Rain & Ice

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Y/n Hargreeves. Raised to control fire but born to control ice. Maybe. Dunno yet. FivexFem!Reader Only wri... Plus

Must Read
AU Divider
College AU
Arranged Marriage AU
Arranged Marriage AU Pt.2
Arranged Marriage Pt. 3
Guardian Angels AU
High School Teacher AU


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Y/n's P.O.V.

It wasn't until I heard the firing of guns when I woke up from my nap. I had gotten so tired of being angry that I just collapsed and fell asleep. The noises were coming from the foyer. I peeked around a corner to see a chandelier dropping on Luther.

Seeing a strange woman in a pink mask, I try to stop her but she threw a small knife that I had to dodge letting her get away. I jump over the railing spontaneously but before I could process what had happened, I was sliding down a slope of ice that I had made. It was like snowboarding. Without the board. And snow.

Allison, Vanya, and Diego looked at me with amazement while I looked back at them to assess for any major injuries besides Luther who had a whole ass chandelier on him. But it wasn't much of a problem anymore when he got back up.

We all stared at him instead, taking in the fact that his entire body is the body of a monkey. He looked at each of us before retreating back upstairs and to his room. "Did you know?" Allison and I walk over to Vanya when she asked. Allison shook her head and said no as I agreed with her. I hear Diego mutter about Mom and I run up to see that she's still sitting and working. 'At least she's okay.'

"What happened?" I ask Allison and Vanya. "We just heard the guns but they definitely weren't robbers. They didn't take anything so they must've been looking for someone." Allison explains. My mind goes to Five, the only one of us who isn't here. "I have to go. I'll see you guys later." They try to ask me where I'm going but I'm already out the door, looking for him.

I find the van still in the same spot but no Five. But there was still Delores. I know Five is too attached to her not to leave her. I sit in the passenger seat until Five appears. "Y/n! I have a lead. Let's go." He grabs the bag with Delores and my arm before teleporting us in front of a house.

"Um Five? Who's house is this?" I ask. "The Lance guy." He answers. I look at him. "What? Do you not have anything on him yet?" Five shakes his head as I had not expected. "I do. But I need to catch him at the right time." He explains.

He tells me about the orange packet that the Lance guy hid when he exchanged something with someone in a car that drove by. "Well, we can't exactly stay out here all night. We'll come back around 5 or 6 in the morning." It takes a bit more of persuading but eventually, he agrees. We get back to the academy and get ready for bed.


Five's P.O.V.

I woke around what must've been 3 or 4 A.M. It was still dark outside and I could see the moonlight shining through the curtains and onto Y/n's face. I look down and just stare in awe at the beauty before me. I remember the first time I realized that I fell in love with her.

They say that when you have a crush on someone for more than 3 months, that means you're in love. I'd say I'm way past that with my 45 year crush and counting. I'm head-over-heels in love with her. No, I love her. It wasn't a childish love, it was that can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars over the fence, World Series type of love.

The type where it really mattered and you would do anything for that person. I look at the clock that read close to 4:30. 'I still have time.' I look down again and feel Y/n snuggle even closer if that's possible. I smile a genuine smile. I know now that nobody will ever be able to make me feel the way Y/n does.

It didn't matter because she had powers or because she was one of the only girls that was within reach but because it was Y/n. I didn't care about her powers or how far she would go to scare Luther even though it was hilarious to watch every time. The Y/n I fell in love with was the ordinary part of her.

Here in the academy, we're all supposed to extraordinary. But that didn't matter with Y/n because every time I was with her, all of that show stuff seemed to go away and I felt like a normal kid. In a way, Y/n pushes me towards the person I want to be. Ordinary. Just an ordinary man with his wife and maybe one day, kid or kids. I glance up at the clock getting lost in my thoughts and read 4:49. I gaze at Y/n for one last time before pulling my arms back from around her calm form and get ready.

As I had hoped, she stayed sleeping as I walked out the front door and didn't hear pounding footsteps or feel ice shooting through my back freezing me for eternity. I walk and take a few jumps all the way to Lance's house and wait in a tree I climbed. Call me a stalker if you want but that information was important. Not to just save the world but the future. Our future.


Y/n's P.O.V.

I can't believe that asshat didn't wake me up. He just left me in his comfy, warm bed. I'm obviously not complaining from the description I just gave but still. I roll out slowly and land on my feet to freshen up and find Five. I get out of the cab and face the building. Empty. I'm about to walk away until I smell smoke. 'Where is that coming from?' I look back up and see it coming off the top of the building. 'How did I not see that the building is literally on fire?'

I hear footsteps coming from my right and turn to see Five running towards me with his eyes going from the building to me and back. I look behind him and see the doctor staring at the building. Then, I'm flying back and land on the ground. My ears ring as I look back at the once clean and pristine building which is now in flames. I sit up and feel glass shards scratch my palms. "Y/n! Are you okay?" Five scrambles over to me and I nod.

"Yeah but, I think we just lost the only lead to stopping the apocalypse." We stare back at the building and my hearing comes back completely. "Five. We have to go." I hear sirens and we run off into the park across the street.

We slow to a walk and I glance over at Five who's covered in soot. "Here." I stop him and make him look into my eyes, wiping the spot off his face as best as I can. "Y/n. What am I gonna do? I still don't know who or what causes the apocalypse and the only lead I had is gone. Worst of all, you got hurt in the process. Look at your hands."

