One shots

By bombevil

89.1K 565 86

Series of one shots. A mixture of whirlwind romance, with a pinch of sexy and sprinkle of culture. They're u... More

City lights
Clear smoke
Crazy bird
Paper hearts (corazones de papel)
Written on the walls
All of you
Aching soul
Fine wine
Thousand years
Saints and sinners
Dancing in darkness
Speck of gold
Slow motion
Messages from her
Ruined by misery
And then I rise
Waiting and wishing
Dear darling
Little white lies
Volverte a ver
Lightning before the thunder
Sweet sunshine
Black and blue
Last first
Wild card
Rich risks
Pretty distractions
The play
Forget me not
Run Game
Free falling
You're Cold
Find me in the hopeless
The devils we know


321 6 4
By bombevil

"Alice: How long is forever?"
"White Rabbit: Sometimes just a second."
-Lewis Carrol.

The room was barley lit. A silver of light crept through the break of the curtains that were still pulled in the day time. She couldn't help the smile on her face as she remembered the small things that happened throughout the room. From their first fight, to their last night before college. The first time he snuck her in to almost get caught by his dad.

Coming to a halt at his desk she ran her hand over the solid wood, opening a drawer to find her old flip phone in there. Scrolling through the old messages, she couldn't help the smile that lit up her face as she was taken back.

"Come on already!"


Theo halted in her steps looking back towards her bedroom door. She was sure she was going to get caught. The first and only time Presley had convinced her to sneak out and she was sure her mom was going to burst through the door any second now and catch her with one foot stuck out her window. Her heart raced, a mile a minute from the adrenaline she felt. Her palms clammy. She shivered from the night air, her wispy blonde hair falling into her amber eyes.

"Shut up Pres!"

She whisper yelled glaring at him. His hand flew up trying to tame his laughter that she was sure her mom would hear if he was any louder. His blue eyes twinkled in the moon light, broad shoulder shook as his smile that she loved grew wider, show off perfect pearly white teeth. She felt her nerves fall at the sight, her heart soften and suffocate her from the amount she felt. From the live that she couldn't for the life of her put into words. Sticking her other leg out, she pulled her window down closed. Presley inches closer to the roof side near her porch that he had climbed up countless times over the past months. Hands held out to catch her, she didn't hesitate to prop herself up and jump into his open arms.

With an oomph, a few steps backwards to make sure they didn't fall, he caught her. Hands wrapped around his neck, her smiled mirrored his. Goofy and high of of young love. She couldn't help but laugh, pulling him in closer. Pale pink lips, as smooth as honey met hers in an innocent kiss that still managed to take her breath away. Hands around her waist clamped down tighter picking her up. She screamed into his shoulder, hitting him on his back, as he laughed. The sound of sheer bliss from him that vibrates through her. Carefully as if a porcelain doll, he placed her into his car. The old 1965 mustang convertible seats were cold causing goosebumps to break out against her skin. She snuggled in deeper against the cherry red leather as Presley started up the car.

Taking her pink flip flops off, running a hand through her locks she propped her feet up on the dash board. She flashed him a cheeky grin winking. Chuckling, with a shake of his head he ran a hand over her smooth legs resting it on her thigh. In the late night, in the silence of The Valley they rode. The radio played a soft sing she played little attention to. She was committed to memorising every small detail. The way he rubbed his lip at a stop light, the way his muscles flexed as he drove with the one hand. The small smiles and winks he sent her way each time he caught her staring. Each smile holding hidden promises. He drove further away from home to the spot they both loved. The curved Drive was dead to the sleeping world as the car crept up. The opening view, the dawning light breaking through the light smog never ceased to amaze her. Body shifting she sat up, legs tucked under her, as they came to a stop.

She didn't realise her was staring at her rather than home. That with her he felt like he was on top of the world. It was the feeling of his hand on top of hers that broke Theo out of her reverie. The warm callous hand that ran up her arm, twirling a piece of her hair around a finger. The air grew with the tantalising desire. His hand reaching behind her neck pulling her close as their lips met. The slight hint of coffee on his tongue mixed in with the minty taste of her. His other hand grabbing her by the waist pulling her close. She shifted across his lap, he accommodated, flashing a smile of secrets, as her hands ran over his chest, up and around his shoulder. She couldn't help the giddiness and the little giggle that left her lips as he nipped at them.

