Elsewhere Chronicles: Grimm (...

By CaptainCasualER

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Monsters hound the land and cause havoc all over the New World. From chimeras and dragons to the legendary le... More

A Word of Warning
0.1: Of Grey Ears and Red Hood
0.2: A Monochrome Masquerade
0.3 A Grimm Night to Remember
1.2. Bon Voyage, Mes Jeunes Chasseurs!
Action Report: TSSE Novac
2. Welcome to Trivium, Young Huntsmen
3. An Explosive Entrance
Shade Academy Curriculum
4. A Grimm Guide to Shade
5. A Prelude to the Gauntlet
Huntsman's dandy handbook: Basics of Neverborns

1.1. Bon Voyage, Mes Jeune Chasseurs!

13 0 0
By CaptainCasualER

The moon slowly faded over the horizon, waiting for the sun to catch up. In the skies, high above the waters between Trivium and the countryside of southern Sentrull, a Sky Engine flew high. This cruise ship lazily drifted on the clouds, taking its sweet time getting to its destination. In one of the cabins, a young woman groggily woke up from her slumber. She sat up, eyes half open and with messy bed hair. Her grey bangs blocking her vision. She stretched her arms and legs as she let out a yawn. She finally got up from her bed and left immediately for the bathroom.

After "refreshing" herself, she looked out of her cabin window to look at the clouds below. She still couldn't get over it, she was flying in a Sky Engine! It was a luxury few could afford, especially since she was flying first class! She thought back about the people she left behind and thanked them once more for such an opportunity, especially Dietrich, who gave her the ticket in the first place. She checked the time on her phone, to see that she is just in time to witness the sunrise. She smiled at this prospect, she always loved the sunrise. It was so soothing and beautiful. She put on her new "Huntswoman" outfit. Her eyes shined like stars at the prospect. It was corny to have an extravagant outfit, especially in this line of work, which valued practicality over style. But she couldn't help but give in to her romanticized vision of Huntsmen and Huntswomen. Stylishly going into battle against the forces of chaos and evil. She put on her "costume": a white blouse with a leather corset, leather gloves, hot-pants and stocking and knee-high leather boot. She looked over to the final piece of the outfit, her mother's red hood and cloak, neatly folded on a chair. She gently stroked the worn but soft fabric of the cloak. This cape had seen so much, lived so much. The tears and holes at the end of it were testaments to that. She admired her mother's cloak one last time before donning it like her mother before her. The cloak almost hugged her body, enveloping her in a gentle warmth. She smiled, as the warm feeling reminded her of her mother. 

She looked out of the window once more with a big smile on her face. She dashed out of the room and ran into the ship's hallways. Destination: main deck! She failed to take notice of her environment as she collided painfully into someone and falling flat on her rear. She held her shin as the person she collided with held their swollen forehead. Sasha profusely apologized as she held her reddened chin.

(Grey-eared wolf, Sasha Thornfield): "I-I'm so sorry! I should have checked where I was going!"

The person she collided with, a rather short girl with long black hair and wearing a classy bouncer outfit, shot a glare at her. Upon seeing Sasha's ears and tail, her expression softened and went to give Sasha a helping hand.

(Raven-Haired Snake, Illia Black): "I'm fine, no need to apologize. What about you, miss?"

Sasha gladly took the hand given to her and hoisted herself back up.

(Sasha): "I'm fine, thank you milady. "

"Milady" smirked and raised an eyebrow.

(Milady Illia): "I'm a lady now?"

Sasha's eyes widened and she began panicking, fumbling out apologies.


Realizing how loud she was, she covered her mouth. She continued, rather embarrassed and still stammering.

(Sasha): "I-I-I-I'm sorry. W-would you rather Miss? Or-or maybe you're actually a Sir? I-If that the case then i-"

"Milady" chuckled lightly at Sasha's display, causing Sasha to pout lightly. the black-haired lady apologizes.

(Illia): "Do pardon me. It's just that... I was surprised by the honorific. It's not every day that you get treated like nobility."

Sasha pouted still but admitted that much.

(Sasha): "I guess you're right."

The black-haired snake asked her why she was so excited earlier since the sun isn't even up yet. Sasha shyly twiddled her thumbs.

(Sasha): "I really like looking at the sunrise, it... soothes me, because I know that it's the same sunrise my mum sees every day..."

She looked down, embarrassed at the words that left her mouth. She felt like jumping off of the ship at this very instant, especially with the awkward silence that followed. Illia started trembling before exclaiming at the top of her lungs.

(Illia): "YOU ARE SO CUTE~!!!"

Sasha jumped at the Lady's outburst before feeling her face heat up. She hid her embarrassment by covering her face with her hood. A few heads popped out of their cabins, confused and curious at the shouting. Illia continued on her gushing, although less loudly.

