predestined | jace herondale

By concupiscentz

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he was my escape from all the insanity that surrounded me; things I thought were only legends. More



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By concupiscentz

[ alec's pov ]

"Alec-" Isabelle follows me into my room, "Alec."

"What?" I turn and face her, frustration filling within me due to what I had witnessed.

"Talk to me, big brother." She stood her ground, looking up at me, "I know something's up. Is this about Jace?"

"It's not fully about Jace-" I mutter, crossing my arms, looking away.

"Then what?" Isabelle pushes for me, wanting to be there for me.

"It's about Zee too." I blurt out, "It's about both of them."

Isabelle stares at me, "Why would this be about Zee? Because she kissed him?"

"Yes." I huff, running a hand through my hair, "It's about what I felt for her."

Isabelle's eyes slightly widen, "You felt something for her?"

I swallow, blinking long and hard, admitting it, "I did."

"What about Jace?" Isabelle questions, "About you being in love with him?"

"I mean, it's that too." I sat on my bed, huffing deeply, "I just- damn it."

Isabelle sat with me, putting a hand on my back, "Deep breath."

I obey, then stare at the ground, "When I'm with Zee- I don't think. There's not a thought that crosses my mind. I thought I hated her because of what she felt for Jace- but it was because of what I felt for her."

Isabelle nods for me to go on, as I did, "Jace- with him, I know it's never going to happen. And I knew that with the way Jace was pinning over Zee, that they were bound to happen. I just thought- after her and I- you know- things could've been different."

I sigh deeply, "And then there's Magnus- and apparently I've opened something in him- and I-"

Isabelle nods, rubbing my back.

I bury my face in my hands, "I don't know what to do."


[ zee's pov ]

It was the next day, and I was stood in the middle of the Institute with Jace.

I was dressed in a burgundy t shirt, one that was loosely tucked into my blacked ripped jeans, black heeled boots on my feet, my necklace dangling from my neck, my hair straight, my leather jacket resting on the chair.

"Okay- it literally looks like a wine glass." I remark, holding onto the Mortal Cup with Jace, staring up at him.

"That wine glass saved your life." Jace smiles at my remark.

"Okay- and if I hadn't gotten this wine glass out in time?" I shot him a look, "I'd be dead meat-"

"But- you did." Jace cuts me off, "First rule of Shadowhunting when something explodes, just keep walking. Never think twice. Never look away."

"And what's the second rule?" I question.

Jace leans in, pressing his lips into mine, not mentioning the second rule.

I smile into the kiss, kissing back.

My eyes snap open when the Cup is pulled out of our hands. Jace and I slowly pull away from our kiss, our heads turned towards Isabelle who stood at the top of the steps, the Cup in her hands after she had used her whip to grab it from us, "There's nothing a Shadowhunter can't do in heels."

Jace shot her a look, as I smile at him, Isabelle walking over to me, handing me back the Cup, a playful smile on her lips.

I grabbed the card, putting the Mortal Cup back in, placing on hand on my hip, as I stood with Clary and Isabelle.

Jace walks over to Alec, "Alec, what are you doing? You can stare at this monitor all you want, they need angel blood to get past the wards. You know that. No Downworlder can come into the Institute."

Isabelle adds in, "Not without an invite by a Shadowhunter."

"Last I checked, Valentine is a Shadowhunter." Alec crosses his arms, facing us, "The Cup is not safe here. We have to give it back to the Clave."

"Give it back to the Clave?" Clary repeats, then shakes her head, "No. Not after everything we went through to get it."

"My brother is right." Isabelle sides with Alec, "The Cup is extremely important."

Alec looks at her, "Are you agreeing with me?"

Isabelle raises an eyebrow, "I'm full of surprises."

"This Cup is the one chance I have at getting my mom back." Clary looks between all of us.

"Why give the Clave the Cup when we need it?" I step up, giving them a side shrug, "We can use it- bargain for Jocelyn back. We can give the Cup to the Clave later."

"I agree with Zee." Jace sides with Clary and I, "We can't give the Cup to the Clave, not now. We need it. It's our only bargaining chip."

"Alec-" I walked over to him, holding the card in my hands, looking at him straight in the eye, "I know how powerful this Cup is. I know how dangerous it'll be if Valentine ever got his hands on it. But I promise you, I will not let that happen."

"There you go." Jace looks between us, "You have her word."

Alec sighs, "Follow me."