A slight hesitant touch. A soft caress. Their movements grew more frenzied and in the early morning they gave themselves to each other. With the morning air enveloping them. His fingers played her like an instrument. A simple yet beautifully haunting melody, as they lost themselves in each other. A loss of inhibitions, with all they could feel being each other's embrace. Her hands over his body, owning any remaining parts of him. His heart forever hers.They stayed like that for what felt like eternity. Before realising school started soon. She climbed back in that morning, with a smile full of secrecy. Her hands constantly and unconsciously always touching her lips. That day they couldn't take their hands or eyes of each other as they relived every instant again, fresh in their minds.

Even when they both caught a cold that night. Because every second spent together was always worth it.

Looking down at her old flip phone Theo couldn't help the small giggle that escaped her lips. The messages of him coercing her to leave in the night. The adrenaline and apprehension she could feel as if taken back in time. The everlasting memory of her first and only. She stared hard at the glaring screen as she read over the last words she alway wrote to him:

Love you muchly.

"Congratulation Pres!"

She screamed jumping on his back. His dad laughed at her as he winked at him. She couldn't help the yell that followed as he twirled her around as she clung to his back. Stopping she got down, before nestling into his arms. He rocked them side to side, cradling her close like she would disappear.

"Congratulations Theo."

He whispered the words against her lips, sending ripples of small tremors through her. She playfully glared at the knowing smirk he had on his face. The surety of what he knew. The effect he had on her. Leaning down he placed a quick promising kiss on her lips. Reaching onto her tip toes, she pulled his head down. Lips reaching his, she kissed him with all her might. Head angled, his fingers threading through her blonde locks, the fiercely secure hold he had of her, leaving not even a silver of space. They breathed each other like their lives depended on it.


Her mom's playful scold broke them apart. She sent her a wobbly smile, trying to stop her shoulders from shaking with laughter. Resting her head against his chest, she looked up at him unaware of the memory her mom snapped up in a single photo. His arm around her waist never left. Even as his friends and her best friend came congratulating them. He always found a way to hold or be touching her in the graduation photos before proposing to drive her home.

That night they had their joint graduation party. Her mom went off to stay at a friends. The backyard was lit up with fairy lights that twinkled like stars above them. Soft music played through the house. It felt like the whole of senior year turned up, with the noise of laughing and endless drinks flowing. The last night of them having such a big get together, and just being together.

As the night died down, the same song from the radio, their song played. Presley walked up to her hand held out and bowing. She laughed at his silly antic accepting his silent request for a dance. She couldn't take her eyes off of him that night. The way his jeans clung to his hips. The black shirt that stretched over his arms, showing off all the toned muscles he had from football. Even as he twirled her, she couldn't find it in herself to take her eyes off of him. Icy blue clashed with her amber, and it felt like there was only them.

Their movement slowed down, a side stepping. His hand held her chin, bringing her lips up to meet his his. There was no hesitation. All they felt was pure need. The unexplainable magnetic pull, as he held her cheek, pulling her lips closer. The way his hands traces each and every small curve of her body, picking her up into her tiptoes. He devoured her mouth and she let him.

She didn't know then that in that moment he fully committed himself to her. Dreamt of the perfect future between them. Promised to forever make himself worthy of her. To one day marry her.

They broke apart panting. The few close friends left had found their way in, knocking out across the living room sofas. She laughed softly, turning her head back to him. He rested his forehead against hers. Hands holding each other's. Peering deep into her eyes, she felt the bareness of their souls. The simplicity and raw honesty of the moment.

"Can't wait to go through Berkeley with you."

She couldn't help the blinding smile that found its way onto her face.

She bit her lip, looking at the high school graduation photo of them he kept on his desk. She closed his diary, the feeling of peace and serenity washing over her. The love and warmth that only he could make her feel.

She felt like she was drowning in her own insanity. The second Presley's dad called every else was a blip in time. She couldn't for the life of her remember how she got to the hospital. All she could recall was time stopping. The frustration towards her old Caprice as the ignition wouldn't turn the first two times. The rain that poured down, like the heaviness of her heart, as she forgot to put up the roof.

