Warriors: Rise of the Shadows...

By NaokiWrites

1.7K 16 18

Rain will shadow the Clans with its cold, spring will bring new life to the forest, buds of clover will grow... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Update #1
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Update #2
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Update #3
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Update #4
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Update #5
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Three
Update #6
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Update #7
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Final Allegiances

Chapter Thirty-Two

20 0 0
By NaokiWrites

Sweetscent's ears perked forward at the sound of screeching and she raced past Larchstar and half closed her eyes to block out the pouring rain. Lungs burning, she burst into the camp and gasped at what she saw.

Cats were fighting and some lay dead in the clearing. Sweetscent spotted Cloverwing racing up to her, blood dripping from her pelt. She looked tired but energized to defend her adopted Clan.

"Cloverwing!" Sweetscent meowed, eyes wide. She looked around and turned back to the she-cat. "What's happened?"

Cloverwing panted and took a few deep breaths before replying. "Rogues attacked us while you were gone. Rainshadow, Hailtooth, and Rockfall were seen watching the battle from on top the Tall Rock." She mewed, catching her breath. "Owltalon was fighting with Pounceheart, but she disappeared before she could be confronted."

'This isn't the last you see of me, Sweetscent.' Rainshadow's words rang in her ears and the deputy shuddered and focused on the battle in front of her. The cats from the Gathering had returned and were fighting alongside their Clanmates.

With a yowl, Sweetscent flung herself into the battle and tackled a brown tabby tom, tearing him away from Cloudrain. Flinging the tom to the ground, Sweetscent rained countless blows on his head and chest.

The tom wailed in pain and kicked the she-cat off and scrambled away, blood trailing after him as he made his escape. Flanks heaving, Sweetscent charged at a silver tabby and sent her away swiftly with efficiency and looked for her brother.

Spotting the white and red pelt of her brother, Sweetscent snarled and chased him as he entered the den of Larchstar, his sister at his heels.

Her jaw dropped as she watched Larchstar slash open Stonewhisker's throat, glaring coldly at the gray she-cat as she gasped for air and stared up at Sweetscent, who watched in horror. The gray she-cat tried to speak but twitched and fell still, her eyes glazed and staring at the speechless deputy. "Y-you killed her!" Sweetscent meowed, tearing her gaze from the dead she-cat to her leader. "Why?" She stared at the black cat as he nodded to Rainshadow, letting him sit down.

 "Don't you see, Sweetscent?" He meowed, his green gaze intense. "Ruling the Clans is what Poppystar didn't want, but I will make FireClan be feared and powerful!" Larchstar circled Rainshadow, tail flicking to and fro. "I needed to get rid of as many cats as possible so my rogues can attack and so I can rise to power. Think of what we can do together, Sweetscent! We can rule the Clans together, what do you say?"

Sweetscent flinched as the tom asked the question and looked to her paws, guilt washing over her. Her guilt turned to determination as she raised her gaze to Larchstar's and replied. "Death to the Clans." She didn't mean it, but she needed to blind her own leader to cause his downfall. What she needed was a rebellion against Larchstar.

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