Hetalia x reader (Hetaoni)

By America4life02

8.7K 306 79

Hell, thats what this place was. It was a hell they never thought they would be walking into when they arrive... More

The Mansion Part 1
Finding Friends
Not Alone
Sleeping Conditions
Metal Pieces
Harsh Reality
Searching the Unknown
Enemies Lost in Time
Q&A Announcement
Guilt or Pride
Hetaoni Pt.2 Deleted scenes!!
Hetaoni x Reader from Pt.3 Deleted Scenes

The One Who Turned Back Time

275 11 3
By America4life02

~~~~~(Present With Japan, Romano, and Prussia)~~~~

Team Japan went down from floor to floor. Looking at each wall, closet, nook and cranny in the house. Looking for any door or room that could be lead to the Annexe.  Eventually they made it to the first floor. Romano let out a sigh as he stared at the walls. They finally made it to the room area that kind of looked like a Japanese style dojo room. Romano was knocking on the wall, tapping and tapping listening to any sounds. Romano scrunched up his face, knocking on the wall again.

"Something wrong, Romano?" Japan asked.

"It sounded different when  I knocked here." Romano said knocking again to make sure he wasn't mistaken.

"Indeed." Japan said, perking up at the sound. Prussia went over knocking on the wall.

"Its not solid. There is clearly somthing here. Why don't we tear off the wallpaper?" Prussia suggested. Japan and Romano nodded as Prussia wedged his fingers between the wallpaper, wrippping it off in one fluid motion. Once the article was torn off a old worn out wooden door stood before then.

"A door.." Romano muttered in awe.

"You did well in noticing that it sounded different. There was also a door like this in the basement. Is this... the entrance to the annexe we heard of?" Japan asked as he tapped on the door.

"This is where Veneziano and (Name) is.... Right?" Romano asked with hope.

"Yes diffidently..." Japan reassured, though he himself was hoping he was right. Prussia looked at the door with a distant look, Japan looked at him. "And your brother too of course."  Prussia jumped startled.

"Huh!? Wh-what ever! I'm not worried about him at all!" Prussia exclaimed turning red.

"Me neither, You bastardo. I-I-I'm not worried about my stupid little brother at all-" Japan laughed lightly at the two, making both shut up.

"Yes, yes. Don't let your guard down. You're too mervous... huhu.." Japan said between small laughs.

~~~~(Your POV)~~~~

When we got to the piano room I lost all my energy and callapsed against the wall. I was breathing heavily and was paler then before. Germany grabbed my arm to keep me from falling to the floor.

"W-Whats wrong?" America asked. I looked up tiredly. 

"My energy was drained when we went back in time..." I sighed as my legs gave out from below me. 

"Steady frau." Germany mummbled as he helped lower me down to the ground.

"Are you okay? You and Italy got a head ache after the tremors." America asked then stated. I smiled.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll live, I just need to recharge a little." I said as I ran my hand through my hair.

"If you say so." Germany said. Time passed quickly and Germany stood up. Its that time again.... I think we can go out now." Germany said looking at his wrist watch.

"How are you two feeling? If its still bad, I'll go look for the journal with Germany and you two can stay here and rest." America suggested. Italy was the first to speak out of the two of us.

"Oh, sorry. I'm fine. Lets go look for the journal." Italy said standing up. I wabbily got to my feet still supporting myself against the wall. 

"Yeah, It will be better if we stick together so we don't mix each other with the other us. Lets start at the first floo-?" I stopped talking when the door creaked open and I felt a lump in my throat. We all froze as a shaggy blond British man with shining emerald green eyes walked in. He looked at us with wide shocked eyes.

"Oh?" He looked at us confused. "Wh-What the hell, you agian-OW!" England gritted his teeth and gripped his arms tight. I gasped and rushed over to him.

"Yeah... Um, what happened to your shoulder?" America asked as I lighty nudged Englands hand away from his wound. He pushed my hand away and hissed slightly, trying to hide his obvious pain.

"Nothing. Its... Nothing." England stopped as he stared at Italy who gave a puzzled expression.

"Wh-what? Is there something on my face?" Italy asked feeling around his face.

"No. I see.... thats it." England muttered. America took a step towards England worry clear on his face.

"England! Your shoulder is bleeding!" America snapped, getting closer. I looked back at Englands shoulder and gasped, seeing red crimson seeping through his clothes.

"Yeah, I know! Stop freaking out." England snapped at America with a scowl, and lightly pushed my hands away from his shoulder. I pouted.

"England I swear if you dont let me fix up your wound I'm going to give you a new one!" I snapped, making everyone look at me shocked. His expression soften and he shook his head. He cupped my cheek and stared at me a while.

"Dont worry about it, love. It wont matter here before to long... Your drained.." He stated. I shook my head.

"Dont try and change the subject." I snapped. He ran his and through my hair and I subconsiously leaned into his touch.

"You..... this was possible because of you.... thank you." He muttered. I sighed.

"Whats he talking about?" Italy asked. I looked back.

"A normal time spell is difficult to do alone and takes years to accomplish. To make time go back in the moment you need it you need both light and dark magic to push back time." I said, pointing to both me and England. "England and his me the time loop before this one cast the spell to go back in time. I don't think my past self body could take the drain of energy and sucked most of my energy out." I stated ruffling my hair.

"How does that work?" America asked. England stepped up to answer for me.

"Think of magic like frequency's. Each magical frequency runs on a different level and none being the same, similar to a finger print. My (Name) was already weak and drained when we did the s....spell. She knew she wasn't going to make it and I urged her to think through it, but she said it wasn't going to matter if we succeded. She died before the spell was finished and since both of them were on the same frequency so when my (Name) was...... gone, your (name) filled in for her adding more power to the spell. Hence is why the others do not have any memorie of the previouse loop. Is that correct, love?" England asked sending me a small smile. I smiled back with a nod.

