My Demon Killer (Destiel Fanf...

By beezlepuff

1.3K 87 24

"Your time's up." He mocked, while sitting in the chair. "What?? That wasn't the deal we agreed on!" "Oh, bu... More

Chapter One~
Chapter Two
Chapter Three~
Chapter Four~
Chapter Five~
Chapter Six~
Chapter Seven~
Chapter Eight~
Chapter Ten~
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve-
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen-
Chapter Fifteen-
Chapter Sixteen-

Chapter Nine~

86 5 0
By beezlepuff

It didn't make sense. They'd only been talking for about an hour and- How does this happen in just an hour??

Castiel's car was recked. It was a pure and utter disaster.

"Oh my-"

Castiel Carefully walked around what used to be his car, the devastation and anger was written all over his face.

Dean examined it from where he was standing. He didn't want to get in the way of this angry man.


"Yikes?!" Castiel shot Dean a glance, warning him to just shut up. "Yikes doesn't even begin to EXPLAIN THIS! LOOK AT IT!"

Dean was looking..


Castiel couldn't even believe his own fucking eyes. He placed a hand over his mouth in shock.

He laughed through his teeth. Seeing him like this was unbelievable. Dean didn't imagine him to be this...intimidating.

"Look, Cas, just calm down. Then you'll be able to think clearer."Dean suggested, but Castiel was definitely not going to understand.

"CALM DOWN. CALM DOWN!? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" Castiel walked back to Dean, his face Fuming.


Dean sighed. If its anything he learned, itd that blowing up and being angry never got anywhere. He did what felt right.

He pulled Castiel in and shut him up with a Kiss. He wondered:

How would angry Castiel be in bed?
Ok.. Not the right time for that.

Castiel did seem to relax into the kiss though. Dean ran one of his hands through Cas's his hair, taking ahold of the small hairs on the back of his neck and pulling him away.


"Did- Did you just- wait- did-what?" Castiel had to take a moment. Just to make sure this man in front of him had cut him off mid-sentence with a kiss. A fucking smooch. He was deeply offended.

In reality though, Castiel's heart was hammering away, he wasn't sure if it was because of what Dean did or his boiling anger. Maybe both. Who the fuck knows.

"Cas let me take you back to your place and then we can figure this out."

"What about my car?!"
The man with a beautiful blue eyes gave a little pout which Dean found every cute.

"I'll call up one of my friends. They'll take it to the shop."
Dean moved closer to the car, inspecting it just a little harder. That's when he noticed the brick in the backseat. Glass shards all over it.

It must have come in from the windshield, he thought.

"What? I don't need your he-"

There was the ringing of a cell and it was coming from somewhere on Castiel..
He quickly took it out of his back pocket and answered it.

"Hello?" He tried not to sound as angry as he really was.

"Yes, can we speak to a Castiel Novak?"
It was a female voice. A familiar one.

"Yes. This is him. How can I help you?"

"Well. Meg Masters has woken up and you did say you were working with the FBI. She gave consent to a few questions."

Bingo. Yes. This was his chance.

"Thank you. I'll be there in about thirty minutes."

"Alright. Goodbye Mr. Novak."

Dean stared cautiously trying to read what that was all about. He studied the stupid grin on the Agent's face.

"What?" He questioned.

"Let's get going, Dean." Castiel gave Dean a slight pat before walking away towards literally nothing before stopping and turning back.

"Uh. can you take me to the hospital?"
Castiel tried to act like he didn't just assume Dean was going to drive him to the hospital even though the man did offer to take him home.

"Hospital? Why?"

Dean already knew why.

"Just hurry up or I'll call someone."
Castiel was becoming a bossy little bitch. Dean would love to get a hold of him. Let him know who really gave the orders.

"Alright, Alright, but I'm gonna need answers."

"So who are we visiting?" Dean has tried to keep his mouth shut, but he only lasted about five minutes. Again, he knew who it was. It was Meg, but he couldn't help but ask again.

"Her name is Meg Masters. I found her unconscious in her home and now she's awake. I think she might give us a lead to the killer."

"And what if she doesn't help?"

Dean was testing the waters.

"Then we'd be at a loss."

"What if she dies?"

Castiel turned to look at Dean with curious eyes, "Dies? What do you mean by that?"

"Well Benny's death is all over the news. Its said Cain or whoever that guy is killed him. The press was all over it. Didn't you see it? They all think the guy's targeting Meg next."

The cells in Castiel's brain worked to keep up with what just came out of Dean's mouth.

"Yeah, its literally everywhere."

Shit-wait. How did they find out already?Was it possible someone could have said something? But the others couldn't have been that stupid. Right?

"Are you sure?"

Dean looked over from the driver's seat and gave Castiel a slight glare.

"Listen then. If you don't believe me."

Dean turned on the radio and there was a bit of static before a male and female voice came online.

"But do you think it's true, Will?"

"True? Well that we don't know for sure, but what we do know is that we aren't safe here. Parents are starting to worry for the safety of their children. People are asking questions."

