A Somewhat Different Fairy Ta...

By pab0panda

3.7K 262 50

Once upon a time... ...Cinderella tried the shoe on, it fitted perfectly. So Cinderella married the Prince an... More

Once upon a time...
{ K i m K i b u m }
{ L e e T a e m i n }
{ Lee J i n k i }
{ Kim Jonghyun }
{Choi Minho}
The Queen
The Princess
Invisible Wall
{ The Truth }
{ Hate & Love }
{ Mastermind }
{ Hiding }
{ Unwanted Solution }
{ Light }
{ Broken }
{ Wings }
{ First Love }

{ Betrayal }

149 9 1
By pab0panda

"Bummie, it doesn't have to be him. Maybe it was someone else." Jonghyun tried to comfort the younger boy as they reached the front door of a familiar house.

"It is him. I just know it," answered Kibum, sighed.


It was raining outside. In a child's room, a little boy was sitting on the bed alone, waiting for someone, and flinched as he heard the loud noise of thunders. Jumped up, he ran to the small closet, closed the door. He was sitting on the floor, hugging his legs, and murmured something to himself that was supposed to calm him down but failed.

"Here, mother made your favorite banana cake, you lucky one... Hey, where are you?" He heard his best friend's voice coming nearer and then the door opened.

"Here you are. Come out, you don't have to be afraid, Minnie."

----- End -----

"Taemin-ah, we need to talk," said Kibum as he saw the younger boy opened the front door.

"Hyung?" Taemin said surprisingly with a smile on his face that immediately disappeared as he noticed Key's serious expression.

"Come in," he said.


"N-No, I have no idea what you're talking about, hyung." Taemin stuttered. Looked on the floor, he was trying hard not to look at his best friend in the eyes.

"You know how important this is. It's a matter of life and death. Please try to remember." Jonghyun said.

"I really don't remember that day. I mean I was so young that I was still afraid of thunders." The younger stepbrother explained.

"I didn't mention the storm," said Kibum with a hurt expression. He knew what that meant. Taemin lied to him. But why?

Taemin turned pale. "I... It's because you said I was hiding in the closet... and I used to do that when it thundered. I'm sorry I really can't tell you anything."

"Minnie," the younger boy bit on his lower lips as he heard Key calling by him that name.

"Look at me in the eyes and tell me you don't know anything about the night my mother was murdered and I'll believe you," Kibum said, looking straight at his stepbrother. Taemin held his breath nervously and after a moment of fighting with himself, he finally made it to look at Key.

"Hyung, I... I..."

Kibum's eyes were fixed on Taemin, making the younger boy feel guilty. His stepbrother trusted him and all he needed to do now was to use that trust and he would be out of the woods.


"I'm so sorry. I didn't want to lie to you. Please don't be mad. I'm sorry, really."

After a long silence, Taemin burst into tears. He wanted to say he didn't see anything that day, but he couldn't. He couldn't look into his best friend's eyes and lie to him as if there was nothing.


"Gwiboon Imo," the young Taemin called cheerfully as soon as he saw his favorite aunt.

"Hello, birthday boy." Gwiboon greeted.

"Imo, today is Minnie's birthday. I'm going to be a strong man from now on," beamed Taemin.

"You are so cute, Taemin-ah." Gwiboon said, squeezed the little boy.

"I'm not cute, Imo. I'm a man," answered Taemin, pouted.

"I got it. You are a man now," nodded Gwiboon, smiling. "Does this strong man still like cake? When I got your mom's message that she'll be back from your grandfather's house, I was hoping you'll be with her, so I baked a banana cake for you."

"Yes, I love banana cake. Thank you, Imo. You are the best," cheered the young boy.

Gwiboon handed a small basket with the sweet cake to Taemin and patted his head.

"Sweetheart, go play somewhere else, will you? Umma wants to talk to Gwiboon Imo." Hyun Jung asked her son.

"Taemin understands, I'll be looking for Key hyung."

"No, don't. We'll go home very soon. Just wait for me at the fountain." The woman said, seemed nervous.

"I got it, umma." Taemin replied before heading to the fountain in the west garden, while his mother and Gwiboon stayed at the courtyard.


"Oh, no, no, no, don't rain on my banana cake." Taemin panicked as water drops fell down from the sky. It soon started to rain heavily, so the little boy ran back to the castle. Going down the hallway, he was looking for his mother to go home. He didn't like the rain. On top of that, he was hungry. The poor boy hadn't made it to eat the cake before it started to rain.

