Blood is Thicker Than Water (...

By Dark_Angelxo

3.8K 159 8

#1 in Aliah Snape Series Before the war of Hogwarts, Severus Snape was married and had a daughter. To protect... More

CHAPTER ONE: 14 Years Later
CHAPTER TWO: The Pain of The Truth
CHAPTER FIVE: Truth of Lies
CHAPTER SEVEN: The Place Where It All Began
CHAPTER EIGHT: Father and Daughter
CHAPTER NINE: The Promise, The Secret, The Lies
CHAPTER TEN: Some Things Are Better Left Alone
CHAPTER ELEVEN: The Prince of Slytherin
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Pride Before the Fall
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Questions and Answers
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO - Start of Something New


108 4 0
By Dark_Angelxo

Draco returned to his room only to find Aliah asleep on the couch. He walked over to his bed and kneeled beside her. He smiled and curled brown hair around his pale finger. His heart fluttered at how peaceful she looked. Careful not to disturb her, he picked her up bridal style and placed her onto his bed. 

Draco lifted the sheets and quilt and made sure that they covered her. His room was usually cold during the night, especially during the winter months. He tucked her in tight, watching the blankets rise and fall with her breaths. She seemed to have finally let herself relax. He kissed her forehead and returned to the couch to sleep. He believed that she wouldn't be appreciative of waking up next to him, even though he wore a shirt and sweats.

Draco woke up to Aliah screaming. He jumped from his couch and ran to the bed. "Aliah it's ok, I'm here," he placed his hand on her head. She had cold sweats. He gently tapped her cheeks. "Come on, wake up,"

Aliah shot up, breathing heavily. Once she had calmed down, she wrapped her arms around herself. "Draco?" she had water in her eyes, as she turned to him. 

"I'm here," he placed his hand on her arm for reassurance. 

"Can you - can you lay with me?" She asked with a quiver to her voice. Draco knew he couldn't refuse. Of the short time he had known her, he knew that she didn't scare easily. Aliah's body was shivering - and it wasn't from the cold, tears were slowly falling from the corners of her eyes and she couldn't stop staring at the purple ring on her finger.

"Ok," Draco sat on the bed and gently pulled Aliah with him so that they were laying down. He grabbed the blankets and covered them both. The blankets reached his chest while they curled at Aliah's neck.

Wanting to feel safe, she shuffled closer to Draco and buried her face in his chest and mumbled, "Smooth Blondie, smooth,"

Draco laughed and held her closer to his body, wrapping his arms around him. He wasn't surprised at how natural the position felt. He didn't want to ask, but he knew to talk always helped. "What was your dream about?"

He felt Aliah stiffen. Her fist clenched onto his shirt as she stared at the far wall.

The baby looked up to watch her Father sing to her. She felt safe and warm in his embrace. She reached out to touch his face with her tiny hand. He turned his head and kissed the palm of his daughter's hand. He smiled. He had never thought something so precious or small could have captured his heart in a small amount of time.

The peace came in an end as the ground shook. The father jumped from his spot on the steps, turning his body to shield his baby girl from the dark smoke.  Her Father screamed as the dark smoke ripped the child away from his grasp.

He reached out for his daughter but was only able to catch black smoke which soon disappeared in his hands. His heart thumped against his ribcage, threatening to jump out of his body. 

The child's cries echoed through the foyer. She wanted to be returned to her father's loving arms. The father ran and ran searching for his daughter in the smoke. No matter how hard he swiped or moved, his daughter was out of reach and there was nothing he could do. Except for catch smoke in his bare hands. 

"Nothing," Aliah whispered, subconsciously moving on top of Draco. "I can't remember."


Aliah woke up and felt around for Draco. Instead of a warm body, she was met with sheets. They were still relatively warm, meaning that Draco had only gotten out of a bed a short while ago. Deciding that she would have to face the day, she pushed back the covers and hopped off the bed. 

She found her clothes at the end of the bed. Carrying them in her arms, she took them to the joining bathroom. Quickly changing from Draco's t-shirt to her clothes, Aliah risked taking a look at her reflection through the vanity mirror. 

Her dark, brown hair was a tangled mess, her eyes were not as red as the day before, however, there were still dark shadows around her eyes. Aliah sighed at her appearance. This is not how she was planning to look like when she met her boy- her friend's parents. Aliah turned on the tap and threw water on her face and combed her fingers through her hair. Aliah grabbed the hair tie that was on her wrist and attempted to tie her hair into a ponytail. As she pulled the elastic for the last loop, the elastic snapped. 

