5SOS Preferences

By nurkhai1847

111K 964 53

the title basically explains it all, plus read at your own risk because 5sos feels you know creds to the rig... More

5SOS Preferences
#1 What Song You Will Sing Together
#2 Winter
#3 He Comes Home Early From Tour
#4 When You're Feeling Insecure
#5 He Cheated On You
#6 You're Their Songwriter And He Likes You
#7 He Brings You Home To Meet His Family
#8 He Finds An Old Photo Of You
#9 "It's Over"
#10 Low Self Esteem
#11 He Gets Jealous
#12 Teaches You How To Kiss
#13 Reaction On You Wearing A Bikini
#14 How You Met
#15 Double Preference
#16 Wearing His Shirts
#17 New Years
#18 Playful Fights
#19 Concert Jealous
#20 Caught By Your Brother's BF
#21 He Does Your Hair
#22 Fake
#23 Your Song
#24 Your Wedding Day
#25 Talking In His Sleep
#26 First Hockey Game
#27 Helps You Raise Your Siblings
#28 Ribbons
#29 Best Friends With A Member Of ATL
#30 Baking Christmas Cookies
#31 Falling Asleep On Him
#32 A 1D Member Walks In On You Two
#33 He Supports You In A Sport/activity
#34 Miscellanous
#35 Rainy Days
#36 He's Sick
#37 He Asks You To Move In
#38 You're Pregnant But It's Not His
#39 Cute Sneezing Fit
#40 You Have A Break Down/Relapse
#41 Miscellanous 2
#42 Miscellanous 3
#43 They Make Fun Of Your Small Boobs
#44 Helps You When You Are In Trouble
#45 Forever And Always
#46 Commitment Issues
#47 He's With Fans In The Pool And You Get Jealous
#48 Father's Day
#49 He Proposes On Christmas
#50 Playing The Blame Game
#51 Fans Reactions To The Pregnancy
#52 Miscallenous 4
#53 English Love Affair
#54 You're An Actress
#55 You're An Actress 2
#56 Thanks For The Memories
#57 He Gets Jealous 2
#58 You Have a Eating Disorder and He Tries To Get You To Eat
#59 Scary Movie Night
#60 He Walks In On You Changing
#61 Good Girls
#62 He's A Football Player
#63 He Surprises You On His Birthday
#64 Summertime
#65 Weddings
#66 Bringing The Baby Home From The Hospital
#67 Pranks
#68 Leaving
#69 The Morning After
#70 Enchanted
#71 His Band Isn't Famous (AU)
#72 Bad Dreams
#73 Playing 5 Secs Of Snogging
#75 He Fingers You In Public
#76 Missing
#77 The Bump Starts To Show
#78 Phobias
#79 Adopt A Pet Together
#81 Mood Swings
#82 Miscallenous 5
#83 Meet & Greet
#84 Hawaii
#85 You Play An Instrument
#86 Apologies After The Fight
#87 The Heart Wants What It Wants
#88 Giving Him A Massage
#89 First Fight
#90 Stay
#91 Road Trip
#92 Frat Party
#93 Fans Ship You Guys
#94 High School Sweethearts
#95 Triple Surprise
#96 He's Your Brother & Cheers You Up
#97 Fake Dating

#80 Nerves

500 5 1
By nurkhai1847

#80 Nerves

"I can't do this," you muttered, "Oh my God."

You paced around the hotel room, letting your mind wander everywhere it shouldn't have gone, because now you were a nervous wreck.

"Babe," Michael sounded out, trying to calm you down, "Babe, (Y/N), relax, it's okay. You need to lie down."

"Michael I can't do this," you repeated.

"(Y/N), I mean, you don't really have a choice..." he smiled sympathetically, trying to make you feel better.

"You fucking suck at sympathy, you know that?"

"Don't swear, babe, it's not good for the baby," he motioned to your protruding belly that had been developing for nine months now. Meaning you were going to have a baby soon. Meaning it was going to hurt like hell. Meaning you were about to punch Michael in the face.

"Michael I swear to God I'm asking them to knock me out and you are going to pay for it," you snarled.

"Aww, but babe," he teased, "Don't you want to see our little miracle?"

He walked up to you, putting a hand on your swelled tummy. You couldn't even see your feet anymore, much less try to pace around a hotel room without waddling like a penguin.

"Our little miracle is about to rip my vagina into a million pieces, so no, not particularly."

"C'mon, (Y/N), don't be like that," he bent down and kissed your stomach.

"Hey little guy," he cooed, "We're gonna see you soon, okay? I know your mum's being really mean," he looked up at you, sending you a fake glare, "but she doesn't mean it. This whole pregnancy thing's got her emotions out of whack. She'll punch me in the face and then start crying about the hungry children in Africa."