With the empty stomach, he decided to look for a place to eat the cake first. He searched and finally found a door that wasn't looked. Entered the room, he marveled - so many books had he never seen before. Yet, soon, very soon, all of his attention was paid to the red, elegant couch next to the window.

"Banana cake time," he sang and jumped on the couch, started to eat happily. To his disappointment, not even half of the cake was eaten when he heard the first thunder. Flinched in shock, he grabbed the basket, hugged it tightly to his chest and scanned the library for a hiding place. The first thing he saw was the counter right in the middle of the huge room and so he decided to hide in its closet. After a while, the little boy was about to fall asleep as suddenly something caught his attention.

Taemin heard a familiar voice and right after that, he recognized it was his mother's.

"Kim Gwiboon," she said. The young boy breathed out in relief. He was about to run out of the small closet to hug his mother as he saw through the slightly ajar door how she slapped his Gwiboon Imo.

"You little, cheap whore, over four months since we have seen each other again and you didn't care to tell me you slept with him every night." Taemin gasped. Never in his life had he seen his mother so angry. She was literally screaming.

"I didn't tell you, because I didn't want to hurt your feeling, but I didn't do anything wrong. You can't tear us apart. We're meant to be together." Now Gwiboon Imo was being very loud too and that scared Taemin. What were they doing?

"Meant to be together? You two? You gotta kidding me. From the beginning he only loves me. You are just a cheap whore that took advantage of the situation and seduced him, a measly replacement." Hyun Jung yelled.

"You know it is not true. I never did anything I should be ashamed of."

"You shameless hussy, you dare to tell me you never wished you were in my position every time you saw us together? I should have known this would happen. You had always said you admire him. You wanted to take him from me from the beginning. You planed everything, didn't you?"

"I took him from you? Only because of you he needed a shoulder to lean on and someone to talk to. And I was just there instead of you."

"Oh don't play the innocent, caring girl next door. Everyone knew you always had a crush on him," said Hyun Jung through gritted teeth.

"That might be true, but I had always kept the distance as I knew you were together with him, because you are my friend, my best friend. I am sorry. But I have never looked back." Gwiboon said. Tears formed in her eyes.

"You are sorry, so am I," whispered Hyun Jung, coming closer.

What happened next was so fast that Taemin didn't clearly understand what it was. Or perhaps it was because of the shock that paralyzed him. Gwiboon Imo was falling on her knees with blood on her white dress and his mother was holding a knife that was covered with blood.

Taemin remembered how Gwiboon Imo grabbed on his mother's dress, caused something to fall down, but his mother didn't notice that. She was too shocked.

"Why?" asked Gwiboon, whining in pain.

"Because your perfect life with your lovely child and charming husband supposed to be mine. Why do I have to live with an abuser while you are having everything I ever wanted? I'm going to fix my fate now." Hyun Jung explained with a cracked voice.

"He'll never accept you. You broke his heart." Gwiboon said quietly, feeling tired.

"He will. Because, my dear, you can never forget your first love."

A tear fell down Gwiboon cheek. Now she was really tired. Letting her body fall on the cold floor, her eyes closed slowly. Seeing that Hyung Jung gasped, shivering in fear.

"I'm so sorry, but you should never have told me to control my destiny." She murmured with sadness and ran out of the room as fast as she could.

Watching his mother ran away, Taemin wanted to get out and wake up the sleeping auntie. Yet, he couldn't move his little feet. The young boy was too afraid. He had never seen that side of his mother. She was ... scaring.

The next thing he knew was being found by his mother who came back for something she had lost and suddenly saw him looking out of the closet. On the way back to his grandfather's house she repeated over and over again that he could never tell anyone about this night. And that was exactly what he had done, until tonight.

----- End -----

"Oh my god," Kibum said in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he just heard. He had lived with his mom's murderer under the same roof for years and had had no clue. And his poor father had married his wife's murderer.

How could Hyun Jung do that to his family? How could she do that to his mother? Did they use to be best friends? His mom trusted her. Was that the way how every friendship would end? Because Taemin betrayed to him too.

"I am so sorry, hyung," apologized the younger boy sobbing.

"I didn't even know you were in the castle that day," Kibum said.

"No one knew we were there. Everyone thought we were out of town." Taemin replied.

"But you weren't."

