Dark Moon (ManxMan)

By -carmin

529K 32.5K 6K

How do you tell someone who's in love with another person, you are mates? Aetos is a man of many attributes... More

Fan Art 😘


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By -carmin

Colson grips the edge of the counter, lips parted in a long gasps when Aetos thrusts, one, two, three times and comes deep in him, fingers digging into Colson's ass.

Colson couldn't tear his eyes away from the mirror, he was flushed red, his hair pulled every which way, cum stains on his leg and some on the counter and Aetos... Aetos looked so good. His eyes were dark again, fangs out, abs contrasting and hands still on Colson.

It took a minute for Colson to breathe easy. They've been at this for hours. It's eight in the morning and after they had sex for the first time last evening, it was like a dam had been broken. They had fucked in the at midnight, at two, Colson had gone down on Aetos at four in the morning and that led to him being pushed face down onto the bed and the fourth was in the bathroom, as per Colson's wish. 

Colson spun around, hand gripping Aetos' arm as he looks up at his vampire.

"My legs are still shaky."

"I can make you a bath." Aetos says, softly running his hand down Colson's body, hand reaching back up to cup Colson's cheek.

"A bath would be a dream but we've got things to do." Colson replies. Aetos hums and then sweeps Colson off his feet. Colson giggles, laughs swinging his legs a bit as Aetos carries him to the shower.

They spend more time than necessary in the bathroom and Colson was feeling so good and so relaxed, the water from the shower had healed the bruises and it just makes Colson feel like he's fresh for another taking.

"I'm actually surprised." Colson starts as he drops his towel and walks over to the closet, naked as ever. He turns to look over his shoulder at Aetos whose eyes were glued to his ass.

"At what?" Aetos asks but his gaze was still glued to Colson's ass.

"Your fangs came out to play multiple times over the last twelve hours and not once did you lose total control and bite me." Colson says. He remembers those movies and books, where the weres and creatures bite their mates an-



Colson who was about to reach out to grab one of Aetos' jumper, froze. What the hell? Why did he even think that? Did vampires actually have mates or were all those books bullshit?

He snaps out of it when he feels Aetos walk up to him and slip an arm around his waist, fingers splayed out over his stomach.

"I wanted to. Why do you think I almost tore your ass?" Aetos replies, leaning his head down a bit so he could run his tongue over the shell of Colson's ear.

Colson smiles softly, placing his hands on Aetos. Was he so fixated about finding a mate of his own that he was now going overboard?

"Because I let you?"

"Yeah. You keep thinking that, babe." Aetos said, pressing a kiss to Colson's head before pulling away. Colson was too scared to look over at Aetos. What if the vampire managed to somehow know what he was thinking?

Colson grabs the dark blue jumper and a white undershirt. He pulls the shirt on first and then moved over to the drawers for a pair of boxers. Since Aetos' closet was almost a mini mall, he had everything arranged in their designated areas. He still had clothes with their tags on and others in the packs and bags.

Colson grabs a pair of boxers as well as sweatpants and slid them on, rolling it up at the waist so it could sit well and not drop. While Colson had been dressing up, Aetos slips on a pair of shorts.

"It's winter."

"It feels like summer to me." Aetos replies, shoving his hands into the pocket of his shorts.

"You suck."

"I do, baby." Aetos winks.

Colson rolled his eyes at Aetos as he walks to the room and sits on the bed. He watched as Aetos looked through a drawer and pulled out a pair of socks.

"Do you think Pytor heard us last night?"

"And this morning too." Aetos replied and moves closer to the bed, he kneels in front of Colson and slips on the socks.

Colson watched the vampire in front of him. Aetos has been a lot of firsts for him. No one has ever gotten on their knees to put on socks for him before. Not has anyone ever fucked him so hard that he couldn't walk. No one has taken care of him like Aetos does in a long while.

He wants this for a long time. He wants Aetos for a long time.


Aetos looks up so fast it makes Colson giggle. "Are you asking or just saying?" Aetos asks, looking right up at Colson.

Colson hums. "Hypothetically, if I ask you, would you say yes?"

"Hypothetically..." Aetos starts with a smug smile. "I'd say yes if you asked. I don't just kiss and have sex with everyone who smiles prettily at me."

Colson's cheek heat up as he stares at Aetos. "My smile is pretty?"

"Not just your smile. Even your brashness is pretty to me. You say everything as it is and it's just as pretty as you are." Aetos says."I'd be lucky to be your boyfriend." Aetos said and then adds. "Hypothetically."

"You genuinely want to be my boyfriend officially?"

"To be honest. I thought we already were."

Colson shakes his head. "Oh no no no. I'm not one of those people who don't define what they are and just go with the flow. I need to know this shit."

"Should I ask then?"

"No way. I'm asking."

"I thought you were just being hypothetical."

