Loki After Endgame: Cheating...

بواسطة EmmalinaP

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COMPLETED! Loki lets out a small chuckle, his eyes sparking with wild delight, "Of course we're bad for each... المزيد

Chap 1: Time Heist
Chap 2: New Asgard
Chap 3: The Good Doctor
Chap 4: Little Witch
Chap 5: Girl On Fire
Chap 6: Fear The Trickster
Chap 7: Choke On Lies
Chap 8: Schemes Upon Schemes
Chap 9: God Of Mischief
Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue
Chap 11: Two Broken Brothers
Chap 12: The Lovers Quarrel
Chap 13: Sif & Asgard
Chap 14: Familiarity Breeds Contempt
Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans
Chap 17: Death Comes Swiftly
Chap 18: Nidavellir
Chap 19: The Fool & The Magician
Chap 20: Best Laid Plans
Chap 21: The Kree
Chap 22: Fight or Flight
Chap 23: Trapped in Shadows
Chap 24: Knowhere
Chap 25: Into The Dark
Chap 26: Starry-eyed Healing
Chap 27: The Raven's Tidings
Chap 28: Forever The Hermit
Chap 29: The Hidden Planet
Chap 30: The Coming Trials
Chap 31: Some Wheels Just Keep Turning
Chap 32: Vanaheim
Chap 33: The Goddess of Stories
Chap 34: The Horde of Fire Demons
Chap 35: Encounters With The All-Mothers
Chap 36: Alfheim
Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard
Chap 38: Dangerous Games of Love and War
Chap 39: The Masquerade
Chap 40: Ill-fated Lovers
Chap 41: All-Consuming Darkness
Chap 42: The Devil's Due
Chap 43: All Leads To Death
Chap 44: The End Of Everything
Acknowledgments & Sequel

Chap 15: The Unsuspecting Piglet

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بواسطة EmmalinaP


Sometime later I hear Kamilla calling from the kitchen, "Lunch is served!"

I follow behind Thor silently half-grinning at his little pig tail, not surprised that he hasn't noticed it yet. Once we reach the kitchen, I'm hit with the robust aroma of freshly made spaghetti sauce.

"Smells good." Thor comments, his usually chipper voice soft and melancholic. Kamilla scoops heaping servings of spaghetti onto three plates, then eyes Thor and grins, "Go hog wild."

I stifle a grin and roll my eyes, as I take a small bite of pasta. The delightful flavor of roasted tomatoes and garlic swirl in my mouth and I'm forced to admit that Kamilla is actually a decent cook. This is much better than the Asgardian version of pasta. Thor eats quickly and silently, then reaches for the bowl of spaghetti to take seconds.

"Stop hogging all the food Thor." Kamilla remarks with a wide grin. I nearly choke on my drink, Odin's Beard, this woman's sense of humor is atrocious!

The insult soars way over Thor's head and he freezes, his arm dangling awkwardly, a bewildered look on his face.

"I'm kidding Thor! Take as much as you want. I made enough to feed both of my favorite wittle piggies." Kamilla taunts playfully glancing at me out of the corner of her eye, as if she's waiting for me to join in on the fun. I roll my eyes in annoyance and take another small bite. Thor just grins, scooping more pasta onto his plate, "You are an excellent cook." He replies between mouthfuls.

"She's not bad. But I can do better." I retort smugly, pushing the pasta around on my plate. It is tasty, but there's no way I will give her the satisfaction of finishing everything on my plate.

Kamilla huffs, before repling icily, "Then why don't you make dinner tonight Princess?"

I grin spitefully and reply calmly without looking up from my plate, "I will. And it won't be nearly as boar-ing as this meal."

Kamilla gapes at me in shock for a moment, before losing herself in a fit of laughter. Thor's clueless blue eyes scrutinize her, but he just smiles awkwardly as he stuffs his mouth full of noodles. Once Kamilla regains her composure, she replies "Perhaps you can make something that's a bit less cons-pig-uous."

