Pyrrhia High School

By Fatespeaker_Visions

77.6K 668 3.5K


First Day!
Crush Comes Back
Under the Romance Tree
Not so good Confession
This feeling called Jealousy
New kid
Extra Help
Leaving Home
The Dream
Made Up Your Mind?
Another Authors Note (BOOK FAIR!)
The Date (Full Ripnami...yyaass)
The Date (Part 2)
The Break In
Fight In the hall
What Do We Do Next?
The Truth
The Rescue
The Escape -_-
New Story Cover
Saving Pyrrhia~Part 1
Saving Pyrrhia~Part 2
Important Authors Note

Time to Party!

4.1K 36 335
By Fatespeaker_Visions

Kinkajou's pov;

School was finished! When I heard the bell go I ran right out of class. I ran to my locker, put my books and everything else in my bag, and ran out of the school but waited at the gates for Moon. About ten minutes later I saw Moon exit the school with Winter and Qibli. To be honest I didn't know who to ship more! Winterwatcher, Moonbli or even Quinter! But I guess we'll have to find out!

"Moon! Come here now! I have a surprise for you!" I shouted and she came running over with the boys behind her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Well, it's the first day back to school so I thought why not we go out tonight?" I replied and her face lit up.

"Where are you guys going then?" Winter asked.

"We are going to this party that Sunny is hosting at her house. It's kind of like a 'Welcome Back's party" I answered.

"Well then! I gotta get home! I have to get an outfit so yeah, bye!" Moon said and sprinted to her house.

"Wait, so, we're coming too?" Qibli asked.

I shook my head, "Yes silly! If you didn't get the point already, yes, you are coming!"


I got home and started throwing clothes out of my closet. I dug around for a while but couldn't find anything. Glory, my big sister, walk past my room but walk back and stared at me.

"Uuuuhhhhh, what are you doing?" she asked me.

I spun around and faced her. "Trying to find clothes for the party tonight!" I shouted and started searching again.

"What part- OH GOSH I FORGOT! I NEED TO FIND AN OUTFIT!!!" she shouted and booked it back to her room.

"GRANDEUR!!!" I shouted and my grandmother came running in.

She may be a little old but she was fast.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" she shouted with a spatula in her hands.

"Nothing..." I said squinting my eyes at her.

"Oh, well what is it?" she asked, lowering the spatula. I pointed at the pile of clothes on the floor and said,

"Party! Tonight! Outfit!"

"Hey! Who said you were going to a party!" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"It's just a Welcome back to School party! Nothing more" I said.

She nodded, placed the kitchen item on my bed and started to dig through the pile.

"How about this?" she asked pulling out an olden day dress with polka dots all over it.

I slapped it out of her hands and said "No."

She dug around more and accidently pulled out one of my crop tops that had a big sparkly rainbow on it. She scowled at it and dropped back in the pile.

"NOOO" I shouted and pulled it back out, "It's perfect!"

She stared at me and snatched the shirt from my hands.

"No! You will not wear this piece of junk! That barely covers you up! Your gonna wear that dress whether you like it or not!" she said and before I knew it, she had shoved me in the dress and I looked at myself in the mirror angrily as my grandmother smiled.

Glory walked in in her sexy bright green dress and beautiful make up on.

"OH MY GOSH! HAHAHA! WHAT IS THAT!? Everyone has to see this!" she shouted and pulled out her phone and snapped a pic.

"Oh no no no! Your not wearing that!" Grandeur said and before she knew it, Glory was standing next to me, looking at the mirror angrily and wearing the same dress as me.

"Awwwww! You girls are perfect!" Grandeur said and wrapped her arms around us.

"Yeah-uh- thanks gran" Glory muttered.

I went to my room and took off the horrid dress. I put on the crop top and a pair of blue shorts with a pair of pink Nike's. I snuck to Glory's room and she had gotten dressed back into her original outfit as well.

"I won't tell about the dresses if you don't tell!" she said.

"Deal!" I answered and we shook hands.

We went down stairs and saw the time, 5:55.

"OH NO WERE GOING TO BE LATE!" I shouted and we booked it to the front door.

"Uh, what are you girls wearing!?" Grandeur shouted at us.

"Bye granny love you!" I said and we ran out the door to Glory's green Holden. Glory really likes green! I thought as we drove away to Sunny's house.


