Little Wolf (Sansa/Petyr)

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What if Sansa had not pushed Petyr away? What if she had entertained the idea of fulfilling his dream? Could... Higit pa

Changing Ambitions
Evening by the Fire
Knowledge is Power
Playing Games
A Mild Inconvenience
Decision Making
The Arrival
Women of Power
The Feast
Wounded Ego
Unharnessed Power
Money Matters
The Announcement
The Fire
A Boy's Proposal
A Moment Together
Three Days
Venturing North
Home Early
The Queen's Choice
Asking Questions
The Wedding

Ruined Plans

572 14 0
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Sansa had been awoken by Petyr's knock at her door. She answered, after adorning appropriate robes to greet him.
"Good morning, my love. I am here to ask you if you might join me for luncheon at mid day?" He asked, in a manner very unlike himself. Sansa took a moment to contemplate his offer and saw no harm in the proposed notion.
"Yes of course, Lord Baelish." Sansa agreed.
"Very good. I shall meet you on the terrace when the sun is at its peak in the sky." He smoothed her cheek with the tips of her fingers, before striding off. Sansa watched him as he went, wondering what had brought on this sociable nature.

Daenerys sat in the Small Council chambers, at the head of the table. Her breath came quick and shallow. She had lead the Unsullied and her few companions, but the men and women of Westeros were an entirely different kind of people. They would say one thing then do the complete opposite, their objectives changing to suit themselves above all others. Of course, Daenerys had met people like this before, but she had a strange sense that her new place in King's Landing was going to bring with it new challenges.

Brienne sat at the Small Council table and felt very out of place.
"You see, I would like the unsullied to act as my Queen's guard." Daenerys stated.
"That may be so, your Majesty, but you must have at least some Westerosi members of your Queen's guard to promote solidarity with your people and encourage young men and women to become knights." Brienne preached, knowing that the King's Guard had always been a motivator to any young man who wanted to become a knight.
"I agree with Lady Brienne." Lord Tyrion began. "You may have some of your unsullied in your Queen's guard, but you must recruit some Westerosi knights to prove that you support local people." He compelled the Queen.
"Very well, but I would still like some of the unsullied as my Queen guard, but I understand what you are saying, Lady Brienne. I shall entrust you to recruit appropriate knights for my Queen's Guard." Brienne bowed her head in respect.
"Thank you, your Majesty. I shall take the utmost care in my selection."
"Very good. I shall await your decision." Was all Daenerys said before moving onto another topic.

Petyr sat back and watched the meeting, not participating in order not to risk his position. He was not asked any questions about the finances of Westeros. He was glad of this, as the economy of the Queendom was in a fragile state.
"Lord Baelish, I would like you to walk with me, through the city." Daenerys informed him as the others left. He could feel sweat begin to form at the base of his neck, knowing how little time he had before his luncheon with Sansa.
"Very well, your Majesty." He attempted to sound forthcoming, not wanting to anger the Queen. But he very well knew that a walk through the city would mean him missing his time with Sansa.

Sansa arrived at the terrace at midday, when the sun was at its highest in the sky. A table had been arranged and a decanter of wine had been left with a plate of lemon cakes. She sat, understanding that the meeting must have been running late, and began to nibble on a cake and sip on her wine.

Petyr attempted to keep the Queen entertained as they walked through the streets, heavily guarded. It was difficult to talk to her with the level of noise surrounding them. Then, they came upon one of Petyr's brothels.
"Is this not one of your establishments, Lord Baelish?" She asked. He began to feel very nervous, not wanting to take her into the brothel.
"Yes, your Highness. But it is not a place for such a Lady as yourself." He attempted to convince her.
"Nonsense, please, show me. I would like to see how you earn your money." Petyr attempted not to sigh at the stubborn Queen, before leading her into the hot, heavily inscensed building. The grunts and cries of faked passion were heard by everyone. Daenerys felt her eyes widen, not being in such an environment since her first khalasar. Petyr wanted to leave as soon as possible, hoping that he could return to Sansa and explain whilst begging for forgiveness. However, Daenerys had other plans and inspected the establishment in a great amount of detail. She played with the ruffles on the curtains, smelled the candles that glowed and listened to the guttural noises that filled the rooms.
"What caused you to open this establishment, Lord Baelish?" She asked.
"There is not a more successful business plan as a brothel. They will never go out of business." He replied simply, wanting this meeting to be over.
"You are a clever man, Lord Baelish. I think you shall do as my Master of Coin. I do not need you to accompany me any further. Thank you for your company, it was most liberating." She thanked him. He bowed.
"The pleasure is all mine." He said quickly, before dashing from the brothel and making his way back to the Red Keep.