(Illia, now with diabetes): "D'aw~, c'mere cutiepie."

She grabbed ahold of Sasha and pulled her in a hug before patting her head like a kid, despite being shorter by a few inches. Sasha, dying of embarrassment, squirmed.

(Sasha): "Please...stop..."

Despite herself, her tail wagged from side to side, earning a few chuckles from hidden bystanders and Illia herself. Illia managed to calm down slightly, although she still smiled widely.

(Illia): "I'm sorry, it's just... you were so cute I couldn't help myself."

(Sasha): "Please stop calling me cute."

The black mamba chuckled lightly, causing Sasha to pout and sulk. lightbulb.

(Illia): "Hey, I know what'll cheer you up. How about we go see the sunrise?"

Sasha's ears perked up, although she still acted reluctant.

(Sasha): "I'd like that."

With that, the two of them made their way to the main deck. Upon opening the hatch, Sasha took a deep breath of the morning air before running to the railing. The sun slowly came up over the horizon as Sasha witnessed it in awe. Illia walked over and sat against the railing, a smile plastered over her face. It was... peaceful and quiet. Usually, she didn't like silence, but this... this was different. Sasha looked over to her and realized something.

(Sasha): "We... We never introduced ourselves, have we?"

The raven-haired snake took a moment to process what she just said before bursting out laughing.

(Illia): "We never did, now have we?"

She stood up in front of Sasha and did an exaggerated salute.

(Illia): "The names Illia..."

She looked away hesitantly for a second before looking back, somewhat confidently.

(Illia Black): "Illia Black."

Sasha made a practiced curtsy, lifting her cape in stead of a dress.

(Sasha): "My name is Sasha Thornfield. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Black."

Illia smirked.

(Illia): "I thought I was a lady."

(Sasha): "OH COME ON!"

Illia laughed before going back to admiring the sunrise.

(Illia): "It really is beautiful..."

(Sasha): "It really is."

Illia sat back against the railing before producing out a book from her vest and reading it.


A rather handsome man with platinum blond hair softly tussled in his bed. His mouth was covered in drool and despite his looks, he was snoring rather disgustingly. He turned a bit more, only for him to fall on the hard floor with an audible "Thud". His eyes flew open and he looked around... only to fall back asleep, enveloping himself in his blanket.

(Prodigy and Dipshit extraordinaire, Baron Snow): "Fuck it... ten more minutes..."


The morning sky went from crimson to blue as dawn makes way for morning. Sasha and Illia had been shooting the breeze for about an hour, just talking about anything and everything as to get to know each other. Sasha asked Illia about the book she's reading, "God Lamented".

(Illia): "it's kind of a sad story. It's about a creator who's working on a passion project. On what he creates, it's left vague so that people can come to their own conclusion. Was he a god? Maybe he was an artist or a writer? It doesn't really matters in the end since he dies pretty early in the story. The rest of the story is about some of his friends coming together to try and finish the project."

(Sasha): "Aw that so sweet of them! What happened?"

(Illia): "They ruin everything."

(Sasha): "Oh..."

(Illia): "In the end, in order to finish the product, they sold the soul of the project. It became something unrecognizable from what it was at the beginning. Some argue downright inferior. Those that think that the creator was a god say that it's a species of sentient creatures that turned into soulless automatons. Others who think that it was about an artist or writer say that it's about a piece that was bought out by a big media corporation and became another piece of trash without a passion nor soul."

(Sasha): "That sounds... so sad. The original creator must be so disappointed in what his project has become."

(Illia): "I agree."

A popular song suddenly played, catching the two girls off guard. Illia reached for her pocket and pulled out her phone. She checked who just texted her and became irritated at who it is. She turned back to Sasha.

(Illia): "Sorry Sasha, it's my boss. I gotta go."

Sasha waved at her as she left.

(Sasha): "I hope we'll meet again!"

Illia turned back with a smile on her face.

(Illia): "Likewise!"

And off she went, back to her cabin, leaving Sasha alone in the morning light. As for Sasha, she basked in the warm sunlight for just a bit longer, until her stomach's growl reminded her of her lack of breakfast. She made her way to the ship's mess hall to go get her grub on.


Illia stood in front of her room, mentally preparing herself for what's coming. Knowing her boss, he probably needed her help for something absolutely pedantic. She took in a deep breath and opened her door. There he was, Baron Snow, heir of the Snow Innovation throne, lying on the floor, ass up in the air and a pool of drool on the floor. She facepalmed at the sight, she wasn't paid enough for this shit. His phone was next to his hand, this fucking guy had sleep texted her. She let out an annoyed grunt before making her way into the bathroom. She returned with a glass full of water and dumped it all in one shot on Baron's face. His eyes shot open and he rolled onto his back. They made eye contact and he gave her a sly smile.