"We did go to grandfather, but mother..."

"She went back.... only for a few hours to murder my mom.... as if it was a stopover?" Key asked in disbelief, unable to imagine how a human could be so cruel.

"And she brought you with her? Oh god," the thought of a mother bringing her son with, when she planned to kill someone, disgusted Kibum.

"No... No, I heard she was going to the castle, so I wanted to come with her and as she didn't allow me, I hid in the coach. When she found me, it was too late to turn back."

Oh god, poor boy, he saw that on his birthday. So that was why he hated birthdays.

"Was that the reason why you didn't talk to me after my mother's death?" Key questioned. Anger could be heard from his voice.

"I thought if I stop talking to you, you'll hate me one day and ceased to treat me like a friend, so it'll be easier for me to keep silent. But you never stop being my friend and it was never easier to hide this secret from you. You have to believe me. I'm really sorry." Taemin explained and Jonghyun agreed. Kibum had the biggest heart ever.

"Then help us. You have to tell the court the truth or Onew is going to be executed." The Prince said.

"I can't," replied Taemin quietly.

"What does that mean 'you can't?" Jonghyun asked in shock.

"I'm sorry but I can't. She is my mother." Taemin answered.

"I know I did a mistake. But please understand that I have to protect my mother. She is my family. I can't let her die." He added. His tears had never stopped falling down.

"And what's about my family? Onew is like a brother to me and he's going to die because of a crime your mother committed years ago?" Jonghyun asked angrily. "You have to tell the court the truth."

"I can't," shouted Taemin.

"What does that mean you can't?" The Prince yelled in frustration. Onew was going to be executed in a few hours and this boy that was his only hope refused to help him. Why did everything always have to get worse?

"She is my mother for god's sake. If I tell the truth, I'll kill her. Don't you understand?" Taemin cried.

"No, I don't. I can't understand why you're protecting her. She is a murderer. She killed someone and one more innocent person will die because of her."

"Whatever she did, she is still my mother. She did a mistake, but to me, she is still the same person that stayed up the whole night to check on me when I caught a cold and the same person that would jump in between my abuser father and me to protect me, even if she knew she'd get hurt. I can't lose her, please. Don't take her away from me." The young boy begged.

"Can't you see what is the right thing to do?" Jonghyun was losing his temper now and Kibum had noticed that. Poor Taemin was still crying and even if he shouldn't, Key felt pity for his stepbrother.

Grabbing Jonghyun's hand, Kibum dragged the Prince out of the house after telling Taemin to calm down.

"What the hell are you doing, Bummie? I'm talking to Taemin and where are we going?" Jonghyun asked as they kept on walking until finding themselves in the middle of a huge green area.

"You are not talking to him, but intimidating him into betraying his mother," answered Key and stopped walking. "And we're at my mom's grave."

"Oh... we are?" Key's try to calm the Prince down was successful. The boy simply understood Jonghyun. He knew the older boy would never make a scene at this place because it was holy to Kibum and so was it to Jonghyun.

"Yes. Now that you calmed down, can we talk?" Key asked.

"Fine, why don't we start with your behavior? Why do I get that feeling you're on the other side? Don't you want your mother's murderer to be arrested anymore?" The Prince asked.

"You know very well I am the last person that would protect Hyun Jung." Kibum answered in disbelief. How could Jonghyun think of him in that way?

"Then why are you hindering me taking Taemin to the court? What exactly are you doing, Bummie?" Jonghyun questioned confusingly.

"Because we can't do this to him. You are practically asking him to sentence his own mother to death, don't you realize that?"

"Why are you justifying him now? He lied to you, his mother killed your mom and they abused you for years. So tell me, why the hell are you protecting him?" Jonghyun cried in frustration.

"Because I lost my mom and therefore I know how it feels like. It is the worst thing that can happen to a child. That's why I don't want Taemin to experience the same pain as I did. No one should ever feel such pain. I just want to protect him. He is my family."

"And what's about Onew? Should he die for nothing? Are you letting him die to 'protect' your family? And what's about mine? Selfish, yes, that's what you are, Kim Kibum. He is my cousin, my friend, my family."

"Did ever say I'll give up on Onew hyung? No. But I am not going to destroy Taemin's family to save him. He wouldn't want that either. I know that." Kibum tried to explain.

"In case you haven't realized the situation yet. Taemin's mother destroyed your family and is about to destroy mine too." The Prince said with anger.

