The Bangtan Pack - BTS werewo...

By _xItsJustMe_

161K 5.7K 644

Kim Namjoon, also known as the most feared alpha in the world and the alpha who has a deep hatred for humans... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Author Note

Chapter Thirty-Five

2K 97 5
By _xItsJustMe_

He felt it. All of them felt it. They were wounded. The alpha was wounded. Why weren't they back yet? It was killing them. He cried, the pain of his mate was there, he knew he was badly wounded and if they don't arrive soon enough, he will lose his mate. The members already got everything prepared to treat the wounded. The strong smell of blood entered the noses of everyone who stayed behind. Gasps were heard, they all realised it was worse than they expected. The group warriors came closer to the hospital and all who stayed behind rushed to take them in and treat their wounds. The tears theatening to spill, finally left Jin's eyes as he saw the state his mate was in. ''Everyone make space!'' Taehyung yelled while carrying the alpha to the surgery table. They all were send outside as the surgeons did their job. Jungkook rushed to his mate and wrapped his arms around him, crying hard. ''I was so scared.'' He whimpered. The beta let out a small grunt, before speaking. 
''I'm here now, but if you don't mind, please guide me to a bed or chair so my wounds can be treated.'' The human immedialty guided his mate to one of the chairs. ''He'll survive, Jin.'' The beta said to the second alpha of the pack. Jin nodded softly, the bond between him and his mate was weak and it scared him. More and more wolves entered the hospital, some just having a few scratches, while others had more critical injuries. Suddenly his eyes landed on Hoseok.  He looked so defeated. There was no hope in his eyes, they looked empty. The once omega decided to come closer. ''H-hoseok?'' He stammered. The gamma looked at him, but at the same time didn't. His eyes became glassy as he broke down. He cried, he cried all his emotions. Jin wrapped the gamma in his arms, as the broken wolf kept whispering 'I'm sorry'. He couldn't help but cry with him. ''I'm such a failure of a gamma.'' He whispered softly and brokenly. Jin grabbed Hoseok's face and made him face him.
''The hell you are. You're such a strong person for surviving them. You're still with us. The way of recovering is long, but you're still standing and that makes you strong. You're a gamma for a reason and that reason is shown that you are still standing. A lot wouldn't bother surviving anymore and yet here you are, standing stronger than before.'' The gamma burst into tears once again.

''Thank you for believing in me.'' The two males kept hugging eachother, seeking comfort in the embrace. It felt like hours had passed without them realising. Suddenly a very timid voice spoke up. ''H-hello.'' The two males let go and looked at the young wolf interupting them. Hoseok gasped loudly when the two locked eyes and started shaking his head. ''N-no.'' His breathing becoming quicker. ''I-I need t-time.'' And with those words, the broken male ran away. The young wolf looked at the ground sadly.
''What's your name?'' Jin asked him softly.
''Youngjae, alpha.'' He whispered softly.
''Hoseok just went through a hard time, he needs some time, but I can tell you that he will come around. Just try to help him through it and respect his space. He will warm up eventually. 
''B-but mates love eachother almost instantly, what happened.'' The wolf looked up at his alpha with tears shining in his eyes. Jin looked at him with big questioning eyes.
''Who told you that? Not all mates fall in love with eachother,'' The younger boy's lip started to tremble, tears falling down his cheeks. ''The bond is meant to find you your lifetime partner, but some don't want to accept that or some are not ready to commit to it, but overall most people fall in love eventually, falling in love just takes time,'' Jin took the crying wolf in his arms, ''I didn't fall in love with Namjoon at first anyway. I was even scared of him.'' Youngjae looked up at his alpha. ''But with time, everything fell in to place.'' The elder wiped the tears of the younger away and smiled softly at him. ''Hoseok will love you eventually, but right now he needs time to heal. I'll talk to him alright. Just stop my the packhouse tomorrow, alright?'' The younger boy nodded and mumbled a soft thank you and ran off. Jin followed the way Hoseok went and found him sobbing in a corner, shaking violently. ''Hoseok.'' Jin started of softly, the said boy looking up with wide, red and swollen eyes. The once omega took the broken gamma in his arms and calmed him down.
''I'm scared.'' He confessed after calming down. ''He tricked me into believing he was my mate, what if the boy is the same and will hurt me?''
''Hey, he won't. I'm sure of it. He cried when you ran away. I think he's afraid you won't love him.''
''R-really?'' Jin nodded. 
''I know you need time to heal, but spend some time with the boy, it will only hurt you both if you don't.'' Hoseok nodded softly.
''I'll try, but I'm just so scared. It only just happened, I just can't suddenly love someone and act like nothing happened.''
''He will understand and it's okay to be scared, take your time.'' Jin patted Hoseok's back and stood up. ''Now get up and let those wounds get treated and go to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.'' The gamma shook his head.
''C-can you please treat them? I don't trust the rest.'' Jin nodded and took the gamma to one of the room of the hospital and treated the gamma's wounds.

Jin has been waiting in the waiting room for two hours at least after he tend to Hoseok's wounds and made him some food. He was terrified, there was no distraction at this point. He saw Jungkook and Taehyung happily entering the packhouse while he was cooking for Hoseok and soon after them, Jimin and Yoongi followed. Jin was happy to see them return, but he was also jealous of them being able to hold their mates. He wanted nothing more than to cuddle up to his mate and just talk or watch a movie. He was so scared to lose it all. Jin has tried to talk to doctors, but none of them gave him an update and it terrified him. That couldn't be a good sign, could it? Finally a doctor entered the waiting room and called him out. ''Alpha Jin?'' Jin flew out of his seat and looked at the doctor with big, hopeful eyes. ''It's been a rough couple hours, but we managed to stable his conditon. The bullet was coated with silver and wolvesbane, as to be expected from hunters. The bullet did not damage any vatal organs, the silver and the wolvesbane have been treated and just need some time to be neutralised. He will wake up soon, probably somewhere tomorrow. All will be fine, he needs a couple days to recover after he wakes up, but that will take no longer than a week as long as you're with him. You can see him now. We placed him on a bigger bed, so there is enough space for you, alpha.'' The doctor bowed politely, gave him a note with the room number and took off to some other patients. Jin wasted no time and rushed to his room as the paper said. As soon as he saw his mate, he bursted out crying and wrapped himself around his mate and that's where he stayed the rest of the night.

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