The Forgotten Sister | Jasper...

By Jaye_Never_Ending

1.1M 23.8K 5.3K

*Book One of the Daniella Swan Series* Daniella Swan is the twin sister of Isabella Swan. When their pare... More

Chapter One: The Prologue
Chapter Two: The Intro
Chapter Three: The Meetings
Chapter Four: The Dirty-Blonde
Chapter Five: The Conversation
Chapter Six: The Portrait
Chapter Seven: The Accident
Chapter Eight: The Greenhouse
Chapter Nine: The Dream
Chapter Ten: The Frat Boys
Chapter Eleven: The Cold Ones
Chapter Twelve: The Lion & The Lamb
Chapter Thirteen: The Meadow
Chapter Fourteen: The Family
Chapter Fifteen: The Major
Chapter Sixteen: The Kiss
Chapter Seventeen: The Tracker
Chapter Eighteen: The First 'I Love You'
Chapter Twenty: The Hospital
Chapter Twenty-One: The Prom
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Visions
Chapter Twenty-Three: The End
The Sequel

Chapter Nineteen: The Bite

24.1K 573 60
By Jaye_Never_Ending

    She had never given much thought to how she would die...But dying in the place of someone she seemed like the best way to go.

    Daniella couldn't bring herself to regret the decisions she had made to bring herself to this point, faced with death.

    Because they had also brought her to Jasper...

"Dani? Bella? Where are you?!" 

    Renee's distraught voice could be heard from where the girls stood, just inside of the familiar ballet studio. The room was grand, empty, but filled to the top with mirrors. As they cautiously entered the dark room, they heard the sound of their mother's voice once again.

"Dani, where are you!? Bella!"

    The twins spun around, trying to find the owner of the motherly voice. Slowly, they followed the sound to a supply closet. Daniella threw open the door only to find a TV, a video, showing two seven year old girls huddled together in that very closet, ten years ago.

"There you are. What are you two doing in there?" Renee had asked. Young Daniella looked up, sadness evident on her face.

"Everyone makes fun of me.." Daniella muttered sadly. A young Isabella nods in agreement.

"Oh, but girls you two are beautiful dancers." Renee responded.

"Mom, we suck!" Younger Bella spoke. Daniella remembered the video, she never went back to the studio. She decided to take up music instead because she had been made fun of so much for her dancing.

    A sudden, bone chilling laughter could be heard from within the room behind the two girls. They turned around quickly, trying to spot James in any of the mirrors in the room.

"Ah, that is my favorite part. Stubborn children, weren't you two?" James said. Daniella was surprisingly filled with relief, knowing that their mother was safe and away from the Tracker.

"She's not even here." Bella stated, a slight rage in her voice.

"Sorry, girls. You really made this too easy." James' smirk was clear in his tone. He was then visible in the mirror, a playfully disappointed looked was on his face as he sighed. In a flash, he had them both pinned against the wall as he shoved a camera in their faces.

"Why don't we make this a little more entertaining, huh? We're going to make a little film of our own. Hope you don't mind, Daniella. Borrowed this from your house." James' look was devilish as he turned on the handheld camera, Daniella had received it from Renee the summer of her 8th grade year. It was to 'document her high school experience', but Dani forgot it that night they had left for Forks. "And...Action!" James whispered to them.

    He was close to Daniella's face with the camera, taunting her with a smirk plastered to his face. His other hand reached out to move a piece of hair out of her face. Dani turned her head away at the touch, an idea popping into her head. As he moved to look at Bella, shoving the camera in her face, teasing her about Edward, Daniella slowly got the pepper spray from her back pocket it was the one Charlie had given her.

    James moved back to look at the twins in front of him. Dani took the moment and sprayed him in the face with the pepper spray. While James cried out in pain, Dani grabbed her sister by the wrist and pulled her toward the door. The were so close to getting away, but James was suddenly right in front of them.

"Ah, an escape attempt. This will just break Jasper and Edward's heart." He was gone in a flash, the sudden feel of her hair being moved away from her neck made her freeze. James' finger tips grazed gently down her throat.

    Daniella was terrified. James had the upper hand here and Dani knew that. James could easily end both of their lives in one quick motion...but he wouldn't. He likes the hunt. The fight of the weak prey, against the unmatchable predator. James wanted her to try to fight him, to try to run away. It's what made the hunt worth it for him. It was what gave his hunger the satisfaction it craved.

    Dani knew there wasn't a way out of this for her, but she still had hope for her sister. Her sister wasn't a fighter. Bella would never be able to do this, and they both knew that. She looked to her frightened twin, each coming to an understanding about what was going to happen. Then Daniella took action, shoving James away and catching him off guard.

