Emo+Prep=True Love?

By emokidslits

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Emo+Prep=True Love? Arranged Marriage
Emo+Prep=True Love? Chapter 2
Emo+Prep=True Love? Ch. 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chpter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24:
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28:

Chapter 23:

1.2K 9 3
By emokidslits

Hey guys, I know it has been a long time nad all since I posted last, but I have been rather busy. I am going to start posting regularly again, so get your reading faces on.

And I know a lot of you have been worried about if I was going to kill the main character, adn honestly, I don't know. But here it is.

Chapter 23:

Steve's POV

Casey stood in the kitchen, the knife positioned over her heart. "We can never be together."

A single solitary tear slid down her cheek and she sat staring at the knife. I was slowly taking steps in her direction. I couldn't lose her. I wouldn't.

I was within five feet of her and her hands were trembling. "Casey, put the knife down this instant." I said to her sternly. She glanced up at me and slowly slid the sharp blade across her thin wrist. Blood crept out slowly, sliding down her arm like red, goopy mud.

"Don't take another step Steve." She warned menacingly. I stopped in my steps in fear that she might actualy do it.

She brought the knife back to her heart and sat there. "Casey. You wouldn't really take your own life would you? I mean, you have so many things in this world that you love. You love me and you know you do. I have heard you say it. We can work this out Case. I know we can. You wouldn't really take something I love mfrom me, would you?" I cried, trying to convince her telepathically to put the knife down.

"Like taking candy from a baby I would." She replied, looking at the gleaming metal knife.

"I AM GOUNG TO COUNT TO TEN AND YOU BETTER PUT THAT KNIFE DOWN THIS MINUTE!" I exclaimed, angry as could be. I closed my eyes and began counting. "One, for the time you saved my life. Two is for those two sweet eyes that I catch you glaring at me so often with. Three.  For all of the times I have thought about commiting murder and using you as an accesory just so we could spend our life together in aramped up cell. Four is for the times I have thought about killing you, even though I love you so much. Five is for the fact that we only have five numbers left and i just want to get htis over with. Six. Seven. Eight, nine, ten." I opened my eyes.

She was gone.

But like, gone gone, not dead. She just wasn't there. The kitchen was empty except for little old me. I ran from the room and in the bathroom. She wasn;t there. I ran all over the house looking for her and I couldn't find her. I stopped in the hallway an listened.

There was a sound. It was coming from the kitchen. I ran in there and smiled in amazement. There Casey stood, the knife in her hand. She polished the knife and stuck it back in the drawer. She went over to the cabinet adn pulled out a Fudge Round. I scoffed adn glared at her.

She turned around and smiled. "Oh, did you want one too?" SHe asked.

And that's when I decided I was going to hide all of the sharp items in the safe.

End of chapter!

Yeah. I'll post again later. But I have decided how I am ging to post. I am redoing my story. I am basically going to edit it and make it more detailed, so you should definetly read it. And for those of you who don't want to read the new versiona dn just want to read this one, I'll post here too.

So that's it for now! And don'tforget to read, comment, adn vote.

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