There were lights everywhere! Purple, blue, red, yellow, green, flashing all over the place! As soon as we entered Glory ran over to that Deathbringer boy and kissed him.

I laughed at the shocked and surprised look on his face. Then I saw Turtle, Winter and Qibli in the kitchen.

"Hey guys!" I shouted over the loud music, laughter and singing, "Is Moon here yet?" Winter shook his head. He seemed worried. Qibli did to but he hid it and continued chatting with Turtle. But Turtle wasn't listening. He was staring at me, eyes wide. I smiled at him and he blushed. I don't know why he blushes at me sometimes... Well, he can't like me, that's for sure.

Turtle's pov;

I have liked her since the day I laid eyes one her! Her green eyes sparkled everywhere she went, even in the dark. Her smile brightens my day and makes my heart skip a beat.

I was planning on telling Kinkajou how I felt this year at some point but that will have to wait. All of a sudden, Moon appeared. She was wearing a dark green dress that was sleeveless and black high heels. She wasn't really wearing any makeup but she still looked pretty.

Immediately I look at Winter and Qibli. I knew they both liked her and their faces made me laugh. Both their eyes had widened, mouths open and staring at Moon. She looked at them and rolled her eyes.

"Hey guys! Did I miss anything?" she asked.

"Actually no, your right on time" Qibli said winking at Moon and holding out his arm for her to take it.

She glanced back at Winter as they walked off onto the dance floor and I looked too. His eyes were on fire and his fist were closed tightly. He stomped off down the hall and into the bathroom.

Kinkajou eyes were wide after everything that happened so fast. She shrugged and grab my arm and pulled me out to the dance floor.

"Can you dance?" she asked.

"Uh, no, I can't what so ever!" I answered quickly.

She giggled and did a cute little twirl thing. I smiled, then I started swaying around. She laughed and spun me around. I started getting into it and started dancing.

My right leg was bouncing up and down on the ground and my left arm suddenly went around Kinkajous waist. She widened her eyes and stared at me, then she laughed.

I spun her around and her hair flicked my face. We laughed again and I had never had this much fun ever!

Just then, the 'Chandelier' song by Sia started playing. And then, Deathbringer ran up stairs, as the song went "I WANNA SWING FROM THE CHANDLIEEEEEERRRRR" he jumped off the stairs and grabbed onto the chandelier on the roof. Some people screamed but others laughed. Yep, he is clearly drunk.

Then, he lost his grip and fell on top of Clay who was eating a doughnut while watching. We laughed again, what an awesome night!

Starflight's pov;

 An hour later, I was standing with Sunny and we were talking about the party. "Hey, uh, where is Fatespeaker?" she asked. I shrugged and looked around. I started getting worried. Fate would never miss an event like this!

I looked around and noticed the front door opened. I saw a beautiful girl enter the room. Her purple curly hair waved around as the wind entered the room. She saw me and started running over to me, then Deathbringer grabbed her.

"Where were you!?" I heard him say.

"Oh sorry I had to look perfect tonight!" Fatespeaker said and scrambled away from him and ran over to me.

"His always making sure me and Glory are safe!" she said rolling her eyes.

She was wearing a black dress with specks of white everywhere, like a night sky. She was wearing black ankle boots as well. She gave me and Sunny a hug which made me blush a little. She blushed back at me and Sunny just stared at us.

"Actually, I'm kind of thirsty... I'm gonna grab a drink!" Sunny said winking at Fatespeaker and walking off.

We just stood there.

"So..." she said but trailed off. I laughed and she giggled too. I have to admit, I kind of like her, but I also have a crush on Sunny! Sunny's been telling me to that she likes me to but not in that way and that there was someone else who liked me out there. But she never told me who.

"Have you been reading the books I told you to read?" I asked suddenly, trying to break the silence.

"Oh I already finished them!" she said proudly. My eyes widened, that was fast, I didn't know she could read like that, I thought.

"So, wanna go get something to eat?" she asked. I nodded after realising how hungry I was. We walked over to Sunny who was drinking another cup of juice.

"Man, you were  thirsty!" I said and we laughed.

For the rest of the night, we had a great time! We danced and Fatespeaker sang. She surprisingly had an amazing voice. The night was a great start to the year!

A/N- K so, hope use are enjoying the story so far, I'm trying hard to post on time and i'm also making sure the chapters have at least a little more then one thousand words (Or more). But yeah keep reading for more ships!

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