Bakudeku Book of Stories

By Beck_sp4ce

160K 4.1K 3.9K

just a series of unconnected one shots for your bakudeku pleasure *Art not mine* More

Broken Dreams
Slow Dancing In The Dark
Smoke Rings and Shooting Stars
Sick Day
Donut Do Drug$
Deku Wants The Dick
The Hands of a Hero
Date Me, Dumbass.

Mr. Hand Man, Give Me My Figurine

13.1K 344 202
By Beck_sp4ce

So right after I posted about wanting to be creative, life decided to anally fuck me so hard that I wasn't able to get things out in a timely fashion as planned but this "shorter piece" turned out to be a little over two thousand words so you're welcome?¿?¿?¿?

Anyways, enjoy this romcom kinda fic here.

Bakugou Izuku didn't mean to, he really didn't okay? He by NO MEANS wanted something like this to EVER happen because he thought they were beyond random acts of violence but-

"Bakugou?" The nurse calls into the ER waiting room at about three fifteen in the morning. Izuku looks up from his beat up red sneakers, sleep deprived and feeling oh so very guilty as he holds his husband's hand. Katsuki stands with Izuku, unable to speak as they walk through the door with the nurse and into a hallway lined with doors. She holds one open and asks them to take a seat.

"So it says here that there was an accident and Bakugou San broke his jaw? Can you please clarify?" The nurse asks Izuku and he pales slightly, swallowing uncomfortably.

He doesn't know what to tell her. It sounds so bad. Izuku didn't mean to punch Katsuki in the face with ten percent of his quirk, alright!? He doesn't want the nurse to think he's lying because of how silly it sounds and be under the impression that he abuses his husband or something.

Izuku takes a deep breath to try and calm himself but the tears end up spilling over anyway as he talks. "I-I was asleep and suddenly my dreams got really weird and I was in a situation where I was going to fight somebody and I end up punching my husband in the face." He admits, feeling genuinely bad about this.

Katsuki pulls him into a hug and rubs his back without any sign of agitation oddly. It's far more sympathetic than Izuku's used to receiving from the usually prickly blond.

"I broke it so bad that he can't talk and I just-" Izuku cuts himself off with a sniffle, face buried in Katsuki's chest with his arms wrapped around the other. He'll probably be able to laugh about this later with Katsuki but Izuku's still in the stage of feeling really remorseful and guilty for what happened.

Thankfully the nurse is sympathetic and hands Izuku a tissue which he's grateful for, feeling a bit more emotionally unbalanced because he's running on very little sleep in a high stress situation.

The nurse asks a few more questions as well as take Katsuki's vitals, height and weight before leading them back to another room so he can be examined. "A doctor will be with you shortly. If you need anything just press the 'nurse call' button." She says with a soft smile as she gives Katsuki some medicine for the pain. They're soon alone and it's obvious Izuku's still feeling pretty guilty for the accident as much as he tries to hide it.

Izuku is taken by surprise when Katsuki picks him up and brings him onto the hospital bed with him, this really only working because Izuku is quite small. He never did grow taller than 5'5 unlike his 5'11 partner.

Katsuki holds Izuku to his chest in a loving embrace as they wait for the doctor, fingers carding through Izuku's unruly forest green curls. All this affection and love genuinely leaves Izuku reeling. Don't get him wrong, Katsuki is a very affectionate and certainly loving partner, just usually not like this.

Izuku isn't used to it being so open unless they're alone at home. It's not like Katsuki never does any PDA with him either, quite on the contrary in fact. What surprises Izuku isn't how open the affection itself is but more how openly he's showing this amount of love for Izuku publicly without any displays of agitation or covering up these feelings with a snarky comment and leaving Izuku to read in between the lines.

Izuku stares up at Katsuki, emerald eyes gazing into ruby red ones. It's quiet, like they're in their own bubble away from the hustle and bustle of the E.R. just outside the door. Two of Katsuki's fingers brush over his eyelids, closing them. Izuku shakes his head, opening his eyes once more.

"I don't want you to have to wake me up when the doctor gets here." He replies verbally, knowing his husband well enough to not need words to understand what Katsuki's saying. Katsuki's eyebrows furrow and Izuku knows his husband is thinking how he has to work tomorrow and his shift starts in about four hours.

"If I really wanted sleep before I put on a costume and fight villains before eight a m, maybe I shouldn't have decked you in the face then, Kacchan." Izuku tells Katsuki, guilt laced in his tone.

Before he has a chance to react, Katsuki rolls Izuku onto his back. His knees are planted by Izuku's hips with his hands on either side of Izuku's head, looking intensly into Izuku's eyes.

Izuku's heart beats quicker than usual, pink coloring his cheeks, as the back of Katsuki's finger runs along his cheekbone before leaning down and resting his forehead against Izuku's all while maintaining eye contact.

Izuku looks back up at Katsuki, having a brief silent exchange. "We both know I'm at fault." He says softly and Katsuki's eyes tighten. The blond shakes his head in disagreement. "Kacchan-" Katsuki cuts Izuku off with a soft kiss. It's short and chaste due to his jaw but it does the trick in Katsuki's book.

Katsuki's fingers close his eyelids once more and Izuku sighs, giving in. "Fine I'll sleep." He grumbles to which Katsuki smiles victoriously before moving back onto his side and holding Izuku close to him. Izuku just huffs, snuggling into Katsuki's body and closes his eyes.