"We all are, Will. There is a phsyco on the loose. Two people dead in a week. That't definitely not being taken lightly."

"Apparently the talk is that Meg Masters, the house maid is next. What do you think on that?"

"Honestly, Will, it could be any of us. Cain could be after any of us. Its only a matter of time before he gets us all."

Dean shut off the radio, hiding his light smirk. "See what I'm saying? Its everywhere."

Castiel wasn't sure why he continued to argue, but he did.
"But that doesn't prove that Meg could be next."

"Whatever you say, Agent."

The two men pulled into the lot and Castiel got off while Dean looked for a parking space.

Dean met him inside and Castiel walked up to the desk. It was the same female from a while ago.

"Meg Masters? What room is she in?"

The lady hesitated, her eyes looking over Dean before giving the information they needed.
"Floor four, Room three-ten."

Castiel thanked her before they proceeded for the elevator.

It was a quick ride up and they found the room with ease. The door slightly open.

Castiel knocked first and when he heard the small, "Come in." he didn't Resist.

When the door was pushed open you could See Meg laying in a bed with her white hospital gown. She looked perfectly fine and even offered a smile at Castiel not noticing Dean yet.

"Hello, Ms. Masters. How are you feeling?"
Casstiel smiled at the female.

"I'm feeling well, and you?"
She watched the agent sit in a chair near her bed and waited for an answer.

"I'm great now that you're feeling better. I hope my friend doesn't bother you here while I ask you some questions?"

Castiel motioned for Dean and Meg smiled already ready for her introduction until she saw who it was.

Dean grinned at her, he studied her vulnerable body.

"Um. Can we do this more privately please, I wouldn't like him in here. Please."

Castiel noticed the change in atmosphere and wondered what could make her so nervous. He glanced over at Dean. "You can leave then."

Meg watched Dean while he made his way out the room. Not sure if she was ready for this anymore.

"Sorry if he bothered y-"

"Why are you with that man?" She question with wide eyes. She whispered her question as well which confused Castiel.

"Pardon me?"

"Do you know who he is?"
She continued.

"Um yes, but he doesn't have anything to do with our questioning, Ms. Masters."

She glanced up at the door.

"I'm sorry." She nodded.

Castiel wondered if she really was okay.

"Okay. Mrs. Masters. When was the last time you saw Benny?"

"Thur- I mean. Last night. I found him."

"Alright.. What exactly did you see?"

"I already told your partners what I saw."

"Yes, but you didn't tell me, so let's continue." Castiel stuided the woman. She seemed fragile and he certainly didn't want to make her feel intimidated. "What did you see last night?"

"I saw him laying on the floor... Or what pieces of his body were still intact. There was blood everywhere and it smelled horrible. I never thought a human could produce that much blood. I didn't know what else to do, so I called the police."

Castiel noticed how she continued to glance at the door. Fear imbedded in her eyes.

"Were there any animals in the house?"

"Animals? No animals."

Meg wanted to scream at this man. She wanted to tell this man he was in danger. He was doing it all wrong, and she wanted to tell them they would all die.

He said they'd all die.

"Meg. Are you alright, ma'am?"
Castiel's question made her glance at him.
Alright? There was nothing anywhere that said she was alright. It was fact that she remembered it like a movie implanted into her brain, but after a time like that. It was impossible to forget. Again, the memories flooded in.

"You see, beautiful. I need you." He brought her close. His tail stroking her face while his hand held her throat, crushing any oxygen she had.

"You're a monster." She was afraid and she made the mistake of letting a few tears flow down her face. It made him happy to see her like this.

"I'm more than a monster, much more." He hummed letting his face burry in her neck. This was disgusting. It made her shiver. She tried to fight, but his hold only became stronger.

He moaned slightly and it made her cry some more.

"You smell amazing, kind of makes me feel bad for what I should do to you..." he went into thinking for a few seconds then it clicked with a smirk, "Let's make a deal. I'll give you anything you want. Just for a small favor."

He loosened his grip and Meg's body seemed to function incorrectly. She hit the floor with the room spinning around her.

His tail stroked her cheek once more while he crouched infront of her.

"I'll give you what you want. If you promise me to keep Benny our little secret until Saturday."

"I don't want anything from you!" She screamed at the thing in front of her and it seemed to only amuse him.

"Everyone wants something from me."
He put a hand up to her forehead, a overwhelmed sense of pain flooding her inards. She motioned to scream again, but it didn't seem to work. The tears came in fast pools.

He grinned, his eyes black and inhuman.

"That's it. Who are they? Carla and Madison?"

The names made her eyes widen in fear.

"They probably taste as good as your little human brain can describe them." He licked his lips to mock her.
"NO. Keep your filthy hands away from my children!"

"OR WHAT?!" He moved his hand to her neck and squeezed making her wheeze and she wailed.