"Do you want me to ban sex? Cause I will." Colson crosses his arms. He glared at Aetos who raised both hands in peace and gets off his knees. The vampire sits on the bed and takes Colson's hand in his.

"Ask away."

Not one to beat about the bush, Colson looks up at his vampire and asks. "Would you be my boyfriend Lord Aetos Amaya?"

"Of course."

"You have to say my full name too." Colson said, his smile big and almost as bright as the sun to Aetos and he just loves it. He loves the fact that he's the reason Colson was smiling and glowing this bright.

The vampire lifts their locked hands to his lips and pressed a kiss to it, looking right at Colson as he says. "I would love to be your boyfriend, Colson Alasdair Deckard."

Colson closes the distance between them and pressed their lips together, as if selling a promise.

Colson was delighted to find Pytor in the kitchen, a large pair of headphones on. The music was loud enough for Colson to hear it. It was 3 Nights by Dominic Fine.

Colson shuffles closer to Pytor quietly. The vampire was wearing a blue shirt and matching boxers but his socks were pink. Colson licked his pointy finger , quickly nudged the earphone a bit and sticks it in Pytor's ear, cackling like a crazy person when the vampire jumps.

Pytor spins around and hisses at Colson, his fangs out and eyes red. This was the first time Colson was seeing him like this but since he knew who Pytor was as a person, a big fluffy ball, he wasn't in the least intimidated. He even found it more amusing.

"No! Don't do that! No!" Pytor screams as he rips off his headphones.

Colson laughs even harder, having to take a seat because he felt like he was going to just drop to the floor and laugh.

"You suck!" The vampire screams as he grabs a tissue and tries to wipe his ear clean.

"I have heard this same argument today." Aetos said as he walks into the kitchen. The meanie was still in his pair of shorts and Colson pouts. It's so cold and it's fair. He hopes Aetos' nipples fall off.

Okay. Scratch that.

He didn't mean that. He loves them.

"Your human gave me a wet willy." And isn't that what you least expect to hear from a vampire that's three hundred years old?

Colson smile with pride, sticking his tongue out at Pytor.

"No! After keeping me up through the entire fucking night, screaming like a porn star, instead of apologizing like a normal person, he sticks a wet finger in my ear and wiggles!"

Aetos just laughs, coming closer so he could press a kiss to Colson's head.

"I don't even know why I complain to you. You never answer me. You act like rainbows burst through his ass." Pytor glared at Aetos. 

"You yelling won't change anything."

Pytor glared at Colson. Colson wasn't even bothered he was called a human because he wasn't one. How many humans does Pytor know who heal themselves with water?

"You two suck."

"Why, yes Pytor, yes we do." Colson cackles, his head thrown back a bit and resting on Aetos' stomach as he laughs.

Pytor sighs dramatically and looks up at the ceiling like help would come from there. He gives the two of them the middle finger before angrily stomping over to the fridge where he had been before he was attacked by Colson.

"Breakfast?" Aetos asks Colson.

"Pancakes and bacon." Colson says, leaning his head back a bit more so he could look up at Aetos, be it upside down.

"Anything for you, my prince."

Colson giggles, puckering up his lips for a kiss. Pytor rolled his eyes at the two of them as he takes a seat. Colson gets up after the kiss and made his way to the fridge and grabbed a flask from the top layer and tosses it to Aetos who catches it with a hand without even looking up from the bowl he had put in front of him.

"Your skills are impressive."

"I'm glad you like it. I'm not only good at catching bottles." Aetos looks away from the bowl. He winks at Colson who blows him a kiss.

They are both drawn out of their bubble when they hear Pytor said sigh.

"Can you go and be disgusting somewhere else?"

"My boyfriend and I are free to do as we please. It is his house." Colson pops his hip and crossed his arms, his brow raised as he stares at Pytor. He was giddy, the feeling coming from the top of his hair to the sole of his feet. Boyfriend! Ahhh!

"Ohh. So just because you've both defined your relationship, doesn't mean a man can't eat in peace anymore." Pytor glared at them, his flask in front of him and arm resting on the table.

"Aren't you dating someone? Should you even be here?" Colson counters.

"We didn't get started like you two. We are going by the book, one date, another and another." Pytor takes a sip of his drink, his lips stained red before he licked it away.

"I think we are great. Aren't we, boyfriend?" Aetos asks from his spot where he was mixing the batter. Colson couldn't help but softly giggle at the word boyfriend. What the hell is wrong with him today? It must be the good sex he had gotten or...

Or maybe he was excited about it. Yeah, he definitely was. They might go from boyfriend to something serious and Colson wants to see what lies in their future. Yeah they started in an unconventional way but that just makes them special.

"We are great. More than great."

"You two are the worst."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Colson says as he makes his way over to Pytor. He ruffles the vampire's hair before taking a seat beside him. "You love us."

"Like Ace Ventura loves bats. Not very much."

"He's lying, babe." Aetos adds.

