Drummer Girl.

By cakemesomemashton

6.7K 193 75

17 year old Tzeital had lived in South Africa her whole life, everything she knew was there. Her friends, fam... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.

Chapter 26.

126 3 0
By cakemesomemashton

I'd never been so happy to be on tour. Or so I thought.

The day after our wedding, the boys had told us that we was going on a mini tour around Sydney before flying to Europe.

They must think I'm really stupid. The fact we had to take a flight? The 11 hour flight itself... The fact that our tickets had 'South Africa' written on them. Gosh, cut me some slack guys.

But yes, the boys was taking me home. Well my first home, Australia would always be home now.

Stepping off the plane, the smell, the sun, the accents of the people around us.

"Hey guys, say something?!" I teased them! Remembering that they use to make me say all weird things to hear my accent when I first came to Australia.

We was staying for 2 weeks, until the real tour would start. I wondered why everyone was on my honeymoon... But I really didn't care, I never wanted to be without any of them!

Poppy had one month to go, she wasn't really meant to be flying at all! But she risked it just for me.

"Poppy, you shouldn't have done that you know... South Africa is more dangerous than Australia! And I'm pretty sure you'd prefer that little guy to have an Australian passport!" I giggled at her.

"Anything to see my best friend smile!"

I loved her more than words could say! She was like the sister I never had, weird because she's with my brother!

You'd think I'd be sad about being back in South Africa, but I wasn't. I wasn't South African anymore, I was Australian.

I took the guys to see my old safari place, it still looked the same and was under the same management I sold it to. They was really kind and let us have a free safari, I got to drive us around and show everyone my favourite places and areas where I know the animals was. I was extra carefully because of Poppy, nothing was going to happen to her on my watch!

"Is it weird to say that it feels nice to hold a gun again?!" I laughed, pointing it at Luke. Of course it was unloaded.

"I bet you can't event shoot straight anymore!" Mikey they piped up.

I loaded it, and pointed it over to a practicing area, shooting it three times at three different targets. All of them perfect hits.

"Still got it!"

"Tz did I ever tell you how amazing you are and that I know you'd never shoot me?" Calum batted his eyelids.

"I'd only ever shoot Ash, don't worry Cal!" I laughed.

"W-What? Why!" Ash stuttered out.

"You'd be the only one that could hurt me enough to make me do something like shoot you!" I looked more stern.

"Well Mrs. Irwin there isn't a chance in hell!" He snaked his arms around me and kissed me from my cheek down to my neck.

Our first stop would be the giraffes, of course! They're still my favourites! It didn't bring me a little bit down, remembering selling all our giraffes and the babies. There was one, I had helped it give birth! That was a special moment for me, it was a baby boy and I had called it 'blicker'. Because giraffes had black tongues and he likes to lick people... I was young.

It was getting late and we had been out for hours so I drove back, it was a perfect day. We didn't even see any lions, added bonus.

Another thing you'd be surprised about. I didn't see my parents. I didn't want to... I saw them once in their graves and that was enough! They was in the sky to me, so going to see them in the ground wasn't necessary.

Everything was amazing, and just the way I remembered! It was so funny seeing old friends and faces, that I now hadn't seen for 5-6 years!


"Oh my god! Paul!" I screamed running at him!

Paul was one of my dad's best friends, he was there for practically my whole life? He even saved me from killing the lions... If anyone recalls.

He still worked at the safari park, and the new owner had but him as the head! I was so happy it was in his hands!

"My little Tz has grown up! I can't believe the women you've become! Miss Naidoo, what are gonna do with you!" I laughed still hugging me.

Ash coughed. "Actually she's Mrs Irwin now!"

Paul stepped back and pulled at my left hand. He's jaw dropped!

"Mrs Irwin! Good god, you'll have your work cut out for ya pal!" He chuckled over to Ash, I sent him the sad face that I use to give when I was a kid. Always could get around Paul with it! "Are you staying?"

"No, we're actually going tomorrow! We're going to Europe with the boys for their tour! They're in a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer!" I began.

"You always was into them rock groups, just once your mother wished you'd start listening to Katy Perry!" He held me again. "I've missed you kid! You have to visit us more... We missed you so much!"

It was hard hearing those words, but this wasn't home anymore.

"Maybe Paul!" It's all I could say.

Waking up and knowing we was leaving, gave me a sense of relief almost. South Africa will always have my heart. Actually it won't, because Ash will, wherever he is that's where home will be.

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