I follow him into the training room, where he opens up the same space in the ground where he placed Clary's necklace.

"Alec, I couldn't have done any of this without your help." I crouch next to him, "Thank you."

He takes the card from me, placing it in, "Don't misread this. Since you've arrived, our whole world's been turned upside down."

"Yeah- I've figured that out." I looked at him, shrugging lightly, "And I'm sorry- I am. But- you've found the Mortal Cup because of me."

"I guess-" Alec stood with me, moving his stele over the rune, the tile going back to normal, "There has been some good from you."

"I'm gonna take that as I compliment." I place my hands on my hips, "So-"

"What?" Alec looks at me.

"When are you gonna ask out Magnus?" I question, a small smile playing at my lips.

Alec stares at me, at a loss of words, "I- what?"

I nudge his arm with my fist, "I saw you guys having a drink at his apartment." I gesture with my hands dramatically, "I heard how you've- opened him up- and I just know for a fact he has a thing for you."

Alec rolls his eyes at me, the corner of his lip turning up, a soft laugh leaving his lips at my actions.

"I think you should give him a shot." I smile at him, then leave him alone in the training room.

I grab my phone, finally calling Simon back, only to get his voicemail, "Simon- hey, I have so much to tell you. There's so much that's happened and I haven't had the time to call you back- but I'm pretty sure my schedule is free for a while now that we've got the Mortal Cup, so- call me back."

I huff, placing my phone down, walking over to Jace, whom was seated in an office chair, on a tablet, glancing at me every two seconds while I made that voicemail.

I wrap my arms around his arms, placing my chin on his shoulder, "Hi-"

"Hey-" Jace leans back into me, "Mundane got you down?"

"Just a little." I admit, "I hope he's okay-"

"What the-" Alec looks at the monitor, then a loud beeping follows.

Jace and I walk over, Isabelle and Clary grouping as well.

"There's something outside the perimeter." Jace stares at the monitor.

Alec began, "I told you-"

Jace stops him, "Don't say it."

"What's happening?" Clary questions.

Isabelle sighs, "Looks like someone's trying to break in."

"Could be the Circle." Jace suggests.

"Told you so." Alec grabs his jacket.

Jace sighs, "Too soon."

I don't even bother to grab my jacket, grabbing my dagger, walking with all four of them.

"Don't move." Jace calls out, as we all approached with our weapons ready.

"Drop what you're holding." Alec demands, "Put your hands up."

My entire world felt as if it had been destroyed right before my eyes when the person turned.

It was Raphael, holding Simon. But, Simon was dead.

I step back, my eyes wide with shock, a gasp leaving my lips, "No-"

Clary breathes heavily, "Oh, my God, Simon!"


"People will be wondering what we found outside the perimeter." Jace spoke from beside me, after Simon was laid on the table between all of us, his head laying on a book.

"I'll go." Alec spoke up, "I'll tell 'em we didn't find anything. Nobody will come down here."

Alec heads up the stairs and leaves us alone, my eyes glued to Simon, my eyes brimmed with tears.

Raphael sighs, "I might be a vampire but I was raised a good Catholic."

Isabelle looks up, "The vampires breached the Accords. Killing Simon is grounds for war."

"The vampires were not behind this." Raphael told us, "Just Camille. She attacked Simon on her own."

Jace spat at him quick, "And how do we know you're telling the truth?"

"I could have gotten rid of him, but instead I brought him here." Raphael reasons, "I don't want trouble with the Shadowhunters."

"Smart decision." Isabelle snips.

"I warned the mundane to stay away but Camille gave him a taste of her own blood, and like an addict he came back wanting more." Raphael sat down.

"The only reason Simon ever tasted Camille's blood is because of you." Clary snapped at him, tears streaming down her cheeks, "You kidnapped him! You drug him to Hotel DuMort. You delivered him to Camille!"

"I never meant for this to happen." Raphael told honestly.

"Simon." Clary sobs into his chest, holding onto Simon's dead body, "Simon, please come back, please!"

"There is a way." Raphael spoke up, "A way to bring Simon back."

My head snaps toward him, finally speaking since seeing Simon dead, "What way? How can we bring him back?"

Raphael stays silent, as I moved past Jace, raising my voice, Jace grabbing my arm and holding me back and away from Raphael, "Tell me!"

"He's a fledgling." Raphael began, "It's a state of transition. Your friend can be resurrected."