"They have nothing to do with this!" Dani spoke, standing protectively in front of her sister. James recovered from his momentary shock and smirked at the 'bravery' of the young, human girl.

"Oh, they will. Jasper's rage over your harm? Edward's undying need to protect Bella? It will make for a more..interesting fight than their weak attempts to keep you two safe." James' tone was cold, yet it had a sense of danger and humor at the same time.

    While James was distracted by his monologue, Dani pepper sprayed him once again. Pushing Bella toward the door as they ran. James landed right in front of them, with an amused look on his face, he grabs Isabella and flings her across the studio. Daniella watched in horror as she smashed hard into the base of a pillar.

"Bella!" Dani yelled, running over to check on her sister. She dropped down beside her and checked her over and found that her head was bleeding profusely. "Damn it!" Dani cursed. She stood, hearing James' footsteps near them.

"Beautiful! I chose my stage well, huh?" He smirked. Dani glared as she walked closer to him.

"Leave my family alone!" She yelled at him. James shoved her back into a mirrored wall, it breaking from the impact of her body. Dani fell into a pile of the shattered glass, feeling it cut into her body, but she couldn't stop. She had to do something. Daniella stood and stepped closer to James wiping the blood from her cut cheek.

"Still so stubborn, aren't you? Is that what makes you so special to them? Because honestly, I don't see it." He was trying to hurt her, emotionally. It wouldn't work.

"Keep trying James. I've been putting myself down like this for years. There's nothing you can say to me that I haven't already told myself a thousand times." Daniella spoke. James glared at the smirking teen. This was new for him. A human has never taunted him like this before. Dani could tell she had suprised him. She tilted her head slightly, a playful, yet taunting smile crossed her features. "What's the matter James? Are you suprised that I'm not as afraid of you as you'd like me to be?" She asked circling around him. "What are you afraid of James?"

    That struck a nerve. James growled, lurching at Daniella and throwing her across the room, in a fit of rage. Dani hit a pillar and fell onto the ground with an agonizing cry of pain. Her rib was definitely damaged by that. She laughed looking up at James.

"That it? I thought you were a hunter. 'Absolutely lethal'? I'm not sure the rumors are true." She teased at him. James grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up. He inhaled as if he could taste her blood already.

"It too bad Jasper didn't have the strength to turn you. Instead, he kept you as this fragile, weak, little human. It's pathetic." James seethed, dropping her next to her sister. Dani saw the look on Bella's face, she instantly knew that she had a concussion. Before Daniella could stop him, James crushed Bella's leg with his tight grip. The pain filled scream that erupted from Bella infuriated Daniella immensely. James shoved the camera in Bella's face, telling her to tell Edward to avenge her.

"No, Edward don't!" She cried out. Dani shoved James away from her sister.

"I said leave her alone!" Dani screamed, the glare was enough to get James to laugh at her. He pointed the camera at Dani and stalked toward her.

"You're weak. You're nothing." James said pushing her down, causing her head to hit the floor hard. She immediately saw stars and she groaned from the pain.

    Dani felt James crouching above her putting the camera in her face, as he grabed her arm and squeezed it in view of the handheld device. She screamed out in pain as her wrist was obliterate at the hands of a monster like James.

"Go on, Daniella! Tell Jasper how much it hurts!" He yelled over her pained scream. Dani opened her eyes and glared up at the red eyed vampire above her. She swallowed the cry of pain that had formed in her throat as James squeezed harder.

"No." She spoke, the hatred in her voice was unmistakable. James growled and went over to Bella, picking up her wrist. Daniella's eyes widened, she tried to get up she couldn't. The stars and black spots in her vision from the pain was disabling her every second. She heard the sound of glass breaking as she watched James bite into Isabella's wrist.

"No.." Daniella's voice was muffled to her own ears. Sounds were starting to get distorted, as she watched her sister thrash in pain on the floor. The sounds of fighting and yelling was evident and Daniella looked around trying to find the blond who had stolen her heart.

    Daniella groaned as she pushed her self up. Seeing the brightness of the fire being started and bodies racing around trying to get the red eyed vampire. Things were blurring together, as Daniella stumbled to her feet. The blood from her numerous cuts slowly seeping out as she looked around for her sister, Jasper, anyone.

    She suddenly felt her hair get pulled back exposing her neck to anything, anyone, in sight. She cried out as she realized what was happening. She saw everyone stop. Watching desperately as James held her body close.