Izuku is out like a light once his eyes fall shut and Katsuki just tiredly watching the love of his life sleep while he waits for further medical attention.

Katsuki is honestly getting impatient because it's been nearly thirty minutes waiting in this room, it's almost four a.m, and he wants to go home. He also feels like screaming because his chin itches but it's not like he can scratch it with a busted jaw without it hurting.

On the bright side, Izuku is getting some sleep. He already shot an email off to their agency informing them that Izuku won't be coming in today. God he feels so guilty. The one time he needs to apologize and can actually swallow his pride enough to do it, he can't because of his jaw. God why did Katsuki have to-

His thoughts are interrupted when there's a knock on the door. The doctor enters the room and introduces himself before coming over to examine Katsuki. "So can you tell me what happened, Bakugou San?" He asks. Katsuki glances at Izuku to see him still in a deep sleep before looking back at the doctor and motioning for a paper and pen.

The doctor quickly gets him some and Katsuki stares down at the clipboard in his hands for a few moments. He needs to tell someone what actually happened because once they fix up his jaw and Izuku is up and awake, he'll be in too deep. Katsuki wouldn't be able to tell Izuku at that point but someone needs to know since he can't carry this forever.

If Izuku had really just punched Katsuki while they were both asleep like Izuku thought, he wouldn't be showing this much love to Izuku at all. The only reason Katsuki isn't mad is because it's his own fault that Izuku hit him and that's not some response from abuse or anything either. He needs to tell the truth. Well, the whole truth.

Katsuki lets out a sharp breath through his nose and begins writing the honest truth of what happened, probably saying more than the doctor needs him to but Katsuki just needs to tell someone the full story.

It was around two a.m. and Katsuki couldn't sleep. He had tried everything and nothing helped so there he was in bed with Izuku sleeping next to him, staring at the ceiling, wide awake, and bored beyond belief.

Well, Katsuki decided to amuse himself a bit in maybe not the most...honorable way by talking to Izuku while he sleeps. You see, Izuku has a history of sleep talking and Katsuki has failed to inform the other of that because Izuku's subconscious can be really loving and sweet to him and he doesn't feel he needs to wear a tough guy mask and try and hide how he really feels like when Izuku is awake, but it can also be really funny which is what tonight was since Katsuki decided to make Izuku's dreams really strange.

So there Katsuki is, exclaiming that Shigaraki has just snatched Izuku's collector's edition All Might figure out of Izuku's hands and he was caught completely off guard by Izuku powering up and socking him in the jaw while yelling "Fuck off, Handyman!" in a tone that Izuku usually saves for when Katsuki manages to majorly screw things up between them.

He didn't have a chance to school his reaction since he wasn't expecting it so he sort of screamed because ten percent packs a punch and he was also very surprised which made things seem a lot worse than they were. Izuku only woke up when he heard Katsuki so he has no idea of any of this.

Izuku was so remorseful and obviously feeling very guilty and Katsuki couldn't communicate that all of this was actually his own fault so he just went with it.

He looks over everything he's written and sighs before handing it back to the doctor, feeling a tad embarrassed.

Katsuki watches the doctor who is clearly amused by his story which reads more like a confession. "Well from just looking at you it appears it was a clean break but I'm going to feel it out a bit more then I think I can get a healer in here to fix it up some, alright?" The doctor says and Katsuki nods.

The hero winces and cringes slightly as the doctor gently pokes around the gross looking bruise on his jaw where the break is on display, standing out in stark contrast against his pale skin. "The break will be healed but I think the most they'll probably be able to heal it to is a just a bruised bone so expect some discomfort for a few days." His doctor eventually says before typing a few things into the computer and going to get a healer.

Now alone with his sleeping partner, he looks down at the other and sighs as he tucks a stray green curl behind Izuku's ear. He feels bad that because he was being an idiot, he cost Izuku sleep and his shift today of being a pro hero. That's why he's been more openly loving because it's his way of making up for it without being too suspicious.

Things seem to move quickly from here, the healer comes, fixes the break, and now he's leaving with a sleepy and kind of cranky Izuku complaining that Katsuki should have just woken him up like he asked.

Izuku falls asleep in the car ride home while holding Katsuki's hand, mumbling to himself as he dreams.

"What was that, Deku? I couldn't hear you." Katsuki says, one of the things he's found that usually gets Izuku talking.

"I said..." Izuku starts but trails off so Katsuki pushes further. "You said what, Nerd?" He questions, eyes looking over at Izuku for a moment before going back to the road.

"I said I love you." Izuku replies, shifting in his seat. "I love you, Kacchan." Katsuki smiles, feeling his heart warm. It's always amazing to him that Izuku really does care for him after how rocky their past has been.

"I love you too, Izuku." He says softly and just lets himself react and feel openly for a moment before moving on.

"So what are we going to do about the Handyman, Deku?" Katsuki asks, an amused smile crossing his lips. You think he would've learned from his experience tonight to not do this again but he obviously hasn't.

"We're going to steal all of his hands, Kacchan." Izuku says, words a bit mumbled. Katsuki chuckles. While this night has been long and pretty awful, there is no one else he'd rather go through it with and he knows that Izuku feels the same way.

So yeah. Talk to me in the comments if ya wanna 👌

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