Jace shook his head, pulling me back to his side, "No."

Isabelle also denies, "Zee, no."

Clary looks at Raphael, "So- we could have Simon back? Alive and breathing?"

"That's just it." Isabelle cuts in, "He won't return alive or breathing. He'll be a vampire."

"And not the sexed up, romantic kind." Jace looks at me, "The ugly, bloodsucking, coffin-dwelling kind."

"That's offensive." Raphael sat up.

Jace rolls his eyes, "Really?"

"Coffin implies wooden box. We have caskets now." Raphael corrects him, "They're made of 14-karat gold."

Jace clicks his tongue, "My bad."

"It's almost sunrise." Raphael stood up, "Simon must be turned into a vampire tonight or staked through the heart."

I stepped up, "And if I do neither?"

"His soul will be trapped for eternity." Raphael said, "You have till sunset to decide. The clock is ticking."


I walked into my room, shutting the door, feeling the tears in my eyes sting, as I tried my hardest to be strong and try and choose a decision.

I sniffle, walking over to my nightstand, grabbing out the small box I had found, opening it, grabbing the portal shard.

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath, squeezing it tight in my hands, thinking of my mother.

A gasp leaves my mouth, my eyes snapping open, as I saw something in front of me.

"I hope you've returned with good news." Valentine told the warlock that came through the portal.

"The girl has the Cup." He told him.

"Do you hear that, Margaret?" Valentine walks over to a woman who was chained up, my breathing feeling as if it had disappeared when I saw that it was my mother.

"Zee did it." He smiles at her, her eyes wide with fear, "It's evident she has your determination and my curiosity."

She turned her face away, staying silent.

"If she found the Cup, where is it?" Valentine looks at the warlock.

He spoke, "She got back to the Institute, sir. Lucian Graymark got in the way."

"Got in the way how?" Valentine questioned.

"He's the leader of the New York pack now." The warlock told him, "She's under their protection."

"Oh, Lucian." Valentine sighs, "Always so chivalrous."

I drop the portal shard, taking a step back, my hand starting to shake.

I try to process what I had just saw, a tear slipping my eye, "Mom-"


"Zee, I really need to talk." Simon's voice came through the voicemails he had left me, "I think I'm turning into a vampire. I'm scared, please- please call me."

"Oh my god-" I quietly sob into my hand, putting my phone back into my pocket, "Oh my god, I'm terrible-"

"Zee-" Clary grabs my hand.

I pull away instantly, "Don't touch me- don't-"

"This is all my fault." I run a hand through my hair, "I should've answered this calls- I should've been there for him- I should've-"

"Zee, this isn't your fault-" Jace began.

I cut him off, pointing at him, walking over to him, "There is no way in hell you can change my mind about this, Jace."

"I'm not going stand here and listen to you blame yourself." Jace stood his ground, "I won't."

I unintentionally yell, tears stinging in my eyes, "Then leave!"

"I'm not leaving your side." Jace grabs my arm, staring at me dead in the eye.

"If it weren't for me, Simon wouldn't have been introduced to the Shadow World. He wouldn't have gone through any of this." I pull my arm away, stepping back.

Jace stays silent, watching me, waiting for me to vent it all out.

"He's been there for me- every time I needed him." The hot tears spill from my eyes, "He was there even when I didn't need him to be every since the Shadow World has been introduced to us."

It got harder to breath as I sobbed, "And I wasn't there for him. I wasn't there for him when he needed me most- and, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself-"

I was cut off when Jace pulls me into his chest, holding me, rubbing my back, letting me cry it all out.

"He's dead." Clary quietly cried, stood right next to Simon.

I slowly slip away from Jace, wiping my tears with my hand, sniffling.

"A fledgling." Raphael corrects, "He's in transition."

Clary looks at me, "Whatever you choose- I'm with you."

"Why me?" I lash out, "Why do I-"

Jace places his hand on my back, sending chills down my spine.

I swallow, looking down, my tone lowering, "I'm left with two reprehensible choices. I can't figure out which one is worse."

I looked up at Raphael, "If I bury Simon- what are the risks?"

"Zee, no." Jace shook his head instantly, "Absolutely not."

"Jace, I need to know." I walk away from him, standing by Clary and looking at Raphael, "What are the risks?"

Raphael sighs, "If Simon is buried and he doesn't emerge he would be trapped under the earth starving for eternity."

