By SummerLoveAvB

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You are getting a new boss at the company you work at, what you don't know is that a little mistake from your... More

Part 1 - our first meeting
Part 3 - I hate/like you
Part 4 - Trying to ignore him
Part 5 - buisniss trip
Part 6 - Someone is getting married!
Part 7 - Going home
Part 8 - Club opening
Part 9 - Happy
Part 10 - Family.....and First dates
Part 11 - We have a problem
Part 12 - Teasing Much
Part 13 - Bachalor party
Part 14 - The fight
Part 15 - Making things right
Part 16 - The Wedding
Part 17 - Trouble Maker
Part 18 - Misunderstanding
Part 19 - An Unnecessary fight
Part 20 - Are we in danger?

Part 2 - Meeting HIM again

253 16 2
By SummerLoveAvB

Your POV

"Hello girls what can I get you two?" The guy behind the counter asks us.

"The usual Peter..."

"...With a big cup of black coffee for me." I interrupted Sofie with the order.

"Tough night." We look at each other and nod.

"Yeah tough night." We say, we take place at a table and we wait for our foods and drinks to arrive.

"I can't believe you had a one nightstand and you literally ran away from him, you really living up to be in a movie."

"Are you auditioning for the sarcastic best friend."

"Yes, am I hired?"

"Unfortunately I have no other choice than to do so." I say rolling my eyes at her. "I don't know what's happening to me, I am a secretary of the most richest guy of this country. I need to be better than that, what if someone of my work saw me I could wave my job goodbye."

"Ooh Relax you are over reacting again, yes you work at a company that's makes a lot of money and you are the secretary of the man that's earning that money so perhaps don't relax."

"And here I thought you had become smarter after college."

"Can we just enjoy each other company instead insulting one another."

"Do you know who started this whole thing 'you own me a explanation' what I recall is my most awkward part of my life."

"Yes I know and you should share those stories with your best friend, why else do you have a best friend for if I can't laugh at your mistakes."

"Okay I was locked up in my room, you convinced me to come out and threw away all of his stuff. We did go to the club, we started with a couple drinks um...we where dancing a lot and than there came more drinks and more and..."

"More you really drank a lot that night, after you where stupid drunk you walked up at a guy who was sitting alone at a bar wearing a suit. A guy who hadn't talk to any girl who had flirted with him, I told you that where up you said."

"You told me I was hot, Yes I still recall that. We actually had a really nice conversation I think because I don't really remember what we talked about, I just remembered that I laughed a lot." I say thinking really hard on what happened last night but with this headache it's not the best.

"That you was, you where very happy at that time and Roy told me to let you be happy for that night."

"Wait Roy was there too?"

"Yes you actually hit him because you thought he was a random dude trying to hit on me." I laugh as I hear Sofie's words, I clap a hand in front of my mouth.

"I am not even sorry about it." I tell her thinking she probably be mad at me for saying that but she is staying really calm under it.

"He said he wasn't mad at you either, he was glad that you where my friend.." I smile by what she said, Roy is a good guy I wouldn't want him to be mad at me at something I did when I was drunk.

"So are you going to tell me the reason why you are sitting here alone in a club, with a expensive suit?" I tell the man as I stand next to him.

"How do you know that I am here alone with a expensive suit?" He raises one of his eyebrows as he asks me that question.

"Well I have a eye for both of those things, I have too thank my work for that."

"What work do you do?"

"Try and guess." I sit next to him as I order another drink for me and the man next to me.

"Don't make yourself to comfortable on that chair." He says, I give him one of my best smiles as look back at him.

"Why? Do you wanna dance, I just want to have a nice conversation with a guy who doesn't look like total a*hole."

"You sound like you need a stronger drink and I will join you."

"Aah lonely man likes to have a drink with the lonely lady." I joke as I say it.

"Who both like to have company from people that are not total a*holes."

"Cheers on that." We clink our glasses together as the night just started.

*Some Time Later*

"What are you looking at?" He asks me as I look in the direction where Sofie is standing.

"I will be right back." I say standing up from the chair, I hold myself up on his shoulder.

"I think you have too much to drink.." he says trying to sit me down on the chair.

"No not yet but first I need to do something, no one is getting his hands on my best friend!" I bring myself on my own two feed and walk over towards my best friend. I place my hand gentle on that mans cheek and I smile when I do so, I am proud of myself as I protect my friend. "Dude she has a boyfriend." I say while holding her arm, what I do find strange is that Sofie is laughing. I look between Sofie and the guy but I don't see what's so funny.