(Baron): "Sup, come here often?"

She rolled her eyes.

(Illia): "Next time you sleep text me, I'll shove it where the sun doesn't shine."

They have been travelling together for a while, since that fateful night. Well... fateful is a bit much. Ever since then, Baron had dragged her around to do fucking everything either with him or for him. To say he exasperated her is an understatement. These days, she had mostly gotten used to his shenanigans. Mostly.

Baron got up from the floor and wiped his mouth. He looked at her for a solid ten seconds saying nothing. He then suddenly noted something urgent.

(Baron): "Speaking of where the sun doesn't shine."

He made a dash for the bathroom and locks himself in. Illia can't help but take in a deep breath.


Sasha exited the mess hall with a large paper plate in hand, loaded with a full "English" breakfast. She still isn't sure why it's called English when it came from Sentrull. Then again, it could be that the chef that popularised it was called English. She sat on a bench near the railing and devoured her meal. She noticed a few ships flying by. Curious, She put her meal aside and checked on her phone where exactly she was located. Seeing as they are flying over the Old Celtic Sea, she assumed them to be a merchant's vessels. She resumed her meal with gusto after putting down her phone. From the corner of her eyes, she noticed a blurred shape becoming larger and larger. She stared slackjawed as the black-flagged ship fire roped harpoons and large grappling hooks at the cruise ship. The harpoons embed themselves in the hull while the hooks hooked on the railings and open windows. The ship's announcement speaker screeched before a warning from the captain was played.

(Cruise ship captain): "Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a drill. Sky Pirates have been sighted and are currently trying to board the ship. Do not panic and safely return to your cabin and lock the doors. I repeat, this is not a drill-"

The message hissed and screeched as the speakers were hacked. A female voice replaced the captain's.

(voice): "i- -is th-g on? 'allo~? Ah, there we go."

The Female voice was loud and somewhat obnoxous, a thick frank accent pouring out of each syllable uttered. The voice cleared her throat before bombastically presenting herself.

(voice): "HELLO EVERYONE, my name is Jacqueline Beaumont. Et vous, mes chers petits oiseaux, etes dans la merde jusqu'aux cou!"

Sasha recognized the name and color drained from her face.

(Sasha): "Wait, Jacqueline Beaumont? The Pirate Lady of Franc?! Madame Ten Million Gold Marks?!?! "

The ships were pulled closer together until barely a meter separated them from each other. Jacqueline continued her little speech. She seemed to really enjoy the sound of her own voice, savouring each syllable that left her pie hole.

(Pirate Lady Extraordinaire, Jacqueline Beaumont): "Follow my instructions and maybe, just maybe, I won't throw you overboard. Just stay calm and do everything my ..."

A short, awkward pause occurred. She seemingly turned from her microphone, and a muffled conversation happened.

(Jacqueline): "Garcons est "boys", oui? J'sais pas moi, bordel. T'es sure? Ok."

She returned to her microphone and went on.

(Jacqueline): "As I was saying, just follow the instructions of my boys and everything will be just dandy. We just want your cargo and any valuables you might have on your person. So don't struggle or think about playing hero! Or else..."

The speakers' croaked and the pirates invaded the ship. Sasha, before she could be seen by the bandits, hid in a nearby maintenance closet. She could hear people yelling and laughing. The pirates were shouting orders at the top of their lungs. She could hear dozens, maybe even hundreds of footsteps as the pirates ordered the passengers around. She overheard a nearby conversation between a few pirates.

(Pirate 1): "For fuck's sake, when will you listen?!"

(Pirate 2): "I fucking told you I would be late, you walnut!"

(Pirate 1): "Next time, try not to shove a whole-"

(Pirate 2): "Just tell me the godsdamned plan."

(Pirate 1): "Fine. First, grab everyone. Second, steal all their valuables, jewels, cash, whatever. Third, bring them in the mess hall. Then we tally everyone and catch anyone we're missing."

(Pirate 2): "And how are we gonna tally everyone?"

(Pirate 1): "Captain's list. Should be easy to find in his quarters."

(Pirate 2): "Sounds easy enough. Then what? We stay put and do a ransom demands like last time?"

(Pirate 1): "Exactly, this is a high rise cruise ship, everyone on board's head must cost a fortune!"

(Pirate 2): "Finally! we busted our humps for months, now... It's Payday!"

The two share a laugh before leaving. At least Sasha had an idea of what's going on. So those hundreds of footsteps earlier must have been some of the passengers... this is not good.

