Warriors: Rise of the Shadows...

By NaokiWrites

1.7K 16 18

Rain will shadow the Clans with its cold, spring will bring new life to the forest, buds of clover will grow... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Update #1
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Update #2
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Update #3
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Update #4
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Update #5
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Update #6
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Update #7
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Final Allegiances

Chapter Sixteen

28 0 0
By NaokiWrites

"Honeypaw, do you promise to uphold the Warrior Code and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Asked Poppystar as she stood in front of the apprentice.

"I do," Honeypaw replied, her pelt littered with countless scars from Rainshadow's harsh training.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Honeypaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Honeypelt. We welcome you as a full member of FireClan. Serve your Clan well, Honeypelt." Poppystar rested her muzzle on the new warrior's head and the warrior licked her shoulder in return.

Sweetscent glanced beside her at Rainshadow, who didn't look the slightest bit proud of his apprentice. Instead, he looked dark, lustful, and ambitious. She sighed, knowing her brother was going to do something to one of the medicine cats from another Clan soon. Rockstar still wanted to crumble the Clans by killing the medicine cats, but Sweetscent opposed the rebellion by feeding Poppystar information about their every move.

The Clan leader looked rounder and more plump than her more lean and thin Clan. Every cat suspected she was expecting kits, but she refused to reveal their father. Though she never said it, everyone knew it was a cat from another Clan.

"Honeypelt! Honeypelt! Honeypelt!" The Clan cheered, but no cat was louder than Snowpaw and Whitesnow. The two looked very proud of Honeypelt and Snowpaw in particular was thrilled.

When the cheering died away, Poppystar called out another name. "Stonekit, come forward." Sweetscent turned her attention to the six moon old kitten, who padded forward with slight hesitation and gazed up at her leader. "Stonekit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Stonepaw." Poppystar looked over at the warriors, mainly the younger warriors. "Springleap, you are the fastest cat in the Clan and are ready to take on an apprentice. Pass on everything you know onto young Stonepaw."

Springleap rose to his paws and nodded, his eyes friendly as he touched noses with his new apprentice. When he sat back down beside Sweetscent, the she-cat rubbed her cheek against his and purred.

"Sunkit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Sunpaw. Swiftscar, you trained both Talonstripe and Blizzardfrost. You are ready for another apprentice, I know you will pass on all you know onto Sunpaw." Poppystar nodded to her deputy, eyes flashing.

Swiftscar got to his paws and padded towards his apprentice. "I won't disappoint you, Poppystar." He vowed and touched noses with Sunpaw, before sitting down beside Whitesnow.

"Last but not least, Pearkit. From this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Pearpaw." The Clan leader scanned the clearing, locking eyes with Sweetscent. "Sweetscent, you recieved excellent training from Stonesky and you are ready for your first apprentice. I trust you will pass on your skills onto Pearpaw."

"I will, Poppystar." Sweetscent meowed, padding up to the golden brown tabby and touching noses with her before sitting down and calling out the names of the new warrior and apprentices.

"Honeypelt! Stonepaw! Sunpaw! Pearpaw!"


"Pearpaw, wake up." Sweetscent murmured to the sleeping apprentice. "Pearpaw!" She hissed, waking her apprentice instantly.

"Huh? W-what?" She meowed sleepily, looking at her mentor in confusion.

Sweetscent sighed and shook her head. "Come on, Swiftscar wants us to battle train with him and the other apprentices." Yesterday, they patrolled the whole territory, Pearpaw asked so many questions, Sweetscent couldn't keep up.

"Okay, I'm coming." Her apprentice yawned and Sweetscent backed out of the apprentices' den. The sky was light with the weak sun of leafbare and a soft blanket of snow barely covered the ground.

Swiftscar, Springleap, and their apprentices were sitting patiently in the center of camp once Pearpaw and Sweetscent met up with them.

"Sorry we're late," Sweetscent apologized, dipping her head to the deputy. "Somebody didn't get enough sleep last night." She playfully shoved Pearpaw's shoulder and watched as her apprentice stick her tongue out at her in response.

Swiftscar rolled his eyes, chuckling as he shook his head. "Come on, the longer we stand here, the less time we have for battle practice." He pointed out, padding out of the camp with Springleap, Sweetscent, Stonepaw, Sunpaw, and Pearpaw in tow.


"Try again, Sunpaw." Swiftscar urged, flicking his tail at his apprentice. "Dive under Stonepaw and push up with your hind paws." He meowed, blinking at the tom.

Sunpaw growled in determination and leaped for his sister, paws outstretched as he aimed for her shoulder. Stonepaw dodged to the side but Sunpaw was faster and dove under her, kicking upwards with his hind paws and sending her rolling in the sand.

"Yes!" He yowled, eyes proud. Stonepaw wailed in pain and his victory was cut short with shock as he raced over to his sister. "Are you okay?" Sunpaw asked, eyes worried.

Sweetscent and Springleap padded over to the injured apprentice and helped her up. Stonepaw didn't didn't put her right front paw on the ground, whimpering in pain. Sweetscent bent over and sniffed it, not scenting any blood. "You sprained it," she mewoed, tail flicking with sympathy.

"Go back to camp and see Emberstripe and Snowpaw." Springleap instructed, tail flicking. "You'll be fine, but just in case, go see the medicine cat."

"Okay," Stonepaw meowed, sounding disappointed as she limped away towards the camp, Sunpaw watching her with guilt.

Sweetscent looked at the tom, sympathy welling inside her for the young apprentice. "Don't worry," she comforted. "She'll be fine, it wasn't your fault."

Sunpaw opened his mouth to protest but sighed and looked down at his paws, ears drooping. Springleap looked over at Pearpaw, who was watching a leaf falling to the ground intensely before pouncing squarely on it, shredding it with her claws.

"Amazing job, Pearpaw." Sweetscent praised, tail flicking. "Come on, we better get back to camp. The nursery isn't going to clean itself!" Sunpaw and Pearpaw groaned but didn't argue, padding away with their tails dragging behind them.

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