"I know, darling. Our son just keeps lying to us." Colson sighs dramatically and reached for Pytor, squeezing his cheeks.

"You know I can kill you before you can even blink."

"Yeah but then Aetos would make your death painful and long." Colson shrugs smugly.

Pytor just looks at the two of them and with a shake of the head he leaves the kitchen. Once he was gone, Colson watched Aetos as he got breakfast ready. Though it took a while for the food to be done, Colson happily waits  as he watched his boyfriend. Feeling happy as a clam.

"I've got to go to one of the dark houses today."

"When do we leave?" Colson asks as he takes a bite of his pancake, groaning softly at the taste. Maybe it was the cooking that made Colson like Aetos this much. It was a big possibility.

"After breakfast would be good. The earlier we leave the better." Aetos says as he settles besides Colson with his flask of blood.

They sit and talk for a bit and once they were both done eating, they went up to their room to get ready. Since it as cold out, Colson needed to bundle up and wearing oversized pants wasn't going to help him in the long run. He doesn't bother removing the shirt and jumper he had on and had just taken off his pants. He pulled on a tighter and thicker pair of jeans and brown boots that covered his ankles, grabbed a black long coat and two handguns locked in with wooden bullets which he slides underneath the jumper.

Colson never went shopping. He wasn't really a fan of it, so most of the clothes he had were what catches his eyes whenever he passes by. But recently, he has been finding new clothes in his closet and he knew they were from Aetos. Honestly, he was being spoiled.

He was always thankful though.

"Are you done, brownie?" Aetos calls out from the door.

Colson doesn't answer, he makes his way over to the door and pulls it open. He does a little spin and struck a pose, his grin big and bright.

"How do I look?"

"Like a Prince." Aetos instantly replies. He stretched a hand out and Colson placed his in, his cheeks rosy from the compliment. Is it always going to feel like this? Like his heart was about to burst? Beat right out of his chest?

They walk out of the house hand in hand , Colson shuffling closer to Aetos. They walk for a bit, Aetos giving Colson a quick warning before he grabs Colson by the hips and runs so fast.

They get to the dark house in the blink of an eye and Colson doesn't get the queasy feeling he usually got whenever Aetos ran at the speed of lighting. He was getting slowly used to it.

"I think I'm getting used to that."

"Good. I don't want you to throw up on my shoes one day."

"I promise to only do that when I'm drunk out of my mind." Colson snickers, using his finger to make a cross on his chest. "Cross my heart and all."

Aetos guffaws, staring at Colson in disbelief. "You are unbelievable."

"You like me either way."

"Let's just go I-"

They were interrupted by a loud crash coming from the inside. Aetos immediately goes right in while Colson runs in behind. Diego is pressed up against the wall by Aetos and there was a red haired girl bleeding on the floor, her hand pressed to her neck where Diego had apparently bitten. What in fucks name was going on?

"What the hell?"

"We don't know what happened. One minute Diego was sleeping and the next he's grabbing Eliza by the throat." The boy besides Colson explains.

Colson moves closer to Aetos who was holding Diego up like he weighed nothing. Diego's eyes were red and his fangs drawn out as he looked at Aetos. Immediately Colson steps closer to them, Diego looks right at him. The feeling Colson got was eerie, like something was crawling up his skin.

"Has he gone rabid?"

"He's not an animal, brownie. I think he had a nightmare."

Colson steps even closer, pulling out his gun and aiming it at Diego. Another other time, he'd be happy that someone had put Eliza in her place. He remembers how she had tried to rule him up the last time he was here. But now wasn't the time.

It clicks instantly that this must be related to the Baba incidents they were having.

"Diego..." Colson calls out and before anyone could begin to even blink, he tore out of Aetos' arms and reached for Colson. Nails digging into Colson's skin and lips pressed to Colson's ear as he whispers.

"Baba says its time."

Colson goes still, his eyes turning dark as he stares at Diego. He doesn't notice when  Aetos snaps Diego's head. He doesn't notice Diego crumpling to the ground. All he heard was the blood rushing in his ear, his heart beating loud, a chill going up his body.

All of a sudden it felt like he was surrounded by black smoke. He couldn't see and he was cold. He doesn't feel himself fall into his knees but he does grab his head and screams.

It felt like something was trying to pry itself into his mind. It was painful, so painful he kept on screaming. It hurt. It felt like his head was being split in two. Colson waved his fingers, morphing water out of thin air, letting it fall on his head like his own personal rain. He needed the water to heal him. He was scared and wanted it to stop.

No matter how much he blinked, everywhere was still dark. He feels the cool rush of the water in his hair and thankfully, it soothes him. He slowly began to gather himself together, he could finally fell his legs and he could finally stand on his feet, instead of kneel. He let go of his hair and wipes the water off his face.

He could breathe better now and it seemed like his soffit was beginning to come back. It's then that he finally hears the voice. It was deep and felt like it was coming from his right.

"It's time, my pet."

So what did you think?


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