The pirate lady's message just finished and so did Baron's trip to the bathroom. He exited the bathroom without pants on and looked at Illia, concerned.

(Baron): "What the fuck was that?"

Just as he finished his sentence, the door to the cabin busted open and two pirates bellowed orders to the surprised pair.

(random fuckass pirate): "NOBODY MOVES, NOBODY DIES!"

Illia wasted no time by throwing one of her poisoned needles at the guy's neck. He staggered for a moment before dropping to the floor, unconscious. The other pirate looked on in bewilderment, too surprised to do anything other than comment the obvious.

(Random fuckass pirate #2): "Holy shit..."

Illia nonchalantly punted him in the dick, knocking the air out of him, before grabbing and throwing him over her shoulder. While he's on the ground, she slammed her palm against his neck, knocking him out. Baron, unmoved by this brutal display of swift violence, still looked at her with the same concerned look while she moved her bangs out of her vision.

(Baron): "As I was saying, the fuck?"

She looked at him, deadpan, before answering his question with the same tone her face conveyed.

(Illia): "Sky Pirates, Baron."

(Baron): "...shit."

(Illia): "Indeed."

Baron sighed before grabbing and test swinging one of the pirate's sword.

(Baron): "Welp, time to save the day eh?"

She looked at his legs before looking him back in his eyes.

(Illia): "Put on some pants first, genius."

Somewhere else, an unmanned dropship flew towards the last known location of a cruise ship that sent a distress signal. Inside the dropship was a single operative waiting to be briefed for the situation at hand. He silently sat in the dark, looking emptily his iron-clad prosthetic, thinking. His earpiece brought him out of his thought and a familiar voice rang out.

(Voice): "Hey Eli! Wassup?"

Despite himself, Eli smiled warmly.

(Iron-Handed Huntsman, Elias Grimm): "Good day, Capo. It's good to hear your voice."

The voice let out a laugh.

(Mission Control, "Capo"): "That's a lie if ever heard one!"

Elias grinned.

(Elias): "Would you rather I be brutally honest?"

(Capo): "Fuck no! Last time you were honest to someone you made them cry!"

The two shared a laugh, that situation was a complete train-wreck. The laughter stoped just long enough for Elias to become serious again.

(Elias): "What's the quest?"

(Capo): "Back to business, uh? OK then."

Capo cleared his throat.

(Capo): "A distress signal has been sent by a cruise ship going to Trivium, the TSSE Novac. It's been taken over by sky pirates. This coincides with information from our little snitch. From what we've gathered, there are about fifty pirates and they are led by-"

(Grimm): "Jacqueline Beaumont."

(Capo): "Yup. Last I heard, she was a lieutenant of the Syndicate but ended up striking out on her own. This caused her to get on a lot of bad people's shit list."

(Grimm): "I already read her rap sheet, skip the backstory and tell me about the snitch and my mission."

(Capo): "Tat tat tat, Impatience is the cardinal sin of youth."

(Grimm): "M.T. Bass, now stop being a bonemongler and get on with it."

Capo scoffed.

(Capo): "You're no fun. Anyways, the Sentrull Bureau of Air Security received a tip from an anonymous traitor amongst the pirates that they are going to attack a cruise ship and demand ransom. Mission parameters are as follows, Locate the snitch and extract them. Locate and secure the hostages. And eliminate the pirate presence. Civilian loss of life will not be tolerated."

(Grimm): "Sounds easy enough... I sense there's a But"

(Capo): "But..."

(Grimm): "Of fucking course."

(Capo): "Lethal force is prohibited due to large civilian presence. That means stick to small arms, foam and rubber rounds and watch your fire, Grimm."

(Grimm): "Yeah yeah, I know. Ain't my first rodeo."

(Capo): "Also, try and capture cap'n Jac. She might have useful info on the Syndicate."

Grimm's tone and expression turned dark.

(Grimm): "That was the plan."

Capo sense the shift in attitude. He spoke softly, as to calm him down, even if just a little bit.

(Capo): "Please don't do your "Grimm Reaper" shtick. not now at least."

Grimm looked down, staying silent for a moment.

(Capo): "Elias?"

(Elias): "I'll... I'll try..."

Capo wasn't too convinced, but chose to trust Elias.

(Capo): "Knock 'em down."

Grimm stood up to walk over to the carrier's rear hatch and waited for his signal. the rear hatch opened as the red lights turned red. Elias closed his eyes and let himself fall into the sky.