"I promise you this, my food won't be nearly as dis-pig-able as the Captain's specialty." I mutter slyly glancing at Thor.

Thor swallows his mouthful quickly then snaps, "Hey, are you implying that you don't approve of how I eat? Is that what you two dorks are giggling on about?"

"I'm afraid so, brother, you eat rather like a farm animal." I quip, raising a condescending eyebrow.

Thor bristles, clearly offended as Kamilla tries to hide her snickering, "Ignore him Thor. You're perfect just how you are; you're totally hog-able."

Thor resumes eating, eyeing us both carefully, then he sets his fork down and sighs loudly. "Okay. I get it. You're both mocking me, calling me a pig. Very clever indeed you two." Then he playfully scrunches up his nose to look like a pig, "Oink, oink!"

I burst into a laugh at the sight of him looking utterly piggish, and Kamilla giggles so hard that she falls to the floor. But Thor simply grins, happy to finally be in on the joke. Once Kamilla finally stops laughing and returns to her seat, I decide it's time to tell Thor the truth, "Oh Thor, you can be so obtuse." I begin as he stares at me with an annoyed expression. "Kamilla gave you the illusion of a tail this morning, and we've been waiting rather patiently for you to catch on all day."

Thor jumps to his feet, his expression stern, as he glares at Kamilla, "You did not!!"

I cast a spell to make a large mirror appear behind him and taunt,"See for yourself, Sparkles."

Thor's eyes are wild as he glances over his shoulder, see's the pig tail and groans. "Odin's beard! It's like I'm surrounded by little children!"
He narrows his eyes at Kamilla, "Well, what are you waiting for? Get rid of it already!"

Kamilla grimaces, undoing the illusion quickly so that the tail disappears. Thor sighs eyeing us both carefully, before letting out a small amused grin. "Okay I guess it was kind of funny. In a very childish sort of way." He admits hesitantly, then his grin widens, "I suppose I should have seen that coming." He lets out his signature booming laugh and waggles his eyebrows, "Really, you two are practically meant for each other!"

I grimace and Kamilla turns pale as her mouth drops open.

"Shut up Thor!" We both yell at the same time. Thor smirks and cocks an eyebrow as if our similar reactions are proof that he's right. I scowl and stand up quickly, my chair scraping on the metal floor behind me.

Kamilla swats Thor playfully, "Knock it off Thor."

Irritated, I vanish from the kitchen and reappear in the bedroom to sit down on my bed.  I huff, why does he always have to rub everything in my face?! He knows I have no interest in the girl, and yet he continues to taunt me with her! Why is he so obsessed with trying to make me jealous that she likes him and not me?! I would never want a human!

I bristle as years of resentment and anger surge forth; Thor always taunts me with the fact that everyone likes him better. They always choose him and treat me like a useless afterthought. Hopelessness and self-loathing thrum with every beat of my heart. Thump, you are a lost cause. Thump, no one wants you. Thump, everyone will leave you in the end.

Why does everyone insist in hating me? My shoulders sag, who am I kidding? Even I hate myself. And I hate that I can't seem to hide my feelings from Kamilla. It's like she can see straight through me; like she's able to discern the brokenness I desperately try to hide. I shake my head, No! Don't be ridiculous, that's not possible. I am a master of charades and illusions, and an expert at keeping my true feelings concealed. I can fool Kamilla just as easily as everyone else. I refuse to waste another second worrying about her.

Unless, maybe I should steal her away from Thor, just so I can rub it in his face for once. It wouldn't be too hard to charm her away from him. I pause and grin madly, I don't have to play by his rules, I can just enchant her and make her think she loves me temporarily, she'll forget all about him! Then he'll finally know how it feels to be overlooked and rejected! I let myself savor the satisfaction of sweet revenge, imagining what it would feel like. Then I shake the thoughts away, maybe just this once, I should resist my desire for vengeance and enjoy my relationship with him. I think back to how devastated I was when he began to treat me with indifference. That was when I realized I'd lost him; when I realized that I was tired of being alone and that I desperately wanted my brother back. I rub my temples. Thor finally seems to have forgiven me for my past mistakes; can I really put that in jeopardy?