Sansa had almost finished the plate of lemon cakes when Lord Tyrion wandered past. He noticed her, sat in her pastel blue gown, looking very glum, sipping on a goblet of wine.
"My dear, whatever is the matter?" He asked her, alerting her attention.
"I made arrangements with Lord Baelish, those of which he has so rudely ignored." She sighed, pushing the plate away from her.
"Well perhaps I could join you? I have not eaten yet and apart from a few lemon cakes, neither have you, it seems." He smiled and she agreed, simply wanting some company. Podric appeared upon Tyrion's request. Sansa had brought him, along with Brienne, to King's Landing, where he was released from Brienne's charge and returned to the position of Tyrion's squire.
"He really is one of the finest young men I have met. Thank you for bringing him back, he truly is indispensable to me." Tyrion stated after sending him off for meats and bread.
"I do not know where Pe- Lord Baelish could be. Especially because it was he who invited me." She huffed, rather angry with him for leaving her in such an embarrassing position.
"I did hear the Queen ask him if he would stay after the Small Council meeting. Perhaps she has kept him too long." Sansa pouted, hoping that this was the case, but still tingling with anger.
"I am sure he shall be here soon. Then, he may join us." Sansa smiled, knowing that it would anger Petyr very much to have to share her with another, especially Lord Tyrion.

Petyr slowed his breath as he approached the Red Keep. It had been so long since he had agreed to meet Sansa that he was sure that she would have left. However, he arrived to find her sat, at their table, accompanied by Tyrion Lannister. Petyr sighed but supposed it was natural that she should not dine alone.
"Lord Baelish, you are here! Come and join us." Sansa called over and her brilliant smile, combined with her melodic voice calling out brought a smile to his face.
"Yes, I am here. The Queen asked me to tour her around the city." He sighed, pulling over a chair.
"What a privilege. It must have been exciting for her, seeing new parts of the city." Sansa smiled up at Petyr, appearing very sincere. However, Petyr saw in her eyes that she knew exactly what she was talking about. He thought back to Daenerys, examining his brothel and had to fight the urge to shudder.
"Yes, she seemed very excited." Was all he said in reply.
"Lord Tyrion and I were speaking about the new court. Of who her highness will choose for her consorts. Did she give any indication as to who she was fond of?" Sansa asked, as if twisting the knife. He was sorry, but he could not apologise in front of Tyrion Lannister.
"No, she did not speak of her court." He replied, pouring himself a glass of wine.
"I suppose she had more personal worries to speak of with you." She smiled up at Petyr, before standing.
"I am sorry, I have a meeting with Lord Florent. Good day." She curtsied before turning to leave. Petyr stared as she left. He wanted to follow her but knew that following would be a mistake.
"She is not happy." Tyrion informed Petyr.
"It could not be avoided." He replied, aggravated by the situation, not wanting to be informed by Tyrion about his Sansa.
"Perhaps, perhaps." Tyrion mumbled as he left Petyr. He let his head fall into his hands, knowing that Sansa had the upper hand. In a fit of frustration, he slapped the goblet of wine from the table, wine staining the patio.

Sansa sat across from Lord Florent.
"I am willing to pledge my allegiance to House Stark." He said frankly, brushing the curls away from his face.
"I am glad to hear so, Lord Florent." She smiled up at him, glad that she could get such a wealthy allegiance.
"However, my friendship does not come free." He smiled up at her and she could feel her eyes roll.
"If you wish for support, then our houses must be joined." He stated simply. Sansa felt her jaw fall open, but consciously closed it. She could have openly refused him. However, she was smarter than that.
"I thank you for your offer, Lord Florent. However, I fear your marriage proposal is wasted on me when our Queen remains without a husband. I would not feel comfortable becoming attached to you knowing that the Queen remains alone." He bowed his head.
"I respect you for your love of the Queen. I have not felt myself worthy of her greatness." Sansa felt wounded by his remark, belittling her "greatness" compared to Daenerys. She stood and looked down at him.
"Oh no, my Lord. I daresay your charms are of the standard to please any woman. Even the Queen herself. We may speak of alliances another time. Good day." She bid him goodbye before leaving the room.