Sasha could only think one thing: This... was a STUPID idea. Sasha was currently trying to sneak into the mess hall, where most of the passengers, now hostages, were held. To say she was having difficulties would be an understatement. For one, she stuck out like a sore thumb, what with her bright white blouse, her black pantyhose and red hood and cape. Sweat accumulated on her brow as she made her way closer to the mess hall and more and more pirates showed up. Sasha quickly analyzed the situation. Sneaking in from the sides was impossible, too many pirates were standing guards. If she remembered correctly, there is an emergency hatch on the ceiling and uppers levels. Maybe she could use those. So far it's the only thing she can go off of. It'll have to do. She made her way to the walls of the mess hall and saw that she has no way up. Well crap... she heard a noise coming from her right and turned around. A posse of pirates was staring right at her. She looked at them for a second. Then another. Then another... she curtly bowed her head before making a run for it. The pose yelled at her and made chase. She tried to shake them off by going into random directions, but the symmetrical and simple layout of the boat made that plan rather moot. She managed to run into the captain's quarters, only for her to be confronted by a pirate overlooking the captain's documents.

(Sasha): "Crud!"

She looked back at the door, only for the posse to catch up and block the exit.

(Pirate): "Nowhere to run now, Mutt!"

She examined the situation she was in. She was in the captain's quarters, with only one door and no windows. Pirates blocked the only exits and she's surrounded by about five bandits with no way out. She was cornered like a rat. She walked backward until she hit a wall. Her tail unconsciously retreated between her legs, despite her look of defiance. One of the pirates laughed at her.

(Pirate): "A mutt, cornered like a rat? Now that's funny!"

Another pirate chimed in, speaking matter-of-factly.

(Other Pirate): "Actually it would be funny if she was a cat, not a dog. Canines usually aren't associated with rodents, unlike felines"

The first pirate looked at his companion, an assinine look on his face. He slapped his friend upside the head.

(Pirate): "Shut up."

They came closer and all she could do was hope. Suddenly, the ship shook violently for a moment and people on the bridge started yelling. The pirate posse looked at each other before the other pirate who was already in the quarters ordered them to go check it out, while he watched the girl. They grumbled and asked him to leave some for them before walking out and locking the door behind them. Sasha looked at the man, his face had a large scar running from his forehead to the side of his neck, marring his symmetrical and angular face. A rather ravishing moustache draped his upper lip. He smiled at her, oddly enough, it was a polite smile. He spoke with a subdued frank accent, his voice was low and surprisingly smooth.

(Pirate): "I hope they didn't scare you too much, mademoiselle."

She was taken aback by his polite act but doesn't buy it one bit. She stared at him for a good moment. He didn't seem too bad, but he had an air like he's hiding something. His body language was lax and loose. His mouth locked in a perpetual smile. She looked him in the eyes and saw a mischievous but harmless glint in his eyes. She decided to answer his question.

(Sasha): "I'm... fine, for the most part."

His smile widened slightly.

(Pirate): "Good to hear! My... "camarades" can be quite the handful. I hope they didn't rustle you too much nor offended you, miss Thornfield."

She stared at him, shocked. she took a few steps back and became very suspicious.

(Sasha): "How do you know my name?!"

He calmly reached behind him. On the captain's desk, lied a pile of paper. Those were passager information forms. He took one page off of the pile and gave it to her. The page contained information about her, name, birthday, background. She looked back at him, he seemed apologetic.

(Pirate): "I didn't mean to startle you. I do apologize for my words."

He seemed honest. Sasha, curious about this surprisingly polite and friendly pirate, decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Back on the bridge, two dozen pirates assembled around a large cloud of dense smoke that appeared along with the ship's sudden shake. A pirate lieutenant, demanding an explanation as to what is going on, was interrupted by a voice coming from the smoke.

(???): "Gods, you're loud."


The smoke thined and rusted eyes glowed within the grey smoke. His heels clicked as he slowly walked forward. A hazy shade forming in the smoke. The pirates readied their weapons instinctively. One became impatient and ran ahead towards the man. The pirate swung downward and hit something hard. The smoke dispersed and there stood a man with rusted red hair and eyes and wielding an iron gauntlet. The man had lazily blocked the pirate's swing, the pirate's blade resting on his gauntlet.

(Elias): "Aren't you eager to die?"

He backhands the blade away and struck the pirate in the face with his gauntlet, sending him flying into his comrades, who all fell down like bowling pins.

(Elias): "And Strike!"

The man pumps his iron fist in the air. He looked toward the pirates with a wicked grin. he taunted his opponents.

(Elias): "Who's next?"

The Lieutenant, shocked at what just transpired, looked at the red-haired man, looking incredulous.

(Pirate Lieutenant): "Who the fuck are you exactly?"

The man chuckled maliciously with glowing eyes.

(Grimm): "Your worst nightmare."