"You're not helping, Mike," you responded flatly.

"Look, babe, you'll be fine. It's not like you can die from giving childbirth."

"Yes you can, Mike."

"You can?" he questioned, "Well, fuck. Guess you're screwed then."

"Gee, thanks! Father of the Year right here."

"Well I'm not a father yet so I can be as irresponsible and mean as I want," he laughed.

"For the next 48 hours, maybe."

"In all seriousness, though, babe, you'll be fine," he smiled, "I'll be right here and you can squeeze my hand off, except not my left hand because that's my lucky hand. But you can squeeze off my right. Actually, could you not squeeze either of them off I kind of need them to play guitar."

"Michael," you groaned, ignoring his comments. You knew he was only trying to make you laugh and feel better but he had a stupid way of doing it. He stood back up and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, keeping a hand on your stomach.

"I don't think you realize how wonderful this is, (Y/N)," he kissed you again.

"We're going to be parents soon. We're gonna have a kid. And it'll call you Mummy and it'll call me Daddy and we'll be parents. And we'll buy it shit and you can feed it with your boobs and -"

"Michael," you cut him off, an unimpressed look apparent on your face, "So much for not swearing in front of the baby."

"Well it's not here yet, so,"

"You fucking hypocrite."

"That's right, babe, get it all out while you still can," he laughed.

"Are the boys coming?" you asked him, changing the subject.

"Yeah, yeah, they're coming," he nodded, "They're really excited, actually."

"Good, great, that's fucking great, at least they, you know, don't have to have a baby rip through a fucking tiny hole in their body-"

"Hey, babe?" he shut you up with a kiss to your lips, "You'll be fine. It'll all be worth it, I promise. It'll be soworth it. Don't tell me you're not just about to pee your pants waiting for this little guy, because I know you are. You're gonna be a mum, (Y/N)."

"You should've worn a fucking condom," you snarled through your teeth, even though you didn't mean it. You didn't mean any of it. There was nothing you wanted more than to hold your little baby, your little miracle, in your arms, even if you had to go through hell to see it.

You put your hands on your gigantic belly, smiling to yourself.

"See you soon, bud," you cooed, rubbing it gently.


"Fuck," you cursed, "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck."

You paced around the tiny room, trying not to either vomit or run off.

You were about to get fucking married.

"(Y/N)," your maid of honor replied, placing her comforting hands on your shoulders, "It's okay."

"God, fuck, no it's not! What the hell was I thinking?! 'Yeah, sure, Cal, I'll totally marry you,' what the fuck? NO!"

"Well geez I hope that wasn't your response when he asked you," she muttered, but you didn't bother in replying, "(Y/N) you've been with Calum for ages now. There's nothing to be scared of."

"Yes there is, oh my God. What if we get divorced, then all this was for pretty much nothing! And what if we get up there and the priest is all like 'Calum you sure you wanna marry this bitch?' and he says 'lol nope' and just runs out of there, just never to be seen again!" you sat down in the elegant chair in the corner, placed conveniently right by the window, covering your face with your hands.

"Really, (Y/N)?" she asked you, "Really? You're scared of being left at the altar? Calum is in love with you, (Y/N), he's obsessed with you. He'd be an idiot to leave you at the altar, considering he loves you and all."

"I'm just, I don't know, I'm just nervous," you shrugged, looking up at her pitifully. Everything was in order, and the wedding was about to start.

You were all dressed up in your white gown and your tiara and your flowers were sitting right on the stand next to the door. Your maid of honour, your parents, everything was ready. But you weren't. The constant nagging of 'what if's' constantly flodded into your mind. Different scenarios of Calum saying no or Calum running off with some Jessica Rabbit look-alike in the audience, or even a meteor flying in and destroying everything. You weren't ready to get married. Spending the rest of your life with someone - talk about intimidating.

"Everybody gets nervous, (Y/N)," her voice was quiet, and sympathetic, trying her best to calm you down and make sure you actually went through with this wedding and not bounce in a spur of the moment decision.

"You're spending the rest of your life with this guy, hell, I'd be worried if you weren't nervous," she smiled.

"But you love him. I know you do. You and Calum have something special, and he loves you so much and you love him so much and if you don't go through with this wedding, it'll break his heart. And your mum's. Your mum will be miserable."

"Thanks," you laughed.

"So you okay now?" she asked.

"No," you responded truthfully, "If I get up there and vomit I am straight up vomiting on Calum. It's his own fault, he asked me to marry him."

"I'll make sure someone records it," she teased, "Now come on, it's almost your time to shine."