"What is a stupid little human like you going to do to me? I can take what I want, little girl. Your children are just another pair of names under my belt." He growled close to her face.

She didn't say anything. He was right. He was just right.

"I'll make you a deal. You keep Benny a secret. Make up a lie. On Saturday. You call them. Tell them you found him Dead. Then I'll come back. This for the safety of your children?"

He waited for his answer, a deep grin taunting his lips even though he knew the answer.

"Deal." She muttered.

His grin only deepened and he forced his mouth onto hers. Planting a great kiss onto her lips.

"Seal it with a kiss." He laughed in her face.

"Why are you doing this?!" Meg asked quietly.

"Well, beautiful, it's quite simple. You humans are... Your greedy. All of you. It's nothing person, but.." The demon paused and took in her light features. She was mortified, her Tight curls a mess. Her eyes had become red and her neck had a mark,"You're all going to die." He clicked his fingers and it was dark.

Then she had done as he ordered. She lied to the officials. She did it, she could be in peace now, at least she thought.

The next day. She was in her room. Ready to see her children. They had been spending the day with their father.

"Meg." She heard the voice behind her and her stomach dropped. No no no.
The demon stood behind her, watching her with a small gaze.
"W-what? What are you doing in my house? I did what you wanted. Leave me alone!"

The demon laughed as if she was now the funniest person in the world.
"You really think that? Oh. Poor you." He sighed sarcastically.
"I can't have you knowing how I look, because you might just go and tell the people. Don't worry I'll make it quick."

"What?! NO. I NEED MY KIDS. I CAN'T LEAVE THEM WITH HIM. please! Please don't hurt me."

"What are you on about?!" He questioned.
"He'll hurt them if I'm not there. My kids need me."

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of your husband too.." He advanced on her and placed two fingers up to her face. Out like a light.

Then there were footsteps. Shit shit.

"Meg? Hello? I asked if you were alright?" Castiel watched her with those eyes and she felt a sob hit the back of her throat.
She had to be okay.

"Yes. Im sorry. Where were we?" Even though she tried hard, the small shake in her voice was visible.

Castiel pursed his lips not knowing if he should call it quits.

He figured they'd continue until she wanted to stop, but the knocking of the door made them look.

It was a doctor, male.

"Agent, may I speak to you outside?" The man seemed mildly confused with a clipboard in hand.

Castiel nodded and excused himself from the woman.

"Is there a problem?" Castiel asked once they were outside.

The doctor glanced down at his board, "You were the one who brought her in, is that right.. Um. Castiel?" He asked looking up at Castiel for confirmation.


"According to you, you found her unconscious in her bedroom floor with a bottle of empty pills indicating she swallowed them, yes?"

Castiel nodded. "Yes. That's what i found."

"Well.." The doctor locked eyes with Castiel. "Our tests and studies confirm she is perfectly fine, as if she had only been asleep."

Castiel opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He tried again, and the same thing happened.

"W-wait. That's- but she had those pills. I saw the bottle in her hand."

The doctor hesitated, "Mr. Novak. At any moment did you ever see her take the pills?"

"No, I didn't. Like I said, I found her already unconscious."

"Then there is no proof she took them. Her system is fine and she's perfectly healthy."

"That's impossible."

"I don't know what else to say Mr. Novak, but those are the results."

Castiel stood quietly for a second. "Did you already ask her about it?"

"No, I will now though."

The doctor passed Castiel back into the room and the agent followed, wanting some answers of his own.

"Hello, Mrs. Masters."

Meg furrowed her brow at the way she was addressed. "Its not Mrs. It's Ms."

"Your record says you're married."

"Not divorced yet, but definitely not together."

"Oh my apologies then, but I'll get to the point. Mr. Novak says he found you passed out in your bedroom with a bottle of pills. Did you happen to take these said pills?"

Meg paused. Not sure what to answer.

"No, i didn't."

"Then why does Mr. N-"

"Because...- because- I don't know. He's not lying, but-"
She began to sob. Full crying.

"He's going to kill me! I'm next! Please don't let him kill me!" Meg lunged at the doctor who was closer, taking hold of his uniform. I HAVE KIDS! I DID IT FOR THEM! DONT LET HIM HURT THEM PLEASE! I CANT-"
The doctor injected Meg with a small syringe.
She fell forward, the doctor catching her.
He laid her back down and turned to Castiel.
"I only dosed her a bit. She'll wake up later. For now you should go home. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Castiel nodded and left the room.

He walked into the elevator and he didn't really pay any attention to what ws happening in front of him. More thoughts of Meg. He's seen crazy, but she wasn't crazy, she was terrified. She was drowning in fear.

"Cas! Hellooo!" Dean waved his arm in front of the agent.


"Woah. Calm down. Are you alright? Ive been talking to you for about a minute."

"Yes. I was just thinking. She was actually scared. She was screaming and said something about a him. About her children. What if they aren't safe? Maybe she is next..?"

Dean bit back the grin that begged to make an appearance, "I wouldn't worry about them."

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