It Started With A Wrong Numbe...

By IceSky_

53K 2.7K 597

BOYXBOY | DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE RAINBOWS πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ TRIGGER WARNING: Suicidal thoughts and cutting. You ha... More

1. Wrong Number
2. Mommy Dearest
3. Can You Help Me?
4. I Know Who You Are
5. Do You Know Who I Am?
6. The Start Of Something
7. A Rose Wilts
8. Partners
9. Lost Boy
10. Brother Knows
11. Bonding
12. Friend or Foe?
13. Winter Kisses
15. Shattered
16. Broken
17. When I See You Again
18. Reconnecting
19. Mother no More
20. Back to School
21. Past Stories
22. Another New Friend
23. Jealousy
24. Admittance

14. Pretty Liars

1.9K 102 16
By IceSky_

Aoki Tsuki Michite (Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus) - Amalee ^

I grimace as I pick another shard of glass out of my skin. I think that's the last one.

This is what I get for not watching where I step. Mom must've smashed a bottle on the floor before she left for work and I stepped on some shards. Stupid me should realize by now to watch where I step, but no, I didn't and now look.

My eyes fall to the shard of green glass I just picked from my skin. It's sharp. It can cut me. It just needs a little guidance. As if acting on its own will, my fingers bring the glass to press against my bare thigh.

As I drag the shard across my skin, my thoughts turn to Aaron and Damon. Two bullies who now seem to want to be friends. I don't deserve friends. I don't deserve to be with Aaron. What did I do to make something like me deserve someone like him? Nothing. And Damon, did I do anything to deserve being treated like how he treated me, kindly?

No, I didn't.

So why? Why do they treat me like this?

I decide to stop cutting when half of my leg is covered in my blood. Tossing the glass shard in the garbage with the rest of them, I start cleaning up, bandaging my leg and wiping up the blood.

Leaving the bathroom, I fall onto my bed, curling up and contemplating my life after I turn on my music.

The first day of second semester is tomorrow. It's gonna suck. I don't think I'm too bad at science, but math it awful. Foods might not be too bad. As long as I get to eat some of what I make, then I might not be so hungry all the time. Art is gonna be my favourite. I had art last year, the teacher is nice and assignments are pretty fun.

As I look up as the picture of a forest I painted last year hanging on my wall, I hear the song Aoki Tsuki Michite by AmaLee start playing. Don't judge me, it's a good song. My lips start to mouth the lyrics, and then sing them softly.

My phone vibrates, drawing my attention to the glowing screen and the message notification shown on the lock screen. My curiosity and nervousness spring up when I see it's a new conversation with Aaron and Damon. Unlocking my phone and going to messages I watch as Damon throws question after question at Aaron.

Pedo Bear: Hi

Salvatore: What is this?

Salvatore: Why is Skye it?

Salvatore: Is this some form of more bullying?

Salvatore: I want no part in it, Mitchell.

Salvatore: Wait, how do you have his number?

Salvatore: I will kill you if you forced him to give it to you! Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)

I almost smile. I don't know if he's being serious, but even the idea of someone defending me feels nice.

Pedo Bear: Slow the fuk down, Damon

Pedo Bear: I can't answer if you don't stop.

Salvatore: Well hurt up and explain

Salvatore: *hurry

Pedo Bear: Can you promise to not tell anyone? Not let anyone see this conversation either, everything said stays here?

Salvatore: I promise.

Pedo Bear: ಠ_ಠ

Salvatore: Oh now I'm offended

Salvatore: You know I don't break promises, Mitchell, whether they're promised in person or over text (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾

Pedo Bear: Sorry, I wanted to be sure

Salvatore: Explain yourself, bitch

Pedo Bear: I've been trying to turn over a new leaf with Skye.

Salvatore: So that's why you've been keeping Jaxon away from him.

Pedo Bear: Yeah. I would say friends, I've been texting him for a while now.

Salvatore: And how'd you get his number?

Pedo Bear: It was an accident, I texted the wrong number

Salvatore: What made you decide to change and stop bullying Ciel?

Pedo Bear: I decided to grow up, try to open my mind.

Salvatore: And how's that going for you?

Pedo Bear: Alright.

Salvatore: OK. Just know, hurt Ciel, and I'll hurt you

I decide to intervene now, still a little surprised at the fact Damon's defending me.

Me: You don't have to

Me: I don't want you to ruin your friendship because of me

Salvatore: I'm sick of watching you be bullied because people can't open their damn minds. Best friend or not, I will punch Mitchell if he hurts you again.

Pedo Bear: What about Jaxon?

Salvatore: I don't know.

Salvatore: I trust you to not hit me back more than I trust him not to.

Salvatore: And I like you more

Salvatore: Which means that as your best friend, I have more confidence in our friendship to not change if I hit you for something I know you'd deserve.

Pedo Bear: riiight

Pedo Bear: If I hurt Skye, I'll let you punch me

Salvatore: See? Don't worry about it too much, alright Phantomhive?

Me: You know Black Butler?

Thinking of the anime, and what I remember from the last time I was able to watch it, I smile softly. It's interesting, more food for my wild imagination.

Salvatore: Hell yeah!

Pedo Bear: He lives for it

Salvatore: If you know it too, then I finally have someone to talk to about it!(^∇^)

Pedo Bear: You talk to us about it already

Salvatore: But you don't understand it!

Salvatore: Nicholai tries to, and you and Jaxon don't even try

Salvatore: ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Pedo Bear: It's not easy to understand!

Pedo Bear: Why would a kid make a deal with a demon?!

Me: Contract, Aaron. He made a contract.

Pedo Bear: Same thing

Salvatore: See, this is why I get mad at you, Mitchell

Salvatore: Anyway, we need a name for this convo

A few seconds later, I see the words:

Salvatore named the group Pretty Little Liars 🤫

Pedo Bear: But why...?

Salvatore: I'm assuming we're not telling Jaxon or Nic, so we're liars, aren't we?

Salvatore: And we're pretty. At least, Ciel and I are.

Pedo Bear: haha

Pedo Bear: Then why the little?

Pedo Bear: I wouldn't say we're little

Salvatore: (−_−;)

Salvatore named the group Pretty Liars 🤫

Salvatore: There

Salvatore: Happy?

Pedo Bear: Yep

I smile softly. If he went through the trouble of naming the group, then maybe it'll be around for longer. I'll have another friend. That would be nice, I've never really had friends. I was just the quiet antisocial nerdy kid.

But... maybe having friends will be a turn for the better.

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