"No!" Jasper yelled, stepping forward. But he was too late. James' teeth sunk into the soft skin of Daniella's neck. An instant burning rushed through her body and she couldn't hold back the scream that fell from her lips. James dropped her, and laughed his mouth and teeth red with Daniella's blood. Dani's wide eyes locked onto Jasper's as she fell to her knees then down to the floor groaning in pain. Daniella couldn't tell what happened next the searing pain in her neck and shoulder was radiating everywhere as she cried out trying to make it stop.

    She looked around seeing James dodged every one of the Cullen's. Even Edward, and he was faster than most vampires. Daniella's eyes had connected with James' for a split second and his smile disappeared in an instant. As Dani glared into James' eyes, she could suddenly see a little blond boy running around a small house. Happy. Innocent. Then, as if all at once, he wasn't. A man had ran in and began hitting the small child for not following orders. It happened everyday after that, and he was never that happy, innocent child again.

    As fast as the vision appeared, it was gone. She could only see the wide-eyed James staring right back at her. A small smirk fell onto her face, "Afraid.." she whispered. She was so weak, however, that the smirk was gone a second later.

    Dani watched as Jasper grabbed the 'frozen' James and ripped a chunk of his neck out in pure furry, until Alice grabbed him.

"Jasper! Stop! Go to Daniella, now. She needs you. Don't leave her alone right now." Alice spoke. In a flash, Jasper was at Daniella's side holding her face in his palms. She looked up at him and grabbed one of his wrists with her good hand.

"M-my shoulder. It's.. it's burning." She spoke through her teeth. The pain becoming to much for her.

"I know, baby. I'm so sorry. Carlisle!" Jasper yelled over the to vampire. Carlisle was there in a matter of seconds. He immediately got to work on Daniella. He wrapped gauze around the bleeding gashes that she hadn't even noticed she had. And wrapped her wrist as best he could.

"She's bleeding to quickly. You have to make a choice here, Jasper. Either let the change happen-" Jasper cut his adoptive father off quickly.

"No!" Jasper said, watching Daniella writher in pain. Alice was suddenly next to him.

"It's going to happen, Jasper. I've seen it already." She told him.

"No. It doesn't have to happen. Your visions aren't certain." Jasper forced out, watching Carlisle try to stop the beeding. Daniella watched as they all began to fade in and out of focus and tried to warn them. But all that came out was, "It's b-burning."

"What's my other option." Jasper asked, his voice rushed and desperate. Carlisle continued talking to Alice about putting pressure on the bleeding gashes. "Carlisle!" Jasper snapped, his voice was dangerous and urgent. Dani grasped his hand in hers, trying to calm him down. It worked, slightly, as Jasper watched her with sad eyes.

"You can try to suck the venom out." Carlisle answered. Jasper ripped his gaze away from Daniella and to the two vampires next to him.

"I won't be able to stop. You know that, Carlisle!" Jasper accused.

"If you truly love her like you say you do, you will find the will to stop. But you have to choose now. She has minutes left."

    Jasper looked down to Daniella, thrashing in pain. Finally, he leaned down and cradled her head in one hand and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay, Baby. I'll make it go away. I'll make it stop." He said. Dani smiled softly up at him, knowing how big this is for him. She lifted her head slightly connecting their foreheads for a moment before pulling away and whispering.

"I l-love you, m-my Major." She forced out.

"I love you too, my Southern Bell." He replied, barely above a whisper.

    Jasper leaned down and began to suck the venom out of the bite in the crook of her neck, where it meets her shoulder. His eyes were shut tight, trying to concentrate on his task and when to stop. Daniella's eyes went from a wild, untamed pain. To sleepy, distant ones.

    The frenzy had begun, as Jasper continued to suck the blood from Daniella's neck. He was hungrily, angrily drinking the life away from Daniella. He wanted to stop, but he couldn't. The familiarity of the taste of human blood was drug-like. Suddenly, Carlisle's voice broke through the haze of his hunger.

"Jasper, stop. Her blood is clean your going to kill her..." But the bloodlust was too strong for him. Daniella had nothing but understanding at this point. Her vision was hazy. Her actions slow and weak, as she raised a hand and held the back of his head softly. Her fingers tangled in his blond hair and she whispered softly into his ear.

"Non dimenticare chi sei, ti amo." (Do not forget who you are, I love you.) Daniella whispered, falling into the darkness. But not fully leaving until she felt Jasper stop. He had the will to stop. Daniella knew that he was stronger than anyone knew.

A/N: From this point on things are going to be a little more different. It will focus more heavily on Jasper and Daniella and their experiences. I really hope you like the direction I am going with this books ending! I'm so sorry for the slow updates, but I just want this book to be perfect. Thank you for reading my lovelies!
                                                                  -xoxo Jaye

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