"Do you think I don't know that? Do you think I don't suffer? But we can't require Taemin to betray his mother. He did a mistake, but he is doing that for his family... just like you're ready to do anything to help Onew, because he is your family."

"You're right. I would do anything. And now I neither have a choice nor time to think about another solution. Even if you'll hate me, I have to save Onew and Taemin is my only hope." With that, the Prince ran back to the house.

"What do you mean 'he is gone?'" Kibum heard Jonghyun yelled as soon as he reached the house.

"He is not gone, my Prince. He is just on the way to our grandfather with mother. It was about time to visit the family." Sulli said shamelessly.

"So in the middle of the night, your mother just decided to visit her father, together with Taemin? Do you think I am an idiot? They are fleeing." Jonghyun cried.

"Of course not, my Prince. I beg your pardon, but why should they flee? They are not in any trouble." The young girl faked an annoying smile, acting innocent.

"Don't play dumb. They surely are in trouble. Your mother is a murderer."

"With due respect, she is not... if there is no evidence. And the case is closed in a few hours anyway. When the sun rises, it'll be over. I guess mother and Taemin will be back after the execution." Sulli smiled in victory.

"Listen, your mother will pay for what she did. That's a promise." Jonghyun told the girl before running out of the house. At the door, he stopped.

"Look at what you have done. You made it to get them the chance to flee. Well done, Bummie." Jonghyun gave Key a look full of disappointment before jumped on his horse and chased after Taemin and Hyun Jung.

"Oh no, Cinderella and Prince Charming are fighting. What a shame." Sulli said sarcastically, causing Kibum to feel anger filled his body.

"You know what? You always say I was the cruel one, but look what innocent Taemin had done. In compare to him, am I not an angel?" She asked.

"An angel?" Key rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"Well, Taemin and me, we are just like each other, aren't we? Your best friend is a copy of mine. Accept that fact already. He is as selfish as I am. The only difference is that I can admit it because I don't care about what people think about me. Cruel, mean and selfish, that's what we are. We are twins, after all, the exact copy of the other."

"No, you're wrong. Taemin might look like you, but deep down, he has a big heart and that's what makes the difference between you two." After saying that, Kibum walked towards the door, leaving.

Jonghyun slammed the door to his chamber, trying his best to control his anger. He had lost Hyun Jung. She was gone, together with Taemin. Lying on his bed, he noticed the emptiness. Kibum wasn't there. Was he still at his house? Maybe it was better that way since both of them were mad at each other right now.

"You wanted to see me, Jonghyun?" He heard Minho's voice at the door.

"Yes," the Prince sat up and told his friend what happened.

"I can't believe Taemin did that." Minho sighed. "And what's about Kibum? Is that why he left?"

"What? He what?" The Prince asked unsurely. Did he hear it right?

"You didn't know it? I saw Kibum leaving the castle when I came here. "

"No, it was surely someone else. Why should he leave the castle right now, before Onew's execution?" Jonghyun didn't want to believe it. Kibum couldn't be so cruel.

"It was Kibum. I'm sorry Jonghyun, but he left." Minho said, placed a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Jonghyun's hand formed a fist. He wanted to cry out in pain. How could Bummie leave him right now? But if he thought again, he was the one that said Key could leave as soon as they found the murderer. And in fact, they did. Only that it couldn't be proved, but they did find out who the killer was. So actually, Kibum had every right to leave, but why did it hurt him so much to know the only person he loved was gone. He couldn't believe how heartless Kibum was that he didn't even want to say goodbye before leaving, not even to Onew. But what hurt Jonghyun the most was the fact that Key had given up on Onew, their friend. Or at least, Jonghyun thought Onew was a friend to Kibum. Now he wasn't sure what to believe anymore. Perhaps the younger boy was right. People changed and so did Kibum.

Shaking his head, Jonghyun tried not to think of Kibum.

"It's about time for our emergency plan." With a serious expression, he said.

Minho looked at him in horror. "Are you sure about that? Once we stated there will be no turning back."

"I'm sure, Minho. Let's do it." The Prince nodded.

>> Preview <<

[This is only a script. It doesn't have to show up in the next chapter word for word.]

"Kidnapped? Who is kidnapped?"


"You have to help me or else Jonghyun will die."


"It's too late now. You can't help Onew anymore."


"If this were a story, none of us will survive in the end."

"We all will die."


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