At lightning speed, Grimm pulled a massive three barrelled revolver from his coat and fanned the hammers on his revolver, shooting three bullets simultaneously six times. Each shot found a mark, maybe not the intended mark but hey, at this point who gives a shit. Each shot hitting either a vital area or someplace... sensitive. Each target dropping like a sack of onions. Those that weren't hit were stunned at what just happened, one moment they were ready to kick ass and the next, half of them were on the ground moaning in pain. At this moment, an angry Jacqueline barked out orders.

(Jacqueline): "What the hell is going on around here?!"

She power walked unto the bridge from her very own ship, looking furious at the snag in her otherwise perfect day. She laid eyes upon her men, on the floor groaning. She sighed and rolled her eyes. She looked between Grimm and her lieutenant, seemingly demanding an explanation.

(Pirate Lieutenant): "L-lady Jacqueline, this guy just came out of nowhere and started spouting nonsense and-"

(Jacqueline): "Shot up my men?"

(Pirate Lieutenant): "Y-yes, ma'am."

She pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

(Jacqueline): "What do I pay you idiots for..."

She looked back at Grimm, who was staring coldly back at her. She crossed her arms, uninterested by his edgy demeanour and appearance.

(Jacqueline): "And you're supposed to be?"

Grimm was silent, he stared at her in pure disgust as if he was looking at rotting garbage.

(Grimm): "You Jacqueline Beaumont, the Pirate Lady of Franc?"

A cocky grin spread across her face, she then proceeded to brag about her accomplishment.

(Jacqueline): "Why yes I am! I am Indeed Madame Ten Million Gold Marks herself! The one responsible for one thousand and one heists! The one who deserted the Syndicate and lived to tell the tale. The Daughter of Zephyr! I-"

Grimm cuts her off, his voice devoid of any emotion. Although he clearly wanted her to just shut her big mouth.

(Grimm): "One hundred and twenty-seven counts of armed robbery, grand larceny, embezzlement, countless counts of first and second-degree murders, criminal fraud, and many, many more."

Grimm walked forward while reloading his gun with high-density foam rounds.

(Grimm): "Usually, these crimes are punishable by capital punishment. And whilst you will die, you have information that is necessary to the advancement of the Sentrull Department of Imperial Security's ongoing investigation of the Val-Ghast Syndicate."

Jacqueline huffed.

(Jacqueline): "Ah, I see. You're one of them S.D.I.S boys. Tough shit, fed, you're not the first to come for me, and you won't be the la-"

A dark chuckle interrupted her, as rusted eyes glowed, a wicked, downright evil grin painted Grimm's face. This sight sent chills down everyone's back.

(Grimm): "There seems to be a misunderstanding. I'm not a fed..."

He lifted his iron gauntlet, and with a flick of his wrist, a large blade popped out. He walked forward, toward Jacqueline. She then remembered the stories she was told. This man... This Demon... She knew who he was, she recognized him. Fear overtook her and she trembled.

(Jacqueline): "That hand! T-that Scar! Those eyes! Y-you're-"

Grimm savoured the moment and relished what he was about to say.

(Grimm): "Your worst nightmare."

She walked backwards before making a mad dash for her ship, ordering her men to fire everything while she running away. The remaining dozen or so pirates unloaded their firearms at Grimm. He merely stood there. Some pirates screamed at the top of their lungs, others bellowed curses but not a sound came from Grimm. The clacking of empty guns resounded and Grimm stood in the middle of a cloud of gunsmoke unharmed. The pirates gawked at Grimm, flabbergasted by the fact he wasn't a stain on the floor. He just stood there, slightly annoyed.

(Elias): "Are you done?"

One of the pirates, unsure, decided to answer him.

(pirate): "I... I think so?"

Elias nodded his head.

(Elias): "Why thank you."

Elias pressed a small button on the side of his revolver. He took aim and fired at the bandit. The revolver only fired one bullet instead of three. Six pirates down. After the sixth shot, Grimm actioned a small lever connected to the cylinder. The cylinder shifted and changed place with the next cylinder. He then fired another six shot, finishing off the pirates, except the one who answered his question. He stood alone and looked on in horror as his friends lying on the floor in pain. He stared bug-eyed at Grimm, who smiled curtly at the pirate.

(Elias): "I kindly recommend you to fuck off."

And like the wind, he's gone. Elias started to clean things up. He grabbed the pirates and tied them up together. He whispered something into his closed fist and blowed rusted red light on the tied pirates. their body stiffened before the pirate's outer most layer turned to stone. it only took a few seconds before the pirated were completely encased in stone. Satisfied with his work, Elias made his way toward the captain's quarters. He twisted the doorknob, only for it to be locked. Grimm stared at the doorknob for a solid ten seconds before...

(Elias): "You know what? Subtlety is overrated."

