Someone Like You (BoyxBoy)

By live2laugh4life

21.7K 510 92


chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter Ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen

Chapter nine

1K 29 8
By live2laugh4life

James POV

Did anybody else hear that shatter, because that was my heart. All that could proses through my head was I knew he was just messing with me, what good reason would the most amazing guy in the world fall in love with me. I started to laugh at myself at how stupid I could be, it wasn’t an amused laugh either, it was cold hollow laugh, I sounded broken. I got weird looks from people, but rite know I didn’t really care, I hit my braking point, and just to make my day better, today was the anniversary my dad started abusing me. I waked into class with a completely blank face, when I got to my seat and the same thing was written on my desk, FAG, GO BACK TO HELL WERE YOU BELONG, haven’t seen that one yet, anther broken laugh escaped my lips. I didn’t even bother to try to wipe it away, because I was starting to believe it myself.

“Ok class take your seats, I have something to tell you before we start the lesson.” Everybody looked up, there was never anything exiting that happens in this school, so we were all a little carouse.

“Well know that I have your attention we have two new students joining our class please make Gunner and Damon Martin feel welcomed, they just moved here from France. The two most amazing looking twins waked in they were about 6’4 and with blond hair and brown eyes they were identical, the only difference was Damon’s hair was shorter than Gunners. They both looked at me and smirked, I could feel my face go red and looked down at my desk trying to hide behind my hair.

“Boys why don’t you tell us a little about yourselves” I looked up again to fined both their eyes still on me.

“Well we modeled for vogue magazine back in France.” They talked with the most amazing French accents, you just wanted to melt.

“ARE YOU SINGLE!” One of the whores shouted out probably Megan, she didn’t know how to keep her mouth shut, or her legs.

“Yes we are, but sorry sweetheart, were both gay” Neither of them broke eye contact with me when they said it, I could feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

“Ok I think that’s enough, pleas go take your seats, so I can start the lesson.” They both started to make there way to the back were I was siting. Gunner sat on my left and Damon sat on my right, I could still feel them staring at me the rest of class.


The bell rang and I didn’t really want to go to my next class, who wants to go to class with Gabe anyway. I was stuck in my own thoughts when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder; I turned around to see Gunner and Damon smiling at me.

“Hi, we just wanted to know your name, and what class you might have next.” It seemed like Gunner was the more outgoing one than Damon since he seamed to always answer and ask the questions.

“My names James, and I have English next period.”

“Perfect so do we, we should go together.” This time it was Damon who answered me this time. They both grabbed one of my hands and started dragging me out of the classroom. I dug my heels in the ground to stop short. They both turned around without letting go of my hands.

“What’s the problem, oh sorry do you not want us to touch you.” They both dropped my hands and looked at me with a concerned look.

“Why are you being nice to me, I mean no ones nice to me.” I looked down trying to hide my face again.

“What? Why wouldn’t we be nice to you, I mean your adorable and sweet, and you look almost broken.” I looked up at them in disbelief, how did they know I was broken, why do they care? I felt something worm slide down my face.

“Why are you crying? Sorry did we make you feel comfortable we didn’t want to hurt your feeling or anything.” I was funny how they finished each other’s sentences.

“No its me sorry no one cares about me in this school, my only friends are me, myself, and I so it’s kina nice to have someone care for you.” They both stepped forward and hugged me; it was weird to be hugged by someone other than my mom. Than the weirdest thing happened Gunner bent down and kissed me, it felt breath taking and than Damon did the same thing, wait WHAT! They both just kissed me don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t as good as Gabe’s bad me don’t think of him.

“You do know you both just kissed me rite?”

“Yea we don’t mined sharing.” They had those smirks again and god were they sexy.

“We better get to class so were not later than we already are.” I said while grabbing my bad and waking out of class.

The three of us waked into class twenty minutes late.

“Sorry were late I was showing them around there classrooms.”

We looked for some empty seats and all the girls started pulling down their shirts and hiking up their skirts to try to get their attention. We ended up sitting rite in front of Gabe. I made eye contact with him for two seconds while sitting down and I felt like crying again. Damon immediately noticed and grabbed my hand; it made completely forget about the asshole and made me smile at Damon, I herd someone growl from behind me but I didn’t really care. Damon held my hand for the rest of the period.

God I think I’m really falling for these boys.

Ok so I really have bin wanting to add these characters into my story for a long time. I think this is getting good what about you? Ok so I will try to add the twin’s pics to the side, but if they don’t come up I will try and add a link some ware and no one gave me any good ideas about my knew story this makes me very sad:’(please give me some good name and good titles, I will dedicate the next two chapters to that person or people. Ok well you get no skittles for any idea comments sorry, but don’t forget to vote and comment and I jut might have to give you skittles in the next chapter. Well I think that’s it….


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