She led you outside into the waiting hall, giving you a comforting hug and sending you a wave before she left, linking arms with Luke, as he was Calum's best man.

Your dad smiled at you as he linked arms with you.

"Say the word and I'll kill him," your dad teased.

"I'll be sure to do that," you laughed.

"What's our key word? I'm thinking 'tomato'."

"Tomato it is."

"Alright I yell tomato and you pull out your pocketknife and I'll distract the police. Deal?"


The two of you laughed as you received your cue, 'Canon in D' playing as you two starting your walk down the aisle.

Calum was waiting for you at the end of the aisle, watching you lovingly, relieving your fear of him not showing up at all.

As your dad left you and went to sit down, and you went up the few steps to the altar in front of Calum, Michael threw a wolf whistle and a wink your way, sending everyone in a chorus of laughter.

"We are gathered here today," the priest started his speech, but you weren't listening. You couldn't take your eyes off your soon-to-be-husband-in-a-few-minutes, who was gazing at you just as awed.

And as you exchanged your 'I Do's and your vows, you realised that any worrying you had done previously was just stupid. You loved Calum, and Calum loved you, and that's all there was to it. You'd be with him forever, and as intimidating as it was, you guys would be just fine, and you had no reason to yell 'tomato' because if Calum died (your father would not hesitate to keep his word) needless to say, your world would end.


This is it, you thought. You were going to give your boyfriend your virginity. You were freaking out, obviously. He had taken you out to dinner and you hadn't acted as normally as you wanted, fidgeting and being awkward and saying things you didn't really mean to say, such as pointless facts about penguins and their mating seasons.

"(Y/N) are you alright?" Ashton asked you nervously, not sure if he wanted to know the answer. You had pretty much already ruined the mood so you might as well have saved it for another night, but you knew that Ashton was going to think you were on drugs.

"What, yeah, no, I'm fine," you shrugged it off.

"Are you sure?" he questioned.

"Fucking no," you muttered.

"What's up? Is there something going on?" he asked, hesitating for a second before reaching for your hand across the table in comfort.

"Sorry, it's just," you paused, "I've been thinking for a while, and I, um, I want to give you my virginity," your cheeks immediately flushed red at your choice words.

"What?" he asked.

"Really?" he seemed genuinely surprised at you revealing this to him, and you couldn't help but look down at your plate.

"I know I kinda ruined it with the whole penguin thing," you replied, "So we can wait until tomorrow or something -"

"No, no," he cut you off, "I thought it was cute," he smiled.

"Yeah, right," you teased him, "You just wanna get laid."

"Hey, don't word it like that," he frowned.

"I'm not going to get laid. I'm going to be your first," he called the waiter over for the check and then left hurriedly as Ashton paid in cash and left a large tip.

He wrapped his arm around your waist and kept you close to him as he lead you back to the car, whispering in your ear, "I'm not going to fuck you tonight, (Y/N)."

He told you, "I'm going to make love to you."

You looked at him and smiled lovingly, placing a sweet kiss to his cheek.

"Thank you," you whispered in his ear.


(this is gonna be nervous luke bc cAN U IMAGINE HOW CUTE)

"(Y/N)," he hissed, "I can't do this."

"What are you talking about, Luke?" you looked at him questioningly. The two of you were alone in the dressing room, the other boys were off somewhere, probably just messing around.

"I can't- we're, we're playing an arena," he said.

"Yeah, you are," you nodded, "Pretty amazing, right?"

"We're headlining in an arena," He repeated.

"Luke, what's wrong?" you asked him, "Are you nervous?"

"Well, yeah," he said, as if it was obvious, "It's just, what if I mess up?"

"Luke," you got up and stood in front of him, caressing his forearms lightly,

"You've played hundreds of shows before. This one's no different, okay? There's just more people there to see you, because frankly, people love you." You kissed his cheek lightly.

"But, if I mess up, there's all these people-"

"Luke you're not a fucking robot, people mess up. It's normal," you laughed, "But if you mess up, which you won't, by the way, I've seen you preparing for this tour for months, just play it cool. Laugh it off. I'm sure Cal and Mike and Ash will tease you a little bit, but then it'll just be over and the concert will move on. Besides, Calum is probably going to mess up more than you will. I mean he forgets the words to his own damn songs that he wrote," Luke smiled lightly at your attempt to make him feel better.

"Luke, you're going to be fine. You're going to go out there and sing your heart out and play guitar and have a freaking party up there on stage, because that's why people love you. You mess up, and you're not perfect, but you have fun with it. And you sing and laugh and mess around and be four fucking idiots that all those girls out there just adore. Okay?"

"Okay," he nodded, kissing your cheek, "Thank you."

"You're going to be awesome. You always are," you winked.






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