"I know because I am her boyfriend!" The guy screams over at me, I look closer and I see that it is Roy. My eyes open wide I scratch the back of my head, thinking a way to get out of here as quickly as I can.

"Sorry Roy." I give him a hug. "I am going now so that the situation doesn't look that bad anymore." I walk away back to the lonely guy, I really should ask his name, but suit guy sound also not bad.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Sorry I was just thinking in myself.." 'How handsome you look sir' I think by myself keeping that thought to myself.

"Never mind, what was that all about?" He points at Sofie and Roy.

"I thought a weird dude was hitting on her she has a boyfriend, I need to protect her." I say to him, still feeling really proud of myself and that I still did that standing up. On the way there it looked like the floor was going like the sea.

"I really did hit Roy?" I say to Sofie remembering what happened, at that time I felt proud but right now I feel ashamed. My confidence is leaving my body just like the alcohol that's left in my body.

"You remember?" She asked me more excited probably hoping that I will be remembering more of that day.

"Yes but where did you go after I hit him?" I ask concerned, I don't know how hard I hit him but I hoped he took at least good care of it.

"Dylan had a booth so I went with him, they got some ice for his cheek. You where enjoying yourself so I let you be, I didn't want to bother you."

"So you don't remember what we did?"

"I am not your mother!" She yells and some people turn around looking at our table, Peter brings our food and drinks and place them on our table.

"You could have just said you didn't pay attention to me, because I am not accusing you of anything!"

"Nurse?" He says out of the blue, I didn't catch what he meant with it.

"Sorry what?"

"Your job, are you a nurse?"

"No but I will give you a hint, I am surrounded by luxury but I never tasted one bit of that luxury."

"You work for someone who is rich? Wait you can't be maid?"

"No I am not a maid, well sometimes I feel like a slave." I say spinning my glass with the ice cubes in it.

"You are some sort of secretary then?"

"Seriously the word slave is bringing that kind of answer out of you."I let out a laugh as I take my attention away from my glas and over to the handsome man beside me.

"So no secretary."

"Yes I am a secretary and what are you doing for a living?"

"Not much that's why I am here drinking my pain away."

"Pain as in a relationship or in your job?"

"Both because my relationship ended at the same time my job did, I am hoping to get a call from someone I know for a job."

"Look at me?" He does what I tell him, as he is facing me I kiss him at first he is shocked but than place a hand behind my back. "Well come with me?" I say taking his hand and I walk to the back of the club, I know a place where you can do stuff without being interrupted. I found Sofie and Roy here a couple times, sometimes only with there underwear and sometimes with nothing on.

"Ooh shit!"

"What do you remember?" Sofie asks me trying to hold in her smile, she is so excited. Why does this girl get so happy about my pain!

"You know that one place in the club where you sometimes do that thing with Roy."

"You can say sex alright but yes I know that place but wha....omg you didn't." She claps her hands together as she is celebrating, I need to get her checked out.

"Soof stop smiling this isn't funny, I never exposed myself like that ever. Why in the world did you let me drink so much that I had sex with a total stranger, twice."

"I never wanted that to happen, did you leave after that?" I think back again at that 'horrible' night.

"Come I want to take you somewhere, I need to call my driver?"

"You have your own driver?"

"Yes but if you are coming I can give you other taste of this." And with that he kisses me again, I take his hand as we run out of the club waiting for his driver to pick him up. As we get in his car we both couldn't keep our hands from each other and did go on in his bedroom.

"Yeah we left right after that, we waited for his driver to pick us up. We couldn't keep our hands to ourselves, when we got into his bedroom my clothes where already off. Have you ever experienced this?"

"No (Y/n) I haven't and I am sorry to say but I am happy that I haven't."

"I just hope that I never have to see him again, I am actually happy that I don't know his name."

"Good for you, that's why it's called a one night stand. So back to something different do you know who is taking over from your boss?"

"No clue he said he would sent me a email but I got nothing from him, I wish he would do what he promised so that I can prepare for the next one. But as always he is keeping me in the dark, what is it with all those businessman thinking they can control everything because they have money."

"Everyone in the company knows who is actually running it, if that guy hadn't you the company it would have failed."

"I don't see that in my salary?!"

"Perhaps your new boss will make changes in them? You know it would be really funny if your new boss would be that guy?"