I clench my fists, No. I won't risk our fragile relationship, just to get revenge. He's all I have left, and I can't bear to lose him again. I stand up and stride into the kitchen but it's empty, so I stroll to the front of the ship, hoping they're not making out in a dark corner somewhere. I'll never understand what he sees in the women of Earth, they're dull, frail and ever so lifeless. Thankfully, Thor and Kamilla are sitting on her bed in the control room watching a movie on the same device that Thor and I were playing on yesterday.

"Have room for one more?" I ask them with a politely guarded smile.

Thor grabs Kamilla and moves her closer to him, "There's plenty of room next to the lovely Milla." He says eyeing me smugly. Kamilla goes stiff as a board when I sit next to her and I try not to get offended by her cold demeanor.
"Might I inquire what you're watching?"

"It's called Dr. Who and it's an awesome TV show from Earth." Kamilla responds without looking up from the screen. I try to relax as I focus on the show and am shocked to find that it's actually mildly entertaining. Ridiculously unplausible, but entertaining nonetheless. Several episodes and almost five hours later, Thor stops the TV show to check the monitor on the dashboard.

I watch him carefully as he fiddles with some buttons, his deep voice rumbling as he announces, "We should arrive in Nidavellir by tomorrow morning. Then after we have what we need, we'll meet up with the Guardians of the Galaxy and find out what heroic adventures await us! I'm sure they will have heard from someone, somewhere in the Galaxy who needs saving."

Kamilla's violet eyes light up, "That sounds wonderful!"

Thor nods and grins. "You two are going to love my crew, they're practically family and they just can't get enough of me." I roll my eyes just before he adds, "Loki brother mine, I seem to recall hearing you say that you'd prepare a fantastic feast for us tonight." He pauses then adds mockingly, raising his brow, "Since it's nearly dinner time, why don't you hop to it and show us your legendary skills in the kitchen."

I roll my eyes and fire back, "Surprise, surprise, the beast is hungry."

Thor smirks, "I'm no more a beast than you, brother dearest."

"Do you need some assistance?" Kamilla inquires.

"You mean do I need a babysitter?" I snap, "No. I'm quite capable on my own, I am a Prince after all." I retort coolly, as I stride into the kitchen.

I begin to wonder what the Guardians will be like and if I can convince Thor to ditch Kamilla, as I conjure up a traditional Asgardian feast. I make sure to include all of Thor's favorite foods and his favorite beers. A few minutes later Thor comes strolling in, "Oh this is quite impressive brother." He remarks happily, his eyes shimmering with anticipation.

"You see, sometimes I do tell the truth." I tease lightly.

Kamilla peeks out from behind Thor, her eyes suddenly large, "Hot Dog! This looks amazing! I can't wait to taste everything!"

We sit down at the table eating happily, and Thor begins to tell us the story of how he and I defeated hundreds of magical soldiers while on Nornheim. How we, along with the Warriors Three, bravely defeated the Norn Queen, Karnelda's armies and forced her to surrender to Asgard. Kamilla listens raptly, and for once I eat everything on my plate, happy to taste the familiar flavors of home. After the meal I excuse myself and head to my shower, it's been a long day and I'm in need of some peace and quiet. Once in the bathroom I strip down and savor the silence, strategizing the best way to trick Eitri into forging me a weapon without Thor finding out. I step into the shower and turn the water on scalding, but instead of water pouring out, a hoard of angry wasps comes buzzing out from the faucet.

"Eeeeek!" I stumble backwards and screech in shock and horror. I detest wasps, and leap out of the shower, not wanting them to get anywhere near me. But the large vicious wasps zoom directly towards me, buzzing loudly as they dart dangerously close to my face. I bolt out of the bathroom and through the bedroom in a blind panic letting out an undignified squeal. The swarm of wasps all buzz furiously as they chase me around the kitchen, so I dive into the control room, dodging them as fast as I can. Thankfully Thor and Kamilla are standing by the window, so I conceal myself behind Thor's broad frame, putting him between me and the wasps. "How the Hel did those things get in here?!" I screech.