"That is correct..... but there is more. That spell, how are you still here? You should have gone back with the others." I stated. He looked away.

"The spell costed a life for me to stay and change time. (Name) said it was best if I went. She knew she wouldn't .... make it.." England said with a regrettable look. He coughed and looked over to America. "Say... America, What is your purpose here?" England asked, putting his cold front back up.

"W-What? Oh, um.. to escape with everyone.." America stated. England narrowed his eyes.

"I know that. What I want to know is why are you in this world." England asked. America looked at him with a panicked expression. England sighed in frustration. "Want me to be even blunter? Tell me what you, Italy, Germany, and (Name) are doing here. Why have you come to this world?" England asked, making us all tense. 

"He knew the moment he looked at all of us. Lets come clean..." I stated crossing my arms.

"..... we are looking for the journal..." Germany finally stated bluntly. 

"Germany!!" Italy exclaimed panicking. Germany ignored Italy's complaints and continued on.

"We can't find it anywhere. Without it, we can't go back. Thats why..." Germany confessed. England scoffed and turned around. Next he held a book in his hand and threw it at Germany who caught it surprised.

"Then fucking go back already. Always loitering around and making a racket, you lot..." England said, sticking his nose up snidely. 

"The journal! It was with you, England?" Italy asked confused.

"I found it on the first floor.... Urg! ...What the Hell!? You've got to run! They're feeding it!" England snapped out of the blue. We all looked at him startled.

"What are you talking about?"  I asked. We all jumped as the door was slammed open. England glared at the giant ass monster staring at us, baring its teeth. I gulped and shakely pulled out my bo.

"It's here. You guys go back! Don't intervene anymore!" England snapped.

"Wait! Are you going to fight alone!? You cant!" America snapped. England glared at him. He looked at Italy and turned around to face the creature.

"Sorry, we don't have much time. Your going to die very soon. Just listen to what I have to tell you." England said, his words directed to Italy.

"Wait! I dont understand!" Italy exclaimed confused. 

"Just listen to me! That all you've got to do! Don't go to the second floor! Thats all!" England said as he let out a green light shine in the palm of his hand. I looked at him in horror. I moved to raise my arm and use my magic, but I couldn't move.

"I cant move!" America exclaimed as he gritted his teeth trying to move. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"ENGLAND LET ME GO AND HELP!" I snapped anger raising in my body. The green light that surrounded England soon turned red, making me more urgent to help.

"Sorry love but I cant do that. You are still weak and if you use any more you will end up like my (Name). Don't worry. I'll die before it can attack you. I'll teleport you back with the journal using what little magic I've got left.. " England said as the red magic only glowed brighter.

"Wait your!" England cut Germany off. I felt tears running down my cheek, feeling hopeless and useless. 

"Please cut it off." England snapped.

"No! ENGLAND!!" I cried as we were engulfed in a bright white light.

~~~~Third point of view~~~

The door to the room opened again and America walked in looking around.

"I haven't seen this room yet. Italy told us not to come here-" America jumped at the sight of the monster and his eyes landed on England who was still flashing in a red light. "England what are you doing!?" America exclaimed as he rushed to Englands side. England looked at him painting as his power was drained.

"Oh... its.. you... This whole room is going to blow up in thirty seconds. You've got to run." England pleaded as he kept most of his energy on the monster.  America stood there tryong to come up with a way to save both of them, but he came out fruitless. He looked at England with a rare seriouse expresion.

"I'll stay by your side. A hero could never forsake anyone." America stated coolly as he smiled at Englands blank stare. A small smile formed on his lips and a small scoff left his mouth.

"Idiot... Fucking... show-off." England muttered, still smiling at America. The room started to heat up and it turned red all around them. America laughed as he grabbed Englands shoulder (Un injured one) giving it a light squeeze. 

"Only this time, yeah, you're right." America said as the room flashed.

~~~~(Your POV)~~~~ 

"EEENNNGGGLLLAAANNNDDD!" I screeched as the light engulfed us. When the light vanished my legs gave out on me and I crashed to the floor. My arms shook as fear and sadness over ran my emotions. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sobbed.

"Whao!? A-America?!" A voice I knew well exclaimed. I peeked through my bangs and saw Japan, Romano, and Prussia standing there with shocked expressions. 

"West! What the hell, you really came back!" Prussia exclaimed with a relieved look.

"Are you hurt Veneziano?" Romano exclaimed concern written on his features. Italy looked over at America with worried eyes.

"America!" Italy exclaimed. America was taking deep ragged breaths and anger and grief was all that was left in his features.

"America..." Germany called out cautiously. America's shaking got more and more violent as tears ran down his face.

"Shh......SHIIITT!" America snapped as he slammed his fist into the wall. He slammed his fist into the wall, over and over. "He's fucking kidding me!!" I threw myself of the ground and flung myself at him (Well I lost my balance mostly but still managed to wrap my arms around his waist) and wound my arms around his torso. He stopped when I made contact, but refused to move as sobs shook its way from his body. I buried my face into his back crying with him.

"...... Japan.." Italy muttered getting the attention of the shocked onlookers. " I remember a few more things." Italy confessed, looking down solemnity

"Yes?" Japan asked still shocked and confused.

"There is some one who can go back in time..." Italy stated.

"What, Really!?" Prussia exclaimed.

"Its (Name) and England... England.... it was him..." Italy stated as he stared at the two sobbing figures with sadness. 

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