Sansa walked about the castle, until she found herself in the Throne Room. She looked up at the Iron Throne and sighed. At one point, she had been so close to sitting beside the magnificent chair, but at no point had her occupying the throne crossed anyone's mind. She had always been the accessory, to Joffrey and then to Tyrion. She was nothing without a man. However, Daenerys had no man and she had taken the Throne. Perhaps she was a superior woman to herself. She cocked her head to the side and wondered if she herself could even imagine sitting on the Throne.
"It is magnificent, isn't it?" She heard Varys from behind her.
"Yes, yes it is." She agreed, looking down as he approached her.
"However, so many people you hate have sat upon it." He remarked. And when she thought about it, he was right. Both Joffery and Cersei had sat upon the Iron Throne and she detested them both.
"Do not feel envious of the Queen, my dear. It is we who are the lucky ones." He whispered, leaning in towards her." Sansa looked up to his knowing face questioningly.
"How so?" She asked.
"We enjoy the power and its advantages. Yet, we very rarely deal with the pressure of true power. The expectation can be crippling if one does not prepare themselves." He informed her and she was sure he was right, Varys usually was. He leant in even closer and whispered:
"It's awfully uncomfortable as well." When Sansa looked up at him with wide eyes, he winked and began to wander off. She watched him leave, wondering if he had always been such good company.

Petyr sat in the gardens as the sun began to set. He knew he had to make things up to Sansa. He had pondered on the events of the day after Tyrion left. He could have refused the Queen's tour and offered a different day. He could have informed her of his plans. Petyr was sure if he had that she would have pardoned his leave. But he had done nothing and he understood that this was unacceptable. So, in order to make things right, he had written a note to Tyrion, informing him that he and Sansa would not be at dinner and had prepared a dinner for her in a secluded part of the gardens.

Sansa had received a note, asking her to come to the gardens at dusk. She could not withhold her curiosity and found herself walking to the gardens, alone. When she saw Petyr, stood by a table of food and a tall candle burning brightly she chuckled to herself, placing a hand over her smile.
"Please, come and sit with me? Allow me to dine with you as I should have." He asked her. She did not reply with any words, rather she walked so close to him, to gently brush her hand across his, she heard his breath hitch, to which she smiled, before taking her seat.
"I apologise, Sansa, for leaving you alone. That was never my intention." Petyr apologised, his eyes, filled with sincerity, illuminated by the candleglow. Sansa cocked her head, wondering how to reply. Part of her wished to mock him and speak about how she enjoyed Lord Tyrion's company. But no, she could not. He was finally making an honest gesture and she could not waste it.
"Lord Florent asked me to join houses this afternoon." She changed the subject, not wanting to embarrass him any further.
"And might I ask how you replied?" He asked, his eyes boring into her own.
"I refused him." She replied in whispers. Once again his breath hitched.
"You surprise me, my Lady. Lord Florent appears to be a version of Sir Loras, without his obvious quirks." Petyr's voice wobbled whilst attempting to be witty. Sansa began to sip on her soup, which was just the right temperature.
"I could not accept him." She stated, hoping he would not ask for a reason, not wanting to feel the embarrassment that would come along with her reply.
"Why?" He whispered huskily. Sansa attempted to focus on the soup for a moment, clearing her mind of any thought.
"Sansa." He urged her on, not touching his food.
"There is a person whom prevents me from becoming engaged to Lord Florent." She whispered, looking down at her soup.
"Sansa-" He took her hand and Sansa could not think straight. Her mind flew in twenty different directions and she had to get some air.
"I'm sorry." She apologised huskily, before getting up. However, before she could leave, Petyr stood and grabbed her wrist, stopping her. Sansa was unsure why, but she began to cry. It was as if everything that she had never cried about was being brought to the surface. She was so young and she had been dragged through so much that trusting that he would not hurt her was simply too much. He pulled her into an embrace and smoothed her hair as she cried. He understood completely. The wounds of Ramsey, her Brothers and her parents were still fresh, never truly healing. So he held her, knowing that in that moment that was the best thing that he could do: stand and hold her, to let her know that he was not going to leave.

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