"Yeah that would be funny." I say sarcastic.

*Next Day*

"Sir? Do you have information about the new CEO, I really need that information?" I say to him as I walk in the office, he looks up taking off his classes placing them on his desk.

"Um I thought you where the one calling him?" I blink again, is this guy seriously!

"Sir with all do respect, you are the one in charge here if you made the choice of who you want than you make the call. I don't know how you would have survived without my help."

"Yes Miss Parker, this company wouldn't be as big as it wasn't for the time you had putt in."

"Of course I did because I was there at the beginning, my father would have wanted me to help his best friend."

"And I am thankful for that, it's time for me too leave this company in the hands of someone else. He is going to need your guidance Miss Parker, your father would have been proud of what you have done for me."

"So who is the guy?"

"His girlfriend broke up with him so he lost his change to take over her father's company, he is a good man and a great leader. I think he can bring something new to this company."

"And his name is?"

"Kim Seokjin have you heard of him?" I shake my head hearing his name.

"No sir I haven't, are you going to make the call or do I have to do it?" He smiles at me and I already know his answer to that question. "Fine I will call him, is his number in our database?"

"Yes search his name and his phone number will show." I walk out of his office over to my desk as I search his name, I call his number and wait for him to answer.


Hi is this Kim Seokjin?

Yes that's me how can I help you?

I am calling from LightSea, I am (Y/n) Parker the secretary of Mr. Bentley. We like to inform you that the job of CEO is for you, is there a opportunity for you to come by tomorrow around two?

Wait I have the job?

Yes I just told you that sir, do you have time to come by tomorrow?

Yes I come tomorrow Miss...

Miss can give your name by the reception and I will pick you up, I will see you tomorrow.

Thank you so much, have a good day.

Good day sir.

I end the call and I go back to my work and before I know it my work is done and I can go home.

"See you tomorrow Sir." I wave him goodbye as I leave the building together with Charlie.

"So are you excited to meet the new CEO, I heard he is coming tomorrow?"

"Of course you know I called you to say he will come to you first." I tell her, most female workers are excited to see our new CEO. I don't really care about I just hopes he takes his tasks serious so I don't have to do everything myself.

"I hope he is better looking than the CEO now." Just as I thought.

"I know he is young and everything is better than that old man....." I laugh with Charlie as we both walk our ways to our cars.

*Next Day*

"I take it back the old man is fine." I whisper to myself as Janson introduce him as the new CEO, I had hoped to never see him again. Charlie winks at me telling me she likes what she sees, I just wish that Janson would have stayed till he died how old he may have looked it's better than him.

"I hope you will help me on the way to become a great CEO." He tells everyone, I stand next to Janson sighing.

"Is everything alright (Y/n)?" He asks me after hearing me sigh.

"Yes everything is fine?" I say through my teeth, keeping my smile.

"Are you sure you look like you have seen a ghost or something."

"Something like that.."

"Alright let's go to my office we can talk more private with the three of us." Janson place a hand on Jin's shoulder and walking with him to his office, I hold the door open for them both.

"Well let's probably introduce you two...Mr. Kim meet Miss Parker my personal assistant and she will also become yours, she has been in this company from the beginning. Her father was one of the owners next to me, she decided that she didn't want to take over my place so that's why you came in." He holds out his hand to me as if this is the first time we met, while we both know this isn't the case.

"It's nice to meet you Miss Parker."

"You too sir, I hope you will fit in well." I say speaking the wish that Jenson wants to hear.

"I am sure I will." He stares at me as I try to avoid his stare.

"Did you want to tell us something else?" I ask Janson wanting to get out of here as fast as I can, I don't want to be in the same room as him any longer.

"No, well yes but only to you, Seokjin already knows this. He will be starting as CEO from tomorrow on, I will be assisting him on his duty's as CEO and you will be doing your job as always. With meetings, lunches and all the other stuff you include him to, so you need to look at his and my schedule."

"So what you are saying is that my job will become a lot harder for the time being, great!"

"Be a little more enthusiastic.."

"For working more hours than I need too, without getting any raise in my salary?" I say happy but as soon I finish I let my smile fall.

"I will see what I can do." Jenson says.

"No you are not see what you can do, you are going to do it." I smile leaving the office and sit behind my desk.

"She is stubborn and has her own will but she is good at her job."

"Ooh I know." Jin whispers too himself looking at the back of the girl he thought never to meet again.

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