Pyrrhia High School

By Fatespeaker_Visions

77.5K 668 3.5K


First Day!
Under the Romance Tree
Time to Party!
Not so good Confession
This feeling called Jealousy
New kid
Extra Help
Leaving Home
The Dream
Made Up Your Mind?
Another Authors Note (BOOK FAIR!)
The Date (Full Ripnami...yyaass)
The Date (Part 2)
The Break In
Fight In the hall
What Do We Do Next?
The Truth
The Rescue
The Escape -_-
New Story Cover
Saving Pyrrhia~Part 1
Saving Pyrrhia~Part 2
Important Authors Note

Crush Comes Back

5.1K 34 307
By Fatespeaker_Visions

Winter's pov;

She was back! She was back after all this time! God I missed her. . . dammit! Why must I have those weird feelings around her. I mean, I didn't really wanted to have a crush on her but I did somehow anyway. She was just to amazing, and smart, and really, really pretty. . . ARGH~

You see, Moon was one of my best friends and, as I already said, the only person that ever made me feel happy, in a strange, particular way. She had long, black hair (with a fringe) and dark green eyes. She also had a weird birthmark on her left eye that looked like a tear. She was also wearing a black shirt and coat with a dark-ish green skirt.

She was so peaceful and calm all the time, and also was super smart and funny. Well, sometimes. 

"Ok class! To start the year, we will do a test" said Miss Blister.

The whole class groaned and my other best friend, Qibli, stood up and shouted "WHY MUST WE DO THIS! YOUR TORTURING US LADY!". Miss Blister stomped up to Qibli as the class burst into laughter.

She told him to shut up or he would get detention and Qibli didn't seem to care at all. He has blonde hair and freckles all over his face. He has dark brown eyes and one ears pierced with really tan skin. He has longer hair then mine, not to long, and it was kind of curly.

He was wearing a black singlet and orange shorts. Oh and by the way, he has a crush on Moon to, so this sucks! 

All of a sudden, a girl I think named Fatespeaker, banged her head on the table after realising how hard the test was and cried out as the pain kicked in. Then, obviously, Miss Blister smirked at the sight of a student suffering.


Once class finished, Qibli and I went to go to our lockers till Moon came running at us and hugged us both. Obviously, I blushed as she wrapped her arms around us and so did Qibli.

"I missed you guys so much!" she said and let us go.

"We missed you too!" Qibli answered and that made Moon smile.

I got filled with jealousy, yet I don't know why! It was just a smile. Just then, Kinkajou came sprinting at us and barged into Moon and hugged her.


Moon looked over her shoulder at us and waved. We waved back and sighed at the same time. We chuckled and began to make our way to class, realising we were a little late for our next classes.

"Well, gotta go dude! See you later!" Qibli said and ran off. 

I headed for my locker, grabbed my music book and walked towards music class. As I made my way there, I got a text from Moon. 

Moon: Hey! Sorry about Kinkajou. U know how she is!

Winter: Yeah, lol. All good! Wanna hang out at lunch?

Moon: Definitely! Text you later, k? BYE!


I ran to music class as fast as I could. I burst through the door when I got there and the whole class jumped. Miss Grandeur, our music teacher, shook her head.

"Just sit down Winter, we were about to start class" she said.

I quickly went to sit down next to Turtle.

"Anyway, as I was saying, you will pick our instruments today and see if we are good at them. If you aren't, then swap with others and keep trying till you succeed!" informed Miss Grandeur.

We all got up and started scavenging for an instrument. I dug around in a box and pulled out something I never wanted to see in my life. A microphone.

"Oh, look everyone, Winter's going to sing something for us!" Onyx announced and everyone started laughing and sat in their seats.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I shouted to myself.

"Oh I wasn't going to..." I began but got cut off.

"Oh, are you a buck, buck, chicken?" Onyx said again. You could tell she was trying to get attention.

"NO I'M NOT! I WILL SING!" I shouted.

I held the microphone to my mouth and began to sing the first thing that came to my mind.

"Snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a foot print to be seen
A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl, you always have to be
Conceal don't feel, don't let them know
Well now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore!" I continued to sing and I saw a bunch of kids had their phones out. But I had to keep going. I WAS NOT A CHICKEN!!! And I will never be one!

After class the video of me singing was already on YouTube, Instagram, you name it! Everyone I walked past saw me and laughed and giggled and pointed. I wanted to run out of the school, dig myself a hole and never come out again! How could this year be any worse? 

A/N- Sup peeps! Hope your enjoying the story so far! This one I'm trying to work hard on so yeah... Also I'm making Winter a little obsessed with Moon, but not SOOOOO obsessed, you know! Anyway, yeah stay tuned! Again...

Future A/N: just finished editing this. . . and omfg this made me 'cringe' so f*cking hard~I'm sorry to all the people who actually decided to read up to even here.

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