"Oh, my God." Clary sobs quietly, wrapping her arms around me, leaning her head against my shoulder, in need of comfort.

I wrap an arm around Clary, sniffling, "And what if I stake him?"

"He'll die a human death." Raphael shrugs, "It's painless, as far as I know."

"Simon-" Clary cries, as I turn, holding her tight, trying to resist from crying again.


"This is a bad idea." Jace told me from behind the desk, glamoured as I saw in the living room of Simon's home, playing with my hands, "Promise me you won't tell a mundane that Simon was bitten by a vampire."

"I promise, Jace." I say quietly, running a hand through my hair, keeping it in, my elbow resting on my leather jacket that laid on my lap.

"Good." Jace nods, "'Cause part of our job as Shadowhunters is making sure mundanes don't know anything about the Shadow World."

"Well- then I suddenly suck at my job." I sarcastically say, shooting him a look, "Don't worry, I'm just gonna tell her there was an accident and that he's not coming back."

Jace stares at me as I continued, "I mean- I owe his mother that much. She loves him."

Simon's mother Elaine walks in, holding two iced teas, my head snapping up, "You didn't have to-"

"It's no problem." Elaine hands me a glass, "It's been a while- you seem different, you're practically covered in tattoos."

My mouth drops, glancing at Jace, "I- uh, yeah- ex boyfriend."

Elaine nods, "I haven't heard anything from Simon since yesterday, Zee. And he flipped out on Rebecca and I. And then just disappeared. Have you heard from him? Or have you seen him? Should I be calling the police?"

"No, don't do that." I shook my head instantly, "If we needed to, I would have called Luke."

"I just want to know if he's all right." Elaine said, my heart aching at her words.

"I saw him." I swallow hard, not knowing what to say.

She sighs in relief, sitting with me, bombarding me with questions, "Oh, my God. You did? Where? Where is he? Is he okay?"

"No-" I trail off, "Not exactly."

"Is it drugs?" Elaine questions, "I mean, he said that it wasn't, but-"

"No- it's not drugs." I shook my head, "This is Simon we're talking about."

Elaine nods, "Whatever it is, I can handle it."

I huff, "Okay, look, the truth is-"

The sound of clattering makes my head snap to the side, Jace purposely dropping something to get my attention.

I swallow, Elaine walking over to the sound, Jace walking over to me, whispering, "What are you doing?"

"I don't know anymore." I whisper back, "This is harder than I thought."

"Be careful." Jace whispers then walks back to where he stood.

Elaine walks over, holding something, "Simon got this for me for Mother's Day. You know, 'cause he's my little monkey."

"Zee, I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to him. Rebecca and Simon, they're all I have." Elaine honestly told me, her voice heavy, "After I lost their father-"

I stare at her, starting to zone out, sympathy and guilt filling with me, my heart aching for her.

"But- you were saying?" Elaine looks at me, "To tell me the truth."

The glass of iced tea slips from my hands, landing on the ground, a gasp leaving my lips, as I fell to my knees, grabbing tissues, "I'm so sorry-"

"It's fine- it's okay-" Elaine was sweet about it, trying to get me to get up.

"No- I got it on the rug- you love this rug-" I grab tissues, trying to wipe up the iced tea.

"Zee, honey- it's completely fine." Elaine nods towards me, "Let me just clean this up and then we can talk."

She leaves the room, as I huff, leaning my head against my arm, looking at Jace.


"Zee, what happened to the plan?" Jace questions, closing Simon's bedroom door behind him, "Tell her that Simon's not coming home?"

"I couldn't-" I shook my head, "I tried, okay? I'm not ready to just give up on Simon. I'm not losing him."

Jace sighs, "Would you stop for a second, think about what you're doing?"

"I've been thinking about everything-" I run a hand through my hair stressfully, turning away from him, "It's like my mind is telling me to do one thing and my heart another."

Jace grabs me and turns me to face him, looking at him, his hands falling to his sides, "Look- there was a boy and his father bought him a falcon for his sixth birthday."

My eyes squint, my teeth gritting lightly, "Are you seriously telling me a story right now?"

"Please, just listen." Jace softly said, "His father told him to tame the bird. Make it obedient."

"As if that would work-" I cross my arms.

"And the boy would spend every day with that falcon." Jace went on, "It would scratch at him. Make him bleed. But, eventually he earned its trust. He brought the bird to his father, to show him that the bird would come back to him. He thought his father would be proud."

