Cab Rides in Istanbul

By JolyonDean

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"When the glitter falls, and starts to rest - it's more like, sad stars and a bigger mess" More

II - Losing game
III - Between the Cheats
IV - Question Existing
VI - Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou
VIII - Misery Loves Company
X - valerie
XI - thank u, nEXt
XII - Strings Attached
XIV - Second time Around


419 31 17
By JolyonDean

It's been almost a month since the situation with Jamel. I haven't reached out or bothered to be around him. When I see Shelly in the Cafe, I'll speak to her when she's alone because I'm always with Keith and his friends, or I would hang out with her alone.

Right now I'm sitting in the bleachers with Diana, Dean and the rest of the crew as we watch everyone practice for the homecoming game.

"So did you get the email?" Diana asks me about the Abroad program her and Dean seen me and Shelly at a few weeks ago.

"Not yet, I hope they let us know soon" I tell her, "I do think I want to do a semester abroad before I graduate" I tell her as Dean looks at me like I'm crazy.

"A semester where? That's a long ass time  to be away from home and alone. 3 weeks during a break is pushing it too" He says.

"I don't know, I want to go for the experience and see what else is out there" I smile. "I did apply to go to Turkey though, hopefully I'll get it."

"I'm sure you will, because that Greece trip has a waiting list because it has too many applicants" Diana laughs.

"Are you guys going to the party tonight?" Dean asks as he pulls up the flyer the Greeks are hosting.

"I don't think so" I laugh as he encourage me, "come on! It's a pre homecoming party, everyone free before 11 you have to pop out" Dean laughs.

"Fine, fine I'll ask Keith" I tell them.

"So what's the deal, are you guys dating?" Diana says looking at me.

I can't help but laugh as I shake my head "oh no, he's just my friend." I tell her. "Good, because that man is fineeeeee" she hums, "you boys can't have all the fun" she says looking between me and Dean.

"That was a dumb question, he's not even gay. Doesn't Keith talk to Tatiana?" Dean says looking at me.

"Yeah- He, he does" I say shaking my head nodding at the shock he's involved with someone named Tatiana. I don't look at Keith in that way, but I don't know why I feel kinda caught off guard as I sit back on the bleachers and just look out into the field.


"Rollin down the street, smokin indo, sippin on gin and juice
Laid back - with my mind on my money and my money on my mind" Keith sings as we drive back to his apartment.

I'm looking out the window quiet as he has his hand on my knee tapping the beat of the song as he raps along.

We pull up to his apartment heading in as we follow the usual routine, I do homework and cook while he showers and come joins me.

I hear knocking at the door as I go and open it and Tyler comes in with a bag full of glass.

"Wassup Don, put these in the freezer for me, I'll be back in an hour" he says sitting the bag on the counter before leaving back out.

I look in the bag and it's A lot of liquor.

"Are we hosting the party? Or going to it?" I think laughing as I start taking stuff out, reading the names of it.

"Yo you wanna get ready?" Keith asks me as he walks out in basketball shorts and slides as I turn off the stove. I made Salmon and shrimp, a quick snack before he starts drinking and everyone gets here.

"Yeah" I say walking into his room to get some clothes before getting in the shower.

I go to 'The Coven' group chat as I'm about to send the flyer to the party but I decide against it. I know if I invite Shelly she will bring Jamel so maybe I'll just enjoy this 1 night out alone.

After my shower and I'm fully dressed, I try and fix my hair some giving up because I don't wanna do anything to it. I walk into the room and put my dirty clothes in the hamper as I walk out into the living room being greeted by loud music and the regular everyone.

I see Keith on the couch holding the bowl with 1 hand eating as he throws an uno card down and I see everyone dancing, socializing and drinking.

"Lo" I hear as I turn around and see Dean by the island. "You drinking?" He asks me grabbing a few bottles.

"I'm not a big drinker" I say as Diana comes behind me cheering me on. "Come on, have a cup" she says as Dean pours me and them both a cup before we cheers.

I taste the cold burning liquor down my throat, and it feels like a warm line going through me to my stomach.

"Whewwww" we all say coughing as Keith rushes over to me "Yo what are you doing?" He says taking my cup as I look at him. "It's just 1 cup" I say as he pushes me to the stove, "Go eat something. You're not even a drinker and you doing this on a empty stomach."

"Damn relax grandpa" Diana says to him as I fix my plate and start eating.

Keith walks away shaking his head as Diana pours me another cup, "cheers" she smiles as I take it and toast with her before I swallow it.


Once we get to the party I'm already feeling kinda drunk, Diana and Dean kept passing me drinks and refilling my cup when Keith wasn't looking. I think I'm deserving of this night after everything that's been going on.

People start shouting and cheering as we walk in. They're excited the football team is here since this party is kinda for them. I walk off and start mingling with people in the party enjoying myself. A few songs in Keith walks over to me to check on me.

"You good?" I nod my head yes as he hands me a cup. "Hold this for me" He says walking off to go greet some people he knows. I decide to drink his cup as Diana and Dean come to dance with me.


This party is pretty fun until I get a weird feeling in my stomach and I start sweating. "Shit, I'm drunk" I think as I start walking through the party to go get some fresh air.

"Excuse you" I hear someone say pushing me. I turn around and see Shelly and Jamel. Jamel looks annoyed and Shelly's face lights up seeing I'm here.

Realizing Jamel just pushed me I step up to him and say "watch yourself when I'm walking past." He bumps me walking past as I take the cup I have in my hand and throw it on him.

It was like in that moment the music stopped and you heard everyone gasp. He turned around and grabbed my hair as I grabbed him by his throat and threw him on the ground. I feel people spreading out as me and Jamel go blow for blow and Shelly is trying to break us up. I hear people saying "oh shit" and "who's fighting" as my only motive right now is to beat the shit out of Jamel. All my anger lashes out as I punch him over and over again. This is my first real fist fight and it's with my best friend. I don't know what's going on with me but I can't stop.

I feel someone snatch me off him as I give one final kick to him and I'm fighting to get back at him.

"YO YO ! STOP!" I hear Keith yell throwing me over his shoulder taking me out the party, I look at Jamel getting up and his eye is black and his nose is bleeding.

Keith puts me down and pushes me towards the front door as we see Isaiah and Freddie talking at the bottom of the stairs. I look at Freddie and laugh as I cock my arm back and snuff Isaiah in the face.

I hear a lot of people saying "Daaaaamn" as Isaiah holds his nose and I keep walking with Keith.

"What the fuck has gotten into you?" Keith shouts as we walk down the side walk. I ignore him and keep walking as he grabs my arm to turn me around.

"I'm talking to you" He says as I snatch my arm away.

"I'm not fucking sensitive!" I shout. "I'm fucking human, and my boyfriend cheated on me. Not once but twice and my best friend was one of the people" I say as I feel my tears falling. I wipe my eyes saying "NO! I will not cry" I say breaking down more. "I am not playing a victim, I am hurt!" I scream. I move the hair from my face and scream again as I look at my swollen hand. I start walking off as I hear Keith call my name. "Don't fucking talk to me" I shout as I cross the street and start walking aimlessly.

"Fuck" I cry as I shake my hand holding it from the pain.


In the Uber ride to campus I check bus tickets to go home. There's one last bus leaving in an hour, so I purchase my ticket and rush to my dorm to pack. My hand is swelling and turning purple but I grab a duffle bag and stuff some clothes in it and grab my chargers. I order another Uber to the bus station as I grab my backpack and bag and make my way outside. I'm getting text messages from Shelly and Keith, even a few from Isaiah but I ignore them and get in the car.

I'm going home. 


excuse errors

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