He readied his revolver and kicked the door in. Inside was a pirate and a Faunae girl being patted on the head by said pirate. Elias stared at them with a mix of confusion, shock and mild interest. An awkward silence glided over the room like when you're parallel parking and everyone is watching. Elias debated between taking the busted door and closing it behind him or just shooting the pirate. He unconsciously lifted his gun to aim at the pirate. The pirate put his hands up in surrender and his eyes landed on Elias' Iron Hand. He seemed slightly relieved if still nervous at the gun being pointed at him.

(Pirate): "You're the guy?"

Elias raised an eyebrow.

(Elias): "A true soldier fights not because he hates what's in front of him..."

The pirate sighed in relief.

(Pirate): " But because he loves what is behind him."

Elias lowered his gun and let out an amused snort.

(Elias): "God that quote is corny. So you're the Snitch?"

The snitch expression soured, as if offended.

(Snitch): "I prefer puckish rogue with a moral compass."

(Elias): "So a criminal bitch with commitment issues."

The Snitch huffed before continuing to pat the Faunae's head. Elias rolled his eyes and asked if they wanted privacy. Snitch sighed and stopped patting the girl's head, much to his disappointment. He turned around to face Grimm. Grimm leaned against a wall and started questioning the Snitch.

(Elias): "I have a few questions."

(Snitch): "Shoot."

(Grimm): "What's the motive. Of your betrayal, I mean."

the Snitch's face became sorrowful, almost regretful.

(Snitch): "Me and Jacqui... we go way back. We used to be street rats, living off of garbage when we didn't steal or pickpocket. It was just the two of us at the beginning. Then... "

Grimm's expression darkened, his voice venomous.

(Grimm): "Roman happened..."

(Snitch): "Aye... at the time, he was a startup in the criminal underworld, but he was ambitious. He took us under his wing and showed us the ropes. We owe a lot to him, but Jacqui wasn't one for debts. Once she made a name for herself, she cut all ties with Roman and his Syndicate. I followed her through everything. But-"

Grimm became impatient and snapped at the Snitch.

(Grimm): "Get to the point, shithead."

The Snitch glared at Grimm.

(Snitch): "I'm getting there. Patience, mec, patience."

Grimm rolled his eyes.

(Snitch): "As I was saying... when we were in Roman's gang, Jacqui... changed. Over time, She became ruthless, hedonistic. She became-"

(Grimm): "A complete bitch?"

The Snitch wanted to argue... but Grimm was kind of accurate if a little crass.

(Snitch): "... Yes. Our entourage... our Gang within the Syndicate became just like her. At first, we were the more conservative parts of the Val-Ghast. We had a code, dammit! And now... just another band of murderers and thieves."

Silence hung for a moment. The Snitch sat on the captain's desk. He sighed before continuing his story, his eyes became dewy as he recalled what happened.

(Snitch): "A few weeks ago... I tried to have a talk with her. This girl... I considered her like family... I chose my words carefully despite trying to be as honest as I could... and even then..."

(Elias): "She threatened you with harm and/or death?"

Snitch's silence answered his question. A tear fell from the Snitch's eyes.

(Snitch): "This... Bitch isn't my Jacqui anymore. A disgusting little shit, undeserving of loyalty. So I waited for the right moment... and then..."

(Elias): " When you caught wind of the plan..."

(Snitch): "I snitched."

Sniffling was heard in the room and both men turned their heads toward the Faunae girl. Tears fell down her face as she gave the Snitch a hug. Elias quipped.

(Elias): "Oh yeah, I forgot you were there."

(Snitch): "Truth be told, so did i."

The girl separated from him and went on a spiel.

(Sasha): "That is so sad! You two were childhood friends! How could she do something so cruel as to threaten you?!"

The Snitch looked down.

(Snitch): "The outlaw life changed her I guess... or maybe I'm just an idiot for hoping that she remained as my little Jacqui..."

(Sasha): "You deserved better."

(Snitch): "Maybe I do, Sasha, maybe I do."

Elias coughed awkwardly, gaining both of their attention.

(Elias): "This is cute and heartwarming and all, but we have a bigger issue at hand."

(Snitch): "Right. The hostages and Jacqui..."

Snitch stood up and waited for orders. The two of them stood there, staring at each other awkwardly. Elias had enough of this.

(Elias): "Will you quit gawking and just get on with it!? What's the plan?"

Snitch looked at Elias, confused.

(Snitch): "Weren't you the one who was supposed to come up with the plan."

Elias stared blankly at Snitch before his palm became intimate with his forehead.

(Elias): "So much for me expecting anything from you! Urgh."

Elias groaned angrily before regaining his cool.