"As he should've been." I comment, "He was, right?"

"No, Zee." Jace shook his head, "His father took the falcon and snapped its neck."

"What- do your bedtime stories have death in their endings too?" I scoff, starting to turn away.

He held me in place, "You're missing the point."

I sigh, letting him go on, "Yes, the boy was devastated. But- he realized his father was right. He was told to tame the bird not to love it. That's why you have to listen to your head. If I listened to my heart I'd never be able to do my job."

Jace finishes, "Third rule of Shadowhunting emotions cloud judgment."

"That's a rule I'm not going to be so good at." I step closer to him, "If being a Shadowhunter means I'm supposed to feel nothing- then I don't want to be one."

I walk past him and leave the room.


The bell chimes as I walked into the Jade Wolf, Jace following right behind me.

I look around, a mess of the restaurant, Luke's shirt scratched, "Luke, are you okay?"

Jace looks around, "What happened?"

"Uh- you should see the other guy." Luke spoke, "We were attacked by a Forsaken, if you can even call it that. Anyway, it's dead. It looks worse than it was."

"Luke, you're hurt." I gesture towards the scratch on his chest.

"Uh, no." He showed me, "Already healed. Perks of being a werewolf."

I nod slowly, looking away.

"Anyway, I called Alec." Luke told us, "He took the Forsaken back to the Institute for an autopsy."

"We've got the best forensic pathologist in New York." Jace walks away, leaning against a table.

"Yeah, so I've heard." Luke looks at me, "Zee, what are you doing here? Now that you have the Cup, you know you should be back at the Institute, protected."

Jace crosses his arms, "I haven't taken my eyes off her."

"Luke," I swallow, looking up at him, "Simon's dead."

"Zee, I'm sorry." Luke sighs deeply, giving me a hug, "How's Clary?"

"Hasn't left Simon's side." I shortly say, hugging back, feeling as if I had run out of tears, trying to be strong, "I needed the breather."


The sun had set and we were at the cemetery.

After I had talked to Luke, I had no idea what to do. I didn't know what to choose.

It was all on me.

Jace places Simon onto the ground once we were reach, Raphael holding a shovel, my fingers playing the sleeves of my leather jacket.

Suddenly, there was a sound of rustling, our attention diverted towards Camille.

"What do you want?" Clary questions from beside me.

"I want my property back." She demands, glancing at Simon's dead body.

I took a step closer to her, Jace putting his arm around, stopping me, holding his blade up, as I spoke, "Simon is not your property."

"If you'll just hand him over, I'll be on my way." Camille ignored us, looking at us.

"You heard Zee." Jace said, "You're not laying a hand on him."

"Fine." She snapped her fingers, vampires backing her, "I tried to do this the nice way."

"Jace-" I say his name instantly, staring at them.

"I'm glad you brought everyone here to witness your demise." Raphael stepped up, "Camille killed this mundane. Now, I have all the proof. She's been breaking the Accords for too long now. He's the evidence we need to show the Clave what Camille has been doing."

Camille chuckles, "Are you trying to overthrow me?"

"No." Raphael revealed his fangs, "I already have.l

"Don't listen to him." Camille said, "Raphael doesn't know the first thing about leading. You need me. I've given you everything you could want. All the riches. All the pleasures you could desire.

Raphael continued, "By breaking the law. Which will only destroy us."

"We can fix this." Camille persuades, "If we just get rid of the body, this mundane means nothing."

I move past Jace, walking right over to Camille, swinging at her, clenching my hand into a fist last minute, letting out all my force in that one punch.

She gasps, a grunt leaving her lips, touching her jaw.

I turn, walking away, the vampires surrounding her instantly.


"Zee, it's time." Raphael walks over to me and held up the shovel and stake, "Which will it be?"

I go silent, staring at the two objects.

I exhale, grabbing the shovel, quietly speaking, "Let's get this over with."

I took the shovel, shoving it into the ground, starting to dig.

Jace took it from me later on, and soon, it was completely dug up.

Simon laid on the side, Clary sobbing after she had put him in something, "When your grandfather gave you this at your bar mitzvah, you told me how much it meant to you. It was a symbol of the day you became a man."

She cried, "Simon, no matter what happens no matter what you become- you will always be that man to me."

Clary looks at me after getting up, her voice weak, "Do you wanna say anything?"

I looked at her, my arms crossed, "I have nothing to say."

Clary weakly nods, Raphael placing Simon at the bottom.

