Virgil's Life //A Sanders Sid...

By IShipTreebrosSoMuch

11.4K 334 408

A Sanders Sides story about winged!Virgil I was bored so I decided to do this :/ EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: I apol... More



376 14 4
By IShipTreebrosSoMuch


I sit down at the table as pancakes are handed to me on a plate. I take a bit of the pancakes.

Now usually, Patton's pancakes would taste amazing. But these tasted like ash. They tasted terrible.

It's only because I hate eating food though.

I gagged but I pretended like I didn't and forced myself to swallow the food.

Just then, Roman walked downstairs.

"Oh, hi Roman." I tried not to gag again as the taste of ash lingered in my mouth.

"Hey." He replied.

I quickly finished my food and excused myself from the table.

I immediately ran to my bathroom and stuck two fingers down my throat. I threw up and repeated the process untill I couldn't anymore.

I looked up at the counter and saw my razor.

Do it.

But I can't, Roman will get mad...

He won't notice. Just do it.

I picked up my razor from the counter and held it in my hand.

Do it.

"This is for you, Roman." I smiled and threw it in the toilet and flushed it down.

Alex poofed into existence and started yelling at me. "What the hell?! That's not what I told you to do!"

"I know." I shrugged.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on my bed.

I noticed just then, that we haven't tested if Roman could fly yet.

"Right!" I said aloud.

I stood up and walked out of my room and back to the kitchen.

"Hey, Roman. We need to check if you can- uh... y'know." I confronted.

He nodded and said bye to Patton (he had been talking to him before I came into the kitchen).

We walked over to my room and climbed out the window for the second time.

We went to the cliff and I started to unzip my jacket.

"Wh-what are y-you doing?" Roman asked, his face flushed.

"I'm taking off my jacket and my shirt so that I don't tear them." I explained, throwing my jacket to the ground.

"O-Oh, but why? I thought I was the one flying." He questioned, still red in the face.

"I'm just gonna help you, incase you get scared again." I said.

"Oh, alright." He replied.

He started taking his shirt off and I blushed.

I tried to ignore him and I summoned my wings after taking my shirt off and throwing it next to my jacket.

I stretched out my wings, not wanting to be sore after flying and Roman did the same.

"Ok, so." I started, clapping my hands together. "Flying is pretty simple. You just have to start like a baby bird."

"Okay." Roman unsurely said.

"Hey, don't panic. I'll catch you if you fall." I reassuringly smiled at him and he smiled back.

"So first, all you have to do is fall, then, figure it out yourself." I said simply.

He looked at me and walked over to the edge of the cliff.


Word count: 494


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