled apart and walked into the mess that was waiting for them.

Yoongi was walking up the steps from the basement with his knives and swords on him. His silver eyes glaring at anyone who crossed his path. He was pissed at the fact that they had to wake him up at this time to fight those damn bastards. He made his way outside onto the field that they would always practice on.

Soon, everyone was outside as the Gods and Goddesses stood before them. Some of them looked ready to fight while others looked like they were being destroyed within. The students, on the other hand, we're trying so hard not to make it seem like they were afraid. They didn't want to fight their parents, but if it meant for them to continue to stay alive, then they were willing to do anything.

Zeuz stepped forward as the lightning behind him went into an outrage. Namjoon stood before him, showing only a poker face as the clouds behind him thundered and darken the sky. "It is the last time I am allowing you to back down. If you know what is best for your people, then step down disgraceful boy!" Namjoon did not flinch at his words, instead, he gave him a smirk as his eyes quickly changed into their bright yellow shade.

"It is time for a new leader." Zeus's eyes widen and rose his hand in the air. Before anything could touch Namjoon, Yoongi quickly sent a knife flying at his arm. That caused Zeus to cry out in anger, "Attack! I want them all dead!" Without thinking, the Gods/Goddesses ran and flew over to the students. Namjoon flew away from his father as Jungkook kept creating shields to protect Joon from the lighting bulbs being sent his way.

Yoongi looked around the field to see how determined the students all seemed in winning this war, and that's what they were going to do. Yoongi faced to see who was in front of him and realized at the irony in this situation. The God of Sleep stood before him, Hypnos, looking ready to put Yoongi to sleep.

"I don't want to go to sleep this time Hypnos, it's time for your bedtime." Yoongi took out a sword from behind him and quickly turned invisible. He ran towards him and sliced both his arms and legs causing Hypnos to fall in agony. Yoongi finally walked in front of him making eye contact with him. He rose his arm in the air and soon felt the blood splatter onto his skin and clothes.

A scream soon caused him to turn his attention to Jungkook. Zeus had finally thrown Kook away from Namjoon leaving him without any protection. Damn, Jin, how much longer do we have to wait? Zeus ignored Joon and made his way to Jungkook who laid there in pain without being able to move. Yoongi realized what was going to happen and quickly picked up his pace, but Taehyung got there first. His golden eyes shined so brightly almost blinding anyone who dared to look at him.

"You stupid boy, are you really going to protect someone as pathetic as him?" Zeus rose his hand and snapped his fingers in the air as a lightning bulb came rushing down onto them. Jungkook closed his eyes not wanting to face their reality. He wanted to tell Tae to run and safe himself, but unfortunately, he could still feel it. He felt the liquid of blood being splattered onto his face. He could hear the sound of it going through the skin. No no no no, this can't be real.

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