Unwanted tears filled my eyes as I shoveled some dirt up, tossing it onto Simon's dead body.

I try to hold them back, trying to be strong. I tried to keep in mind that I would see him again.

But the more dirt I shoveled in, the more I felt myself break, fresh hot tears streaming down my cheeks, my sobs unintentionally held back due to how hard I was crying, not being able to breath.

"Hey, stop-" Jace rushes over me, engulfing me in his embrace, taking the shovel away from me.

He kisses my head, my breathing uneven, sniffles leaving me, a small whimper slipping out of my mouth.

Jace hands me over to Clary, starting to shovel dirt onto Simon, as I held onto Clary as tight as I could, watching, the both of us crying.


I sat with Jace on the ground, a few feet behind Clary. Jace's arm was around me, my head leaning back on his shoulder, as I stared at Simon's grave.

Clary sat alone, needing to be alone for the time being.

Raphael stood a few feet away, leaning against a tree.

I had finally stopped crying, feeling as if I had let it all out.

"That mundane's a fighter." Jace points at the grave, referring to Simon, "He survived the vampires at the Hotel DuMort. He survived the werewolves at Jade Wolf. He survived accounting for whatever that's worth."

"Accounting-" I softly laugh, playing with my necklace.

"I got you to laugh." Jace lightly shrugs, rubbing my arm.

I stare at my hands, "I know you think emotions cloud judgment- and with that whole falcon story- all of that contradicts the first rule of being mundane."

"What's the first rule of being mundane?" Jace questions.

I sigh, looking at him, "That love makes you stronger. It's love that makes you fight harder for what you want."

The ground starts to rumble, my eyes widening, Clary jumping up instantly. I got up, rushing over to Clary, Jace right behind me.

Raphael walked over with a bag, "It's happening."

Simon's arm reaches out of the dirt, pulling himself up, breathing heavily, looking at all of us.

"Simon-" I gently trail off.

Simon hisses at me, a small shriek leaving my lips, Jace instantly pulling me behind him, backing away a few steps, guarding me.

"Once reborn, you emerge hungry. Very hungry." Raphael drops blood bags in front of Simon, "Drink up."

Simon pants, tearing each apart, drinking as much as he could, Clary staring with wide eyes.

Simon breathes erratically, staring at us, "Zee- Clary- what's happening?"

"You, um- you died." Clary trails off.

"I- what?" Simon stares at us.

"What's this?" Simon grabs the empty blood bag then drops it, gasping, "That's blood!"

"Oh, my- oh, my-" Simon spits, sputtering, "Why can't I say-"

"God." Raphael finishes his sentence, "It'll take time to regain the ability. There's a lot you will need to learn."

Simon shudders, noticing he had fangs, hitting the ground, "Oh, my- damn it!"

"Zee-" Simon stares up at me, "Am i- am I a vampire?"

"Yeah- yeah you are, but you need to understand that-" I began to explain.

"No!" He shouts, a gasp leaving my lips, as I flinched at how loud his was, Jace holding me to his side, "Clary, tell me- tell me this isn't real. Tell me this is not really happening!"

Clary starts to apologize, "I'm sorry- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

"I'm repulsive!" Simon shouts, breathing heavy.

I stutter, "No, please- please don't say that, okay?"

"You're still the same, Simon." Clary breathes, "You're the same Simon I've known my whole life. The same guy who loves sci-fi."

I stammer, "And who can recite every line from from every Nicolas Cage movie. The same Simon who carried me over the Brooklyn Bridge when I lost my shoe-"

"No, I'm not!" Simon screamed at me.

"You are the same Simon!" I voice grew weak, my eyes filling with tears for the hundredth time today, "You are my best friend-"

"I'm not." Simon shook his head, "I'm nothing more than a monster."

"Simon-" Clary shook her head.

"No, Simon-" I tried to move over to him, Jace keeping me back.

"Stay away!" He shouts at me, as I flinch once more, Jace holding me to his chest, his tone falling soft, "Please- just stay away."

"No-" I whisper, watching Simon run off.

"I'll look after Simon." Raphael looks at me, "You have my word."

Raphael runs after Simon, my eyes falling onto Jace.

I screw my eyes shut, Jace comforting me, as I held onto him, regret and guilt filling me.

authors note:

tbhtbh should really start like not updating this book everyday cause then I'll be done with it in like a month

but i love updating this aghhh

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