She probably looked like crazy to the people around her. Her blonde locks matted against her face, clothes dripping wet from the rain as they dragged her down. Eyes rimmed red from the endless tears that fell. She couldn't shake the fear and drop in her stomach. Running through the hospital, she caught glimpse of his father. The sound of the squeaking shoes causing his head to prop up. The tears and anguish in her eyes enough to let her know. She understood it was the begging of their end.

"They don't know if he'll wake up."

The words sent her over the edge. Her body collapsing onto the ground as she grew colder. Numb to the words he spoke. To the sound of her mom coming and talking to her. She couldn't see their friends. The ones who made their way down from their colleges all for them. In hope for him.

She spent the next two weeks with him. Food and sleep be damned. Every second she spent talking to him. Nights begging him to open his eyes once more for her. She pleaded for him to stay. Said sorry she was being selfish. But wished he would for them. For her.

"Stay. Please stay." She kept her hand over his.

"For me. Your my forever Pres."

She kissed his forehead softly lingering.

Before she whispered their words,"love you muchly."

She felt the slight twitch in his fingers. So surreal that she thought she was dreaming, growing borderline hysterical as hope and anticipation grew.


Taking the ring out the pocket of his diary she put it on. The antique diamond ring sat perfectly on her ring finger. His grandmother's ring shone like it was new. She pressed it against her heart, felt the tremor of her lips as the first silent cry fell escaped her lips. Holding the desk for support, a hand covering her mouth she felt the agonising pain. The searing white heat of having her soul shattered, unable to be pieced together again. But she knew they would glimmer under the light he would shine on her. Always for him.

A soft knock on the door, had her try to suppress the hollowing feeling. Drying her eyes, turning to look in the mirror, she smoothed a hand over her black knee length dress. She drew the black cotton cardigan around her like a shield as the door opened. And equally broke shell of a man stood there.

"I'm ready."

Presley's father simply nodded at her words. His eyes shone with how broken he truly was. Walking up to him, she hugged the man than reminded her so much of what she lost.

"We'll be okay. He'll make sure we always are."

It was all she could offer at this point. Hand in hand the strength and support they gave each was immeasurable. The black car drove achingly slow behind his casket. Flowers, her favourites that he claimed to love only because she did lay atop. Wreaths lay around him. She tried to control her breathing. Coming to a stop at the graveyard she could see the mass of people who gathered. Almost half of their senior year had made it down. Half of the townsfolk out giving their condolences. It felt surreal as they parted like the Red Sea letting them pass.

She looked up at the photo that sat above where he rest. His face that she could remember every contour of. The small scar above his right eyebrow. The change in blue of his eyes depending on his feelings. How they always grew more pale every time they were on her. They way his pale pinks lips felt against hers. The way they would chap when he was cold. The signature taste of coffee and mint she would always taste. The boyish grin that grew wider, that was innocent when with her.

The priest went on. His father read his speech. She didn't move an inch. The seconds felt fleeting. She felt the loss of complete control. Internally she screamed and raged. Lost all hope of ever having her forever. As the first drop of rain fell. The droplet hitting her cheek she looked up to the stormy sky brought her back to the reality that he was really gone. She thought about him, How he loved the rain. Loved dragging her out into it, dancing and raining kisses all over her as she would try to run back in. But today she welcomed it. Like it was him being there to comfort her. As the ceremony grew to and end, everyone leaving for his home she stayed.

Hands reaching out she let the rain wash over her. Breathed for the first time in what felt like eternity. It felt like each drop was purging her. The world crying with her, for her loss as she let the sensation of numbness overtake her. She didn't feel the cold even as her teeth began to chatter. Closing her eyes she relived every memory with him. The good, the bad and the ugly. But ultimately everything that made them. Was him. She peered down at the ring that she put on her right hand ring finger.

"Your my eternity Presley. Forever and always."

The vow rung through the gloomy, wet air as she turned her back to walk away. She promised she would never forget him. Because she would always be able to feel him.

"Love you muchly babe, evermore you Theo."


Does anyone remember their first crush? If so comment it!
I remember my first real crush being Chad Micheal Murray in A Cinderella Story. I thought he was everything and to be honest I still love him that much today. I loved Hilary Duff, my first real woman crush, she was literally my roles model from the movie I wanted to be just like her growing up minus the crazy 'Addams family' as Rhonda put it.

Still my favourite movie to this day and actually what inspired this.

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