(Elias): "OK... we're cool. I'm cool... OK... let's get this show on the road. First things first, where are the hostages?"

(Sasha): "They're in the mess hall."

(Elias): "And how come you know that, Missy?"

(Sasha): "I overheard their plan when I was hiding."

Elias looked over to the Snitch, who nodded in confirmation. Elias grunted approvingly, at least he knew where his main goal is.

(Elias): "It's better than nothing... Second question: What about the Pirates? How many are there exactly, any possible back up? What about Jacqueline?"

Snitch perks up.

(Snitch): "Fifty-seven in total, counting me and Jacqui."

(Elias): "So fifty-six hostiles... about half of them are petrified on the bridge... so twenty-ish remaining. Good."

(Sasha): "So that's what those gunshots I heard were for."

The Snitch shuddered at the mention of petrification. Elias turned back to the Snitch.

(Elias): "Anything else?"

(Snitch): "No backup. Our little gang is relatively small compared to back when we were in the Syndicate."

Elias nods. Sasha interrupted his train of thought.

(Sasha): "What about Jacqueline?"

The Snitch snorted and smiled smugly.

(Snitch): "She's going nowhere! I meddled with the grappling hooks and the engine before the attack commenced. Even if she were to get her ship unstuck, it won't be going anywhere!"

Elias noticed a slight flaw in the plan.

(Elias): "What about the lifeboats and the escape pods?"

The Snitch went silent before giggling nervously.

(Snitch): "Oh yeaaaah... um... about that..."

Elias almost gave himself a concussion with the iron facepalm he gave himself. This guy's an idiot. Sasha looked at Elias intently, rather concerned.

(Elias): "What?"

(Sasha): "You're bleeding."

Elias touched his nostrils and blood stained his fingers. He broke his nose from the iron facepalm. He shrugged and just reset it. Just to be safe, Sasha used a Minor Healing spell to stop the bleeding. This intrigued Elias.

(Elias): "Magus?"

Sasha smiled proudly.

(Sasha): "Huntswoman, actually."

Elias raised an amused eyebrow.

(Elias): "Is that so? I'm guessing either Shade Academy or one of those private Huntsman schools."

(Sasha): " Yup! I always wanted to join the Hunt! Ever since my mom told me about her own adventures, I was hooked! The adventure, the danger, the people I'll meet and help along the way! Oh, I can't wait!"

Her speech devolved into nigh incomprehensible fangirling and daydreaming. Despite himself, Elias gave a genuine smile for the first time in a long time. He patted her head, making her stop her gushing. She looked up at the smiling, scarred man, slightly embarrassed. He then suddenly ruffled her hair.

(Sasha): "Ah hey!"

Elias chuckled lightheartedly.

(Elias): "If you keep this attitude up, I'm sure you'll make a damn fine Huntswoman!"

She smiled.

(Sasha): "Thanks!"

(Elias): "Hey, if we're lucky, maybe we'll go to the same academy. In that case, I'll give you a tour."

Her smile widened.

(Sasha): "If that happens, I'll treat you to my cooking!"

(Elias): "I'll look forward to it."

They returned to the problem at hand, namely, the remaining twenty-ish pirates, the pirates' ship and Jacqueline. They needed an actual plan. Grimm proposed to deal with the pirates that are guarding the hostages and go on from there. Snitch agreed to this plan. Elias turned toward Sasha.

(Elias): "Can you fight?"

Sasha, unsure, didn't answer immediately. She gave him an uncertain nod.

(Sasha): "The captain of the cruise ship took my weapon and put it in the security room's safe. But I think I could manage."

Elias nodded to himself before reaching under his coat.

(Elias): "Ever shot a gun before?"

Sasha glanced at him, confused.

(Sasha): "I used to hunt with my old boss' son and my mom."

(Elias): "What kind?"

(Sasha): "Shotgun, twelve gauge."

Elias nodded again and pulled a short semi-automatic twelve gauge shotgun from out of nowhere. Sasha stared at Elias then the gun then to Elias' coat then back to Elias, confused.

(Sasha): "How did you-"

Elias winked mischievously before tossing the gun at her. She half-cocks the gun to check if it's loaded, the red shells confirming her suspicion. She gulped and looked at Elias.

(Sasha): "A-are those..."

Elias gave Sasha a comforting smile.

(Elias): "Beanbags. Hostage presence would make lethal rounds rather bothersome."

She let out a sigh of relief, at least no one will die today... Hopefully... Snitch asked for a gun too since his knife won't be of much use. Elias rolled his eyes and tossed him a handgun and a few magazines of rubber bullets. The three prepared to leave and, as soon as the Snitch passed the door, a sword was held under his throat.

(???): "Don't move, scumbag."

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