"Ouch!" Aliah hissed as the band swatted her wrist. "Well, that's just fucking great,"

Having no choice but to leave her hair down, Aliah found her way to the grand dining room.  Stepping through the double doors, Aliah amazed at the interior design. There was a fireplace which wasn't currently lit. A large, crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the ceiling with candles lighting the room, along with the natural sunlight from the windows on the left wall. The rectangular table was centred in the middle of the room. 

Aliah let out a low whistle, the table could easily fit more than twenty people. She smiled when she saw Draco talking to a woman opposite him. The woman looked like she was in the middle thirties, with no wrinkles on her pale skin. Her long blonde hair was loose but perfectly straight. Aliah noticed the bright blue eyes when the woman spotted her at the door.

Draco followed the woman's gaze. He immediately jumped out of his seat. He rushed over to Aliah and kissed her forehead. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"I did. I want to thank you,"

"Anytime Aliah," He cupped her face and leaned down. She watched his cold, grey eyes. She could feel his breath against her lips. Her heart started to beat a little bit faster. A cough interrupted the two. 

Draco held Aliah's hand to turn them around. He guided them to the table. "Aliah this is my mother, Narcissa Malfoy,"

Narcissa stood up. She was taller than Aliah, but only an inch or two shorter than her son. Aliah felt embarrassed as she accessed the woman's clothing. Mrs Malfoy wore an elegant, black robe with gold embroidery. 

"Nice to meet you, Mrs Malfoy," Aliah held out her hand for Mrs Malfoy to shake. The woman stared at Aliah.

"Who are your parents?"

Aliah dropped her hand. She took a step back, away from the accusing blue eyes. Aliah was grateful for the supportive hand Draco placed on her lower back.

"Michael and Julia Holt," Aliah lied. Mrs Malfoy gave on a nod.

"You are a muggleborn?"

"Mother," Draco warned. Mrs Malfoy looked to Draco. 

"I am only asking simple questions, my boy," she returned her scrutinising look to Aliah. "Aliah Holt, a muggleborn who had just recently been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,"

"Yes?" Aliah was confused. It almost sounded as if Narcissa knew something that she didn't. Narcissa furrowed her eyebrows. Aliah thought she had imagined it, but before Mrs Malfoy returned to the table, Aliah could have sworn she saw a look of shock.

Aliah turned to Draco. She raised an eyebrow in a silent question. Draco shook his head, not knowing what the questioning was about. Giving her a little shove, Draco motioned Aliah to sit down.

"My husband, Lucius should be here any moment," Mrs Malfoy spoke as she poured juice into her goblet. A minute later, Draco stood up quickly and pulled Aliah with him.  Aliah opened her mouth to ask what the hell Draco was playing at when she realised a tall man with long blonde hair walked in. 

"Father, this is Aliah," Draco announced. Lucius strode over to Aliah. He studied her. Once again, Aliah felt small under the grey eyes that matched his son's. 

"Lucius Malfoy," Lucius introduced himself. He walked around the table to stand behind the chair that his wife currently occupied. He held her shoulders and kissed her cheek. She patted his face in a return greeting, then Mr Malfoy took his place at the head of the table. Draco sat down and Aliah followed his movements.

Food was served. Aliah's stomach grumbled at the sight. "Please, eat whatever you may like," Narcissa smiled as she ate her own food. Aliah reached over and used tongs to place waffles on her plate. She then poured chocolate sauce over the freshly made food. 

"You are a muggleborn, Miss Holt? Gryffindor house?"

"Yes sir," Aliah nodded. She bowed her head, not understanding why she felt like she was being interrogated. Felling that maybe it was because she had interrupted their holiday, Aliah quickly added, "I am sorry for barging in like this, if you wish, I can leave,"

"Nonsense!" cried Narcissa. From the corner of her eye, Aliah saw both off the Malfoy men bewildered at the sudden change in Mrs Malfoy. "You are very welcome to stay. I have given Draco some clothes of mine that you may borrow,"

"Narcissa," Lucius hissed. Mrs Malfoy leaned towards Lucius. The older Malfoy glanced at Aliah while the woman talked in a hushed tone. However, Aliah heard the one line that was spoken, "I am Narcissa Black."

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