He takes my hands off his face and into his, looking into my faces up palms which are covered in scratches. "Don't worry about me Five. It's only scratches. Plus, you know well that I can take care of myself." I remind him. I give him a soft smile when we make eye contact again and he reciprocates it. "Okay," He straightens his shoulders and stands taller. "We're going to the library. We need to figure this out once and for all." I smile bigger. There's my Five.

Smiling, we get to the library after getting Delores and find a secluded corner. Five starts writing equations while I stare from the ground where Delores and I sit. Five also brought a bottle of alcohol. Not that I was complaining. We each took swigs with him not flinching a centimeter while I scrunched my face almost every time and coughed. By my, maybe eleventh time, I had stopped but everything started getting blurry.

"Fiiiive." I say drowsily. Five collapsed onto the ground beside me in our quiet corner and hummed, closing his eyes. "We should gooo. We're drrrunkk." I try to get up but I feel too weak. That and Five fell asleep on my shoulder with his right arm around my waist and another around Delores. Maybe Five is right. We should just sleep it off. I lean against Five's head and fall asleep.


Diego's P.O.V.

I looked down at my sister in my arms who's drunk as a skunk. She really shouldn't have been drinking especially since she's still technically 13 years old. I look back at Five who stirred in Luther's arms while holding onto the top half of a mannequin.

He belches and looks up at Luther. "If you vomit on me..." Luther starts. 'Please God. Just once. For me.' I pray. "You know what's funny? Aah! I'm going through puberty," He scoffs. "Huh. Twice. And I... we drank that whole bottle, didn't we?" I'm surprised they're not vomiting on each other right now.

"That's what you do when the world you love goes bye-bye. Poof, it's gone." He slurs. World you love goes bye-bye? What is he talking about? "What are you guys talkin' about?" Y/n asks rubbing her eyes. Luther tells them both about the attack even though Y/n was there. I let Five know that they came for him and he responds with,"Hazel and Cha-Cha." I ask who while Monkey Man thinks it's code names.

"Ah, the best of the best." Five just says. Y/n looks over at Five over my shoulder as we walk and waves. "Hi!" She squeals. I assume Five is waving back from the smile Y/n gives when she faces back to me. Sometimes it makes me really wonder if they're together or not. I keep getting mixed signals and I'm not even apart of the couple. "Except for me, of course." Oh Five. Always the cocky one. Luther asks of what but Five changes the topic to someone named Delores.

Holy shit. Don't tell me the mannequin is Delores. Ha! "Hey!" I turn around holding Y/n still and get Five's attention to ask what this Hazel and Cha-Cha want. He starts smiling like the maniac he's starting to act like and stays silent. Y/n gasps and breaks the silence. "Go-Go, put me down." Y/n slaps my chest and I let go quickly. Go-Go? Well, it's better than Ape Man or Luther. Y/n runs off to the side of the alley and picks up what looks like a golden retriever puppy.

"Can we take him home? Please, please, please?" Y/n begs. She holds the puppy out and shoved it into my face. I purse my lips. The puppy was so dirty and might have fleas and who knows what else. "Y/n..." I start. Then that's when it starts getting scary. Y/n's eyes turns an ice blue, almost white and starts to look angry. I look over at Luther. "Just take it. I don't think any of us wants to meet the same fate as her." He whispers. I look down at Five and he just stares at Y/n in awe.

He turns to me with doe eyes and pouts. "Please? For Y/n?" He asks. I sigh. "Fine. But you're walking on your own from now on." I tell Y/n and she nods, cradling the puppy in her arms. Getting back to our earlier conversation, I tell Five that we just want to protect him. Both of them. "Protect me? I don't need your protection, Diego." Try saying that without your voice cracking. "Do you have any idea how many people I've killed?" He asks. This just made a turn.

"No." I say. "I'm the Four fricken' Horsemen. The apocalypse is coming." Is all he says before vomiting begins Luther. I fight the urge to smile when Luther tenses up but focus on the fact that Five just said the apocalypse is coming. Is he still drunk or is it true? Maybe that's why he's been acting weird. I'll go with he's drunk. We get to my place and I guide Y/n to the sink to wash the puppy while Five just gets dropped onto the bed.

Can he do anything right? Y/n seems sober enough so I leave her and go over to Luther and stand in front of Five. I take the mannequin and put it on a chair. "Funny. If I didn't know he was such a prick, I'd say he looks almost adorable in his sleep." He break the silence. "Well, don't worry. He'll sober up eventually. Be back to his normal, unpleasant self." Luther says. "Yeah, I can't wait that long. I need to find out what his connection is with these lunatics before someone else dies." I tell him.

Luther starts to say something until I do God's work for him and shut him up. I grab a knife as the thumping gets closer. I open the door with my knife ready until I hear Al. "What do you want Al?" I ask. He tells me about Patch and I run off leaving Luther in the care of an unconscious Five and a slightly sober Y/n. Not the other way around. I said it right. I just can't believe we all forgot about Klaus. I get to the motel and find something I really shouldn't have seen.

I run over to Eudora and start feeling the tears. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It's my fault now. I should've been back earlier. Maybe I could've helped her. Maybe she wouldn't be here. Neither of us would be here. I take one last look at her as I hear the sirens. I can't be here when they find her so I run out but not before taking a receipt from that Griddy's Doughnuts place.

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