   Thor's mouth gapes as he watches the wasps fly around him and dive at my head. I duck into a crouch and am about to cast a protection spell, when suddenly the wasps vanish. I look around quickly to find out where they went, when realization hits me and I stiffen. Thor and Kamilla begin laughing so hard they're doubled over clutching their sides, their faces flushed red.

"You should have seen your face!" Thor cries between laughs, as he mimics my previously terrified expression.

"I can't believe you fell for that!!" Kamilla exclaims, laughing so hard she's nearly crying.

"I will burn this place to the ground!" I shout feeling humiliated.

"Whatever you say, princess."

"I told her your secret earlier, that you're terrified of wasps." Thor smirks, "Not so tough now, are you?"

My eyes narrow at Kamilla and I glide toward her rolling my shoulders back. "You think you can outwit The Trickster God?"

"Only if you put some pants on first." Kamilla retorts gleefully, wiping her eyes.

I look down at myself realizing my nakedness for the first time, then shrug, "I have nothing to be ashamed of."
I lean close to her and smirk, "Does my beauty intimidate you, Little Witch?"

She rolls her eyes dramatically, as Thor watches on with an amused expression.

"Not one bit." She snaps defiantly.

I smirk, and she blushes as she realizes her slip. She didn't even try to deny that she finds me attractive. I puff out my chest, I'm not surprised, no woman can resist me.

She clears her throat, "I only suggested you put some pants on, because if you don't, I'll be forced to follow through on my previous threat of castration."

I step closer until our noses are almost touching, "I'd like to see you try." I sneer, knowing she wouldn't dare.

Her eyes narrow dangerously, "Don't think I won't, Loki."

"Do it then," I challenge, "I've been dying for a bit of excitement."

She pauses and looks me up and down slowly before cocking an eyebrow, "You know for a God, you're a lot smaller than I expected."

Thor barks out a laugh, and I feel a searing flicker of shame crawl up my spine.

"A bit too chilly for you brother?" Thor calls out mockingly as he tosses me the burgundy blanket from Kamilla's bed. "You seem to be shriveling- ah, I mean sniffling."

I bristle at the insult, "You're one to talk!" I snap at Thor.

"I've never had any complaints from any women before, but I can't exactly say the same for you." Thor replies his tone cocky, "Perhaps women find you too puny and weasel-like."

"What? How dare you? No woman has ever complained about me!"

Thor smirks, "That you know of."

"You know, it is actually quite cold in here. I'm freezing right now." Kamilla says tentatively shifting her weight, her eyes flicking between the two of us.

I turn back towards her, threatening between clenched teeth, "I will get you back for this."

Her expression switches from sympathetic to defiant, and she smirks. "I'm counting on it."

"You will rue the day you tried to best me!" I threaten with a wolfish snarl, then stalk back to my room tossing the blanket down to the bedroom floor behind me. Once I reach the bathroom I slip into the shower, this time making certain that there are no more illusions. I spend a long time letting the steaming water rush over me as I plot various ways to get revenge. She is a fool to challenge me to a game of wits!

I run through various enchantments and spells trying to pick the perfect one to embarrass her. Then I shake my head and laugh, I have to admit it was a little bit funny. I do admire her nerve. And messing with her is rather fun... it actually gives me something to look forward to. Without the pressures of ruling a kingdom and without the need to fight for my life, things have been rather dull of late. I almost admire her attempt at keeping things interesting. Almost.

I rub my temples as my thoughts wander. I haven't felt much like myself recently; who am I without a plan and a scheme? As much as I appreciate the time with my brother, I need something to fight and strive for. I grin, at least I have a fun new toy. Although I don't particularly like sharing her with my brother. Maybe I should steal her away from Thor, at least that would make things exciting. Once I'm out of the shower, I decide to do a bit of retcon. I need to find out more about how she feels about him, so I can enchant her to dislike him.

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